Soulmate to You (BTS x Reader...

By OT7oramI

1.1M 49.3K 11.6K

When a vaccine leads to unexplained symptoms, the world erupts into panic. What happens when one girl finds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Special Chapter
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 33

19.6K 866 284
By OT7oramI


"I love you."

I stared at the man in front of me, my eyes wide in shock.  Of all the things I had expected him to say, this was not one of them.  My mind went blank and I could do nothing but standing there, my mouth open but no words coming out.

Jimin rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down at the ground and I could see he was nervous, his eyes worried.  "I am sorry.  I know it is early, but... but I can't help how I feel and I wanted to tell you."  His full lips turned down in a sad pout and I realized my silence was an indication that I was not happy with the words he had said to me.

Pulling every bit of courage I had, I touched Jimin's cheek, tilting his head up to look at me and told him exactly what I was feeling in my heart, in my mind, in my soul.  "Jimin?  I love you too." 

Now it was Jimin's turn to stare at me in shock.  "You... you love me?"

I nodded my head.  "Yes.  From the moment I met you, I felt the connection to you, the connection telling me just who you are to me.  I started falling for you almost right away and I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to."

"I... I know what you mean.  I fell in love with you right away."  The worry had faded from his face and his plush lips were turned up into a smile so big that it made his pretty eyes crease.  "I wanted to tell you when we had come to visit you, but then... then I realized I wanted to take you someplace special."  Jimin gestured to the wall behind us.  "This is the Wall of Love.  It has 'I love you' written 311 times in 250 languages."

I turned to the wall and Jimin slipped his arms around my waist from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder as I studied the amazing wall in front of us.  Just below the Korean words and slightly to the left were the English words and I felt my heart melt as I saw the words.  Knowing that Jimin had planned this, really thought this out, melted my heart and I realized just how caring and sweet my soulmate was, realized that the words he had said were true, words I never wanted to stop hearing.  "This... this is beautiful and I love it."  Turning in Jimin's arms, I hesitantly wrapped my arms around his neck.  "And... and I love you."

Jimin's eyes searched mine then darted down to my lips and I could see right away that he wanted to kiss me.  His eyes met mine again and as though he had been looking for something and found it, he dipped his head down and gently pressed his lips to mine.  The kiss was soft, tender and so full of love that I wanted to stay right here in his arms.  His arms tightened around my waist, pulling me closer to his body as he continued to kiss me, just a gentle movement of his lips against mine.

I tangled my fingers in his silky hair and he tugged me even closer, the kiss turning from soft to passionate.  My lips parted and his tongue slipped between them, deepening the kiss, exploring my mouth as he held me tight.  After a moment, Jimin detached his lips from mine and buried his face in my hair.  "You're perfect.  So perfect and I'm... I'm so happy you're my soulmate.  So happy.  You're everything I've ever wanted, but never thought I would have."  Jimin's words were husky and when I looked up, I was surprised to see the tears shimmering in his eyes, the same tears that were threatening to fall from my own. 

"Jimin?  What is it?"  I stroked his soft cheek, feeling the first tear slide down, the salty drop collecting by my thumb.  The worry in his eyes hurt my heart and I wanted nothing more than to pull him back into my arms and kiss all his tears away. 

"I was... I was so scared to bring you here, to tell you how I feel about you.  I worried that you might think it's too soon but... but I couldn't help it.  Being with you makes me feel..." His words switched to Korean and I felt my heart catch, understanding that he was so overwhelmed with his feelings that he couldn't find the English words to explain them.

"I really need to learn Korean."  I ran my fingers through his hair again, smiling when he let out a sweet giggle at my words.

Jimin kissed my nose then leaned his forehead against mine, the gesture soft and intimate.  "I just... I just tell you that I love you and I'm... I'm going to make sure I'm a good soulmate, the best soulmate.  I will always treat you right, be what... be what you need and what you want."

"Jimin?  You are already what I need and what I want.  You don't have to be anyone else but who you are right now.  You're... you're perfect in my eyes.  And I love you too." 

Jimin let out a sigh, one that sounded like relief and I could feel the tension in his body fade.  Kissing my nose one last time, he turned me back to the wall.  "This," he pointed out some characters I couldn't identify, "this is one is Japanese and this one," he pointed to another, "this one is Chinese."

