Mirai "Mary" Sakamoto Barker...

By Rubyred441

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Little Mei has recurring dreams of a past life in Victorian Era London. More

A New Friend-Special Olympics Ohio Summer Games
First Panic Attack/Lavendar Lotion/Soothing lullaby and cuddles
Mei's Dream
Mirai "Mary" Sakamoto Barker revealed
Patching things up
Joshua's cancer scare
A Voice Crying out for Help
Jim's Ashes Explained

Mei's love for Sweeney

559 0 11
By Rubyred441

2 days later, Mei felt 100% better than she was. It was October 28 now and it was early evening. Tammie had a maternity ward seminar to be in and it was from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. that night and Bridget had tai-chi and self-defense classes. David and Adam took Riley to a doctor's appointment to get her flu shot.

Everyone was getting dinner cooking. There were gluten free as well as regular chicken tenders cooking in the oven. Little Mei was happily playing with Rani. They were playing a game of hide and seek and little Mei was it.

"I'll count, Ra-Ra, okay?" Mei said.

"No peeking, kiddo!" Stephen chuckled.

"Okay, Doc!" Mei giggled cutely. It was the most sweet and adorable giggle that Sweeney has ever heard. "Ready? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Ready or not, here I come!"

Mei went and searched for Rani.

"Rani...where are you?" Mei sing-songed.

Mei stopped what she was doing. She could smell something burning inside the oven.

"Doc? Is there anything in the oven?" Mei asked curiously.

"Oh my God...the tenders!" Stephen remembered as he ran quickly to get the oven gloves. "Thanks, sweetheart."

He opened the oven to find flames burning the regular chicken tenders but it never touched the gluten free chicken tenders.

"Whoa!" Stephen yelled surprised.

The smoke alarm beeped now.

Joshua came with the fire extinguisher.

"I've got this, Stephen." Joshua calmly said. He aimed at the fire and it extinguished. Mary opened the windows to let the smoke escape while Joanne with a cloth fanned it. The smoke alarm stopped beeping now.

Mei screamed, now frightened and hyperventilating. She ran out of the room and upstairs to her room; her heart pounding; trying to get the scary images of Lovett in the oven out of her mind. Couldn't. Overcome by what she had seen from inside the oven, she passed out on her bed.

"Mei, honey?" She could hear Stephen and Sweeney coming upstairs to find her passed out.

"Dear God, she might've seen what had happened..." Sweeney softly said to Stephen as he gathered Mei on his lap. "Poor sweet..."

"I don't blame her." Stephen nodded compassionately as he gently smoothed a front strand of her curly hair. "After all, she did regain her past memories 2 days ago."

"Neither do I." Sweeney agreed.

"Mei-Mei?" Rani came upstairs to check on her cousin. A worried brow was etched on her forehead.

"She'll be okay, kiddo." Stephen reassured gently to Rani.

Mei opened her eyes a little bit and the girl looked quite shaken up by the oven bursting into flames; that brought back scary memories of the past. She held on to the barber, scared.

"Sweeney...!" Mei shuddered softly.

"Shh....shhh...I've got you, love...I've got you..." Sweeney soothed as he hugged her.

"Easy, pumpkin..." Stephen stroked Mei's back soothingly. "Everything's gonna be okay. We both got you..."

Mei laid her head down on the crook of Sweeney's neck, knowing that she has both her father figures; one a Sorcerer Supreme and the other a demon barber who protected her from Judge Turpin. Sweeney leaned in to kiss her cheek as he cuddled her close.

Stephen gently ruffled Mei's hair at the same time, and he looked at Sweeney transfixed by his white streak and intense dark eyes.

"What?" Sweeney wondered curiously.

"Oh, nothing! Actually...while I'm with Clea, I crush on guys too. I like both men and women. I'm bisexual." Stephen chuckled.

"Ah, I see." Sweeney smiled. "Your secret's safe with me, mate."

What did Doc mean by that? Mei wondered in thought. And she thought about Scarlett while nestling on Sweeney's lap.

"Dinner's just about ready." Stephen said. He looked at the worried look of Mei and reassured her. "Oh, don't worry, kiddo; the oven's turned off."

Mei looked up at Stephen nervous.

"Are you sure?" Mei asked worried.

"I'm definitely sure, hon." Stephen reassured tenderly.

"Tell you what...maybe after dinner, you and I could talk about what happened back then." Sweeney said to Mei. "If that's alright with you, sweet."

"Okay." Mei nodded.

"Well...no time like the present, eh?" Sweeney whispered tenderly as he nuzzled Mei's head and kissed her cheek.

Mei giggled as she got up to go downstairs with the men behind her.

"Hi there, Mei!" Joshua smiled as he bent down to hug her.

"Hey, uncle Joshie!" Mei giggled.

"Where'd you go, Mei-Mei?" Kim asked.

"Oh, there was a little fire in the oven but Daddy used the fire extinguisher there, Kimmy." Joshua explained.

Rani and Mei hugged giggling.

