Attack on Titan One Shots

By 6464minh

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Attack on Titan One Shots: short stories pairing you, the reader, with the following male characters: Eren, A... More

Requesting Rules
Revenge (Armin x Reader)
Mend My Heart (Levi x Reader)
My Heart Before Humanity (Erwin x Reader)
Just Horsing Around (Jean x Reader)
True Love (Erwin x Reader) [Part 1]
True Love Never Lasts (Erwin x Reader) [Part 2]
Unrequited Love (AoT x Reader)
A Letter To My Lover
Caraphernelia (Levi x Reader)
Just a Name (Erwin x Reader)
In Need of a Cure [AU] (Eren x Reader)
UnDead Desire (Armin x Reader)
Still Life... Still Love (Jean x Reader)
Sexually Conflicted (AoT x Reader)
Basket Case [AU] (Levi x Reader x Eren)
The Pain Is Our Burden (Depressed! Armin x Reader)
Lovely Bastard [AU] (Jean x Reader)
Unspoken Goodbye [AU] (Young! Erwin x Reader)
Banish My Self-Hate (Armin x Reader)
There's Still U & I (Levi x Reader)

You Don't Need to Know My Name to Love Me (Eren x Reader)

13.1K 199 117
By 6464minh

[Edited: July 14, 2019]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Run!" Tears ran down (Y/N)'s mother's face.

"I won't leave you!" The distance between the two females and the Titan grew shorter.

"Go, (Y/N), please!" Her mother's hands shoved her away to stop her from removing the wooden pole that pierced her belly. "I will bleed out if you remove it, so my death is-" A gasp escaped her lips as she was pried from the broken wood; unfortunately, it was not her daughter's doing.

"No!" (Y/N) desperately clutched onto her mother's foot as a humongous hand lifted her into the air-- almost as though she were levitating. However, this wasn't the childhood game between a toddler and their parent.

The girl felt dizzy once she realized how far away the ground had gotten. Black dots started to cloud her vision, and she became too paralyzed to use her other hand when her mother's lace-less shoe slowly slipped off. The pull of gravity became too strong as (Y/N) hurtled downwards. Her eyes subconsciously clenched shut, but her heart felt light at the silly thought that they would be together when it all ended.  It didn't last long though as something sent her flying causing the wind to knock out of her. An ache burned in her skull as she heard the crunch of gnashing teeth before slowly succumbing to darkness.


" sister? That's not- I don't have any family."

"We ran the tests, Sir. It traced back to you."

"Tch." (Y/N)'s eyes slowly adjusted to the sunlit room. 

"She's awake!" Blurry figures moved to and fro as she tried to focus on one constant object. She felt things poke and prod her body, and it made her incredibly uncomfortable. She tried to voice it, but her parched throat strangled her words to that of a croak.

"You can do that later."

"But, Sir, these tests are-"

"Get out." The blobs flew out the door, and finally, her eyes focused on him. A glass of water thrust itself into her face, and she graciously accepted it. The cold liquid deliciously poured down her throat. 

"Thank you... Who are you?" His eyes burned holes into hers. 

"No one." The raven-haired man briskly stormed out of the room. (Y/N) absentmindedly stared at the spot where he once stood. She moved to recline back only to become bombarded once more by nurses and doctors.

She remained in the infirmary for a couple of days until the personnel was sure her health would remain stable. The poor girl still felt as sick as she did when she first arrived since her mother had been ripped from her life. Tears welled in her eyes at the thought. No more "I love you"s or home-cooked meals or motherly protection. Everything she had ever known had vanished, and she wished she could have been swept away along with it. 

Where was her father? Probably fucking some poor slut. She didn't care though. If he still loved her, then maybe she'd welcome him back with open arms. She desperately needed some sort of family— even if they were a deadbeat. Anything would be better than rocking her self back and forth and drowning in her pathetic tears. She wanted someone to hold her. Give her their shoulder to cry on. 

Her fingers rubbed across her eyelids to wipe away the tears that had piled along her lashes. She didn't want to cry. She got out of the room they offered to her and left to go exploring. Her thoughts drifted her away to a land of daydreaming, and she collided with a hard surface. Her body stumbled backward as she prepared to bruise her ass, but the impact never came. She slowly opened her eyes to find a mop of brown hair.