I studied the wall in front of me and pointed to one to the left of the Korean characters.   "This one is Spanish."  Searching the wall, I pointed out another familiar phrase.  "And this one is Italian."  Turning to Jimin, I lifted his hand and put down his middle and ring fingers, making sure his thumb, index and pinky were extended.  "This one is sign language."

Jimin kissed my fingers that were held in his.  "Now I know what to put up when I am on stage.  You... you will know it is just for you."

The next morning, I woke up in my hotel room unable to believe what had happened the day before. I had to stop myself from kicking my feet like an excited toddler as I lay there thinking of my beautiful date with Jimin.  It was more than I ever dreamed it would be and it was one of the most amazing moments of my life.  From the words he had said to me, along with the kiss we shared, made everything seem almost surreal in its simple perfection.  Sharing that first kiss with a soulmate was nothing like kissing someone who was not my soulmate.  Just like with Yoongi, I felt like I was in heaven, or the closest I could be to it.

As I lay there, I looked around the room that the guys' manager had reserved for me.  It was a beautiful one-bedroom suite that overlooked the Seine River.  The entire floor had been reserved for my soulmates and it was an indication of just how wealthy and well known they were.  Part of it made me feel a little uncomfortable because I definitely didn't want to be seen as a gold-digger.  It was why I had wanted to refuse the hotel at first, but Namjoon had insisted.  As a nurse, I made a pretty decent living, but it was nowhere near what my soulmates made.

Trying to push the thought from my mind, I instead thought about my building relationships with my soulmates instead.  I wanted to pinch myself to make sure that everything that was happening was real, that I hadn't just woken up from a beautiful dream.  The dinging of my phone had me hurrying to grab it from the nightstand and I grinned when I saw the contact name.

Reassured by his sweet words, I pulled myself out of the bed and headed towards the shower.  Hoseok and Taehyung had mentioned that they would like to leave about 10 since they had a concert again tonight.  After tonight, they had three days in Paris before they headed off to London and Wembley Stadium. Arely had told me they performed there before and I couldn't help but be proud of my soulmates and the hard work they had done, the talent they had and the dedication that showed to their art. 

I showered quickly then dressed in a pair of jeans and a cute shirt Arely bought me for my birthday last year.  After putting on my makeup and fixing my hair, I sent a quick text to the group chat that Namjoon had set up with the seven of us, wishing them all a good morning.  Hoseok called me almost immediately.

"Hi Y/N!  A few of us are in Joon-hyung's room for coffee.  I know it's still early for our date but would you like to join us?"  His voice was hopeful and I couldn't help but grin at his excitement.

I didn't hesitate to agree.  "I would love to if you're sure it's okay with the rest of them."  I knew I sounded eager, but I wanted to spend any moment I could with my soulmates, take any opportunity I could to be near them. However, I also wanted to make sure I wasn't overstepping any boundaries or infringing on their personal time, time I knew they didn't get nearly enough of.

"You're our soulmate.  Of course they want to see you, spend time with you.  So please come."  Soothed by Hoseok's words, I felt much better.

"Okay. I'll be over there in just a couple of minutes."  Hoseok and I said our goodbyes and I disconnected the call, unable to wipe the stupid smile off of my face.  I grabbed my bag, making sure my room key was inside, before I headed out of the room, eager to get to the men who had stolen my heart.  I was looking down at my phone, responding to a message from Arely, when I ran headfirst into a broad, hard chest.  Someone grabbed me by the elbows, preventing me from stumbling backwards and landing on my ass.  I looked up and felt my heart slam to a halt in my chest.  I pulled my arms from his grasp and took a step backwards, putting some distance between us.  "I'm... I'm so sorry.  I wasn't watching where I was going."

Jin studied my face for a moment, no hint of a smile or kindness anywhere in his eyes.  "It's alright."

Not knowing what else to say, I nodded my head and slid past him, trying to calm my suddenly racing heart from that split second of being in the arms of my soulmate.