"I'm okay, Ra. I was scared of fire." Mei explained.

The bond between Rani and Mei Williams are quite special.

After eating dinner and clearing up the dishes, little Mei saw the scary vision of Lovett in the oven and she fainted.

"Mei-Mei!" Rani worriedly shouted, alerting Sweeney. The barber calmly bent down and came to Mei's side.

"Don't worry, love, I've got her." Sweeney reassured gently to Rani.

Sweeney carried Mei to her bedroom to rub her with vanilla lotion. That, along with lavender lotion could soothe and calm you. Stephen looked on compassionately.

"Poor kiddo..." He murmured softly. Joshua ambled up to Stephen.

"I don't blame her. The dreams have been haunting her ever since she regained her memories." Joshua nodded, agreeing. He went upstairs to make sure that Mei was okay.

Sweeney laid Mei down on her bed and soothingly put her pajamas on while preparing the lotion. Sweet little Mei softly panicked as she woke up; trying not to hyperventilate.

"Shhh...shhh...easy, love, follow my voice...follow my voice..." Sweeney soothed in Mei's ear as he ever so gently stroked her face and cuddled her close.

"Sweeney..." Mei worried holding on tightly to him.

"I'm here, sweet..." The barber nuzzled her cheek soothingly.

"Mei...We've got you, honey. It's okay....it's okay, sweetheart..." Joshua soothed to his niece as he soothingly stroked her hair.

Not to worry...not to worry, love...Sweeney softly lulled to Mei.

Whistle you'll be there...Mei sang back as she nestled her head on Sweeney's shoulder as he rubbed up and down her back with the vanilla lotion. Demons'll charm you with a smile for a while but in time..

"There you go, Mei..." Joshua smiled tenderly.

Nothing can harm you...Sweeney lulled in Mei's ear, while kissing her cheek. Not while I'm around...

They both were cuddled up on her bed, Mei nestling on Sweeney's lap. Joshua squeezed her hand tenderly. The little girl was curious to why things happened the way it did back in her past life. Now came the important question the sweet girl would ask.

"Why did it happen?" Mei asked curious.

"I'll explain it, dear." Sweeney reassured as he knelt down at eye level with Mei and tenderly placed his hands in hers while sitting cross legged on the carpet floor. He soothingly sat her on his lap, face to face in love as he stroked the sides of her cheeks. "Come on my lap, sweet."

Sweeney explained it in a way so that Mei would understand. Joshua looked on as the barber explained why.

"You know how you found Lucy in the bakehouse?" Sweeney asked softly.

Mei nodded, remembering what happened. As Mirai "Mary" Sakamoto Barker, she picked up the pieces of the puzzle and figured it out.

"I probably should have told you, Mare...what happened back then and why...I didn't recognize Lucy at first because I was away from her for so long." Sweeney softly explained. "That same judge whom was after you, was the same man that hurt Lucy. That was why I went after him." Sweeney explained further. "And you know how you've said that Mrs. Lovett was hiding something from me?"

"Mm-hmm." Mei nodded.

"Turns out, you were right, little love. She hid the fact that Lucy was still around and lied about it." Sweeney replied softly.

"And it was because she wanted Sweeney all to herself, even though he was married to Lucy." Joshua added.

"That's bad!" Mei gasped shocked.

"Yes, yes it was, on her part and on mine too, love." Sweeney nodded too. "Of course, I could've talked things over with Mrs. Lovett, but I let my rage get the best of me. This is why we have to be careful, Mei...when it comes down to revenge. I just...don't want you to become scared of me." The barber said, hands clasping on to her cheeks, shoulders and hands in love.

"I'm not scared of you...I love you, Sweeney." Mei replied meekly. "And I know you won't do anything to hurt me." The sweet girl hugged the barber who returned it unconditionally, rubbing up and down her back.

"I love you so much." Sweeney replied tenderly. He kissed Mei's cheek as he nuzzled her close and sat on her bed to cuddle her on his lap.

Mei lifted up her head to give Sweeney a butterfly kiss; her mom taught her kinds of kisses.

"That's a butterfly kiss." Mei giggled and then she kissed Sweeney's cheek.

"You're such a sweet girl, the way you are, love." Sweeney advised tenderly. "Don't let anyone take your innocence from you."

Mei nodded smiling, locking eyes with Sweeney now.

His brown eyes...I remember looking into them. Mei thought as she remembered looking into Sweeney's brown eyes in her past life.

How gorgeous...how rare her blue eyes are...the way I remember them. Sweeney thought fondly.

"I love you." Mei said, snuggling in Sweeney's arms.

"Love you too, sweet..." Sweeney nuzzled her cheeks, kissing them in love.

Tammie had just came home from the seminar to find the sweet sight of Sweeney Todd and Mei Williams hugging and smiled lovingly as she hung up her lab coat.

Mei smiled, knowing her mommy was there and that Sweeney was too.

Sweeney lit a lavender candle with the match and blew the lighted match out. Then he rocked Mei soothingly and ever so tender.

