The Kissing Tree (DreamWasTak...


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"I was always told to follow my dreams... so, can I follow you home?" • *No smut* *Dream x female oc* *Idk ra... More



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   "Evelyn! Come help me clean this up!" my mom yelled from the living room. I sighed and turned off macie's stream. I got off my bed and headed into the living room, where mom was sweeping up some broken glass. Looks like she knocked the vase off the counter. Another one.

   I knelt down and started picking up the bigger pieces of glass. "so, Eve-" I gave her a glare. "Evelyn, have you thought about getting a place of your own?"

Could you ask any more bluntly?

"Uh, yeah." It definitely wasn't a lie. I thought about it all the time, actually. It would be nice to have my own place to not have a bunch of fragile and breakable decorations. No, seriously, though. It would be nice to get away from my parents, no matter how disrespectful that sounds. And it seemed that they wanted me out, too, which I can understand. With my new role in the dream smp, and all the streaming with both Macie and Tommy, my streams have become much more exciting and loud. Lots of screaming. And I usually streamed at night, since that's what worked for most of the others in their time zones. I kind of felt sorry for my parents. From what i've heard from Macie, shes having the same problem.

"The apartments on the east side of town have gone down on price, I noticed." My mom swept the glass into the dustpan.

Ew. The east.

   Mom must have noticed me scrunch up my nose because then she said, "Well, anywhere else, they're expensive."

"Mom, you're forgetting, im a streamer. I stay inside all day, and barely eat. All Id be paying for is rent and the few groceries Id need."

   She gave me an unimpressed grunt and went to put the glass in the garbage.

   See, its not that my parents hated my career choice, theyd just rather me choose something else, and now streaming was more important than ever, since I was on the dream smp. That meant more time spent trying to get better at Minecraft, more streams, more joining and playing with the other members in their streams, etc,.

     I just couldn't wait to get out of this house, out of this town, even. I sat on the couch and thought of where id like to live. California, Arizona, north Carolina, florida, Canada, united kingdom. . . what about florida? That's where dream and sapnap live. Itd be awesome to live in the same state as them, as dream.

   Just out of curiosity, after throwing the glass away, I went to my room and looked up apartments in Orlando, florida.


What do you think abt living in florida?

Uhhh wdym

Like what if we got an apartment in florida?

Thatd be cool
Its warm all the time


Sorry caps

Yes he does
What abt it?

You wanna move to florida bc of ur bf?

1 hes not my bf
2 no that's not the only reason

Uh huh
I mean but yeah id like to live in florida
My parents might not let me though since its so far away

We'll convince them
Im almost 20, I can literally adopt you

Adopt me
No but like idk if they'll let me go to florida

Ranboos parents let him go to the uk
Plus, ur almost 18

Yeah but his parents aren't my parents
Besides he only stayed there like 4 months
Id be in florida for who knows how long.
Oh yeah and true

But we gotta at least ask

Thyere most likely to say yes if you ask

and how abt we ask together?


Um can I come over tomorrow around 4?
After my stream with George



   I let myself into macie's house without knocking, and met macie in the living room.

"What should I say?" I asked her. She shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

   Before I could say anything else, Macie's mom walked into the room, saw us staring at her, and came over to us. "Alright, whats up?" she asked us.

   Macie and I swapped looks before I said, "So, you know how May and I were panning on getting an apartment together?"

   Mrs. Green nodded to let us know she was listening and I continued. "Well, I may have found the apartment. . ." last night, May and I had called and looked at apartments. We had found a few, actually.

"Well, that's great. How far?" she asked. I looked at Macie. She said, "Its actually in florida. Orlando, florida, to be specific."

   We stared at mrs. green expectantly as she stared back expressionless. "Florida?" she eventually asked.
I nodded and Macie said, "Orlando, florida." I elbowed her.

"That's a pretty big city," mrs. green pointed out, taking a seat on one of the leather couches.

"Yeah, but we know some people there." Macies explains. I nod.
"Two of the people from the dream smp, cl-dream and sapnap." I tell her.

"Yeah, well I don't know them, so I don't think it's a good idea."

"Mom, I'll be 18 in less than a month." Macie objected.

"Then we'll talk about it then. But right now, I have to make dinner for the O'Claires'. Eve, I think youd really get along with their son, Tyler. Hes such a handsome young man, and super kind." Mrs. green stood up from the couch and started walking to the kitchen. "Actually, you should stay for dinner tonight and meet him. Hes visiting his family for a few days."

"Uh, sure?" I knew there was no saying no to mrs. green when she invites me to dinner. Although, I couldn't give a bigger shit about this Tyler guy. And I will admit, when mrs. green said "handsome young man", my mind went to Clay, as it usually does at random times.

   After mrs. green left, I followed Macie up stairs to her room, where we facetimed the bench trio. Tommy was yelling at tubbo for no reason and ranboo was sitting there with a look that said "help me", even though he had his mask and glasses on. I felt bad for him.

