You're My Best Mistake ( Tzuy...

By TeudoongieIsLoveAN

13.8K 470 15

"We're a mistake, but sometimes perfect isn't always the best" Y/N, a friend of TWICE, a typical ONCE and... More

1 ( Plans )
2 ( Party )
3 ( Tonight )
4 ( Mistake )
5 ( Consequence )
6 ( Date )
7 ( Date 2 )
8 ( Misunderstanding )
9 ( Explanation )
10 ( Feeling )
11 ( Fun )
12 ( Sleepover )
13 ( Sorry )
14 ( Her )
15 ( Outside )
17 ( Honestly )
18 ( Grief )
19 ( Promotions )
20 ( Goodbye )
21 ( Memories )
22 ( Gift )
23 ( Meeting )
24 ( Birthday Present )
25 ( Love )
26 ( Ending ) FINAL

16 ( Celebration? )

371 15 1
By TeudoongieIsLoveAN

"Wait, you want to go together??" I ask Tzuyu.

"We can, we're official now, so what's so bad about taking a shower together? Plus it saves time and water" she replies

"That's not the problem here. Isn't it kind of fast? It hasn't been an hour and you want to do this already?"

"It's fine. Think of this as a reward that you deserve for answering correctly awhile ago" she says while biting her lips

"No, absolutely not. That lip bite says it all, we're not taking a shower together"

"Awww, fine.... none of that. Just... pwease??" she begs in a cute voice.

"Fine, but you promised" I reply

We enter the bathroom together.

"Alright, you won't be needing these" she says as she tries to take my clothes off.

"Stop!! WHY?! I can take my own clothes off" I say.

"Fine, I'll take my own off then. I was going to let you do the same to me, but I guess you would rather take your own shirt off"

"What?!??! Why are you thinking about erotic stuff right now? We're supposed to take a shower"

"Whatever" she replies as she gets inside the shower

Really? She get's annoyed because of this? That's the most Tzuyu thing to do.

I enter the shower as well and turn to shower knob.

"Warm right? The rain was pretty cold" I ask

"Yes, can you also wash my hair for me?"

"Eh? You're old enough to do that yourself. Stop being weird. I don't know what you're thinking, but you can do it yourself right?" I say

"You're no fun Y/N! I'm not thinking of anything, just wash my hair for me. A simple favor I'm asking for"

Our first argument together is about whether I should wash her hair or not. That sounds like something out of a love novel. 

"If you really want me to then I will. What do I get in return though?" I ask

"What do you want then? Do you want the reward now?" she replies

"I'll think about it. We need to hurry up though. The others are waiting for us"

I wash her hair for her and we finish taking the shower.

"You should leave first, then I go. They won't think we went at the same time then" she suggests

"What? At this point they already know. Let's just go already" I say as I open the door.

That was a mistake.

"WHY ARE YOU IN TZUYU'S ROOM?!" I ask the others.

"We were just here to check on you, but you left the bathroom at the wrong time" they reply

"Where's Tzuyu?" Chaeyoung asks

"I'm here" Tzuyu replies as she leaves the bathroom. Now she's done it. They didn't even know, we could have made them leave first

"Oh my god, you two showered at the same time??" Nayeon asks

"So? It would be great if you guys leave, so we could change" Tzuyu replies.

The others leave the room and we begin to change.

"You shouldn't have left the bathroom honestly. They didn't know and we could have gotten away with it"

"You're acting like it's wrong to do that. It's fine if we shower together, it's a normal thing people do" she replies

"No, it's not. Where did you learn that from?"

"What do you mean it's not? I used to do it all the time"

"I'm not surprised. With the other members right?" I ask

'Nope, it's awkward to shower with them" she replies. What the fuck though, not the other members. Who then?

"Who did you shower with?" I ask, but she just ignores me and leaves the room

I follow after her and the other members were waiting for us

"Let's eat dinner already, so you can tell us the news" Nayeon says excitedly.