"Are you alright?" (Y/N)'s eyes glanced down toward the boy's turquoise ones.

"Y-yeah... Thanks."

"I guess I'll be saving you every time we meet?" Confusion laced her features. "Oh, I rescued you from that Titan... Damn. I shouldn't have mentioned that. I mean- I don't- I'm sorry." His lips curled into a nervous smile. He shook his head before pulling her upright again. "Let me try again, hi." He held out his hand. She felt tears prick her eyes at the remembrance but she pushed it aside to accept his effort. "It's nice to meet you! Er, again..." His hand cupped his neck as he awkwardly tried to save himself again.

"It's alright... Thank you for saving me. How can I repay you?"

"O-oh it's no problem. Really. I was just doing my job." Her head tilted. "Oh! Do you not know...?"

"Know... what?" 

"About the Survey Corps?" (Y/N)'s eyes widened. He risked his life to participate in that blood bath? 

"Oh..." A frown made its way onto her face. She couldn't handle losing another person to those monsters... "Um... I should get going." He began to frown too before smiling brightly to cover it.

"Why don't I show you around? It's easy to get lost around here." She hesitated.  Would it be smart to get involved with someone who could easily die the next day? The boy noticed her eyes shine with rejection, so took it upon himself to pull her along by the hand. (Y/N) made a noise of surprise— too shocked to tear herself away. Perhaps a piece of her wanted to go along to temporarily push her feelings aside.

Her giggles echoed down the corridor. He had quite a knack for distracting her. So far, the boy had introduced her to all of his superiors along with a few of his friends. They were all really sweet; despite, the one girl who constantly offered to share some meat she had stolen. Well, she was nice... Just a bit strange. Then it occurred to her that she didn't know the boy's name. Well, a couple of his friends mentioned it, but she had forgotten due to having to remember so many other names! (Y/N) pulled the brown-haired boy to a halt. He turned toward her with a boyish grin.

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if-"

"Jaeger!" Abruptly, the raven-haired man from before marched up to the pair and scolded the boy. "Stable duty!"

"Yes, Sir..." He apologized to her before moping off to wherever he had been told to go. She watched him go before the man yanked her by the arm in the opposite direction. (Y/N) called out for him to release her, but he didn't listen. He continued to cut off circulation in her arm all the way to their destination. The man eventually let her go to wrench the door open. He pushed her inside and demanded her to sit in one of the two chairs facing a mahogany desk. She obliged and made herself comfortable. He strode to the desk and sat down.

She felt his eyes on her. It absolutely irked her when second after second ticked by without a word from the strange male. However, she used the opportunity to analyze him. His raven-hair, parted off-center, framed his countenance. Two silver irises poked through through narrowed eyelids. Confusion and frustration clouded them as they stared her down. She wondered what could possibly be running through his mind.

He had no idea what to think. How could he have a sibling after all these years? The results made zero sense. He stared down at the medical reports in disbelief. She looked nothing like him, but it didn't surprise him. His mother wasn't exactly a saint. At least from what Kenny told him. He looked back up at the girl.

"Tch." She shifted in her seat— startled at the first sound in mere minutes. "We're related." (Y/N) didn't utter a word. Did she hear him right?

"Related...? How?"

"I had hoped you could enlighten me. Guess I was wrong." He scoffed. She boiled in rage.

"My mother never slept around! It enrages me that you'd insinuate such a thing."

"I said no such thing. You assumed all on your own."

"My mother never left my side. I don't know how I could possibly be related to you." 

"Your father?" 

"... I never knew him. He left me with my mother to reconnect with some... woman..." The man processed her words. 

"My mother participated in... activities... to survive. She probably encountered him while doing so." The girl quietly digested that conclusion. It made sense. Her mother never looked like her, and while she had never outright said she wasn't hers, she knew. She decided not to ask her mother about it because maybe she herself wasn't ready to discuss it with her daughter. 

"It makes sense... So does that make you my... brother?"

"Tch, unfortunately. Since your bastard of a father couldn't keep it in his pants." She gasped.

"Don't speak about my father that way." 

"Why not? He left you. Why would you waste your time to defend him?"

