By Jurass1cSh1elds

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I have spent hours thinking up ideas of what would be awesome for the next series. Note that I only am writin... More

Book One- The Legend of Kaein
Character Art
Prologue: 12 years ago...
Chapter One: Rollan
Chapter Two: Meilin
Chapter Three: Conor
Chapter Four: Abeke
Chapter Five: Rollan
Chapter Six: Conor
Chapter Seven: Meilin
Chapter Eight: Abeke
Chapter Nine: Rollan- Part One
Chapter Nine: Rollan-Part Two
Chapter Ten: Conor
Chapter Eleven: Kirat
Chapter Twelve: Meilin
Chapter Fourteen: Rollan
Chapter Fifteen: Conor
Chapter Sixteen: Felen
Chapter Seventeen: Abeke
Chapter Eighteen: Rollan

Chapter Thirteen: Abeke

172 0 11
By Jurass1cSh1elds


Abeke couldn't move. Her limbs were frozen to the ground in pure horror. Her leg had been reopened in the attack and blood spilled over the grass, staining everything red. She screamed and tried to stand, but was forced to watch Conor disappear over the horizon. What is he doing!? Where's he going! Her mind yelled and pushed back at her weakness. Go after him!

Trying to stand once more, she wobbled on one leg, then shook, falling with a scream that sounded far away. She felt useless. Worthy ran over to Abeke and held her down as she struggled in his grip. She looked up into his worried glaze and stopped moving.

"Go after him. Please, you have to." She begged.

"There would be no way I could catch up to him in my state." Worthy said letting go of her and running his hand over his torn face. "None of us are fit to go after him." He pointed with a claw.

Her heart felt as if it had been ripped out, nothing left. She had lost too much since joining the Greencloaks, she couldn't bare to think what it would be like to lose Conor. He will come back, I know he will because he is loyal to us and would never leave me. She thought.

She flipped around to see Laren placing leaves all over Rain's body, her face was stony as she worked. Scarlet lined the area around them like a sea of death, wanting to swallow them all in its depths. The girl finished, then brought the rest to dress Abeke's leg again. She lay them over the wound and sighed.

"I don't know if we are going to make it. Rain is going to die if we don't get help soon and you might lose this leg if not careful. Camp is still a good distance away."

"We only have to hope we make it in time." She said and grimaced as another leaf was laid. "That is all we have."

Worthy nodded and stood up, his red cloak trailing behind. He went over to the wolf's carcass and drew the spear out soundlessly. For a few moments he stood, unmoving, his breath jagged, a fear creeping over him. He twitched and his hands balled into fists. Then he sliced off one of the front paws and used the spear to dig out everyone of its long front claws. When he was finished, he brought them over to Abeke and Laren.

"Might not be a knife, but these will do." He said. "If we are going to make it to the safety of the camp, we need a way to defend ourselves."

Abeke grabbed one and felt the weight in her hand, it was oddly comforting. She ran a finger over the end and felt blood draw. It will do if she was going to survive. She had to survive.

Pain crashed into her as her leg lit up and she cried out. Laren had put pressure onto her lower leg, away from the wound. "You can feel that? Good, just making sure you haven't lost all feeling in your leg."

Abeke's eyes blotched with spots and she felt her breathing slow. A mist clouded over and she fell back into the arms of Laren. She tried to climb out of the darkness, but her mind slipped and she fell deeper.

.    .    .

Abeke rolled onto her side, watching the sky. Her head beat with pain while her leg was numb. Conor running away was still fresh in her mind and she groaned. Where was he now?

"You're awake!" Worthy shouted, startling her as he sprinted over.

"How long have I been out?" She asked.

"At least five hours." He responded, squatting in front of her. His face was cold with expression as his tail lay limply around his legs. He looked at her for a while, then pointed at Laren who was sitting crossed legged beside Rain. "Rain won't wake and Laren says she might not make it."

Abeke inhaled and watched the black-hairred girl take hold of Rain's hand, hushed words coming off her lips. She pressed her forehead down and soft tears fell down her cheek, onto the dying girl's skin.

She can't die. I can't stand to watch anyone else perish on this journey.

Worthy moaned and fully sat down, his eye flashing in pain. The leaves that covered his wound had begun to peel off, revealing raw flesh. Blood dripped down and he reached up to whip it, leaving a smeared red mess.