Everyone else goes downstairs, but Dahyun walks up to me.

"I know what it's about. You did great, buddy" she says. 

"Thanks, but I did follow your advice. I hope you really are fine with this"

"I am, I got over it already. You two are great, just don't fuck it up now"

"I'll try not to, but I can't always please her"

"Is she erotic? I don't understand, but she gets clingy sometimes. Is it a spreadable virus that Sana emits?" she asks

"Yep, she get's erotic out of nowhere. I don't understand how though"

"She isn't like that to us though, at first she was, but she changed her mind"

"By the way, did you know who Tzuyu was close with before me?"

"Yes actually, her ex, but they broke up recently" she replies

She's talking about Taehyung right? They were really good at keeping that a secret, but Tzuyu and I got caught and we weren't even together

"Also her other ex" she adds

"What? Other ex?" 

"Yes, she had someone before V, but it was an unhealthy relationship to be honest. Tzuyu was still young and they didn't know how to balance their relationship and work"

"That's sad to hear I guess"

"Not really, I didn't really like that guy. He was a fan just like you, but weird. It was obvious he didn't only love Tzuyu"

"Okay, then it's great they're done for"

"Yeah, I trust you though. You're always a kind-hearted person. How did you get caught together by the way? You usually wouldn't kiss someone even when they're drunk. You never kissed me at least" she asks

"I don't actually know what got into me. I didn't have any malicious desires, but I just wanted to kiss her as well. I blindly followed her and it led to this"

"Interesting, anyway, we should eat with the others. Also, whatever you do, don't mess up" she says

Is she talking about my relationship. I guess Tzuyu does have a fragile heart. I'll take care of it then.

We go downstairs and eat with the others. I can get used to this. They're pretty much my family now.

I'm curious about Tzuyu now. I want to give her privacy about her past life. I just want to know more though. I'm not jealous, just curious.

"Tzu, did you have anyone before me?"

"I told you about that already, I used to date V, but we're done. You don't have to worry" she replies

"Anyone before him?" I ask

"Nope, no one" she lies. Actually, is she the one lying or is it Dahyun?

She's also saying that she's done with V, but didn't I promise to help them get back together?? What the fuck is going on? Why am I doubting my own girlfriend and my own best friend??

Now that I think about it. I asked her who was her first time, but she twisted the question and answered who was her first love.

Does she want to hide who she had sex with before? I wouldn't judge her, but she didn't even love that guy. It isn't normal to have your first love different from your first time right?

"Y/N! You're spacing out! Did you learn that from Tzuyu?" Jeongyeon asks as everyone starts to laugh. I laugh along to avoid any suspicion. This is filling my head with stress. There's so many questions. 

We finish our dinner and the others are eager to hear the news.

"Do you want to tell them Y/N?" Tzuyu asks excitedly.

"Uhh... sorry. Can you do it instead hehe?" I reply

"What's wrong? You were so excited to tell them, but now you're hesitating"

"I'm just... shy" I lie

"Alright, I'll do it for now. You need to speak up for me though when I can't do something alright?" she asks

I nod awkwardly as Tzuyu gets everyone's attention.

"The bad news first, then the good news okay? The bad news is.... Y/N and I weren't actually together" Tzuyu says to everyone. Their faces dropped except Momo's and Dahyun's.

"What? I thought you both look--"

"The good news is that we're officially together now!" Tzuyu interrupts Sana

Everyone starts screaming and clapping. 

"Y/N! I did it!" Tzuyu says. I should be happy right now, but I'm being filled with anxiety.

"Let's have a short party now! We'll play more games together tonight. Sadly, we don't have soju anymore, so we have to just drink soda" Nayeon suggests.

"Y/N! Let's go to the living room and celebrate" Tzuyu says as she grabs my hand.

Do I want to celebrate right now? Why am I filled with doubt? I really want to stay happy with her, but why can't I put a smile on my face?!

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