My Fox {Sasunaru}

By hansrightpinkeytoe

110K 2.6K 668

Sasuke has been running from some leaf ninja ever since he went rouge. As he was running from some leaf ninja... More

A fox
you can understand me?
I love you
finding out
What are you doing here
Important Mission
I'm In
Team 7
Ino's vist
Telling Sasuke
Naruto's family part 1
Naruto's family part 2
The beating
the apology
The baby bump
Breaking my silence...

Telling the Akatsuki

1.8K 43 10
By hansrightpinkeytoe

End of flashback

When Naruto was done telling the story he was sobbing into Sasuke's chest, he had not once talked about his parents since that day and it hurt to talk about it. Sasuke was rubbing his hands through Naruto's head in an attempt to calm him down. "I wouldn't have brought it up if I knew you were going to cry, it hurts me when you cry," Sasuke said lifting Naruto's head and wiping his tears. Naruto leaned into Sasuke's touch and smiled. "I'm glad you asked it makes me happy to get it off my mind, to finally tell someone," Sasuke laid his head on Naruto's shoulder and pulled his body closer. "We have to tell the Akatsuki about the baby now, we were supposed to destroy the village in a week so they had time to get here and see the layout themselves."

"Of course, I'll probably barely be able to walk let alone destroy a village," Naruto said laughing a bit. "Your right and since we want a healthy baby you need to go to sleep," Sasuke said picking Naruto up and making him automatically wrap his legs around his waist. "But I'm not that tired yet." Naruto whined "Mhm and I've never killed anyone." Sasuke said rolling his eyes. Naruto huffed and laid his head in the crook of Sasuke's neck.

Sasuke sat Naruto on the bed and kissed his cheek. "You go to bed first I have to go make a call," Sasuke said ruffling his hair making it even messier. "Ok ok stop your messing my hair up," Naruto said giggling and putting his hands over his head. "Fine, I'll stop but you have to sleep," Sasuke said sounding like a mother putting her child to sleep. Naruto pulled the cover back over him and rolled over. Sasuke smiled a bit before grabbing his phone, walking out the door, and closing it gently trying not to wait up Naruto. Sasuke went to the kitchen and rest his elbow on the shiny marble table. He unlocked his phone and dialed a number.

Ring ring
Ring ring...             
Ring ring...

?: Hello who is this                                           

 S: Hey pain I just wanted to tell you me and Naruto are gonna be coming back for a visit                   

P: Is there any reason or just to swing by?                                                                                    S: Umm I think it's better if I tell you in person... all of you                                                           
P: Ok about when should you guys be here?                                                                                 
S: In about a week no longer than two                                                                                            P: Ok I'll see you then I guess                                                                                                                 S: See you

Sasuke hung up and put his phone down on the table smiling a little. "I can't believe I'm going to have a child maybe I can restore my clan," Sasuke said chuckling softly walking back down the hallway the tiles creaking now and again. "Oh shit I forgot I still have to call Tsunade-sama," After Sasuke realized he cursed he stood there for a moment waiting for a very angry Naruto to come out of the room, but he didn't. Naruto was dead sleep snoring loudly as it echoed through the house. Sasuke sighed with relief. "I dodged that bullet,"

Sasuke walked back into the kitchen quickly and grabbed the phone.


T: hello?

S: hello Hokage-sama I just wanted to tell you that me and Naruto are going to be leaving for a few days.

T: really, where are you guys?

S: we just wanted to go out nowhere important...

T: ok I'll see you out tomorrow at the gate

S: ok see you then goodbye

T: goodbye


Sasuke let the phone slip out of his hand clanking loudly onto the table. "I still have to pack some stuff guess I'm not getting sleep," Sasuke ran his hands through his hair and chuckled a bit. "The things you do for love," Sasuke quietly went to the bedroom and opened the door, a loud creak coming from it. He went towards the closet and grabbed two large suitcases they bought earlier in their stay.

He picked them up and opened them and put clothes inside. He packed only the clothes he thought it was necessary. "This should be enough," he whispered picking them back up and wheeling them to the living room. He packed random things he knew Naruto would pitch a fit about if he didn't have it. He was growing tired even though a few more things to back, he looked at his watch to see it was already 3 am. "When the hell did it get so late," Sasuke said sighing and ruffling his hair.

