Time To Hunt

By Don_Hoodini

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In a world where superpowers called "Quirks" pop out around the globe. These quirks cover 80% of the populati... More

Ch. 1- The Beginning - part 1
Chapter 2 - The Beginning - Part II
Chapter 3 - Sharpening The Senses -
Chapter 4 - U.A Trial of the Hunt -
Chapter 5 - Meeting The Pack -
Chapter 6 - A Hobo Tests a Beast -
Chapter 8 - Battle Trial! - Part II
Chapter 9 - Battle Trial - Part III
Chapter 10 - The Hunt For A Class Rep! -
Chapter 11 - U.S.J Rumble - Part I
Chapter 12 -U.S.J Rumble- Part II
Chapter 13 -U.S.J Rumble- Part III
[S2] Ch. 14: Back for Blood
[S2] Chapter 15 - Ready, Set, SURGE!
[S2] Chapter: 16 - In Their Own Quirky & Chaotic Ways!
[S2] Chapter:17 - Cavalry Battle!
[S2] Chapter 18 - Fight On!
[S2] Chapter 19 - Only The Strongest Thrive....
[S2] Chapter 20 - And The Fight Continues!
[S2] Chapter 21 - Not Bad, Gravity Gal!
[S2] Chapter 22 - U.A Sports Festival - Mid Fight Masses
Chapter 23 - A Shocking Performance
Chapter 24 - (Y/N) (L/N): The Evolved
Chapter 25 - U.A Sports Festival - Final Match
Chapter 26 - Awards Ceremony
Chapter 27 - Time To Claim Our Names
Chapter 28 - An Odd Prey
Chapter 29 - Know Thy Place
Chapter 30 - Stage 2 Evolution
Ch 31 - Stay Sharp For The Final
Ch. 32 - Practical Exam Sneaky Wraith
Ch. 33 - New Usurpers
Ch. 33.5 - A Friendly Match
Ch. 34 - On the Prowl! The Training Camp Begins!
Chapter 35 - Those Who Lurks in The Shadows Fear The Horror Within
Ch. 37 - What A Chaotic Mind You Have!
Chapter 38 - Death Itself
Chapter 39 - The Symbol Of Peace

Chapter 7 - Battle Trial! - Part I

792 26 18
By Don_Hoodini

The next day went boring as usual, even though U.A is known for it's Hero course, it's still a prison I mean school, that meant more torture, sorry more core classes as any normal school.

After the morning class it's time for lunch, which is a special time too since the food hero Lunch Rush himself makes the food. And after that, the long awaited Hero Basic Training is finally next.

Class 1-A was discussing random stuff as they waited for the next class. Here we can see (Y/N) finishing the sketches of the beasts he saw in that dream.

But right now he was playing with his flames by letting it dance between each fingers and vice versa.

He was so focused on watching his flames, he didn't notice someone glaring at him and another approaching him.

"H-hey..." Someone said. He tore his focus away from his flames and looked at the owner of the voice. It was the Earphone Jack girl in the Entrance Exam.

"Hello there..." He replied while waving his still enflamed hand. She's looking at his hand, mesmerized at it.

(Y/N) looks at her confused and remembered he didn't dissipates the flames on his hand.

"Sorry about that...." (Y/N) said clenching his hand into a fist and looks at the smoke rise from it, "So did you need something?" He asked the girl.

"No, I just never really thanked you for saving me in the Entrance Exam. So.... Thank you." She spoke up, blushing a little. (Y/N) looks back at her and smiled.

"Ah, it was nothing really..." He gently replied, eyes closed, a big smile, and a little blush adorns his face. A typical wholesome guy vibe.

"Name's Kyoka Jiro. I think we'll work with each other a lot throughout the year, so..." She looked away from him, her Onyx Black Eyes avoiding his Amber eyes gazing at her, while fiddling with her earphone jacks. "Yeah..."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kyoka. I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." He said with a closed eye smile.

