Let Them In


47.5K 914 263

It's not until their final year of high school that they meet Niall's best friend. The boy they've heard so m... More

Descriptions and Warnings
1- Angels.
2- Lime and Coconut.
3- Let It Out.
4- An Actual Conversation.
5- Protective.
6- A Bad Day.
7- Sunday.
8- Safe.
9- Enjoy Life.
10- Trust.
11- Third.
13- Past.
14- Presents.
15- Stop Me.

12- Sealed.

1.2K 46 5

to make up for the cliffhanger and big break heres the next chapter

"There's a whole sop story of how I got into my even worse situation that really isn't relevant. All that's necessary to know is that when my mum got pregnant with me it was to her boyfriend at the time, they weren't mated and she was young- seventeen almost eighteen." Louis' voice was quiet, trying to keep all unwanted ears from hearing them. If he was being honest this probably wasn't the best time or place to be having this conversation, "He left- as soon as my mum told him she was pregnant he left her and didnt leave anything for her that would help when I was born. But she got by, she struggled but my nan and grandad were excellent help. Then she met Mark, he was amazing."

Marcel's eyes filled with concern as Louis took a shaky breath, ceasing to continue for a few seconds, "He really was amazing, he treated me like his own son and because he was the first father figure I had ever had in my life I grew attached. By the time I was three I was calling him dad and by the time I was five my mum had given birth to Charlotte. We were like this tight packaged little family and nothing could get in our way. By that point there wasn't enough space in my grandparents' house for all of us so mum and Mark bought a house together, it had loads more space than I had ever been used to.

A year later and Félicité was on her way. There was loads of other stuff in-between that, like the twins being born and my grandad passing but none of it compared to the day I presented as an omega. Mark had been the best 'dad' ever to me, treated me like his own, raised me and cared for me but that day something changed and all of a sudden he began to resent me.

At first it was just passing comments, less affection and he started to pull away from me a bit. But soon enough he started to say horrible stuff to me when we were alone, things that he knew would hurt because he knew me so well. Then it turned physical- hits where no one could see, punches where it stung the most."

Marcel's eyes held so much sadness as he listened to Louis talk. Over the past minutes the pair had moved their seats closer together so they could be a bit quieter when having this very personal conversation. He looked at Louis as though he had never heard anything like it before and he was silent, allowing the omega to say whatever he wanted to.

"But it was always stuff I could handle and it was just something I learned to live with. But one day I was really ill and it was parents night for Lottie and Fiz so mum took the girls to the school and Mark said he would 'take care' of me. It was his birthday too, today is his birthday. It happened four years ago today.

I was sleeping and he came upstairs, forced his way into my room and onto me. I- I can't go into the details, I-"

Marcel placed his hand on top of Louis', holding it still even when the brunet flinched. Louis looked into his eyes, his breathing quick.

"You don't have to keep going, I understand what happened without any more detail. You're okay." Marcel's voice was strained, Louis could tell that he was trying to be calm and not be angry but it wasn't working very well.

Louis nodded, looking around the class to make sure no one was listening before he carried on, "Basically it got worse from there, he said it was his birthday present from me and then did it a few times after that. It wasn't frequent for a while until it gradually got to at least once a week and it was just another thing that I was getting used to.

Then he started turning on Lottie and Fiz and I never knew why. He just turned into this really angry man and it was my fault, it was my fault that he became this horrible dad who didnt care anymore. But it all ended just after Christmas that year, he pushed Lottie out of his way when he thought my mum was upstairs and she watched as Lotts fell into the corner of the kitchen table, hit her shoulder and began to cry.

She pretended as though she didnt see it and ignored it for a day, I thought that would be how our life was from then on but when I got home from school that day, mum and the girls were waiting for me. They'd packed as much of our stuff into the car as possible and left, she just drove down here to stay with our Auntie and just this year we got the house that we're in now.