When he finished packing the rest of the things it was about 3:30 am. Sasuke was so tired he flopped onto the couch and went straight to sleep. At about 5 am he heard rustling in the kitchen. "Dang, it!" is all he heard before he opened his eyes to see a blurry orange figure. He rubbed his eyes to see Naruto in the kitchen eating something. "What are you doing up this early," Sasuke said spooking Naruto. "Don't scare me like that!" Naruto said putting his hand over his heart.

"Sorry," Sasuke said getting up sluggishly, rubbing his tired baggy eyes. "And if you must know I'm always up at this time," Sasuke looked at him with a confused look on his face. "But why though?" "This is when I eat my tomatoes with squeezed lemon juice on them," Naruto said taking a bite of it leaving Sasuke with a slightly disgusted look. Naruto scowled at him. "Don't look at me like that I eat what I crave," Naruto said as he continued eating.

"Well since your up we can leave when you're done eating," "Put we still need to pack," "I did earlier," Sasuke said pointing to the suitcases on the floor. "Well you still need sleep," Naruto said pointing to his eyebags. "It's fine I've gone a week without sleep one night won't hurt," Sasuke said in a reassuring voice, smiling. "Can't we just body flicker to the base," Naruto whined. "Nope I have to be within a certain range to be able to body flicker," Sasuke said making Naruto sigh. "Fine but as soon as we get close enough your body flickering I can't have you passing out on me who would carry me when I'm tired," Naruto said smiling.

"Wait shouldn't I be the one telling you to keep up your health your the pregnant one," Sasuke said pointing to Naruto's stomach. Naruto rubbed his stomach smiling. "Yeah, it's still hard to believe I'm pregnant," "Well you better believe it," Sasuke said smothering Naruto in kisses. "Ok ok stop we have to go," Naruto said laughing in between words. "Hm fine," Sasuke said resting his head in the crook of Naruto's neck. "Come on sleepy head it was your idea to leave this early," Sasuke looked up at Naruto frowning. "I hate it when you use my words against me," Sasuke said standing up straight.

"It's not my fault you didn't sleep," "it kinda is," Sasuke mumbled making Naruto turn his head quickly. "What did you just say," Sasuke started backing up slowly towards the couch. "U-um I said you're right it's completely my fault I didn't sleep," Naruto smiled innocently. "Glad you see it my way, now let's go," Naruto said walking to his suitcase and rolling it to the door. "O-ok," Sasuke said getting his suitcase and walking to the door opening it for Naruto.

When they stepped out the door it was completely dark, the only light coming from the stars. Sasuke held Naruto's hand and squeezed it a bit. " I promise to protect you and the little bean," Naruto looked up at Sasuke and giggled a bit. "Little bean," Naruto said making Sasuke go red, he turns away trying to hide it. "What's wrong with little bean," "nothing it's cute," naruto said smiling as soon as Sasuke finally turned back around. When they got to the gate the only two guards were there, sleeping.

Sasuke just rolled his eyes at the lack of security and they just walked right out. They walked down a brick path a bit before they made it to a forest. "Are we close enough yet," Naruto said already getting tired. "Just a little closer and I should be good," Sasuke said gently running his hands through Naruto's head making him purr softly. They continued walking until the sun was now right above them. "This should be close enough," Sasuke said stretching a bit, his bones backing.

"It better be I can't walk anyone," Naruto said leaning on Sasuke's shoulder. "Come on now stand up straight I don't want you getting hurt when I body flicker," "Fineee," Said a grumpy Naruto as he stood up straight with a frown. Sasuke took hold of Naruto's hand and body flickered right inside the base's main room to see everybody there. "Oh, you guys are back earlier than I expected," Said pain looking up from some papers he had been reading. "You knew my baby brother was coming back and didn't tell me!" Deidara said slamming his hands down onto a table.

"Pretty much," Pain said calmly still reading the papers. Deidara scoffed but when to Naruto and hugged him tightly making Naruto yip a bit. He covered his mouth blushing like crazy from the embarrassment. Deidara started laughing when hearing the strange noise Naruto made. Sasuke coughed loudly trying to get everyone's attention. "So back to the reason we're here, I and Naruto have some big news to share with you guys," "spit it out already," said Kisame getting impatient.

