Transformers One Shots

By A-Cryptid-Runs-This

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From tfp to mtmte a collection of transformers one shots from my tumblr More

Bittersweet. Like Honey and Whiskey on your tongue.
If I'm to have you, what then?
Veni, vidi, cecidi ad vos
Jealousy, Jealousy.
I will cherish you. Until my last breath I will cherish you.
There's something about you. Like sadness is tied to your soul.
They fell. And so did I.
This is war, child.
Between two souls.
Breathe y/n. Breathe.
If I am to have you. What then? Part 2
If I am to have you. What then? Part 3
Mars and Ares part 1
Mars and Ares part 2
Rhapsody Mtmte Megatron x Human reader
A Taste Of The Divine Optimus x Reader
I Have Found My Peace In You Optimus x Reader
Hung On You Yandere Optimus Prime x mech Reader

I will care for both of you.

789 3 0
By A-Cryptid-Runs-This

Pairing: Mtmte Swerve x reader

Reader type: Gender neutral bot!reader

Song: Hozier- Almost (Sweet Music)

Warnings: None. Just fluff.

An: I came up with this after trying to figure out what bot wouldn't mind being in a relationship with someone who already has a kid. Swerve was the first one that popped into my mind. Let me know what y'all think!

He often wondered if they noticed him. Probably not but Primus did he hope.

He would catch glimpses of you here and there. And despite your frazzled state nine time out of ten, he thought you to be the most beautiful thing.

Even with energon smeared across your chest plates from the hyperactive youngling on your hip. Or the way you seemed to be asleep on your feet as you did not just your duties in ship, but cradle your child close to your chest. Hips swaying as you lulled the youngest bot aboard to rest.

He found you the most stunning when you found time to rest in the rec center. Everybots voice never going above a whisper as you sing them to sleep. You face softens and a rare smile graces your faceplates.

He makes sure you refuel to. Often bringing you energon from his bar. Stuff of the highest quality he could find. You needed all the energy you could get.

Many times you've tried to refuse him. Large hand wrapping around his smaller one as you insist that you couldn't take a gift like that for free. That it was to much for the little bit you do.

Swerve would just smile.

"If not for me then for them. I've seen the way you care for them y/n. Please. I." He caught himself. "We worry about you. You do so much. And you take care of little Jitter Bug here. Please. Take it." He would then pour you a glass so you wouldn't have to move an inch. The youngling pressed close to your spark would wine and fuss if you did otherwise.

And Swerve. Oh sweet, smitten Swerve would stay by your side until you have drank every last drop and then some. He would stay by your side until you yourself felt the call of recharge muttering at the edge of your processer.

Swerve would help you to your feet. Large hands despite his size resting at the small of your back as he help you to your berth room.

He wouldn't leave until Jitter Bug was put to bed and you yourself, exhausted and half dead on your peds, would collapse onto your own berth.

You would wake the next cycle tucked in with a glass of energon on your nightstand. A note tucked beneath it telling you to refull and get the rest you need.

The youngling bouncing just next to you would demand otherwise. It warmed your spark though. To be close to someone who cared not only for you, but Jitter Bug as well.

Many have used you for your frame. Dipping the moment they found you had a youngling.

Many enjoyed the process of making, but not that of actually caring for the after effects.

And Swerve. Primus. He made you feel such a way you haven't felt since you lost Jitter Bug's other creator. The youngling inconsolable since the loss. Seeming only to calm down in the presence of Swerve.

If only he knew.

And if only you weren't so scared to ask him.

So instead you let him wonder. As did everybot aboard. Why you and you alone would board a ship destined to sail deep into the unknown, with a youngling on your hip and determination in hand.

Swerve found out one night deep into the late cycle.

He had found you propped up against an unused couch in front of a dusty holo-vid screen. Unshed tears in your optics as you whisper sung to Jitter Bug.

He learned just what happened to your other half. The intense pain you had fine through to protect your child and yourself as they bravely sacrificed himself. The bond you two hand bursting like a fine energon filament. Sparking into shattering bursts as the last thing you felt was a burst of unconditional love until the door slammed closed.

Barely you felt thier pain and terror. Body torn apart as your little ship rocked before launching out into the night sky. Child pressed to your chest wailing as they lost the one constant they've had since their onlineing. Not once understanding why they could never feel it again.

Leaving you to grieve as they ever constantly searched and searched.

Your spark grieving for the other half.

Just now begun to heal as you fell for Swerve more and more

The song in your chest building till it burst.

And apparently his had to.

His lips found your knuckles. The tips of your fingers. The palm of your servo and the inside of your wrist.

Sorry's and laments spilling past his lips one after the other.

"It you will have me." Swerve began. Voice low in fear of waking Jitter Bug. But still washing over you like calm waters. Stilling your crying spark in it's cheat. "If you will have me. I will care for you both. There is not much I can promise you. But I can give you that."

And he did.

Time and time again.

Watching Jitter Bug so you could do your work. So you could rest. Teaching Jitter Bug how to mix drinks (Non alcoholic mind you.) He would spend time with the youngling to the point he was their first word.

Your spark warming as his optics swelled with tears. His name cried out again and again as Jitter Bug finally found the one thier poor spark was calling out to.

So did you. Late into the night. Bond finalized with a burst of light and a love so strong it swept you off your feet and knocked through your body to the point of passing out.

It was his love pressed to your lips. His love spilling into your chest.

It was his love singing through Jitter Bug.

It was his love that made you while again.

It was your love that made him find purpose after being lost for so long.

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