"Y/N?"  I turned back at the sound of my name on his lips, falling from them like melted bittersweet dark chocolate.  "Um.... never mind."  He turned and continued down the hallway, leaving me confused. 

Trying to push the run in from my mind, I took a deep breath before I stepped in front of Namjoon's door, knocking softly on it.  It was opened almost instantly and the sight of Hoseok's grinning face completely erased the strange encounter with Jin from my mind.  "Good morning Y/N!  Come in, come in!"

Caught up in his excitement, I returned the smile.  "Good morning Hobi."

Hoseok hesitated then pulled me into his arms, giving me a hug.  Surprised by his sudden display of affection, I was stiff for a moment but then melted in his arms.  His arms tightened around me for a moment before he released me.  "Would you like some coffee?  We have croissants too!"

Nodding my head, I took the hand he offered.  "Sure. "  Following him further into the room, I felt my heart swell with adoration when I saw Yoongi, Namjoon, and Taehyung seated on various pieces of furniture throughout the room.  "Good morning.  How are all of you?"

Yoongi stood and made his way over to me, pulling me from Hoseok and into a tight hug.  "We're good.  How did you sleep?"

I smiled at his cute question, the way he worried about me.  "Really good.  I think that was the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in." 

"Oh just wait until you try my bed in Korea."  Yoongi snapped his mouth shut as he realized what he said, his beautiful porcelain skin turning an endearing shade of pink.  "I... I didn't mean... what I meant was..." His words trailed off and I gently cupped his cheek with my hand, feeling the hot flushed skin against my own.

"It's okay.  Don't worry about it."  I could see the relief fill Yoongi's eyes at my words, but for a moment I couldn't help but wonder about what he said.  What would it be like to climb into one of my soulmate's beds at the end of a long day, snuggle close to them, be surrounded by that quiet intimacy?  Would that even be something they would be interested in, something they would want?  Feeling my own cheeks turn pink at the thought, I turned away from Yoongi, embarrassed by where my own thoughts had gone.

A snicker from Hoseok had me looking over at him, but he quickly turned away and I knew he was trying to not draw attention to me, embarrass me from the way my thoughts had quickly turned at the mention of Yoongi's bed.  "Jimin-ah and Kook-ah will be over in a few minutes.  They weren't going to come, but as soon as I said you were coming, they changed their minds."  Hoseok's laughter filled the room, making me laugh along with him.

Namjoon patted the sofa next to him.  "Come sit.  I will make you a cup."  Nodding my head, I moved over to sit by him, letting myself enjoy this moment of peace with my soulmates.

Hoseok POV:

As I watched Y/N move to sit next to Namjoon, I couldn't help but grin to myself at how cute she was acting.  Mentioning his bed clearly had embarrassed Yoongi and she had reassured him so quickly, but from the way her cheeks had flushed, I knew her thoughts had taken an intimate turn.  One that made me curious to know just what she had been thinking about.  One that me curious to know if that pretty blush would spread to other parts of her body.  One that suddenly had my jeans too tight.  Trying to push that thought from my mind, I picked up my cup, taking a quick sip of coffee.

"You like your coffee with cream and sugar, right?"  Namjoon's eyes were on our pretty soulmate as he doctored her cup.

Y/N grinned, a tiny smile of surprise on her face.  "You remembered?"  Namjoon nodded and the smile grew even bigger.  "And I know you like yours really sweet too.  And Tae?  You prefer tea over coffee and hot chocolate over anything else, right?"

Taehyung nodded and I could see the grin on his face as our soulmate remembered something little, but so important about him.  Raising the cup in his hand in a salute, his smile grew.  "Yep!  I can't drink regular coffee and I especially can't drink it like Yoongi-hyung.  How he drinks iced Americano, I will never know.  Too bitter."  Taehyung gave a tiny shudder, making us all laugh.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at their words, picking up his cup and taking another drink almost as though to prove a point.  "It's good.  And it's better on an empty stomach.  Even if it is so bad for you."

"Yes.  That is bad for you.  Now eat something."  I handed Yoongi a plate with a croissant on it, grinning when he rolled his eyes again, but took the plate anyways.

