Fool's Gold (boyxboy)

By FlowerCrownLawley

6.9K 284 104

"I know your love's not real, but that's not the way it feels" "Yeah I let you use me from the day that we f... More

Meeting Jude
Electricity Comes From Fries?
Non Jonnor shippers ☕️
First kiss
It Was All A Dream
The Fosters - Summer Premiere Preview [HD] | Returns Monday, June 8 at 8/7c
Crazy In... Like?
The Fosters Spoilers, Episode: Deja Vu
6-26-15. Love Wins.
Shh.. Don't Ask Any Quesions
The Day After (unedited)
It's A Date (unedited)
Honey. (Unedited)
The Date
3 AM Talks
Making Decisions
Dear Diary (unedited)
Sentence Chapters
The End.

Connor Stevens

955 23 6
By FlowerCrownLawley

A/N: in this story straight 'couples' are only used to repopulate, they are not suppose to fall in love or date or anything like that.

Connor Stevens:17, has been straight for as long as he could remember.
You see being straight is a 'horrible evil sin' according to his church pastor.
And is 'disgustingly inhuman' according to his peers and family. But
Connor never understood why it was so 'inhuman' to be different, or for it  to be a sin to love who you love.

Now on the other hand we have Jude-Adams-Foster.
Jude is a very accepting person, given, so are his parents (Steph and Lena)
Jude doesn't understand why everyone hates straight people, after all, they are the reason were all here right? So what if they fall in love, at least they're happy.

And in the middle of it all we have. Daria (idk her last name lmao) is Connor's girlfriend. They met when they were set up to 'make a child' for a gay couple(when they get older ofc) they instantly hit it off, and fell in love, well this all changed when Connor met Jude. Daria's parents don't believe being straight is a sin, but they do believe that it isn't normal. They still love Daria, they just look down upon her for that simple fact. "Daria why do you have to be so complicated?!" "Daria, why can't you just be like everyone else?" "all your brothers and sister are gay, why can't you be too?!"
Is what she is often asked by her moms.

Taylor (don't know her last name either oops) is asexual. She doesn't really have any romantic, nor sexual interests. Her parents find this very odd, none the less they don't judge, after all, they are straight themselves.

Connor's pov

"Son" my one of my dads(Adam) called
"Yeah dad....s?" I asked coming into the room slowly, this must be a serious talk because both my dads are here, staring at me like they have something to say.

"What's going on here?" I asked confused.

"That's what we'd like to know son" my other dad(Terry) said. I cringed because I don't really like him...

"What do you mean?" I asked again

"That girl, Daria? Yeah, that's her name I believe. You aren't dating her are you?" Dad(Adam=dad Terry=daddy T)  asked seriously.

"Uh, no. I'm not straight!" I lied defensively.

"Good, good. Cause you know, God wouldn't want that for you Connor." Daddy T said. "You know that. Right?" He asked again.

"Yes, I know, I know. Well I'm not straight, so can I finish my homework now?" I asked annoyed and angry walking away, but before I could even get half way up the stairs...

"Not so fast" my dad said
I internally rolled my eyes.

"Yes, dad?" I asked in a clearly sarcastic sweet voice.

"Don't use that tone with me mister. Now, you know our neighbors Stef and Lena, right?"
I nodded.

"Well they have a son..." Daddy T trailed on.

"That's nice, tell them I said congratulations, but if you don't mind if love to maintain an A+ in chemistry"

"Connor, sit down." My dad said

"His name is Jude." Dad said

"What a nice name" I said playing along so he could just let me do my god damned homework!

"He very handsome" daddy T contined
"Really? I'd love to meet him, how bout tomorrow at 7? 7:30? Whelp gotta get back to my homework, love ya." I said kissed both their cheeks, and hurried up the stairs.

Narrator's pov
"Wow, I didn't even have to say how nice he was" Adam said.
"We did good didn't we Adam?"
"Yes we did T, yes we did." Adam told his husband smiling.

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