I'll be your candle on the water,
My love for you will always burn.
I know you're lost and drifting
But the clouds are lifting.
Don't give up, you have somewhere to turn.
I'll be your candle on the water,
'Till every wave is warm and bright.
My soul is there beside you,
Let this candle guide you.
Soon you'll see a golden stream of light. Sweeney lulled to Mei as she opened and closed her eyes.

A cold and friendless tide has found you,
Don't let the stormy darkness pull you down. Tammie sang now as she smoothed a front strand of Mei's curly hair out of her face.

I'll paint a ray of hope around you...Sweeney and Tammie harmonized.

Circling in the air...Sweeney crooned as he stroked Mei's face.

Lighted by a prayer...Tammie sang as she leaned down to kiss her sleeping little girl's cheek. "Love you, sweetheart." She whispered lovingly.

I'll be your candle on the water,
This flame inside of me will grow.
Keep holding on, you'll make it,
Here's my hand so take it.
Look for me, reaching out to show,
As sure as rivers flow,
I'll never let you go.
I'll never let you go. Sweeney crooned once more to a sleeping Mei.

Stephen looked at the cute moment between Mei and Sweeney smiling tenderly. Joshua had Rani sleeping in arms.

"Isn't that adorable?" Stephen asked Joshua in love.

"It is." Joshua agreed.

I'll never let you go...Sweeney ever so softly lulled to the sweet little girl as he wrapped his arms around Mei whom was deeply asleep.

"There you go, sweet...I love you..."Sweeney whispered soothingly and lovingly. He was tenderly cheek to cheek with the sweet girl after he kissed her forehead.

And for Mei, the scary visions and nightmares disappeared.

Bridget had just come home from tai-chi and leaned in to kiss Mei's forehead.

"Love you, kiddo." Bridget whispered tenderly.

It was October 29, and Mei excitedly got up early to get ready for preschool with her Halloween costume laid out on a hanger by her mother. She was going to be Glinda, the Good Witch from Wicked. The first time she saw Wicked was at Playhouse Square with her mom. She saw Kristen Chenoweth as the Good Witch and Idina Menzel as Elphaba, whom would soon be the Wicked Witch of the West. The thing that scared her was the Oz head that came after the song, "One Short Day", when the Wizard of Oz terrified both Glinda and Elphaba. She had probably thought that flames were going to shoot up like in the movie, the Wizard of Oz but they didn't. Mei leaned in to kiss Sweeney's cheek.

"I love you." She whispered.

"Mmm..." Sweeney responded tenderly and sleepily. "Love you too, sweet..."

"Hey, kiddo! You're up early!" Stephen said softly and surprised. "Oh, and look at you all prettied up!"

"The Halloween party is today, Doc." Mei smiled. "I'm going as Glinda the Good Witch."

"Oh, from Wicked? Awesome!" Stephen smiled.

"Hey, cutie patootie!" Tammie giggled tenderly, bending down to hug her. "You are set and ready to go, huh?"

"Mm-hmm." Mei nodded.

"Sweeney will meet you at the school for the party, okay?" Tammie replied.

"Okay, mommy." Mei giggled.

After morning circle, and talking about what they were going as for Halloween while trick-or-treating with their loved ones, Mei and her friends did art and colored their pumpkins. Mei colored hers like a rainbow. Scarlett was dressed up as Elphaba from Wicked.

"You look pretty, Mei!" Scarlett complimented.

"Thank you, Scarlett! You too!" Mei giggled.

Deondre and Brenda were dressed as Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum from Alice in Wonderland; Brenda had the female tutu to match. Lian was dressed up as Mulan in her warrior outfit. Chara was dressed as Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Kamala was dressed as Esmeralda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame, Katya was dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Krishna was dressed up as Princess Jasmine from Aladdin and Kim was dressed as Ariel from the Little Mermaid. Destiny and Alia were dressed up as Minnie Mouse and Daisy Duck. And Adam was dressed up as a firefighter. All while doing art, they were watching "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" on DVD.

"Okay, everyone! Time to go trick or treating! Line up!" Miss Andrews announced excitedly after helping her students clean up the crayons and put their pumpkins on the side of the wall. Mei was putting the last of the box of crayons away when she saw Sweeney come in. She came over to him and hugged him.

"Sweeney!" Mei excitedly chimed.

"Hey, love!" Sweeney bent down to hug her.

After trick or treating to every classroom, the kids watched Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and when "Someday, My Prince Will Come" came on, Mei nestled happily on Sweeney's lap. She remembered the song from when she was a baby and it was her favorite song. Her mother would sing it to her as a lullaby and she would join in with her. Sweeney leaned in to kiss Mei's forehead, knowing how much she loved Snow White's song, and how she prayed for her Mommy to find love, and her prayer was answered when Bridget came around and they both fell in love and became two lesbian moms. Stephen, David, Adam, Joshua and Sweeney became Mei's father figures.

On Halloween night, while trick or treating with her cousins, Mei dressed up as Snow White.

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