"Macie," Tommy said.

"What?" Macie answered.

"Do you like Tom-" Tubbo was cut off by Tommy, who literally tackled Tubbo.

Ranbooo started laughing, while Macie got a little red.


"Sarah, Rick, this is Macie's friend, Evelyn. Evelyn, this is sarah and rick. And this is tyler." Mrs. green introduced me to the o'claires. I put on a smile and tried not to be all awkward and shy like I am. Anxiety sucks.

   I looked at tyler, who was staring at me. He had blond hair and deep blue eyes, was about 6'. Loser. Clay had dirty blond hair, pretty green eyes, and was 6'5. And not to mention he had freckles, and this dude did not. Ok, im not saying this guy wasn't good looking, because he really was, but all my stupid brain could think about was mr. dreamwastaken.

"nice to meet you, Evelyn," Tyler said, politely. I smiled and shook his hand, along with his parents.

"Why don't you guys take Tyler to the living room while me and Mark catch up with the o'claires for a bit?" mrs. green suggested as she and her husband lead the o'claire's into the kitchen.

"uh, ok, this way," Macie said and we followed her to the living room.

"This is a nice house," Tyler said, sitting on the couch. Macie and I sat on the couch opposite of him.

"Thanks," Macie said.

"So, youre Macie's friend?" he asked me. Shit.

"Uh, bestfriend, actually." There, that wasn't that hard, was it?
Tyler nodded. "cool."

Awkward silence.

Tyler nodded awkwardly. "um, so Eve, do-"

"hold up, hold up," May interrupts him, and im very thankful. "look, buddy, her names Evelyn, got it? Not eve."

"oh. . .right, of course. Sorry, Evelyn."

I shrug. "Its alright, you didn't know."

   Macie looked like she about to say something, but mrs. green called us into the kitchen. Dinner was ready, thank the Lord. We headed into the kitchen and sat around the table. Macie made sure she sat between me and Tyler. Not sure why. Its not his fault he didn't know I hated being called Eve. Oh well, whatever.

   We had grilled chicken and salad, with an apple pie, which I didn't have since I wasn't a fan of pies. I stayed out of the conversations between the two families, as I wasn't a member of neither. Which was perfectly fine by me, id rather not have to talk to this strange family. But they did occasionally asked me questions. And we all somehow got to the topic of Macie's job streaming, in which Tyler found out she was part of the dream smp and thought that was cool. He thought it was even cooler that I was a member, as well. I just wanted to leave. I had the sudden urge to call Clay.

"Why don't you go show Tyler your set up, May?" mr. green suggested.
Macie agreed and lead us upstairs to her room. She didn't seem too happy to let Tyler up here.

"Oh, wow. This is nice." Tyler walked up to her set up and looked at it.

"Do you watch the dream smp?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sometimes. I haven't in awhile, though."

"oh." Loser. Just then, my phone started ringing and I puled it out of my pocket. It was dream. I smiled. "hey, uh, Ive gotta take this."

"Who is it?" Macie asked. Nosy.

"Clay," I said walking to the other side of he bedroom.

"Clay?" Tyler asked Macie. "as in dream?"

"No, as in the dog shit she stepped in on the way to my house, yes it's dream" May answered with an annoyed tone.

I answered the call. "Hey Clay."

"hey, Eve," he replied. He sounded like he just woke up. Oh, whatd Id give just to be there with him right now to hear his morning voice in person. Or his sleepy voice, since its not even morning.

              *Macie's pov*

"Did he just call her Eve?" Tyler asked. He was super annoying. I don't know what it is, he just gets on my nerves and I've got a bad feeling about him. His politeness almost seems fake.

   "Probably,'" I answered, trying to figure out how he heard what clay said through the phone. I didn't hear what he said, but then again I wasn't trying to.

"I thought she didn't like-"

"She doesn't, except by me and clay. Not even her parents can call her that."

"Is dream like her boyfriend or something?" he sounded a little jealous or something.

"That, is none of your business. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't." I pulled out my phone and texted Tommy.

"Right, gotcha."

I hated this guy. There was just something weird about him. Maybe im just being paranoid.

     *Evelyn's pov*

"Yeah, well hey, can I call you later tonight? Im at Macie's with some company."

"Yes, of course you can. Ill talk to you later," clay said.

"alright, bye, Clay."

"bye, Evelyn."

   I hung up and turned to see Macie sitting on her bed on her phone, and tyler was standing there looking as if he wished he weren't here. I felt bad for him.

"Do you play Minecraft?" I asked him.


   When I got home, I immediately went to my streaming room and called dream as I sat down in my turquoise gaming chair. He answered after the first ring, as if he had been sitting there waiting for me to call.

I smiled at the thought.

But nah. He was probably just scrolling through twitter when I called.

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