The Winter Phoenix (WAYHAUGHT)

By wrenlo

2.3K 155 91

Contemporary Wayhaught fantasy story set between two worlds. Gone eleven on a wet winter's night, Nicole hadn... More

Journey Begins
Christmas Sweater
Defending Waverly
The shift
The cabin
Hare today
The firebreathers
Friendship lost
For you
Home comfort
The crossing
Blood red
I'm f-f-fine
Oh God
Naughty me
The protector
Cray cray
There's bread
Sleeping perthro
Which side?
Follow me
Ask her
Not Supergirl
Toasted s'morons
Vampy charm
Hot Haught
Ever onward
Winter phoenix
Big stuff
The myth
But butt
Who's Trevor?
Calling dragons
Winter war
Svane's men
For what?
For family

Child's play

55 5 1
By wrenlo

Nicole welcomed the gentle touch as Waverly wiped her cheek, consoling herself they were still friends, and still talking at least. Each of these was more than she could have hoped for on returning to Rathe, expecting Waverly to reject her in the same way Wynonna had rejected her because of the sea serpents.

She placed her own hand over Waverly's, more to reassure herself of their connection, however small and fragile that might be. Of course you will struggle with who I am without my memories, and the years I've been absent from your life. She recognised she had no way of comprehending how difficult it must have been to be left behind, the one who had to accept she might never see her companion again. Alone Waverly had had to deal with the hatred towards her people, and the terrifying prospect of her life and her parents' lives being extinguished simply by being fire breathers.

"I best pack," Waverly said, removing her hand.

Those three words triggered a new thought in Nicole. There no longer was any reason to remain in this world, not with a bounty on Waverly's head and the threat of her own execution if caught. They should make a dash for it. That was it, the simplest of strategies often the best. Where had she heard that before?

Her mind went into overdrive, her new mission to get the fuck out of Dodge. But how? Leave this island obviously. She would row the boat across the lake, or rather get Waverly to row it given her earlier comedic efforts. Find the place where she entered this world, then find somewhere to hide themselves until she figured out what to do next. That way they might have a chance at staying alive, hopefully make a new life away from here.

"Where did you cross?" she said casually, as Waverly began removing items from a small wooden chest on the floor. "You know, the crossing into my...err, the other world."

"Near the ford, where the soothsayer showed me."

"Would you be able to find it again?"


"Only, there's a cottage. I think you'll like it."

"I fear I may never see it," Waverly replied, a resignation in her voice which had Nicole want to sweep Waverly into her arms, and tell her everything would be alright.

"What if we went there? For a little while anyway, until all this blows over. There's so much I want to show you. Hey, Netflix! You have to see Netflix. You'll love it. Jessica Jones, she's my favourite. Totally amazing superpowers, and she-"

"Whoever Miss Jessica is," Waverly interrupted, "I do not want to meet her." She grabbed a hessian sack from beside the chest, stuffing items in. "You need to get dressed if we are to set out for Saker's Keep."

Nicole retrieved the clothes which were still on the floor. At least her tee shirt had been warm when she put it on, the coldness of her undergarment and breeches, combined with their wetness particularly unpleasant as she pulled them on. Water trickled down her legs as she picked up her boots. They were no better, tipping each upside down to remove the puddles which had formed inside.

"What exactly is this keep place?" Nicole said, tugging on her footwear.

"One of the five kingdoms. One of three who agreed to the treaty."

"Run that by me again," Nicole replied, remembering Derek mentioned kingdoms while studying the map. "What five?"

Waverly paused her packing, giving Nicole a look to suggest her patience was being stretched at having to explain the obvious. "Halsingdor, Graigon, Saker's Keep, Venzor and Northpass."

"Right. I ruled Halsingdor."

"The largest and wealthiest kingdom," Waverly qualified. "The four lesser kingdoms looked to you."

Nicole forced herself not to smile on hearing her kingdom was the daddy. "Tell me about the others."

"I cannot. I was not invited to the discussions."

"What discussions?"

"I may have been your consort," Waverly replied, "but I was not welcome at the table."

Nicole felt another cold blast heading in her direction, sensing if she kept asking questions Waverly would clam up completely. As much as curiosity was pushing her to find out more, every new piece of information was beginning to hook itself onto her brain, dragging her a little further into this strange world. And, she really didn't want to be reeled in like a flapping fish, much less damage the little she had going with Waverly.

She peeled her tunic from the drying rack, pushing her arms through the sleeves, wishing she knew a magic spell to instantly dry clothes, or had installed a tumble dryer in the cabin, recognising electricity wasn't part of the deal in Rathe. "Things will be different this time," she muttered to herself as she watched Waverly finish packing.

Closing the door on the cabin the chill of the outside air had her shivering again, Waverly returning for a blanket for their journey to the outer edge of the lake. She made sure not to repeat her performance getting into the boat, Waverly gracefully rowing them towards Holliday's cabin where the others were waiting.

She sensed the tension as they entered, the soothsayer nodding to Waverly. He motioned for Nicole to step outside, closing the door behind them. "She cannot come with us. Or the others."

"She can. She's not staying here."

He growled under his moustache, keeping his voice low to avoid being overheard. "Too many will slow us down. And we are short on supplies."

