Our Doubles (Teen Titans)

By Anime-Books_For_Days

13.9K 561 143

The Teen Titans stumble across some very familiar people when they were sent to an alternate dimension. Thems... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Sequel News!!

Chapter 3

1.5K 66 15
By Anime-Books_For_Days

Had to change a part of my story for it to all make sense. Sorry.

Raven woke up in Beast Boy's room. Or Beast Boy's(2) room. She noticed that Beast Boy was still asleep on the top bunk. He had woken up on the couch and woke her up so they could get to bed. Now his leg was hanging off the edge. Raven rolled her eyes and got up to get ready and then meditate.

Once she was finished with getting ready for the day, she sat in the middle of Beast Boy's(2) room and levitated. Her legs crossed and eyes closed.

It wasn't long before Beast Boy woke up and saw the purple-haired girl meditating in the middle of the room. He knew better than disturb her, so he turned into a spider and crawled over to the bathroom. He got ready quickly and then came out of the door silently. He turned into a spider and crawled under the door and into the hallway. He very silently creeps away and then bumped into someone else. It was the other Beast Boy. They both fell and said, "Ow, dude!"

"Sorry, Rae's meditating. I know better than to disturb her." Beast Boy(2) said.

"Yeah, same. But they wake up too early." Beast Boy agreed.

"Yeah, well, that's our Ravens. Right?"

"Your Raven and my friend Raven."

"Right, I forget that you two aren't together. Even though, I can tell ya, you're missing a lot from it. She's amazing." Beast Boy(2) said dreamily.

"Well, that's your Raven. Our Raven is terrified to show emotions."

"Do you think it's easy for my Raven to keep her emotions in check? Sometimes I feel terrible because she tries to meditate more just so we can be together. So she can show me how she feels for me. She does anything to make me feel loved. And that means a lot coming from her. Before we were dating, she was cut off and never was interested in having anything to do with us. I didn't even like her much. But that all changed when me and Cy went into Nevermore. I started to feel something for her. And not to mention, but she actually found me hilarious." He paused and chuckled. Then he turned serious, "But when Adonis tried to rape her that one day when I became the 'Beast', I knew his purpose was to solely protect her from harm. That's all he wanted to do. Never wanted to harm her."

"Adonis tried to rape her in this dimension?" Beast Boy asked even though that isn't something he liked to hear.

"Yeah, nearly did. When he broke into the tower, he went to her. When I found her she was knocked out and her cloak was torn and her leotard was ripped in many places. Her arms and legs were filled with scratches. I was really pissed when the others thought I did that to her. I would never hurt her. I was simply protecting her from all harm. 'Cause I love her."

Beast Boy saw that he was saying the truth. He really loved Raven(2). Just then Raven(2) came out her room and smiled at the two Beast Boys. "Hey, Beast Boy...sss. What are you doing up early?"

"Nothing, just talking, Rae." Beast Boy(2) smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her. Beast Boy noticed that she actually leaned into his touch. She relaxed under his touch as well. Made him think what would Raven do if he and she were like this.

Speaking of Raven, she was finished meditating and saw the Beast Boys and her alternate self. Her and Beast Boy(2) were holding onto each other. She walked up to them, "Morning, Beast Boy...sss, and the other me."

"Talks exactly like my Rae. Good morning, Raven." Beast Boy(2) said.

"Morning, Rae." Beast Boy smiled.

"Hey, I need to talk to you. C'mon!" Raven(2) said as she grabbed Raven and dragged her away to her room.

"Must be serious." Beast Boy noted.

"Hey, but no matter what, never mention Lucas to her. And just know, even if she's with no one, she'll soften up. She may seem like she doesn't give a care, but she really does. She loves us all in her own way."

Beast Boy didn't know who Lucas was, but didn't ask either, "Anyway, tofu waffles?"

"You betcha!" Beast Boy(2) lightened up and ran past Beast Boy to get to the kitchen. Beast Boy followed.

"Okay, first I just wanted to say was to not be to hard on any of them. You know what's coming up, right?"Raven(2) said.

"Of course, I do. Our birthdays. That's why I think it's smarter to grow apart. To not hurt them."

"You mean yourself as well, don't you?"

"Of course. I don't want them to look at me like the demon I am. And the fact that because of me, everyone's going to die. I can't stand it. I especially can't stand to see them hurting. Terra knew that they were my weakness."

"Yeah, but try to be a little nicer. We're terrible cooks, so no making dinner or breakfast, obviously, but try to buy them some things. And be gentler with everyone. Spend some quality time with them, I am."

"I'll try, once we get back to my own dimension."

"Of course. Now c'mon, we have some tea to make."

Raven smiled for a second and then stood up and together they walked off to the kitchen where the Beast Boys were making tofu waffles.


Hey, guys. I had just realized that I have been rejecting this for so long. As least long to me. So sorry, first. And also I hope you all enjoy this. And yes, The End has not happened yet so the Ravens are getting worried.

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