Crimson Eyes

By zenki_ross

430K 27.3K 8K

What if there's no Kim Rok Soo? It's a story of the Trash Og!Cale who can see a glimpse of the future. Heavy... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Not a chapter
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 48

8.2K 395 141
By zenki_ross

"It was 18 years ago when I was captured. Arthur tortured me for information and made me a servant. One day, I found myself in the Underworld Arena. It's a place where slaves of different races were sold and forced to fight each other for freedom. I was forced to fight there once a month, but I couldn't win a single round." Adal observed as Cale took a sip from the tea. A smile spread across her face.

"If you win 10 rounds within 15 fights in a day, you'd be granted freedom and few gold coins."

Cale frowned. "10 fights in a day? But you fight once a month?"

Adal nodded. "I was 12 at that time, the youngest fighter in the Arena. Arthur made a deal with me, if I get to win 10 rounds in a year, he'll set me free. However, it was only once a month meaning if I lost, I'd get back to square one."

Cale clicked his tongue. "What an unfair deal that is."

She laughed a little then proceed to continue. "Then few years later, I met your mother there. From what I know, she used Thames as her last name. Her beauty made the people in Arena drool and watch her with dirty looks. Even before she fought, men started to bid for her however Arthur never sold her.

"Then few days before her scheduled fight, she requested me a dagger. When she heard I was a Molan she immediately told me about my father and brother.

"After they ran away, she took them in as a butler and chef and kept their identity hidden. I was thankful of her of course. But it seems like father never mentioned me to her, as if I never existed."

Cale frowned once again. "What a sly old man, tsk."

- Aren't you sly yourself?

Abby asked which made the other Ancient Powers laugh. His face crumpled into annoyance. Adaliah, who saw it gently smiled as she thought Cale was sympathizing her.

"That dagger, she won up to 8 rounds. Her strength was overwhelming, it felt like I was watching a goddess perform a dance to the sinners. On her ninth fight, she asked me to run away with her."

There was a pause and Cale's chewing filled the room. The muffled rain outside also seemed to become heavier the longer time passed.

Adal took a sip from her tea. "I declined."

Cale pursed his lips and looked at her in confusion.


A loud thunder echoed outside followed by a louder rain drops. Adal glanced at the window with worried eyes.

She needs to finish the story as soon as possible, as she was needing to save Litana.

"I knew I was going to be a burden. I would just prevent her from running away from that filthy place, I never wanted that. She never belonged in the Arena in the first place. Jour was someone who prayed for every person she hurt. I just wished for her to not tell my father and brother, and just take care of them. It was enough for me."

Cale hummed. He understood Adaliah. If ever the two Molans' finds out her existence, they sure will not waste time and barge into the so called Underworld Arena and might as well end up dying before seeing her. Cale pitied the woman for having a bastard father and brother.

"Then on her ninth fight, she disappeared. It was not just her, but also Arthur's treasure. They said it was a red pendant. After that day, Arthur was enraged and murdered numerous people in the arena. There wasn't a single day that blood didn't shed.

"However, a few weeks later, news among the slaves spread around. They said Arthur killed her."

Cale clenched the dagger.

His heart was aching as he couldn't remember her mother's face. He couldn't remember anymore memories of her, and whenever he does, his head starts to ache.
It felt like his memories had been erased.

It felt like he was showering with ice. The pain in his palm so immense to the point it was clearly numb. A trail of blood ran down his nose.

- Cale, control your damn powers!

Abby called out.

Adal, who didn't seemed to notice anything was looking down on her tea as she fidget her fingers. She felt a pang of pain in her chest. She couldn't bring herself to look at Cale.

'If I escaped with her and protected her, could she have lived?' She asked herself again the same question that had been bugging her.

She tried to keep a steady voice however her expectations failed her as she choked with her own words.

"I didn't even knew why she ended up there, nor her birthdate, how old she is. She just disappeared like a bubble like the way she appeared infront of me."

A tear slipped out of her eyes but her hands automatically wiped them away.

Adal finished her tea and stared at the red haired Infront of her as if she didn't just shed a tear. She doesn't know how things ended up this way, she couldn't call it fate or destiny. It rather felt like a binding curse.

The connections of events felt like it was planned by a higher being and was enjoying watching as they unfold things. It felt surreal that she didn't believed she had just accidentally saw the man infront of him bloody then turned out to be the son of the person she adored.

Cale stood up from the bed and stuffed the dagger inside his pocket. He lazily covered his head with the hood of his cape.

Adal and Lerk stared at him with curiosity.

"Adaliah..." He called out without looking at her.

"After we save Litana... bring me to the Arena."

Adal shoot up from her seat. Her eyes burned in anger.

"There is no way I'm putting Jour's son in danger. You punk, listen to me, I'm older! That place is within the Underworld. Arthur rules that place. Are you simply wishing for suicide? !"

Cale didn't looked at her, he walked towards the door.

"I need to know why mother ended up there. And the pendant she stole, I need to know what it is."

Cale's mind was in utter chaos. He couldn't understand why. How her mother died, and the connection of the two Ancient Powers she found in her library.

There was too many things to uncover, that he wasn't aware of the fact that he was biting his lips.

His eyes glowed crimson under the hood as he try to calm down his building anger.

- Cale, what about the prophecy Sura shower?

Vitality of the Heart asked with a low voice.

Cale clenched his fist.

The little girl.

It was Lily and Arthur, he was sure.

'I need to save Lily in the Arena.'

He thought himself.

In the mean time, a red haired Princess drenched in rain wonder inside a foggy jungle.

Two men following her from behind while a man with a cloak over his shoulder lead them.

"Rosalyn-nim, are you sure the dragon is real?" The man infront asked, squinting his eyes trying to pierce through the thick fog.

Rosalyn smiled. "It's not called Path of No Return without a reason."

I'm discounting this. Thank you for being with me for the past 2 weeks I've written this 48 chaptered ff out of nowhere lmao.

The reason is, I don't have the heart to do it anymore, plus the ending is pretty much tragic.

Read here for the summary:

The gem Cale's mother stolen from Commander Arthur was Abby. Abby was a dragon who died in the hands of Arthur. Originally, Thames bloodline were responsible for taking care of child dragons.

Now here's the reason why Cale will die, Transmigrator KRS in the original plot was left alone. Everyone died in the end and he was the only one left alive just to kill White Star. He made a deal with GoD to turn back time, however OG!Cale was the one who turned back in time, but in different dimension.

Without any memories of what happened, OG!Cale regressed and transmigrated into another world.

While Kim Rok Soo became an ancient power which is Sura who can't even talk to Cale since it will slowly exhaust him. What Cale was seeing wasn't prophecy but informations Kim Rok Soo absorbed with his abilities.

As for WS, White Star can only exist in 1 world line, so in the world where Og!Cale turned Arthur lived.

In the end, Cale will die and return to KRS's world where he belongs and Sura will become defective and will be handed down to Alver Crossman who kept it as a luxury as a reminder of Cale. Abby will be handed to Choi Han with haft of its powers reduced.

While KRS!Cale will return to his world where his friends are alive, but their memory of him was forever gone.

He will be locked in his Villa as punishment that will only break if anyone remembers his name, it was a curse for messing up the world lines.

Krs!Cale will stay there, hoping for anyone to set him free.

That's the end, If you guys have any questions let me know and im sorry for not continuing this, writing stories is just something not for me😭

Although I'll try to update one shots on my Ao3!

Thank you.

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