"Do you want to tell them or should I," Sasuke said looking down at Naruto smiling one of the widest smiles you could ever catch him doing. "Same time," Naruto said making them both nod at the same time leaving the others confused, "I'm/ He's pregnant!" Naruto and Sasuke said at the same time leaving the others in total shock. "Y-your what now," said Deidara not believing what he just heard. "I'm pregnant Dei-san," Naruto said going up to Deidara and looking him in his eyes smiling,"

Deidara started tearing up pulling Naruto into a hug. "I refuse to let you grow up this fast," Naruto started rubbing circles on Deidara's back. "Dei-san I was gonna grow up someday," "I know but why today," Deidara said hugging him tightly. "Ow Dei-san let go, you're squeezing me," Naruto said trying his best to get out of his grasp. Deidara let go and Naruto held his stomach as though he wasn't even controlling his body like it was instinct. Kohan ran up to Naruto and held his hands "I'm so happy for you Naruto I can't wait to be an auntie," "Who said you would be an aunt," Deidara said to her in a salty tone.

"Well seeing as I take care of Naruto I think I deserve to be the aunt," Kohan said glaring at Deidara before she turned to Naruto. "I can be the aunt right Naruto?" Kohan said with innocent pleading eyes. "Don't give in to this witch's evil tricks little bro," Naruto could already tell something was about to happen when he could see Kohan's veins popping out of her head. He stepped to the side being greeted with the embrace of Sasuke's warm touch. As Deidara and Kohan were still yelling and carrying on the others were congratulating Naruto.

Naruto's patience was running thin as all their yelling was giving him a headache. "WILL YOU TWO STOP IT ALREADY!" He yelled as he pointed to them. Deidara flinched a bit not expecting him to yell while Kohan looked down a bit. "Fine." They said in sync, looking at each other and then Naruto. " Now say your sorry to each other," Naruto said in a still angry tone. "But-," "," Naruto said his eyes turning a dark red. "Ok Ok I will," Deidara said nervously before turning back to Kohan. "I'm very sorry for what I said and I hope you can forgive me," Deidara mumbled just enough for them to hear it while glaring at her the entire time.

Kohan didn't say anything, an evil smirk was plastered on her face as she nodded. Naruto's eyes went back to normal and he smiled widely. "Yay, you guess made up now no more fighting," Kohan was still smirking at Deidara before she turned to Naruto and smiles one of her brightest smiles. "Yup no more fighting," Deidara looked at Kohan and then at Naruto. "She's a witch," He mumbled lowly, Naruto turned to Deidara with a creepy smile. "Deidara could you repeat what you said I don't think I heard you," "I-I said she's awesome," Deidara said with a nervous smile while sweat dripped down his forehead. "Good that's what I thought," Naruto said with a real smile this time.

Knowing Naruto was most likely going to end up killing Deidara before the day is over pain stepped in. "Hey Naruto Sasuke you must be tired from all that traveling, how about you go lay down Hm?" As they turned to pain, Deidara mouthed the words "thank you". "That seems like a good idea right Naruto?" Sasuke said knowing that once he killed Deidara Naruto would find some reason to be mad at him too. Naruto nodded, as he remembered the long ways they had to walk his feet began to ache again. Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto's shoulder and walked him to their old bedroom. "It's been so long since I've been in here," Naruto said looking around at the almost completely bare room. "Mhm now sleep," Sasuke said laying on the bed patting the spot next to him. "Naruto nodded before hopping in bed and laying down, soon falling fast asleep.

A/n: Yooooo it's the end of the chapter and I already know I was gone for FOUR months but guess what I'm backk~. I had a lot of personal things going on and my life was just a mess. I'm pretty sure this is my long chapter so far and I really hope you enjoy it, I mostly made this chapter to celebrate getting 10k reads. I never actually thought that my story would get this far and I just wanna say thank you to all the people that stayed and stuck around, it really means a lot to me. To the people new to this story thank you for reading and actually getting this far. I truly hope you are having a good day, afternoon, or night, if not I hope it gets better.

Bye-bye my kitsunes

Word count: 2,420

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