Baneful Royal (Kylo Ren x Rea...

De VenusHasVixens

114 5 1

The once prosperous planet of Naboo is dying for help, still suffering the after effects of the Emperor from... Mais

Ch. 1 Shadows
Ch. 3 Power
Ch. 4 Decisions
Ch. 5 Escape
Ch. 6 Truth

Ch. 2 Control

14 1 0
De VenusHasVixens

"Where have you been?!"

"Where have you been?" You scream-whispered at Sara as she ushered you down the hallways to make your escape. "I was looking for you guys everywhere!"

"We got a little..caught up with some stormtroopers." She hesitated, quickening her pace. "But we're here now."

"Really, thats so nice, seeing after what I just went through." You picked up the tails of your dress. You could hear the distant panicked clamor coming from the party as they were now alerted of the surprise appearance from the Supreme Leader.

"We heard from Hux. The idiot thought it best to tell the party. As if it would amp up the entertainment." Sara muttered. "The governor is informed of your early retirement for tonight, and we have clearance for our exit."

"Good." Was all you could muster, distracted by the fresh memories of the heart-to-heart talk with the most feared man in the galaxy.

You flirted with Kylo Ren. You called him attractive. You told him your yearnings that were supposed to be kept to yourself. You called him hot.

You called him hot.

Starting to think that a death by his laser sword was more preferable than the frenzy of tomorrow, you stepped outside to see Abie waiting by the limo cruiser, tapping his foot anxiously.

"You found her, thank the stars."Abie breathed, opening the door as you climbed in. "Did you hear about-"

"We're not going to talk until we are far away from here." You stated, shutting down conversation immediately. Eagerly did your guards buckle in, the vehicle smoothly making the transition from the palace grounds to the streets of Theed.

The ride back to your home was quiet. No one in the proximity could be trusted, not even the driver. At this moment, anyone who wasn't close to you could not be trusted.

Who are you?

The release of the tensions was relieving as you stepped out of the cruiser. The small space was starting to become unbearable, like you were choking in its negative cloud. "Let's settle in, then we will discuss."

"Welcome back, my lady." Your house droid Bel greets you, giving a small bow. An SN-D1 droid, reprogrammed for domestic use, closed the door behind Abie and Sara. "Shall I fetch some refreshments?"

"That would be wonderful, thank you Bel." You said aloud, watching her as she walked into the dining area. "Once she's finished, I'm shutting her off."

"Why?" Abie asked, stripping off his helmet and outer armor.

"It's only until we're done. I'm not taking chances."

"Anything else for now?" Bel said as she passed you a glass of water.

"No." You replied, setting the glass on the table in front of you. "Initiate sleep mode."

Another nod and Bel walked into her charge port, her glowy blue eyes fading as powered down. Walking up to her, you hurriedly searched for the complete switch off button, pushing it down. Grabbing the glass of water, you poured it in a nearby plant.

"You cannot be that paranoid." Sara observed. "We would've been notified of any tampering with the droid."

"I met him." You mumbled quietly, sitting back down in the living area. "He snuck into the library while I was trying to find the both of you."

Abie's eyes widened. "Ren."

You nodded solemnly, twisting off your bracelets. "I didn't know it was him at first."

"It's not hard to miss him." Sara smarted off, crossing her arms. "Who could not recognize with how big he is?"

"Me, apparently." You muttered. "I thought he was another guest trying to get away from the party."

"Why were you by yourself?" Abie asked.

"Are you that blind?" Sara followed up.

"Excuse me?"

Sara shrugged. "Its just a question. The mask is a dead giveaway."

"For your information, he had no mask on." You felt insulted, but for being as studious as you said you were, it was a disappointment that you didn't even know who he was.

"And no. We just talked." You replied to Abie. "I was trying to find you two. I couldn't stay in one place."

"So what do you have to worry about?" Sara spoke up, getting off her seat. "Its not like he's going to kill you just for seeing his face. How bad can it be."

Staring at the floor, you cleared your throat. "It might as well have been just that."

"What did you talk about?"

"Something that could get me in a lot of shit."

You explained the conversation that transpired, excluding the flirting between you and Ren. Change in Naboo, a dream that was always out of reach. How you blurted out your thoughts that were dying to be released. The honest truth made your lips tingle in excitement, speaking your mind was a thrilling experience. You felt genuine freedom for once...

"I'm not saying it's bad. It's not good either." Sara sighed, sliding off the couch to the kitchen. "This could mean some difficulties for our precious council."

"I know for sure I'm not completely out of the picture. I'm well part of the problem as well."

"Do not say that!" Sara shouted from the other room, the sound of clanking plates could be heard.

"You are a part of the council, but that does not mean you are a part of the problem." Abie comforted you. "You're trying to solve it."

"Don't take this the wrong way, (Y/n), but if you look at it from an outsider's  perspective, you're just a throwaway." Sara popped her head out. "You probably gave him what he wanted, no ill will there from him to you. Hence, "thrown" out of the way."

