It always ends

By magdalenaandi

67K 1.9K 1.4K

{ this is the sequel to falling for death. Book 2 in the Life And Death Duet. but it can be read as a stand-a... More



1.9K 60 70
By magdalenaandi


"I was right about one thing," I prompted.

"And what might that be?"

"You were stalking me."

He rolled his eyes, "Barely."

"I can't believe you really did that."

"I was fucking nervous."

I gave him a thoughtful nod, "It's okay to be shy."

Silence. I pursed my lips to suppress my laughter as he shot me a cold glare.

"Those don't do anything to me, remember?" I said, picking up a fry and pointing it at him, then I ate it. He shrugged. "But there's a few things I don't understand." my eyebrows pulled in, "How did I not see you?"

"You're always stuck in your own world up in your head."

"Fair enough."

I just felt so stupid. He was right there. With me—in a way. And I didn't even notice.

I was too busy moping around because of how much I missed him. Occasionally crying myself to sleep, thinking of him.

And he was literally right there.

That only happened around two times a month. I'd randomly come across something that reminded me of him and I'd get that rush of emotions and memories.

And I would cry, drowning in a pool of my own feelings.

"What made you feel ready to finally stop brooding and come talk to me?"

"Is this an interview?" he said.

"Do you want that spot in my life again?"

"I already have it."

He's always had it. Even when he wasn't around, I still kept that place for him in my heart. "Not just yet," I said teasingly.

"Then why are you with me right now?"

"Because you forced me to!"

He chuckled under his breath, "Oh."

"Yeah, oh." I paused, needing to choose my words carefully, "But thank you, I think I needed this. We needed this." I gestured between him and I.

"This is just the beginning. I have more things planned for us in the future."

"I would really like to know how you know about all these cool places? You don't even live here."

"I've lived here for a month," he corrected, "And I read a few articles and stuff."

"You really do have it all thought out, huh? Trying to win me back Morano?"

"Did I ever lose you?"

Not really.

I gave him a look, telling him I knew otherwise to which he rolled his eyes, "Well, you kind of did-"

"I was being stupid."

"I know."

His lips twitched into a faint smile, "And yet here we are."

"Here we are." I confirmed. I stared at my empty take out box, void of my cheese fries, "So what's next on your agenda for us?"

"Nothing else for now. But tonight, I was thinking we could maybe go-" He saw the apologetic look on my face and paused mid sentence.

Nora and I were supposed to go to the club tonight. Though, I wished I could spend the night with him instead.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I'm going out with my friend."

"Who's this friend?" he said a little too quickly, seeming a little too interested.

"Nora." he immediately relaxed, "It's supposed to be a girls night."


"The club."

He nodded, as if to himself. "Are you busy tomorrow then?"

"I don't think you'd care if I was," I pointed out.

He would pick me up and leave no room for discussion. Even if I had things to do.

"I don't."

I knew he did care.

"I have a job Ace."

"I know. I'm sorry." he sighed, "You work so hard and I just wand to give you a break."

I thought about it. Technically, I could work from home.

They didn't really need me at the store unless there were shipments.

"I get that but I can't just drop everything to go spend time with you."

"I know."

"Anytime after three, I'm good." I said finally.

His demeanour completely shifted and he seemed to sit up straighter. "Really?"

I nodded, "You can pick me up at the store."



"You won't regret this."

"Are you going to take me to one of those fights?" I shuddered at the memory.

"Would you want me to?"

"No." I frowned, "Do you still do it?"

He hesitated then nodded, "I got no way out."

My chest tightened, "Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise."

I held out my pinky and linked it with his. When the pact was completed, he chuckled deeply. "Still the same."

"Don't judge me."

He raised his hands in the air, feigning a look of surrender.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted a boat, travel across the water.

I looked fully towards the ocean and watched in disbelief as a person on water skis was being pulled by the boat.

That looked fun. But dangerous.

Life is boring without risks.

"You want?" he said, following my gaze to the boat.

"Yeah, I mean I've been on a motorcycle before so I think it looks a lot safer." That was a lie. Once I got a better look at the scene in front of me, I faltered in confidence.

The watercraft is literally going at a very high speed, the person on the water skis is being pulled by it. The guy is only wearing a life jacket. Still, it looks so fun. One day, I'm going to try that. New add to the bucket list.

I watched them for a while then turned back to the other thing that intruiged me, whom was sitting right across from me.

"That's on my bucket list," I informed him.