He always called me 'Lewis' everyone did back in Doncaster and they all called Fiz 'Félicité' so once we moved we both asked to change what people called us. Lottie never minded very much because he was one of the only people who called her 'Charlotte' and now she only gets called it very rarely but she was never too fussed about that.

Fiz was so young and she just wanted to forget about it all and we couldn't take that away from her. But the way he said my name after I presented, it was like venom, so poisonous and spiteful so I wanted to forget too. That name is associated with so many bad memories for me and everytime I get called 'Lewis' it takes me back to that time."

Marcel's eyes were so sympathetic Louis noticed, they were also really green. He hadn't noticed that before. They were gorgeous. He shook his head when Marcel placed his hand back onto the top of Louis', he didnt flinch as much this time.

The alpha had a small smile on his face, one that made Louis slightly confused. "Thank you for telling me that. I know this won't hold much value but I'm so sorry that you had to go through that Louis."

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault."

"Don't be so dismissive." Marcel said softly, "That doesn't mean I can't be sorry, you went through something no one should ever have to experience."

"Please just don't say I'm strong, I hate it when people say that." Louis' voice was light, surprising him. He never expected that after talking about something like this he would be so contained.

"Tell me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?" Marcel said, leaving Louis confused again. The alpha removed his hand from Louis' and placed it around his shoulder, pulling the omega into his side for a comforting hug. Marcel could feel Louis' tense shoulders but he didnt let go, Louis heard him.

After what felt like hours Louis' shoulders started to relax, he let his head fall against the front of Marcel's shoulder for a minute before he sat back up and looked at him, "Thank you for listening, you should have had to be burdened with all my shit."

"This is the only time I'm going to tell you this, do not apologise for opening up to me. I will always be here to listen to you because that's what friends do, we help each other and that was the help you needed." Louis smiled, looking at Marcel again who was completely serious, you could tell that by this face.

"I probably should've told my therapist this." Marcel sighed and shook his head, laughing at Louis' comment.

"Only if you're ready." His face went back to serious in an instant, "And by the way, listening is my specialty."

"How so?" Louis' words were light and airy, still a lot cheerier than he expected he would be.

"Edward talks- he gives advice and calms people down through his words- Harry touches- he soothes with hugs and physical contact, makes people feel better by cocooning them in his little bubble- and I listen- I let people say what they need to say and make sure they know they have someone to talk to who won't judge what they say- we all have our specialty in a way and we all can help in different ways. There's one question that I have to ask though." Marcel said, he had moved his hand to rest on Louis' shoulder in the time they had released from each other's grasp, "How would you feel about my brother's knowing?

Louis stilled, his breath halting for a moment as he stopped to think. He carefully shrugged Marcel's hand off of his shoulder and pulled his skirt down his legs, anxious that it had ridden up. His thoughts began to race again, "I really don't know. I told you but I don't know if I could say it again."

"That's completely fine, I can say nothing to them if you would prefer." Marcel didnt show any signs to Louis that he was being untruthful, that he would just go home and spread his business even if Louis asked him not to.

"Maybe not right now if that's okay. It's just, I've never told anyone what actually happened before and I think I need some time to process the fact that you know before I'll be able to get over the fact that three people know what I've been through, I think it might just be too much right now."

"Hey, that's fine. I'll keep my mouth sealed about all things period five and six until you're ready to tell them or for me to tell them." Louis nodded, giving Marcel a thankful smile and audibly thanking him too, resulting in Marcel assuring him that there was no need to worry and his secret was completely safe.

The pair talked for the final thirty minutes of the lesson, their books left ignored on the desk until just before the bell went, giving them enough time to put hem away prior to leaving the class, "Do you need a lift home? We can drop you if you want." The pair were walking out together, descending the stairs from the top floor down to the exit to the car park.

