The Stealer

By won-HAN-damyeon

2.1K 190 499

It started as an innocent dare from a couple teenage boys. Nothing was ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ต๐˜ถ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜บ meant to come out of... More

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extra #1
extra #2


124 9 44
By won-HAN-damyeon

After...that...Kevin immediately fell asleep, attached to my chest. I stayed awake for a while, thinking about what the absolute heck just happened. He asked to kiss me- and I told him YES?! Dude. First of all, you just met this boy. Second, he's probably not in his right mind, so you should have POLITELY declined, and third, YOU'RE NOT EVEN DATING (going back to the 'we kind of just met' point). What. Did. I. Just. Do?! Could that be considered taking advantage of him? Am I a terrible person? I sighed. 

 "I'm sorry, Kev," I whispered, kissing the top of his head, "that was stupid."

 -okay so last chapter i said it would switch perspective on like two chapters...WELL APPARENTLY I DECIDED TO SWITCH PERSPECTIVES MIDWAY THROUGH THIS ONE- that's okay it was a timeskip anyways-

Kevin woke up to the soft sunlight streaming in through his bedroom window. He noticed that Jacob wasn't in the bed and almost panicked, but then he realized the shower was running. He calmed himself down, turning to check the time.

6:32 AM.

Wait. What? It's a Saturday. Why was Jacob up so early? Did he want to leave that badly? Was he just insane?

Kevin heard the water shut off and sat up. He stated at the bathroom door expectantly, waiting for Jacob to open it. As soon as he did, he was startled by Kevin's upset face glaring back at him.

 "Hi...Kevin...why do you look angry?"

 "It is not even seven in the morning. Why the HECK are you awake? Do you want to escape me so badly?"

 "What? I just always wake up before eight. Plus, I needed a shower." Kevin squinted at him.


 "No, seriously!" Kevin shook his head, clicking his tongue.

 "If you actually don't intend on leaving me, get back over here and let me cuddle with you." Jacob rolled his eyes and walked over to Kevin's bed. He sat down and opened his arms, waiting for Kevin to crawl into them.

Instead, he just shook his head at Jacob.

 "You're the baby," he insisted, holding his own arms out to Jacob. Jacob gave him a look that portrayed his confusion. Kevin just raised his eyebrows and motioned to his lap. "Come on, it's not like you haven't been in my lap before."

Jacob scrunched his nose at Kevin. Totally different situation.

But of course, he moved over and plopped himself in Kevin's lap anyways. Kevin's arms settled around Jacob's waist, and Jacob laid his head on Kevin's shoulder. Suddenly Jacob remembered something he wanted to discuss.

 " you remember last night? Before we went to bed?" Kevin smirked . He obviously knew exactly what Jacob was hinting at, just wouldn't tell him that for a few minutes.

 "Like, what part?"

"Like, in your bed. Right before you fell asleep. Oh God, that sounds bad. Uh, I promise nothing that weird happened." Kevin stayed silent for a moment, pretending to think.

"Hmm...I can't seem to remember. Remind me?"

Jacob looked up at him, wondering if he was really being serious. Sure, enough, he was met face to face with Kevin making duck lips at him. He was quick to punch Kevin in the arm.

"You tricky little fish! Don't do that to me." He pushed Kevin's chest, not really doing anything but still trying. He couldn't believe that Kevin remembered and tried to make him think he didn't. At least Jacob wouldn't have to explain. "You suck."

"Suck what-"

"Kevin Moon, I swear to God, make one more weird innuendo and you won't make it to eight o'clock." Kevin raised his hands in surrender, although Jacob knew he'd be back at it as soon as eight passed. He just rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore Kevin. "Anyways. Go get ready, you're lucky there isn't school today. If there was, I'd be gone now and you'd be way late. And don't try to say 'oH, yOu'd wAkE mE Up' BECAUSE BENCH, TRUST ME, I TRIED."

Kevin sheepishly scratched his head. Hey, he couldn't help the fact that he was a deep sleeper. Little did he know, Jacob had straight up slapped the living bajeebuz out of him about six times. He tried to get out of trouble by just securing his arms around Jacob's waist and laying down. Surprisingly, it worked. Jacob gave up on scolding him and just laid his head down. He seemed tired.

They laid there and cuddled for about twenty minutes before they heard something that terrified Kevin. The sound of the front door opening. His mother was home. He stared at Jacob with wide eyes. Jacob just looked back, extremely confused.