"He's all I have left..." A sob broke through her chapped lips. He rolled his eyes in annoyance, but he felt his façade fall a little for her.

"Don't cry. You have me, Brat." She stared at him through her tears and sniffled. 

"I'd hate to be a bother..." (Y/N) wanted to address him then, but she had no clue what his name even was. She searched his eyes for some sort of clue or perhaps to alert him of her intentions. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Levi... and everyone is bothersome to me. I wouldn't take it personally." She lightly smiled through her sadness.

"Thank you, Levi..." 

"Don't mention it. Ever. Now get out. Shitty Eyebrows gave me a fuck ton of paperwork— again." (Y/N) chuckled at that before running to hug him. Levi let out a disgusted grunt and pushed her away. "Get the fuck out before I kick you out." She decided not to take his harshness to heart and smiled brightly at the disgruntled man. Annoyance brewed in his expression, and she finally took the hint and made her way out. "Brat..."

(Y/N) trailed aimlessly about the place a few days after her conversation with Levi before running into the turquoise eyed boy she met on her first day here. 

"Oh, hello!" The boy waved excitedly at the girl. She grinned nervously at him— completely failing to remember she still didn't know his name. "How have you been?" 

"I've been good as I found out some thrilling news!"

"Like what?"

"I'm Levi's sister."

"Oh that's coo- wait what?"

"Yeah! He forced me to leave soon after though..." An adorable pout propped itself on her face, and the boy practically swooned.

"You'll get used to his emotionless nature," He chuckled, "I don't really see it though."

"See what?"

"The resemblance."

"Oh, well he's only partially related to me. Same father, different mother."

"Even better. I don't think he'd let me ask you out otherwise."

"Levi didn't even accept my- ask me out?" His eyes twinkled mischievously.

"If it's not too forward, I think you're really cute. I would love to hang out sometime."

"Why not now? We can head back to my room."

"Um... sure. I finished my extra chores for today anyway." (Y/N) directed him to her now sparkling clean room.

"I rarely see him, yet he still has time to obsess over the condition of my room."

"Corporal Levi? Actually, I cleaned this room. It was a part of my chores for today."

"Well it is actually really clean considering..." He pretended to be offended.

"Considering what?"

"Well you don't look like the clean type. You look like the attractive, play in the mud type of guy."

"Oh, so I'm attractive?" He grinned boyishly— something he did a lot.

"Well... I meant it in- in general." He stepped closer toward her.

"You're even cuter when you're blushing." Her face felt hot as she subconsciously blushed more. He closed the distance between them as she backed into the door frame. His eyes fluttered closed as he leaned in to kiss her, and surprisingly she kissed back. She had no idea what came over her, but she had a feeling his charm captivated her. Her hands made their way into his hair before he slowly pulled away for breath.

"Wait, what's your name?" The boy laughed out loud at the fact that she had not made note of it by now.

"So you're into kissing strangers now?"

"I've known you for four days!"

"Than that makes it even worse that you don't remember my name!"

"I'm sorry! Just— please?" His tongue poked out of his lips.

"It's Eren."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Extended Ending:

A large thud sounded to the right of them. (Y/N)'s eyes flicked toward the noise to find a fuming Levi amid a sea of paperwork.

"Jeager! What do you think you're doing?" Eren was about to step away, but she locked her hands around his neck.

"Can a guy not kiss his girlfriend?" She said looking at the short corporal.

"Girlfriend...? I don't fucking think so. Stable duty for a month."


"Make it two months."

"Yes, Sir..." Eren reluctantly walked off.

"As for you," he said looking at her, "I want you to clean my office."

"You're funny..." She laughed sarcastically hoping he'd give some sort of clue he happened to be joking— not that he was capable of doing so. "I'm your sister!"

"Half sister, and it's not my fault you chose to engage in that nauseating display of affection in front of me."

"You're just jealous."

"Jealous of what?"

"The fact that I'm getting some action and you aren't. Either that or your overprotective attitude as my brother, half or not, has kicked into gear."

"That's not my reason at all. It's nice having free labor." (Y/N) dramatically gasped.

"Yeah well... make me!" She took off in the opposite direction.

"Get back here you little shit!" He shouted running after her, leaving a blonde-haired man to sift through the forgotten mess of papers.

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