"Then we don't go. I'm heading back to London. With Waverly."

He grabbed her roughly by the arm, pulling her further down the path. "Get one thing clear, you are going to Saker's Keep."

Nicole yanked herself free, rubbing where his fingers had pressed into her skin. "I shouldn't even be here. Remember." She took a step back fearing he might grab her again. "Look, whatever you have planned forget it. My priority is my wife. No one else."

His eyes narrowed at her defiance. "I have seen what he wants."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I have seen where Bulshar's true desires lie."

"Look fella," she replied, "this is not my fight. This place means nothing to me. So, if you think I'm going to waltz back in and save the day you're an idiot."

The cabin door opened, Waverly approaching. "I will remain here," she said. "It is best for everyone."

"No," Nicole snapped. "Sorry, but we've been through this already. You and I are returning to London."

"What about my parents?"

"For fuck's sake," she mouthed. "Okay, where are they?"

"Not far from Saker's Keep."

Nicole raised her arms in resignation. "Are they safe?"

"I believe so."

"Right. So we can leave them there for now." Waverly's expression told her that wasn't what she wanted. "Do we need to rescue your parents?"

She nodded.

Nicole let out a frustrated sigh. Great, just great. First you don't want to go to this Saker's place, then you do. Now you want me to rescue your parents. And fuzzy face here wants me to take on the dark lord. Harry Potter had it way easier with Voldemort.

The cabin door opened again, this time Derek. "Gloria and I will remain here."

"For fuck's sake everyone," Nicole yelled. The shock on Derek's face told her she had offended him. "Sorry, sorry. Look, we're all going to London okay. I mean, Saker's Keep, I...we're all going there, okay."

Gloria emerged from the cabin. "Nicky, we'll only slow you down," she said. "You and your consort are the priority."

"No one is staying here," she replied. "Everyone goes, or no one goes. Got it."

"We don't have the supplies," Holliday repeated.

"Gloria's right," Derek added. "You need to protect your companion."

"I could write a letter to my parents for you to deliver," Waverly offered.

Nicole howled with frustration. "That's it. If one more person..."

"You need to think of the future," Gloria pressed. "We'll be fine here until you return."

Nicole turned to walk away, cursing under her breath. Her hand went to Landoryn without thinking, muttering words she didn't know she had, feet leaving the ground as she soared skyward. When she realised she was flying it was too late to do anything other than flap her wings faster, praying she didn't return to human form fifty feet in the air and plummet to earth.

The higher she soared the easier it became, the wind rushing past her feathers, taking in the majestic landscape below. The freedom of flight was beyond what she imagined, the joy with each movement of her wings almost orgasmic, the power to propel herself through the air exhilarating, swooping and soaring, going wherever she wanted. Now this is worth being in Rathe for, if only to shift form effortlessly.

She spied buildings, a settlement of some kind, carts trundling along a dirt road, horses in the fields, swooping to take a closer look. Coming to rest on a rooftop she viewed the scene below, men and women going about their daily business, a group of children playing with a hoop, a dog relieving itself against the side of a barn. A peaceful scene of everyday life, concluding whatever problems these people faced, they appeared not to be in need of a hero. Certainly not one whose superpower amounted to driving a London taxi.

A commotion caught her attention, men on horses entering the far end of the village, shouting for everyone to come out of their houses. In their hands they carried blue spears, the villagers appearing in doorways, some with young children in their arms. The front rider shouted again. "Everyone to the square now."

A line of people began walking to the centre of the village, Nicole relocating to a roof close by to get a better view. The first rider dismounted, standing before the assembled group. "You are hiding fire breathers," he began. "The punishment is death for anyone caught harbouring them."

A low mumble rippled through the crowd, an old man pushing his way to the front. "Sir, we hide no one," he said. "We know the penalty if we did."

"Come here old man."

The old man obliged, limping slowly towards the accuser. "Are you calling me a liar?"

"No sir. We are not hiding anyone here."

"Sounds like you're calling me a liar."

"Sir, I beg you, we would not go against Lord Bondicus."

"Kneel peasant," he ordered. The old man struggled to do so. "Faster."

A deathly silence fell over the crowd, all eyes on the two men before them. The accuser took several steps back, lowering his spear, the tip directed at the poor villager on his knees. Nicole could see the fear in his eyes, hear his pleas for his life. A flash of blue burst from the weapon hitting the old man squarely in the chest, his body crumpling on the ground.

Nicole stared at the lifeless body of a man who had been brave enough to speak for his village. The accuser mounted once more. "I am Svane, the new sheriff here. You have three days to hand over those hiding fire breathers. If not, I will take your children."

Her wings took her as fast as she was able back to the others, landing heavily on her discarded clothes. She burst into the cabin, the group staring at her. "They're coming for the children. Svane is going to take the children."

"Slow down," the soothsayer said. "Where were you?"

"A village, a settlement due north. He killed a man. He was trying to help, and he pointed one of those spears. He killed him." Her body shook, her mind a mess of images. "I have to help. I have to save the children from those bastards."

Waverly approached taking her hands. "We cannot. Svane is in charge of your army."

"But, he's going to kill them."

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