"If that's okay, yeah. I'd rather just get home today." Marcel nodded and placed his hand across the small of Louis' back to guide him out the exit, dropping his hand when he met up with his brothers, reaching out to hug them both before they made their way over to the car. Marcel explained that they were going to drop Louis off and got into the backseat with him, letting him reach for his hand as they drove to the omega's house. Louis clung to the ends of Marcel's fingers, feeling a bit upset at the fact that he was going to have to be alone with his thoughts when Marcel knew what had gone on in his past.

The triplets made conversation about their last two lessons of the day while Louis directed Harry to his house. He got out with a smile, thanking the alphas and wishing them a good night. They watched as Louis walked up the stairs in his garden, making sure he got into his house okay before driving off.

Louis pushed the heavy wooden door open, sighing as Lottie came running over to pull him into a hug. He gripped her tightly, pressing his nose into her hair and pressing one of his hands to the back of her head. She sniffled quietly, so quiet that Louis barely heard but he did.

"I know, I know." She squeezed his waist tighter and sniffled again. He held her until she let go and he didnt leave the entrance until he had taken his shoes off and placed his bag next to the bottom of the stairs. His mum was in the kitchen, already making dinner so Louis assumed she had a night shift tonight.

He went through to the kitchen, Jay's back was to him since she was chopping up vegetables on the counter at the window and the twins were sitting at the table, small blue homework jotters in front of them. He walked towards Daisy and Phoebe, leaning down to kiss them both and wrap his arms around their shoulders quickly.

"Hi." He said once he had crossed the kitchen to his mother. His voice was shy and she heard it. She placed the knife down onto the blue chopping board and turned to face him.

"You feelin' okay?" Her eyes were just as soft as this morning, showing Louis she had been thinking about it all day.

"Yeah." She raised an eyebrow, "Really, my day wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"Good." She smiled, so did he, a silent understanding that he really was okay, "I've got to go in tonight, Lou. M'really sorry." He assured her that it was fine and that they would all be okay.

The family of six sat down to have dinner at around five o'clock, it was quiet all over and solemn all around. Then Jay left for work, much to her dismay, and Louis herded the girls into the living room to watch a movie. They sat in silence compared to their usual chatting over the movie.

Strangely all of the Tomlinson siblings went to bed at the same time. Half past eight and Louis was getting the twins sorted, making sure they were off to sleep before he ventured through to Fizzy's room. The small girl was sitting on her bed with a book in hand, her eyes cast just past it rather than at the pages.

Louis rapped his knuckles against the side of the door frame alerting her of his presence. She looked up and looked away again, not saying a word. He crossed the room, sitting down next to her, "I know today has been rough but you have to get to sleep."

"It's only nine o'clock." She pointed out, her voice even more quiet than usual.

"I know that. But I also know that you're very tired and should be going to sleep." She sighed and nodded, getting into her bed properly and turning to face Louis.

"Will you sing to me?" She asked meekly, smiling softly when Louis nodded. He pushed a stray hair behind her ear as he began to sing, Fizzy falling asleep before he finished the song.

His interaction with Lottie was much the same; quiet, weak and shy. She was distant and argumentative about going to sleep but eventually gave in and lay down, facing away from Louis and keeping her tears at bay. Louis pressed a kiss to the back of her head and ran a hand down her leg, "I'm right next door, angel."

She nodded and sniffled, thanking Louis just before he left. He crossed the doorway of his own bedroom at twenty past nine. First he changed his clothes. He pulled a pair of black leggings on and changed his shirt and tie for a grey hoodie.

He curled up into his bed with his book, flattening the pages out on his lap and beginning to read. This time he could focus on the book, using it as a distraction from the rest of the world as he soared through the pages, getting lost in the fictional world.

The room was lit up by his bedside lamp, bought specifically so he could read in his bed. After a couple of hours he finished his book and smiled, looking out the window to see the indigo sky filled with stars. He like to imagine that his nan and grandad were looking down on him on days like this, watching over him and using their hearts to stop anything bad from happening. 

what do we think, lovelies <33

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