Distant Star (JenLisa FF)

By lokiii_jenlisaa

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A JenLisa Fanfic wherein Lisa lost her long-term girlfriend Tzuyu and she can't move on from losing her. More

Author's Note


87 3 0
By lokiii_jenlisaa

Jennie's POV

Lisa and I have been practicing for our performance in a whole week. She never skipped any of our practices and because of the practices we've had, we got a little closure. Today's the day where we will perform in front of our whole section in our school's auditorium.

"Have you seen Lisa?" I asked Jisoo. I'm getting nervous because we only have 10 minutes before the program starts and Lisa is nowhere to be seen.

"I'm sorry Jennie, but we haven't seen her." Jisoo answered that just added fuel to my anxiousness.

I look so devastated while waiting for Lisa to arrive in the entrance of the backstage. I can perform without her but still, she's my partner and she have to be here.

"3 minutes before the program starts!" The staff shouted. I curse Lisa in my mind.

The program started and the partners that were chosen started performing.

From 20 partners down to 15. From 15 down to 10. From 10 down to 5, and still there's no Lisa. Even her shadow can't be seen. I asked our professor if we can be the last performer to buy some time and fortunately he approved.

Rosie and Jisoo just finished performing. And I must say, they did a really great job! I envy them.

"Does Lisa already arrived?" Jisoo asked me. I just shook my head as an answer and smile a little.

"I'm sorry Jen. Lisa's being a pussy again." Jisoo irritatedly said.

"It's okay, I can perform alone." I said in a cheerful tone.

"It's not okay. I'll talk to that piece of shit. If she can't pull her shits together then it's better if she'll just drop out of school." Jisoo seriously said. She's scary when she's mad MAD.

Jisoo walked out of the backstage to get some air. The staff told me to get ready with my partner because we will be performing next. I'm praying for the time to be slower.

Moments later the last partner before us already finisher performing. I went on stage and prepare my guitar. This is what we've practiced. I'll play the guitar and we'll sing. I'll sing the first part, we both sing in chorus and she'll sing the second part, but I guess I'll do it alone. We have another performance after we sing and that is dancing but again I guess I'll do it alone.

I started strumming my guitar for the intro then I started singing the lyrics.

I finished singing the first and chorus part. I was about to sing the Lisa's part but a voice of a woman sang it. It was Lisa's voice. Lisa came!

I surprisedly at the side where the performer enters the stage and Lisa appeared in there. I couldn't be any happier. She came to perform with me. She's just a bit late. 

I smiled at her as she walk her way beside me. She's smiling while singing her part and I felt butterflies in my stomach while she's doing it.

After singing the lights went off and Kiss and Make up by Dua Lipa and BLACKPINK started playing. Our classmates went  wild upon hearing the song.

After our performance our classmates cheered for us and shouted the we look good together. Our prof. went up stage to announce who has the highest grade for our task.

"... I will announce the grade of our first place first before I say who are them." Our prof explained and we just listened.

"For stage presence, 50%, lyrics/moves 30%, cooperation 14%. A total of 94%. And that is none other than, Jennie Kim and Lalisa Manoban!" Our prof. announced. I suddenly became deaf upon hearing her announcement.

"Yah! Jen we won!" Lisa shouted and slap my arm that brought me back to reality. But before I know, she's already hugging me tight while jumping. Oh my Lalisa! What are you doing to me?

When I didn't hugged back because of her sudden action she froze and realized what she just did.

Lisa's POV

Upon hearing the announcement of our prof that we won, I hugged Jennie tightly. I felt her froze on her spot so I pull back. It was so awkward she's just staring at me and I'm kinda annoyed by it because I don't like being stared at. She's so red and its not even hot here in the auditorium. I look away.

"Jennie stop staring at me." I coldly said to her and she did. I don't know if she's smiling or what. I swear this girl is being weird today. I might think that she has a crush on me. But I'm not yet ready to open my heart for anybody else at the moment.

"Let's celebrate guys! Jennie's treat!" Seulgi shouted and earn a smack from Irene.

"Have some shame on your body Kang Seulgi!" Irene said to Seulgi. I just shook my head because of them.

"Alright guys! Let's celebrate, my treat!" Jennie said cheerfully. I look at her and she look at me too and mouthed 'Come with us please.'

I thought about it for a second while she's still looking at me. I just nodded at her that made her smile widely, showing her gummy smile. 

"Cute." I mumbled.

"What?"Jisoo asked. She must've heard what I've said. But nonetheless, I don't care.

"Nothing." I said coldly then we went out of the auditorium.

Jennie's POV

"Jen the car is already full. Can you ride with Lisa?" Chaeng said. THE HECK?! I'm the who will gonna treat them and yet I don't have transpo?

"Is it okay if we will ride my motorcycle?" Lisa asked.

"It's my first time to ride a motorcycle and I'm nervous." I said.

"You don't have to be nervous or anything. I'm with you so you're safe." Lisa said then she put her helmet on me. 

I'm still fixing my position when she twisted the accelerator which made her motorcycle to move a little. I got shocked so I quickly wrap my arms around her waist. She didn't wait for me to adjust and she just drive away.

"Yah! Drive slowly! I don't want to die yet!" I shouted so she can hear me.

She drive slower and I thank God for it. We arrived in an unli wings food store and our friends are already seated on a long table waiting for us.

"You guys look good together." Irene said.

"You're crazy." I said then me and Lisa sat down on our seats.


After we ate we decided to go home since we have classes tomorrow.

"I'll take a cab to go home" I said while we are saying our good byes.

"Okay, take care!" Rosie said then we kiss on the cheeks.

"I'll drop you off." Lisa said then she put her helmet on my head so I can't say no.

The ride was fast and none of us are talking.

"Thanks for dropping me off." I said while she's removing her helmet on my head.

She just nodded and watch me go inside. She left after I close our door.

"You guys look good together."

Irene's voice has been echoing inside my head since she said those words earlier. I mean do we really look good together. I mean if yes I would love to be in a relationship with Lisa and I don't care if she's still in love with her first love.

 I'll make her fall in love with me.






JenLisa Stories | lokiii_jenlisaa

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