"(L/N)... Got it. See you around, (L/N)." She waved shyly and went back to her desk with a cute smile that adorns her face.

(Y/N) went back to what he was doing, he sighed and now a dumb smile is plastered on his face.

Unbeknownst to him Kirishima looked at (Y/N) with a proud smug smile, knowing exactly what has happened.

(Y/N) saw Kirishima smug smile, he questioned him.

"What?" (Y/N) asked, eyebrow raised towards his Redheaded friend.

"Nuthin... nuthin." Kirishima replied smirking.

The class continued chattering, after some time he felt something in front of the classroom door.

"I AM HERE....!" someone said behind the door.

The class started muttering again, recognizing the voice.

"COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!" All Might came in, in his hero costume, the class barely contained their excitement.

"I can't believe it, it's All Might!" Kaminari spoke up.

"So he really is a teacher!" Kirishima added,"This year is gonna be totally awesome!"

"Let's fucking Go!." Added (Y/N), "can't wait to learn from the GOAT!"

"Why you called him a GOAT?" Kirishima looked at (Y/N) confused.

"It means the Greatest Of All Time." (Y/N) quickly replied at Kirishima.

"Hey look! It's his silver age costume!" Pointed out by a girl with froggish features.

"I'm getting goosebumps, just by being his holy presence." Added a blonde guy with a mutated tail quirk.

All Might stood in front of the class in all his glory.

"Welcome young ones! To the most important class at U.A high! This is basic Hero-ing 101!" He announced, "Here you will learn the basics of being a Pro, and what it means to fight in the name of Good and Peace. Enough of that now, let's get right to it!"

All Might grabbed something under his desk and showed the class what it was. It was a card that says 'Battle' written in it.

"Our first lesson for today! We'll pull no punches!"

"Fight training!" Bakugo spoke up, excited.

"Real combat?" Midoriya followed, worried.

"Ohhhh~ me likey!" (Y/N) added with a manic grin.

All Might continued his explanation.

"The other key of being a Hero is.... Looking good!" All Might then pressed a remote, it activates the walls that's hiding the suitcases filled with their costumes.

"Ah here we are, these costumes were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the request you sent before school started. Gear up people, and meet me at Ground Beta!"

The class suited up, their outfits were amazing, each made by some of the best costume companies. One by one they arrived at Ground Beta, through a tunnel, where All Might is already waiting.

"They say that clothes make the pros Young Ladies and Gentlemen, and hear me young ones you're the proof! Take that to heart!" He took a long look at his students, "This could make a grown man cry, but not this man! Now shall we get started you bunch of newbies!?!"

(Y/N) looked around and admire all the costumes his classmates have from afar until he noticed someone beside him wearing a green rabbit suit.

"Zu, is that you in the rabbit suit?" He asked the green rabbit holding back a laugh.

"Ah (N/N)! No, it's not a rabbit suit!" He exclaimed, "I drew this when I was younger, ok? And also it was a gift from Mom, I couldn't just ignore it..."

"Fair enough... Kunehong Berde." (Y/N) replied.

"What?" Asked Midoriya confused.

"Ah nothing."

The Duo came out the tunnel after the rest of the class. (Y/N) costume caught most of the attention. His costume is plain as sand.

He sports a Black sleeveless hoodie, a boxing shorts with a pocket and combat shoes that's resistant to fire, to rip and tear. Making him free to go all out without having to worry about his costume.

Izuku is stopped by Uraraka to talk, (Y/N) went on ahead. He passed a short
grape who's nose is bleeding looking at Uraraka.

"Heroics is the greatest." He said.

(Y/N) rolled his eyes and he whispered.

"Hey keep your pervertedness to a minimum, ok bud?" He whispered to him, smoke coming out from his hand.

He fearfully nodded he pats the little guy's back before walking towards the others.

He was stopped by Kirishima and Kaminari.

"Wow man! You look like a Street Boxer!" Kirishima said as he approached.

"You look like you're ready for an all out brawl." marveled Kaminari.