Grabbing a plate for myself, I sat in the empty seat next to Taehyung since Yoongi had stolen the spot next to our soulmate.  As we sat there drinking our coffee and eating our breakfast, I studied my soulmate.  She looked so soft and sweet today in a pair of jeans and a cute shirt that was the color of a summer sky.  It was such a difference from the way our stylists had dressed her yesterday, turning her from a beautiful woman to a sultry siren and now back again.  ARMY always commented on our duality, but the last two days made me realize our soulmate had some of her own.

Another knock on the door had me standing up to answer it, knowing it would be Jimin and Jungkook.  After I had spoken to Y/N, I had called Jimin, wanting to know if he wanted to join us, but he had said no, that he was going to get some more sleep in.  As soon as I mentioned Y/N coming over, the sleepiness had disappeared from his voice and I could hear him waking up Jungkook as he suddenly changed his mind.

I pulled the door open, grinning at the excitement on the faces of my members.  "Good morning.  Want some coffee?"

"Is Y/N here already?"  Jimin stood on his toes, trying to peer over my shoulder and I laughed then gently shoved him. 

"What? No good morning for your hyung?"  I gave him a fake disappointed look and he sighed. 

"Good morning hyung.  Is Y/N here?" 

Moving aside, I nodded my head.  "Yes.  She is."

Jimin and Jungkook grinned then hurried into the room, their smiles increasing as they saw Y/N seated on the sofa between Yoongi and Namjoon.  Her face lit up even more as she saw them and the sight of it touched my heart.  I knew the younger members could be a bit much sometimes, but when Y/N looked at them, there was no irritation in her eyes, no disgust, just a look of adoration, the same look that was in all of our eyes when we looked at her.

Jimin moved over towards her, leaning down and pressing his lips to her cheek.  "Good morning love."  His voice was gentle as he spoke, his eyes so filled with love that it made me almost feel as though I was interfering in a private moment.

"Good morning Jimin."  Y/N's smile was soft as she looked at him and when he tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, her cheeks turned pink.

Gently shoving Jimin out of the way, Jungkook greeted our pretty soulmate, kissing her other cheek.  "Okay guys.  Stop smothering her.  Go have a seat."  Namjoon's voice was stern, but I could see the smile trying to pull up the corners of his lips.

The twin pouts on Jimin and Jungkook's faces made me laugh, which I tried to cover up by coughing loudly.  They both glared at me without any real venom in their faces before squeezing into the empty chair.  My eyes darted over to Y/N, but the same sweet smile was still on her face.  "Where is Jin-hyung?"  Jungkook's question was directed at Namjoon and I couldn't help but notice the sudden stiffness in Y/N's smile at the mention of his name.

"He had a phone call to make so he left a little bit ago."  As Namjoon spoke, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.  Jin had left right before Y/N arrived and I wondered if they had encountered each other in the hallway.  It would explain the look on Y/N's face and the way her smile wasn't as bright as before, wasn't as open.  I knew Jin was her soulmate and from the expression in her eyes, Y/N knew it too.

"Taehyung-ah and I thought about taking you over to Avenue des Champs-Élysées.  Is that okay with you?"  Wanting to put the pretty open smile back on her face, I tried to distract my soulmate with our plans for today.

"Yes! They have a Louis Vuitton store there and a Cartier.  Then we can go over to the café, Ladurée and get pictures in front of the Arc de Triomphe."  Taehyung's voice was filled with excitement and for a moment I wondered if the energy was too much for Y/N, but she nodded her head in agreement.

"Sounds perfect to me.  I've always wanted to see the Arc de Triomphe so this will be something I can knock off my bucket list."  The excitement in Y/N's voice matched Taehyung's and the knowledge of that made me happier than I wanted to admit.  She lifted a hand, brushing the hair from her face, and I caught the flash of silver on her hand, the same ring that Yoongi, Jimin and I had picked out at the zoo when we visited her in the US.  Knowing she still wore it made my heart flutter with adoration for her.

Namjoon looked down at his watch then back up at Taehyung and me.  "Don't forget that you have to be at the stadium by 3:00 PM for sound check.  Please don't be late." 

Nodding at him in acknowledgement, I looked over at Y/N.  "You ready for our date, sweet girl?"

