Messing with the Middle

By _KingWolfie_

117K 6K 2.4K

Sasuke is back and boy does he have a long list of issues that need to be solved. Itachi needs to be saved, M... More

First things First
To Itachi
Dealing With Isobu
The Jinchuriki's
Jinchuriki Hunting
Hunting the Team
Meeting the Traitor
The battle
Long awaited meeting
Off to Suna
The Sweet Lie
The bitter truth
Lapse of Anger
Close Call
One Promise Kept
One step closer
A cry for help
Battle of Konoha
Merry Christmas
What could've been?
The Calm
The Peace
The Storm
Wins, Ties and Loss
Hell hath no Fury
Team 7 Reunited
All wars end
A Day

Happy accident

4.3K 225 59
By _KingWolfie_

As Sasuke and Haku were delighted to hear from the Bijuu, it turned out that Han wasn't currently in the Land of earth but instead doing a mission in the land of Water.

Thankfully Matatabi had told them this before they even had the chance to get there so now the boys were on their way to the land of Water.

"Actually, I think Saiken and his Jinchuriki are there too" Gyuki said.

"So this will get us a two in one, again." Haku pointed out.

"Jashin save me. 7 voices in my head. I really need to work on that seal" Sasuke muttered.


Shikamaru watched the clouds as they floated by. Naruto had long since left the village to train. It had only been a few months but he had a feeling things were only going to get worse.

Lifting his head slightly he could see Hinata at the bottom of the hill attacking yet another tree. Because of her Byakugan Hinata was excelling at Medical Ninjustu.

He watched as her eyes seemed to glow with determination. Shikamaru wasn't exactly sure what was said in her letter from Sasuke, but whatever it said gave her that push she needed.

Shikamaru could only sigh as yet another tree gets demolished into splinters. Hinata had began fusing techniques. She was working on her twin Lion fists, but Shikamaru watched as she added the incredible strength she learnt from Tsundade.

The poor tree not only got derooted, but blasted well over 30 feet away from her and left a massive hole in it. What a scary move... it seemed like a drag but Shikamaru was going to have to train aswell.

He had already given Asuma the Neckless Sasuke made as a 'gift'. He could only hope it would work. Asuma deserved to see his daughter.

"What a drag. Aren't you tired yet?" Shikamaru asked out loud.

Hinata had stood up straight, her face covered in sweat but her long hair tied back into a ponytail. She looked up at Shikamaru and gave him a calming smile.

"N-no not really. I w-want to master this b-before I'm too b-busy focusing on P-poisons," Hinata explained.

"How troublesome. Can't you work on something that won't demolish the forest" Shikamaru asked.

Hinata blinked before looking around her. She was so focused on training that she didn't realise just how many trees she had destroyed. The poor girl gave Shikamaru a sheepish smile before taking a classic Hyuga stance.

Shikamaru lied back down thinking she was going to work on her clans speciality which doesn't involve uprooting the local forest... or at least that's what he thought was going to happen.

Hinata began to use the Eight Triagrams Sixty-four palms before something happened that Shocked even Shikamaru. Fire began to revolve around her. As Hinata's jutsu spun, so did the fire surrounding her. Hinata jumped into the air and slammed her palm onto the ground.

The earth quakes and a massive crack spread around her. The section she had hit had become a burnt waste land. Hinata looked around her with an innocent smile before she finally put her jacket back on and walked off.

Shikamaru stared at the destruction in silence.

"What a drag"


"So you mean to tell me. We're going to be hunted down by some bastards in black an red cloaks. And you wanna team up because you can't beat them on your own?" Han's deep voice echoed. Despite being covered by a mask the group could hear the man loud and clear.

"I'm afraid I too am lost. That seemed a bit farfetched no?" Utakata responded.

Sasuke and Haku were seated beside the two. They supposed it wasn't their fault that two fully trained ninja had to listen to two children.

"I could only wish I was lying" Sasuke replied. He had his head in his hands.

"Fine. Let's say I believe you. What exactly do you plan to do about it?" Han asked.

"Well, we'll start by teaching everyone how to work together. If all of us Jinchuriki can enter Bijuu mode then it would not only make us stronger as Shinobi but a lot harder to take down also" Haku started.

"Bee and Yugito already know how to. So does Haku. Naruto is learning and so is Gaara. With five down that leave four more." Sasuke said.

Han leand back and gave a heavy sigh. He then grabbed his bright red hat and pulled it over his face while he thought.

"And you are sure that this will give us the advantage?" Utakata asked.

"Definitely. I will also be linking you two to my mindscape so you can hear everyone. It will make communication easier" Sasuke replied.

"Very well. But if I think for an instant that this is a trap I will slit your throat faster than you could say oh shit. Clear?" Han asked.

"Crystal," Sasuke responded. He turned on his Sharingan and everyone got sucked in.

In the field that was Sasuke's mindscape all 7 Bijuu were around.

"Good your connected, let's get out of here" Sasuke said. He began to feel really light headed.

When they left his mindscape, Sasuke couldn't breath properly. He gripped his shirt, as blood dripped from his nose. He suddenly began to release heavy coughs, before he vomited blood.

"What on earth? Sasuke! Are you ok?" Haku asked. He got Sasuke seated and began to inspect his mouth. Ignoring the severe jolts of pain coming from his arm Haku examined Sasuke.

Sasuke only coughed out more blood in response.

"I think I know what's happening" Kurama said.

"Well?" Gyuki asked.

"Since in order for us to actually be in Sasuke's mindscape we need to give a large portion of our Chakra to Sasuke, so we can form a mini consciousness inside of him. With each Bijuu he adds Sasuke is essentially turning himself into the Jinchuriki for the 10 tailed" Kurama explained.

Sasuke pulled out some ink and began to draw a complicated Seal on his chest. Ignoring the coughs he was giving and the fuzzy appearance of his vision, Sasuke continued.

With the seal complete Sasuke forced Chakra to his hand and slammed it onto the seal on his chest before rotating the black seal and licking it in position.

As soon as he did, Sasuke too a deep gasp of air, and flopped onto his back completely drained.

"What did you do?" Utakata asked.

"Created a seal. Each section holds the portion of the Bijuu's chakra separating them from my own and stopping them from trying to take over and forcing me to become a host for the 10 tailed beast" Sasuke explained.

"Your mastery in seals scares me Sasuke" Haku stated, though he had subtly gripped his right arm.

"And your terrible lies scare me" Sasuke responded. Haku gave him an innocent look but Sasuke knew there was something wrong with the guys arm.

He had a feeling that it was only going to get worse if Sasuke didn't focus on it soon. If it was as bad as Sasuke believed it was he was going to beat the hesitation out for Haku.

That was a promise.


Danzo watched the younger generation train.

He held his arm close and pulled of the bandages to reveal the many Sharingan below.

The power the Uchiha had held. And Hiruzen was just going to let them roam with it. To put such power to waste.. well.

If only he could get his hands on a Byakugan. Unfortunately only the main branch's eyes can be taken and after witnessing the destruction the Hyuga heir can accomplish.

Well let's just say that Danzo isn't that desperate.

But the games would soon begin.


So technically this is a double update.

But I felt like I owed you guys for making you wait so long.

So here you go.

Hope you enjoyed!

Ja ne!

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