"You should let Laren dress that again." Abeke spoke.

"No, she already has Rain and you to worry about. I shouldn't be on that list too." He murmured, agony in his voice.

"Worthy, please-" She said, but he quickly stopped her.

"Again, No! I'm fine, it doesn't matter!" He snapped.

Abeke drew back in shock. He dropped his shoulders and looked away in guilt. She placed her hand on his arm and said, "OK. I just don't want anyone to die. You included"

Abeke struggled up to her feet and hobbled away, taking one of the claws with her. "I'm going for a walk. Need to clear my head." She said and padded into the forest alone. When she was far enough into the woods, she broke into a run, wind buzzing past. The sprint hurt her leg, sending knives into it, but she ignored the pain and continued forwards. She felt so weak with the gash, holding her back with every step.

After a couple minutes, she reached a section that was solely lit by sunlight, the trees overhead were partened. The sun shone from somewhere above, casting warmth onto her chilly frame. She lowered down onto one knee and placed a hand onto the needles, catching her breath. I'm out of breath!? She thought, a laugh echoing around her mind. A hunter is out of breath! What has happened? She ran her fingers over Uraza's mark, wishing that the cat was here.

Suddenly a cry sounded that made Abeke jump. She glanced up and saw a tree was shaking, a small creature dangling from its branches. It lashed at the trap and spat with fury.

Abeke limped over to the tree, watching the small animal squirm about, trying to get free. The creature's whiskers twitched, and she saw its glimmering ocean blue eyes gazing at her. Fear creeped over it as she got closer and the animal hissed, lashing its short cat-like paws at her. It hung by its tail which was tied with a thin wire and cut into the creature's flesh.

The poor thing. It's so terrified of me. She thought sadly. What is it?

Reaching out her hand she tried touching it, but the animal screeched and attempted to bite her.

"That's an Arira." Spoke a voice as Laren came to stand by Abeke, her blue eyes burning with interest. "They are harmless and often fall into our traps. They make a good meal, but this one is too small." She spoke.

"Should we free it?" Abeke said.

"Maybe, but first tell me why you are out here?"

"Sorry, I needed to clear my head. With everything that has happened, it is hard to sit still for long."

"I know the feeling. But going out alone is not such a good idea."

"Yes, I know."

"Next time, pressure Worthy to come with you. He can be the distraction while you run."

Abeke laughed. "He wouldn't last long."

"No, not with that wound and attitude."

"He will have half a second before he screams and bolts up a tree."

Laren cracked and raised an eyebrow. "Why is he part wild-cat?"

"Long story that involves something he doesn't like to talk about. Let's just say he didn't always have a tail."

"Well, that's interesting."

Abeke dipped her head and held out the claw. "Can I?"

"Go ahead."

With a clean cut, the wire snapped, sending the creature in a furry mass to the ground. It rolled over and chirped, lashing its feathery tail like a whip.

"Good. Now let's go." Laren said, waving at her. Abeke followed and they walked side by side out of the sunlit opening. The Arira yelped from behind and ran up the nearest pine, out of sight.

They walked, chatting to one another, until they reached their rest area. It was strangely silent when they arrived and Laren held out her arm to stop Abeke before allowing them both to lower down. The pair crept over the ground and peered over the nearest bush, keeping out of sight.

Abeke heard a snap and turned just in time to see a shadow pass over the clearing. Glancing out a few yards and directly up into the forest top, she laid eyes on a group of people, at least half a dozen bows knocked with arrows, all aimed at Worthy's chest. One of the strangers gave a deep shout, like the warning shrill of an animal before attacking, and the Redcloak swiveled his head in panic. He yelped and put his hands up in surprise.

"State your business, Kar! Or we shoot you where you stand!" Yelled the woman in the front, her smoke-gray hair loose around her shoulders.

"I'm not Kar!" He shouted, but the newcomer didn't seem to believe him.

"Who are you and what are you doing on our land!?" She asked, more demanding, "Do you have a death wish?"

"I came with friends." He said, "We had an accident and are camped here for the time being. See, over there is one of the people who saved me, she is hurt and needs help."

"He killed Rain!" Screamed a younger voice. "Look over there! He killed her!"