Stunned but comforted, you scoffed. "I appreciate the honesty."

"It would be for nothing if you spent all this time fighting back and then saying that you are just like them." Sara came back in, holding a plate of food and placed it in the center coffee table. "And I know you better. Stop it."

"Alright." You finished, picking up a piece of fruit in between your fingers, inspecting it. "I honestly think he was trying to find a reason to invade us."

"What do we have to offer? Resources are low, is there any explanation to vie for a planet with nothing?" Abie said.

"No. There's a reason." You ate the piece of fruit finally, letting the tart taste spread over your tongue. "They know something we don't know about our own home."

"Then we have to get to the bottom of it." Sara sighed, opening up a mini holoscreen on her forearm. "I can pull some strings and get some answers in no time."

"I'll help you, we'll work through the night." Abie said confidently, even giving you a bit of a booster. "There's nothing to worry about. Just keep in mind that we'll always be in your corner. No matter what."

"That's why I chose you both. You always do such a damn good job." You flashed a soft smile at your closest companions, ready to prepare for whatever your newfound "acquaintance" has instore for you. You got up, giving a big stretch and a well-needed yawn. "I need to rest. Wake me if something happens."

"Of course."

"Sweet dreams, throwaway!" Sara called out, a smirk evident in her voice.

"Fuck you." You replied, earning a shocked giggle from Abie and Sara.

"Such language from a proper woman!" You heard one of them call out.

A glimpse into the good old days where it was the three of you, Abie, your then teenage bodyguard, and Sara, your handmaiden from day one. Against the oppressors who took one look at the baby queen and saw their new puppet, not realizing what she and her companions were capable of. Their anger could only fuel you more, giving you more skills to fight and conquer what you could in a short amount of time.

You were ready to do it all over again, this time against a far bigger enemy. To protect justice, you were willing to go the distance.


You heard the loud ring of your holoprojector indicating a message had just been sent. Only messages that came that late could mean trouble. You hurried back into the lounge room.

"Where is that message coming from?" You asked. Sara checked the sender ID, her face twisted in confusion.

"It's not saying where." She said, looking back at you.

You breathed heavily, hoping the worst was not here already. "Open it."

Translucent blue beamed the menacing figure of the one you were told not to fear. You scoffed. You were baffled but not shocked that he would dare to ring in at your home, your safe haven from the horrors of your job. Head and face covered by his dark helmet, he stood solemnly still. The vulnerable person you saw in the library was playing his part again.

"Councilwoman (L/N), it was a pleasure to meet you tonight. I do say, I was rather... intrigued by our talk. Gave me the right amount of the insight that I need to understand the inner works of your planet. I thank you most graciously."

Work was to commence immediately, you thought. There was no time to get the affairs in order. Diving in headfirst was the only option.

"If its all the same to you, I would be delighted to seek your presence once more. Privately."

"I await your response."

So much for the throwaway.


Weeks before...


Secrets are what tore families apart. Keeping things hidden until one decides to reveal the scandalous truth is what burns bridges and in flames emotions. The disbelief is shockingly brief, but the beating heart of betrayal speeds to a bigger wave than the last, forever marking the distant thought of being honest and up front of such dark deeds.

It was best not to reminisce of how Kylo Ren was born. The conception begins with a mother trying so desperately to push the skeletons of her biological parentage back into the closet, meanwhile the galaxy was clawing its way in, for the sake of political gain. In vain did she try to plead with her son that she was only doing it to protect him for his safety, to steer him clear of a path that was still marked years before from a fallen Jedi turned Sith.

The cycle repeats once more.

Sitting in his darkened meditation chamber, Kylo searched for answers. As painful as it was to dwell, it was important to remember where he came from. Who his grandfather was and his rise through the dark side. His idol, the being that inspired Kylo through and through. The work he had done before his death was admirable in the First Order's eyes. Complete control for one true power.

Control was what Kylo needed, but not the same as the massive organization behind him craved for. The people who raised him had somewhat of control, his mother a princess and general, his uncle a strong Jedi with talents that matched his father. Laughable compared to Kylo's position now. What gave him fuel for even more of a show was that there was no escape for his former family from him. He was everywhere, on their screens, briefings and minds. It gave him the ultimate high.

The conquer and trust of various planets were mere stepping stones for the Order. Cases where Kylo would intervene would be the case that it would give him an advantage, shared with his Knights in another quest for a deeper bond with the Force.

Taking a deep breath and opening his eyes, Kylo felt the cold metal of the floor hit his backside as he landed from his deep meditation, an unwelcome thread of frustration wrapped around his head. Knees to his chest, he pondered once more from where this came from.

Running fingers through his hair in a failing attempt to calm himself, there was no use. What could it be?

Getting up, Kylo grabbed his undershirt and tunic. Slipping his hands through the shirt, he felt the incoming presence of officers stomping their way towards him. An unnecessary report of a small rebellion being snuffed out quickly before an uprising could begin, the draining useless reminders of Hux's existence, and so many others included. Somehow this briefing felt different.

