Blinded By A Star

By jojislonglostbelt

2.6K 70 258

When Avi finds a girl on the streets, he decided to take her in and care for her. But what happens when Chloe... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Eight

48 2 7
By jojislonglostbelt

Scott's POV

I found it!! I'm so happy for myself! I wonder how the rest of the group will feel after I tell them about it!

It's a surgery where they replace the damaged tissue and replace it with healthy tissue! My little girl doesn't have to be blind anymore!

I walked out of my room and took the printed paper from the printer. I went to the living room to see that the group was just watching TV. Spongebob to be exact.

"Looks like Spongebob is all of our guilty pleasures!" I said, causing everyone to turn around. "you might wanna turn off that TV, because I have some good news!"

Chloe moved over and patted to open space next to her. I sat down and began my important announcement.

"First, I have a question. Chloe, is it fun being blind?" I ask. that was a pretty dumb question, but it was a great intro to my point.

"It's AWFUL! As much as it is fun to scare you guys when you don't know I know your behind me, I just wanna see your faces. And I am aware Mitch doesn't like the job of bathing me." Chloe said. She touched my shoulder and them put her head on it.

"Well, I found this thing. it's a surgery where they replace damaged tissue and replace it with new tissue. They can so that with your eyes and then you would be able to see again!" I said. Chloe's face lit up immediately.

"You're the best, Scott!" She said. she hugged me.

"What do we do now?" Avi said.

"Book an appointment for a sugary in the hospital, duh!" Mitch said.

I got up and called the hospital. Our little girl was going to be able to see again!

A/N: This surgery is real, but doctors are still trying to improve on it. I saw it online in an article where they found a cure for blindness. Just sayin'

Chloe's POV

(Next Day)

Today is the day of the surgery! I'm happy, but scared. I don't think I should be scared because I've been here. Many times before.

I put on a PTX sweater and some denim skinny jeans. Nothing to advanced. I didn't want to wear something too tight or too loose. I've experienced the consequences. Wearing too loose clothing makes it easy to fall down when you get up and stuff. And wearing too tight clothing makes it too hard to take your stuff off when you change into the hospital gown.

"Chloe Hoying?" The doctor said. J got up and went into the bathroom to change. Soon enough, I was on a hospital bed and wheeled off to the operation room.

I'm gonna be able to see!!!


I literally searched up cures for blindness before writing this chapter! Just don't want false facts in my story!

Mostly got the idea from GodsAngelAlways's comment where she suggested a cure for blindness. Just had to do it.

Shoutout to her! Follow GodsAngelAlways , she's awesome!


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