"I'll keep that in mind."

I grinned, "We should do that together sometime."

"Yes ma'am."

"Have you ever done that before?" I asked.


I tried picturing him doing that and immediatly felt a sense of jealousy.


He nodded, "With Grey. We were fourteen and his family went to California for the holidays. I went with them and that's what we did every morning for a week"

"You've done like literally everything and been everywhere. I'm officially jealous of you."

"I could take you there."

"And make me get stuck with you. No thanks." He huffed out a small laugh as the smile on my face told him I wasn't being serious.

"I think you'd love it there. Nice weather and-"

"Hot guys?" I interrupted.


I feigned an annoyed groan, "Bummer."

"There's a hot guy right here."

I pretended to look around, "Where?"

He cleared his throat. I think I broke his confidence.

"Do you need me to buy you new glasses." he mused.

I looked at him, narrowing my eyes through the lenses of my glasses. "These one's work just fine, thank you."

He chuckled and I rolled my eyes at his antics.

And just then, something bumped my leg, causing me to look down. There was a small child. She started hugging my leg. I laughed and helped her stand up properly.

She gave me a toothy grin and I smiled in return. "Hi there."

"Hi," she said.

"Where are your parents?"

"I don't know."

"That's fine then. You can hang out with us for now."

"Okay." her 'K' sounded like a 'T'.

"What's your name."

Ace just watched our interaction.


"Hi Chloe, I'm Harper and this is Ace."

She smiled shyly at us. He looked rather uncomfortable.

He doesn't like kids.

Unless they're ours.

Wow, where did that come from?

He got up, picked up the empty box and my milkshake cup and went to throw it in the trash. I frowned at his sudden change in mood. Back to being grumpy and brooding.

I got up as she grabbed my hand, tugging me gently towards ocean. I laughed, following her as she dragged me to the water. She suddenly sat down on the sand so I sat next to her.

She began making a pile of sand, attempting to make a sand castle. I think.

I shook my head in amusement and studied her very frustrated and concentrated expression. I glanced back at Ace who was standing there, watching us.

Giving him a smile, I waved him over but he remained stationary. My smile faded and I turned away from him. If he wants to act this way, that's fine by me.

He can brood all he wants.

I let out a sigh and helped Chloe with the very deformed castle.

She giggled, "It looks weird."

"It does."

I heard him sit next to us but ignored him. Well, until he placed something in front of us.

A sand bucket.

A huge smile made its way to Chloe's face and she grabbed it, instantly filling it with sand. While she was busy with that, I looked at him. "Where did you get it?"

He nodded towards a group of little boys who were looking for the bucket.

My eyes widened, "You stole it from a group of little kids." He shrugged, wordlessly. "Ace, you can't just steal from-" I was cut off my him, pointing to Chloe, who was having fun building the castle.

My heart melted and I gave in. "You're not so bad after all."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I said, "Why do you hate kids so much?"

"My sister pissed on me once. I was seven." The look on his face was enough to make me burst out in laughter.

"A villain origin story."

"Shut up." I snickered.

We watched her play, in silence.

"Are you mad?" I asked suddenly.

"Why the fuck would I be mad?"

"Today was supposed to be just us and I..." I trailed off, gesturing to the child.

"I don't mind. You're good with kids."

"I want to be a mom someday." I declared.


I inwardly cringed at my previous statement.

"Yeah. Maybe. I don't know."

I have mixed feelings about it all. I don't think I'd be a great mom because before, I was barely able to take care of myself that well.

And plus, I have a job I love so much. I don't think I'd have enough time. Hell, I don't even have enough time for a relationship let alone, myself.

Yet, here I am, spending time with him.

Someday though, I could re-think about having kids.


"I want Ice cream." Chloe stated suddenly, in the midst of building her little village of sand.

I looked at Ace to which he arched an eyebrow at the both of us. "What."

"Get us ice cream." I said.

"Right now mister." she added.

He wetted his lips and glanced at me, shaking his head ever so slightly. I thought he wouldn't but he got up.

I beamed, watching him make his way the ice cream stand near by.

She squealed and went back to what she was doing.

I looked around, trying to find her parents. It was dangerous of them to leave her all alone.

If it wasn't for us, I'd hate to think what could happen to her.

Especially in a city like this. She could've gotten lost or worse.

He came back shortly after with our ice cream. I watched in awe as he placed the little cup of ice cream in her tiny hands.

My heart warmed at the small interaction.