Y/N grinned and stood.  "Definitely.  I'm really excited."  Yoongi grabbed her hand, tugging her down and kissing her cheek.

"See you later honey?"  Yoongi's voice was gentle as he spoke.  "I'll text you after the show.  Maybe we can all have a late dinner together?  Would you like that?"

Nodding excitedly, Y/N squeezed his hand then released it.  "I would love to, but if you're too tired, please get some rest."

Yoongi shook his head, his lips turning down in a pout.  "No.  We only have two more days with you.  I want to take advantage of every moment."

Y/N studied him for a moment then stroked his hair, her fingers running through the strands.  "If you're sure then I would love to."

"Are you really leaving already?  Jungkookie and I didn't get much time with you."  Jimin's pout was similar to Yoongi's and I smiled when Y/N giggled and cupped his cheek.

"Will you be at dinner tonight?"  Jimin nodded in a hurry and Y/N grinned.  "I'll be able to see you tonight."

Jimin stood up and pulled her into a hug, his arms wrapping around her waist.  "I love you."  His voice was quiet, but I could hear the words he told her, the words that made her eyes soften and the sweet smile on her face grow impossibly wider.

Leaning forward, she kissed his cheek then whispered something to him, something that made him hold her just a little tighter.  Although I couldn't hear her words, I knew exactly what she said and just the idea of her saying those words to me one day made my heart flutter in my chest.

As Y/N said goodbye to the others, I grabbed my bag, double-checking to make sure I had my wallet and phone, along with my room key.  Last night when Taehyung and I had discussed where to take Y/N, I had gone onto the Cartier website, looking for a special gift for my soulmate.  I had settled on a beautiful white gold charm bracelet, something that both the rest of the members and I could add to as time went on.  For now, I had chosen a small silver heart that read 'Nurses are angels in disguise' and a silver music note, simple ones that all meant something and ones I hoped she would love.  I had shared my idea with Taehyung and he had excitedly helped me browse the site, choosing a silver coffee cup that had tiny pink hearts on it.  I had ordered it on the site and was to pick it up in the store today.

Saying goodbye to the others, Taehyung and I took Y/N's hands and led her from the hotel room.  Our driver for today was already in the SUV when we exited the hotel, along with the bodyguard.  We donned hats and sunglasses, wanting to conceal our identity for the most part, wanting to spend time with our soulmate without fans hovering over our shoulders and taking photos.

The drive to our destination was quick, the three of us making small talk as the sights of Paris passed by.  We could see the top of the Eiffel Tower sticking up and Y/N squeezed my hand as she pointed it out. "Oh my goodness! I saw it as I was being taken to the hotel, but the view is so different each time!" The excitement in her voice was adorable and I thanked my lucky stars that the universe had chosen her to by my soulmate.

"Maybe we can come back here one day and take a Seine River Cruise. I heard the views from there are some of the best." Y/N nodded at Taehyung's suggestion and I couldn't stop the bubble of happiness that was building up in my chest as I realized she was already agreeing to future plans with us, future trips. It showed that she was serious about wanting to see where this went, wanting to really get to know her soulmates, get to know the six of us. "How was the date with Jiminie last night?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow as he spoke, wiggling it like a cartoon villain.

Y/N flushed, her cheeks turning that lovely pink. "It was amazing. I really... really enjoyed it." Looking down at her hands, Y/N spun her ring around on her finger. From the slight fidgeting, I could see she was nervous.

Taking her hand, I laced my fingers with hers, stopping her nervous movements. "Listen sweet girl. We understand that we are all your soulmates. We know you're going to spend time with the others. It's okay. I know I'm not jealous and I'm pretty sure no one else is either." I could feel the tension in Y/N's hand start to subside and I squeezed her hand.

"Hoseok-hyung is right.  Jiminie is my best friend and to see him so happy, see him getting the love he deserves means so much to me.  He has so much love to give and I know he loves you." Taehyung's voice was reassuring and by the way Y/N's smile began to brighten, I knew it was what she needed to hear.

"He... he told me last night." Y/N's voice was soft, hesitant, but I could detect the glimmer of pure happiness right under the surface. "He took me to the most romantic spot I've ever seen and he... Jimin said he loves me."