Abeke gasped and watched as the woman pulled her bow all the way, ignoring Worthy as he tried to reason with her. A snap of wire sounded and the arrow blurred through the air.

Worthy managed to roll as the arrow shot towards him, but he was too slow and it sprouted from his shoulder. "Aghhhhhh!" He wailed.

"Stop!" Laren shouted, revealing herself to the patrol. She stood in front of the Redcloak as he bit his tongue to stop from screaming louder. "Lower your weapons!"

They stared at her as if she wasn't there and continued to point their bows. One man in the back let go of his string and the arrow flew through the air. Laren leaped back as it hit the ground where she was standing.

"PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS!" She called again, this time her flame blue eyes were full of anger. "Don't you know who I am!"

Suddenly a thud sounded above and a boy landed beside the hostile group, in his hand was a curved sword. He whispered something to the woman and she gasped, lowering her bow and signalling to the others to do the same.

"Laren! I'm so sorry!" He yelled, falling down and running to her side. "Myranua rushed to a conclusion. You know how she is."

Laren cried out and embraced the boy. He dropped his sword, holding her tightly. "Where have you been?"

"I went out to search for Rain, then found her with these three...two."

"Did one die?"

"We don't know, Kai? After an attack from the Shadow Shifter that left Rain like that, he ran, probably scared from the creature."

"The wolf tore my sister like that?"

"It ambushed us, we didn't know it was upon us until it was too late."

Abeke ran from her hiding spot and slid down beside Worthy. Her leg burned, but she hid the stinging feeling. He grinned and gritted his teeth, clearly suffering too, but not wanting to show it. "Now you will need Laren to patch you up."

"Abeke, you can pull that arrow out. Those were the smaller versions used to slow down or scare prey. It doesn't go deep and I can stop the bleeding." Laren spoke.

He nodded and tipped his head. "Can you pull it out?"

She placed a steady hand on the arrow near the tip, then pulled, bringing the point out of his flesh. He yelped as blood spurted, spraying both of them.

"I apologize for what happened." Spoke Myranua. She signaled for her group to assist Rain, then jumped downwards. She hit the ground and bowed under Laren. "We couldn't tell who you were and assumed that both you and the boy were Kar. A mistake I now see."

Laren rolled her eyes and said, "You have always been quick to rush to conclusions. Next time pay closer attention before sentencing us to death."

"Of course." The woman muttered, going to join the others who were speaking about how to transport the girl.

Laren inhaled and broke away from the boy, going to Worthy. "Are you ok?"

"Never better." He said, then rotated to see the look on Abeke's face. "Well on second thought, could you dress the wound...?"

Abeke cleared her throat, spinning her fingers.

"...and my face." He said. "So she will stop bothering me."

"If I must." Laren spoke with humor. "Now press your hand on the wound. Be right back." Walking over to the pile of leaves that were covered by a fabric pouch, she uttered and worked to sort them apart.

"Good job. Now you might not die." Abeke said then turned to see the other boy staring at her.

"Who are you?" He asked. "If you're not a Kar, and I know you're not Outsider, then where did you come from?"

"We are from Erdas, a land across the sea." Abeke answered. "We were sent on a mission and shipwrecked here."

"Erdas? The elders used to speak of it, a place where animals were loyal to the human who summoned them."

"Yes, a spirit animal."

She pulled up her sleeve to reveal the leopard tattoo, its dark mark scoring her skin. He tilted his head and studied the cat, not blinking for a while.

"Uraza?" He spoke.

"Yes, the mighty wild-cat and ruler of the savanna." She said back.

"A Great Beast...but how?"

"It's complicated."

"If it's true, then when we get to camp, you need to see our leader."

"What are you talking about?"

"No more about the tattoo, you will know in time."

They fell silent and Abeke tried to ignore the mystery over her, but it crept like a snake, growing closer. What is this all about? To stop her mind, she glanced at Kai, taking him in. The boy was fairly tall, had bright red hair, and wore a dark tunic with bark tied onto his arms. He didn't look anything like his sister and had a splash of freckles over his face.

"You are Rain's brother." She asked and he nodded.

"She left the other night, we didn't know what happened to her." He said.

"I was worried that I had lost my only sibling as I have lost both parents. The Kar killed them and when I saw your friend, I expected he too was an enemy. But when Laren appeared and...umm...he's fine though, by the looks of it?"