"So, uh, my mom works a night shift at the hospital and typically comes back around seven- you might wanna hide. She'll normally come in when I'm asleep." Jacob finally understood the situation. He slapped Kevin in the arm, complaining that he hadn't told him, before rolling off of the bed silently and laying down on the floor. Kevin whispered a quiet apology, getting into a normal sleeping position (which, of course, was not normal at all).

Kevin heard the door creak open and quickly slammed his eyes shut. His mother walked over to the bed and placed a quick kiss on his head.

"Kevin? Honey, I'm home." Kevin pretended to stretch before turning over and smiling at his mother.

"Hi, mommy."

"Hi, baby. Do you want me to make you breakfast?" Kevin quickly shook his head. As much as he lived for his mother's cooking, she needed sleep.

"You're probably tired, I'll figure something out. Thank you, though!" His mother smiled and nodded. She told him to go back to bed before turning to exit.

Once he was sure Kevin's mom was gone, Jacob started to climb onto the bed, into Kevin's awaiting arms.

"She seems sweet-" The door pushed open.

"Oh, and Ke- OH. Oh my, um, my apologies. I'll go-" Kevin panicked, sitting up right.

"No, no, you're fine- um, mom, this is my friend Jacob. Sorry I didn't tell you he was here, he was in the bathroom. Um, he hung out last night and by the time he was going to leave, it was late, and I didn't want him driving alone. So, I invited him to stay. We didn't do anything stupid. Just friends." She was quick to nod and smile at the embarrassed newcomer.

"Alright, nice to meet you, Jacob. You can call me mom." Jacob smiled at her welcoming nature.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Moon."

"Well, I'll go." And with that, she exited for the last time. The two boys just stared at each other. Eventually, Jacob clambered onto Kevin's lap, laying his head on his chest. Kevin held Jacob's chin, pressing a short kiss to his lips. Jacob immediately sat up. He leaned in, placing his lips onto Kevin's. This time, it wasn't short. It was long, and meaningful. It portrayed that, while they may not have known each other long, it felt like they'd been together their entire lives.

"Oh my- oh my God, my innocent eyes-" And the moment was ruined. They'd both been too caught up to notice the intruder. Kevin's brother, Taeil.

"Oh, come on. As if you haven't seen Doyoung naked loads of times." Taeil rolled his eyes.

"That's different, moron. He's my husband. I just witnessed my younger brother making out with some dude." Said 'dude' was still placed on Kevin's lap, hands covering his face from embarrassment.

"Oh my God, this is mortifying." He mumbled. Kevin chuckled, gently taking hold of Jacob's wrists.

"Baby, let go of your face. You're fine. It's just my brother." Jacob shook his head, refusing. "Cobie. Hands. Off."

Jacob slowly removed his hands from his face. As soon as it was entirely visible, Taeil went absolutely insane, cooing and pinching Jacob's cheeks. Jacob blushed even harder. Kevin smiled.

"Tae, this is Jacob. He's also a power bottom, you can be friends!" Jacob glared at Kevin, annoyed. He pinched his bicep, causing Kevin to screech.

"Um, ouch?"

"You deserved it." Taeil was absolutely losing it, nearly on the floor from laughter. He pointed at Jacob in amusement.

"I like this guy."

"Yeah, whatever. I do too, and you're married. Back up."

"Woah, woah. Chill, lover boy. I wasn't rollin' up on your mans. He's just funny, and also the cutest child I've ever seen in my entire life." Taeil held up his hands as a sign of innocence.

"Hey- I'm nearly nineteen years old!"


"I'm not- whatever." Kevin decided to interrupt whatever the heck was happening.

"Yeah, well. Mom thinks we're just friends, so please don't say anything until we come up with a label. We kind of...just met...yesterday...but-"

"I'm sorry, yesterday?! Kevin Moon, what are you thinking?!"

"Taeil- I know I seem insane. Please, just- just hear me out. I think...I think I'm really in love with him. He's caring, and kind, and funny, and perfect, and it feels like I've known him forever. I want to be wit him. Sure, I could just think he's cool, but...this- this is different. You have to believe me, Taeil. It won't be bad this time. There's no way Jacob could hurt me, I swear. Trust me, please." The brothers held a stare off. Neither moved an inch for, like, three minutes. Jacob could practically feel the tension radiating in the bedroom. Finally, Taeil rolled his eyes.

"Fine. I trust you, both of you. But if you ever hurt one another, you're both done." The two younger boys immediately nodded their heads. You don't mess with Moon Taeil.


welcome back. i honestly hate this, also this was really long cause i couldn't find a place to end so-

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