"I know. He called me when he got back last night." Taehyung grinned as he recalled the phone call from the night before. "I don't think I've ever seen him so happy. You stole his heart. Just like you did with the rest of us."  Y/N's eyes widened at Taehyung's words and he laughed then wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close.  "Yes my princess.  You have my heart for as long as you want it.  I'm so happy you're my soulmate."

I was quiet for a minute, just letting the two of them have their moment.  I knew it would take a little bit longer for Taehyung to say those three words to her, but I could see from the admiration in his eyes, the softness in his smile, the sweetness in his words, that he loved her.  Just as much as I did, just as much as the rest of us did. 

When the SUV stopped, I felt the excitement build up again in my whole body.  Getting out of the car, I adjusted my hat and sunglasses then held out a hand for my soulmate, helping her from the SUV.  She took it, giving me a smile and her eyes widened as she looked around the area we had stopped in.  Avenue des Champs-Élysées was one of the high-end shopping districts of Paris and I was impressed at the selection of stores they had available.

With Taehyung and Y/N walking along beside me, I headed towards the Cartier shop.  Stepping inside, I watched Y/N's face as she looked around the pretty store.  The jewelry displays were tastefully arranged, the lights from the chandeliers throwing rainbows around the room as they reflected off the dazzling pieces of jewelry.  Walking up to the counter, I greeted the gentleman behind politely and told him my name, letting him know I was picking up an online order.  He nodded his head then hurried into the back, coming back out in a few moments with the trademark crimson bag. 

While I paid for the item, Taehyung and Y/N wandered around the store.  He would point out different items, some of them tasteful and delicate, some gaudy and ostentatious.  Y/N would either smile at his selection or shake her head, a grimace on her face.  It was fun to watch the two interact and I could see right away that Y/N preferred the pretty and understated rather than the over the top items.  It gave me insight into her personality, just the same way the first dinner at the café did.  I could see right away that my soulmate was more into simple things, preferring them to something that was expensive and extravagant.  Glancing down at the bag, I smiled to myself, knowing we had made the right choice in the gift Taehyung and I had chosen for her.

Moving to her side, I gave her a grin.  "See anything you like?"

Y/N nodded her head excitedly.  "Oh yes.  I've never been in here before and they certainly have some beautiful things.  I've been having so much fun browsing with Tae."

"Would you like to go to the next store?"  Taehyung reached for her hand and she gave it to him, a soft smile on her face as we exited the shop.  Stopping right outside, I led her over to a bench, motioning for her to sit down.

Pulling the box from the bag, I opened it to show her the contents.  "Taehyung-ah and I picked this out for you last night."  Y/N's eyes widened in surprise at the pretty piece of jewelry and she reached out a hesitant finger, her eyes going misty as she touched the heart shaped charm.

"This... this is beautiful, but... but I can't accept something like this."  Y/N's eyes dropped to her lap, her fingers fiddling with the edge of her shirt.

Touching my finger to her chin, I lifted her head up to look at me.  "Listen to me sweet girl.  You are my soulmate, the one I am going to spend eternity with.  I want to spoil you, show you what's in my heart.  So please... please let me."

I could see the hesitation in her eyes and when she looked over to Taehyung, he nodded.  "I would have bought you the whole store if you would have let me.  You're my princess and I want to treat you like one.  So Hope-ah's right.  Let us."

Y/N was silent for a moment as she studied the bracelet and I could see in her eyes that she desperately wanted to accept it, but didn't want us to see her as a gold digger, as someone who was just with us for our money.  "It's okay.  We don't see you in the way you're thinking.  I promise you.  You are our soulmate.  You cant like us just for that reason."  I pinched her cheek gently, humor coloring my voice.

"Thank you Hobi.  It's... it's beautiful and I love it."  Seeing the acceptance on her face, I lifted the bracelet from it's resting place and held it up, grinning when she extended her wrist to me. 

"Now you'll think of us whenever you look at it."  I stroked her hand before releasing it to put the box back into the bag.

Y/N's eyes were soft as she gazed down at the bracelet then back up at Taehyung and me.  "I don't need something like this to think of you all the time.  I already do."

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