Abeke turned back to Worthy, who was wiping blood off his tail, and laughed. "Yes, he's fine. We have suffered worse."

Kai shifted and cleared this throat, then padded over to Laren and helped her carry over her stash. His eyes sparkled with regret and faint signs of hurt.

"What did he say about you seeing their leader?" Worthy voiced, making a chill creep up Abeke's spine. She didn't know what to say.

"I really don't know, but hopefully whatever it is will answer what is going on?" She said.

"Let's assume it is. But what if it's not? What are we going to do?"

"Think positive."

"Will thinking positively bring the other back?"

Abeke shuttered, they didn't even know where Rollan and Meilin were, if they still lived? Had anyone else from the ship survived? Tomar or some of the crew? Where was Conor too? Thinking positively felt like climping through snow, you're too cold to continue and all you want to do is die.

Laren and Kai walked back over, the girl bending down to dress the boy's wounds.

"Myranua decided we will leave as soon as Laren is finished. We head for camp and make it there in a few hours." He said.

"Sounds good." Abeke spoke, barely hearing herself.

"You will also need to fix the leg." He spoke roughly.

"Agreed." She winced and flexed her leg, an invisible blade running along it. Fire cut into the wound, her flesh scorching. "Do not want to lose it. Couldn't imagine what it would be like to never be able to run again. Uraza would claw me to death if she found out."

"Maybe you two will speak in the very near future?"

"What do you mean?"

"You will find out soon."

"Tell me now. I have almost died multiple times and might not live to see tomorrow. If I die the secret will die."

"Laren will not approve. But you speak reason."

"Please. I have lost all my friends to this awful place. I need to know more."

"Well there's this ancient scroll, recently found by a hunters group, written from our ancestors. They said that "When the mark of a beast is revealed, a flash of light will save the people, but-"

Myranua yelled suddenly, making Abeke flinch, and knocked her bow, letting the arrow fly past the girl. She felt the force of the weapon go by her ear in an instant. A roar sounded, followed by a crash and a blood curdling scream. The Raptor fell dead behind them, its tail whipping around as the arrow sent the last of its life away.

"OH MY!" Abeke yelled at the same time as Worthy. Kai clutched Laren and stared around for any other danger. He drew his sword and prepared to fight.

"Are you done yet?" Myranua asked Laren, who bent her head downwards. "Almost. Give me a few minutes."

"Quickly before more arrive." She spoke, taking out another arrow and scanning the area. The other people did the same, pacing the perimeter.

"How did she know? I didn't hear anything." Abeke asked Kai, who jumped.

"She has trained herself to listen for them. Says they have a certain sound they make when going to attack. No one else hears it and we all say she's crazy."

"But she knew it was coming?"

"Maybe? She lost her son a few years back to a Raptor and since then she had vowed to make all the creatures pay for her pain. All it has done is make her insane."

"Then how-"

"Don't think about it too hard. Remember she shot your friend."

Abeke dipped her head and looked to see Laren pushing the leaves over to her. The girl greeted the Greencloak and made her lay her leg straight. Agony flew through her and she held her breath as the gash was covered. Closing her eyes, she tried to find Conor. His face and voice. Anything to block the throbbing. Be alive. Be out there somewhere. Not dying and in some tree trying to hold on to dear life. I still need you. But in a matter of seconds everything numed and Laren patted her foot, finished.

"Good now we go." Myranua croaked. She waved to the others and they rose with Rain on a quickly-made stretcher. "If the sun sets before we arrive, then we will have to run, or it will be over. Don't hold us back, Leg girl."

Abeke nodded and stood, bracing herself. "No need to worry about me. I'm not dying yet."

"Good, because we don't have time for that. The weakest hunter is left behind, but I'm guessing you know that already?"

"I do."

"Then, let's go or the day will disappear before our very eyes."

Abeke grinned, taking a step away from where she had been, ready to prove she wasn't weak. She had Uraza's strength after all and wasn't going to waste it.

"I'm the hunter who will not give up because when everyone expects you to fall, you get back up. That's true will."

"Really, that's what you think? True will is moving forwards?"

"Not just that, but being the hunter who helps the weakest, no matter the cost."

Myranua bowed, looking pleased at the response she got. "At least someone finally gets it."

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