"Thank you." her 't' sounded like an 'f'. It was adorable.

"Taking orders from a child, who would've thought?" I teased.

He shot me a wink, "For you, baby."

I liked how his voice was deep and raspy; I didn't like the butterflies it gave me. And I most certainly did not like the blush that tingled on my cheeks.

I smiled, shyly looking down at my ice cream. I scooped a small amount and brought the spoon to his mouth.

But, he immediately caught my wrist. My heartbeat quickened. My breath hitched in my throat.

As stunned as I was, I wouldn't give in that easily. I feigned a small smile faltering pout and his dead eyes seemed flash with...something.

The moment was gone as he rolled his eyes, caving in to my dramatic antics.

I laughed, placing the spoon in his mouth. Satisfied, I scooped some for myself and happily ate the rest.

Turning my attention back to the little girl, his eyes were still on me. So he watched me while I watched Chloe.

It made me feel weird. A good kind of weird. Strangely not weird.

"Harper, I have to pee." she whispered in my ear, as if it were the biggest secret ever.

I nodded and pulled her with me as I got up. Ace looked at us, catching my gaze with curiosity laced in his.


He nodded and got up as well, "You know where it is?"

I lifted my shoulder, "I think the one closest to us would be at the arcade?"

She looked like she really needed to go and it was right over there.

Chloe grabbed my hand, dragging me there. He was amused by this. Now I know how he feels when I do this.

We entered the arcade. Quickly finding the bathroom, I led her there.

I waited in the bathroom but outside her stall, he waited outside the bathroom while she did her business.

Once she was done, she flushed the toilet and went to wash her hands.

We exited the bathroom and joined him.

Just as we were about to leave, she stopped us. Her eyes stilled on the games.

I knew what was happening.

I caught Ace's eyes, "Can we?" He looked down at her, letting out a groan.


I flashed him a sheepish smile. He chuckled quietly, handing me his wallet. I rolled my eyes and politely declined it.

"Take it." His words made my mind go elsewhere.


"No." I turned away from him, following her to a game.

I took my wallet out from my tote bag and handed her thirty cents. That was the price of this game.

She put it in the coin slot and played the game, I had to help her.

It was a simple game. All you needed to do was throw the basket balls into the hoops.

She got two in and missed two others—I had to hold her up.

She was as light as a feather, or maybe I'm just strong.

She let out a content shriek, clapping her hands together as she got another one in.

"Have you ever thought about playing basket ball?" I asked.

She shrugged but had a pensive look on her face, "I don't like sports. The boys at school are jerks."

Ah, elementary school gym class. It's hell.

I remember I'd just walk around, going wherever my team mates would go, pretending I was actually playing.

I put the minimum effort yet the boys would yell at me.

I laughed, amused that she knew that word. She had to be at least six.

"Boys are jerks in general."

She giggled, "Boring too."

I agreed and she took the tickets as the machine printed them out.

We moved on to the next game and I glanced back at him.

He was seated at the bench behind us, on a phone call. Though, his attention was on me. I offered him a smile.

Chloe played a few games for about half an hour then quickly got bored.

Now, we were standing in front of the prizes, she was busy choosing.

I looked up at him as he ended his phone call, "Who was that?"

"Jealous, baby?"

"First of all, no. I'm just surprised anybody would talk to you." Except me, "And don't call me that."

He completely disregarded my insult and cut straight to the chase, "Why not?"

"Because, we're not..." I stammered, gesturing between him and I.

His tongue traced the inside of his cheek to the inside of his bottom lip then he bit it, fighting back his stupid smirk.

"We're not what?" His eyes pierced through mine.

"We're not-" I paused, not being able to say it, "There's nothing going on here." I said flatly, not necessarily meaning a single word that came out of my mouth due to the smile on my face.


"Look what I got!" She said, cutting our moment short.

She held up a fluffy unicorn stuffy, hugging it to her chest. Laughing, I ruffled her hair.

"Had fun?" he asked her as we exited the arcade.

Her eyes brightened and she grabbed his hand, skipping happily with him to keep up with his long strides.

He tensed up and didn't relax until I nudged him gently.

She began telling him about it, he listened attentively.

This was a photo worthy moment.

I took out my phone, snapping a few—more than ten pictures of them. I found my new phone wallpaper.

I quickly put away the device as he caught me in the midst of my crime. Offering him an innocent smile, I lifted a shoulder and held Chloe's other hand.

He rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the child standing between us.

She began telling us about her life, favourite colour, food and other random things.

He didn't seem to mind. No sign of his usual grumpy self was present.

"I want to go home." she mumbled tiredly, letting go of his hand to rub her eyes.

She started stumbling in her steps. Ace chuckled but stopped as I shot him a look.

I knelt down to her level, ruffling her hair, "We'll get you home."

She nodded sleepily and snuggled up against Ace's leg. He awkwardly rubbed her back, subtly prying her off of him.

I laughed and handed him my things then signalled for her to get on my back. She complied and wrapped her legs around me and rested her head on my shoulder.

I stood up straight and that's when the worries hit me.

What if we don't find her parents?

As if he sensed this, he reached over and grabbed my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

The warmth went away when he let go. I didn't like that I could feel it leave.

And I disliked it more that I was even thinking about. What I hated most was that I don't even think I minded.

Yes, I know. I even confused myself.

We walked around the beach, hoping someone would recognize Chloe.

At first, I thought maybe she just wandered off from her family and ended up with us. But when we spent about an hour sitting by the water, surrounded by lots people and no one came to get her, something was wrong.

What kind of parent doesn't pay attention to their kid?

I casted him a few worried glances, "What if we don't find them?"

"I'm sure they're around." I wasn't so sure; I don't think he was either.

"Except you." he said randomly, after a while. I didn't know what he meant.

"Except me what?"

"You talk to me."

Now I understood his randomness. I'm the exception to when I had said, 'Nobody talked to him.'

"I kind of have to," I said.

"You don't but you choose to."

I scoffed, "I'm kind."

He scoffed, "Yeah."

"To you." I frowned, "I'm this way to you." I mimicked the words he had once told me.

"Mmh." was all he said, a faint smirk playing at his lips. I really need to get ahold of myself.

Suddenly we heard a faint yell, "Chloe? Sweetie, where are you- Jane, would you stop chasing your brother. Chloe?"

By the parking lot.

Ace nudged his head in that direction, I nodded and we scanned the area as we made our way there.

A young looking woman, maybe late twenties or early thirties was pushing a stroller, two little kids followed after her.

"Where did your sister run off to?" she mumbled, looking at the little boy who looked almost like Chloe.

He shrugged.

"Chloe." I whispered, she lifted her head and hummed in response. "Is that your mom?"

She squinted her eyes, following my gaze to the lady.

"Momma!" She yelled happily. It warmed my heart.

She slid off my back and ran towards her mom. I laughed, relieved. We followed her.

Chloe's mom's eyes widened in relief as she saw her daughter running towards her then her gaze  travelled to us.

She knelt down, her eyes still glued to us and hugged Chloe.

I smiled timidly, not really knowing what to say. Then, I was engulfed in a hug.

I relaxed and patted the mom's back. "Thank you! Thank you! Chloe has a habit of running off... I'm so sorry about that."

"No worries. We didn't mind," I paused, giving her a reassuring smile, "I'm Harper."

She shook my hand.

Ace just stood there, turning shy again and let me do all the talking.

"I'm Jen." she rolled eyes in a playful manner, looking down at Chloe and ruffled her hair, "I'm so sorry she bothered you two."

I shook my head, "No need to be. We had fun-"

"Yeah! Harper and her boyfriend helped me build my sand castle- oh no. My sand castle! It's gone-"

"I took a picture of it don't worry." I said.

"Can I have it?"

Jen chuckled and took out her phone, "Would it be okay if I got your number so you can sent it to me?"

I nodded and typed my number in her phone, sending her the image.

"Thank you."

"No problem ma'am."

"Please, call me Jen." I grinned and she took out her wallet, "How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing. It's fine, really. Chloe was such a sweetheart."

"Are you sure-" her baby started crying again.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Don't worry about it." I assured.

She smiled gratefully, "I'd love to chat but..." she gestured to her kids.

I nodded in understanding and Chloe gave me one last hug. She just shook hands with him as he stared at her blankly.

I wanted to laugh.

After waving them goodbye, I watched longingly at their car driving off.

I'm going to miss her.

"I can give you one if you want, mama-" His voice was husky and deep, sending butterflies straight to my stomach and chest, making my brain have all these thoughts.

I cut him off before he could say any more, "Don't even finish that sentence." My cheeks went crimson in embarrassment and frustration.

Why does he still have that effect on me?


thank you so much for 10k reads!! Y'all are amazing. I love you <33

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