"Heh, thanks. I designed it myself, and it can survive my quirk. The company created this turned my designs into reality, so kudos to them." (Y/N) explained fixing his hoodie.

All Might grabbed their attention, and begins to explain.

"Now that everyone's ready, it's time for the long awaited combat training!" Announced All Might.

Iida raised his hands to ask a question like a good boy he is.

"Sir, this is the fake city from our entrance exam right?, does that mean we'll be conducting urban battles again?"

"Not quite, I'm going to move you two steps ahead. As you can see most villains fights on the news happens outside, but statistically the better part of it is an indoor job. Most acts of villainy are committed indoors. Think about it backroom deals, black market deals, drug cartels, and secret underground lairs."

"Those are truly intelligent criminals, they stay hidden in the shadows luring people in to their lair to sell their illegal goods and services."

(Y/N) nodded taking all those information in.

"Now for this training exercises, you'll split into teams of good guys and bad guys, and fight two on two battles!"

"So how do we determine who wins who loses?" Said the tall pony tailed hair girl.

"Is it ok if we just blow them away?" Bakugo added.

"Is there a threat of expulsion like with Aizawa-sensei?" Uraraka added.

"If we're separating into different group, what would be the best way to do so?" Iida also added.

"Doesn't this cape look killer on me?" Added by the weird guy.

"I'm going to burn that cape first chance I get." (Y/N) thought to himself.

"HNNN–– I can't answer your questions if you speak all at once!"

He answered their questions by continuing explaining.

"Listen up. This is the situation at hand. The villains have hidden a nuclear warhead somewhere in their hideout. The heroes must locate and disarm the nuclear warhead or detain the villains. And likewise, the badguys win by securing the payload or defeating the heroes also their time is limited, and we determine your teammates by drawing lots." He finished explaining.

"Isn't there a better way?" Iida questioned.

"No, think about it." Midoriya spoke up," Pros often have to team up with heroes from other agencies on the spot, so maybe that's the reason why we're practicing that here."

"Also, you're not always going to fight with someone with a quirk compatible with yours." (Y/N) added. "In other words, you will have to improvise and make do with what you have on the spot."

"Yes, I see now. Life is a random series of unfortunate events." Iida then bowed down to All Might. "Pardon me for my rudeness!"

"Anyway let's start this!" All Might announced. He then listed the teams, (Y/N) ended in team F, along with Rikido Sato.

"Hey your (L/N) right? It looks like we're partners!" Sato said as he approached (Y/N) who's stretching.

"Huh oh yeah, Sato right? Nice to finally meet you." (Y/N) greeted offering a handshake. Sato returned the gesture.

"We could come up with a plan don't ya think?" (Y/N) suggested.

"Sure let's do it!" Sato agreed.

"We should probably talk about our quirks too. I'll go first, I can transform my hand, emit flames anywhere in my body, super strength, and really durable. Although prolonged usage makes my body stiff and ache." (Y/N) explained.

"That's so cool!" Sato was impressed. "As for me. I get 5 times stronger for every 10 grams of sugar I ingest."

"Whoa that's awesome!" (Y/N) commented grinning.

"Thanks! Although the downside of it, is my cognitive functions suffer, so I can become tired and sleepy, also kinda dumb."

"Well, we all have some kind of weakness."

"Do you know anything about the team we're facing? Kirishima and Sero?" Sato asked.

"Well, for starters Kirishima has a hardening quirk. Basically he can harden his whole body, has sharp edges, I will deal with him. He knows what i'm capable of so we're even on that. And as for Sero, I have no data about his quirk."

"Alright I'll let you deal with Kirishima, while I deal with Sero." Sato added taking in the info about the rival team.

The teams were assembled and prepared, everyone was ready. The first teams set to fight were team A and team D, the rest of the class was sent to a monitoring room to watch the fight. (Y/N) looked at the monitor a little worried.

"Ah mierda. Out of all people Midoriya can fight, it had to be Bakugo."

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