A very polite beep of awareness sounded off from the intercom from outside, alerting of their arrival.

"Enter." Kylo called out, standing solemnly.

Doors blasted open for two officers, holding their holopads importantly in front of them. "Requested by General Hux, he would like to inform and grant permission for the takeover of the planet of Naboo."

"Naboo?" Kylo asked, a bit taken aback from the request. Keeping his voice as neutral as possible, he spoke. "For what purpose?"

"There was none given, sir."

Seeking a proper answer, Kylo stomped through the halls of the Finalizer in search of Hux. Each step grew more determined than the next to find the little rat. Leathered gloves squeaked as Kylo flexed his hands in balls of fists, allowing his air of domination to flow through the hallways. This wasn't the only way he was able to demand a presence, and Hux knew all about it.

The doors to one of the many meeting rooms in the ship hissed as they opened, revealing a frightened General Hux. "Good maker, Ren. A knock could have sufficed."

"What's this about Naboo?" The deep grumble of the vocoder asked.

A giant holographic blue screen curved around the massive glass panel looking out into the starry void of space. Profiles and documents floated across the screen, intel shown as the Order studied and pried into the workings of the planet. "Another possible settlement. And with some great backing from our Empire allies, of course."

"Why?" Kylo huffed out a simple question, confused as to why. "Tell me."

"Do I have to?" Hux hummed, hands behind his back. "Take it as another step towards victory, sir."

Nodding, Kylo's eyes focused on the screen. He was going to find out one way or another. The Supreme Leader was not a very patient man at all. Without looking, he held out his hand, spreading his fingers wide as he began his descent into Hux's mind.

"No, no don't-" Hux began to plead.

"You will tell me why you want Naboo."

"I will tell you why I want Naboo." Hux scowled and gasped, his fight to resist the Force failing terribly. How many times this had been done in an effort to skip to a point could not be counted on both hands. "Given the history of the Supreme Leader's past lineage, I-I thought it best to keep the takeover to myself in an orderly manner!"

Kylo's hand lowered. Hux had learned a lesson that most beings that crossed the Order had not obtained. Caution. Although, it was not conveyed correctly in this case. "Brave of you to assume, General. But you are wrong."

Releasing Hux from his hold, Kylo slowly hooked a hand into another behind his back. "I've made it quite clear that my past has been a buried subject. How could I care for the home of a woman that I have never met?"

"I see. I will remember for next time, Supreme Leader." Hux lowered his head, tapping on a holopad to open a series of reports. "In that case, shall I brief you, sir?"

"Go ahead."

"Since the fall of the Empire, this planet has been facing economic collapse due to it being the home of the former Emperor. With its reputation ruined, importing and trading is difficult. However, they still have some valued sources that we may be able to get our hands on.."

As Hux droned, Kylo stepped to the giant screen. His eyes surveyed the pictures of key landmarks, such as the lake country and grass plains. To think that Palpatine came from a place that was known for its art and beauty rather than its politics was astounding.

"We have an insider's word that their present queen isn't even in charge." Hux finished. "Serves only as a face."

"Then who is?" Kylo asked. With a click of a button, the current displayed faded away and another picture slid into its place. A screenshot showing a row of people lined on the front steps of the palace popped up on the screen.

"They are. The Royal Advisory Council. Re-establishment of the council after the Empire was off to a rocky start, and has been on a slow decline ever since." Hux circled around the table. "Their governor, shown at the queen's right side, is believed to be the one behind it all. Obviously not doing a good job at all, might I add."

Kylo grunted in response. If sinking your planet into poverty was clever, then this governor was a genius. "I thought it was a democracy."

"Hardly so." Hux sighed. "With a governor as daft as theirs, it wouldn't take much to infiltrate its atmosphere at all..."

The energy that radiated off the photo from its content was strong. He could feel tension intensively, begging Kylo to take a closer look. Prideful in their appearance, the council stood shoulder to shoulder, unafraid of their closeness. Relaxed smiles and faces full of contentment he had only seen in many of the First Order's donors. Although supposed to be blank and expressionless, the queen's queasiness was not shy.

Going down the line of ministers, he found it. Where his unease was coming from.

Distant and dissociative gaze. Annoyance felt from thousands of miles away. The council's black sheep, he thought. Her half arm length away from the rest of the party could reveal more of her feelings towards her colleagues. The same could be told from them. None showed desire to touch her, even for a photo. Kylo huffed a chuckle. It was a familiar view.

Trying to turn his attention to the others, Kylo couldn't help but travel back to the girl. Something beckoned him to return to her. Allowing himself to indulge his impulse, he turned back to her.

Big eyes, maybe once full of hope, held sharp resentments. It pricked at Kylo, tempting to come closer. She was not afraid to hold back from her coldness, her beautiful lips downturned into a frown. Hardened and pained, her soul seemed to cry out for a need that Kylo reached out for everyday.


"Did you hear what I just said?" Hux asked, annoyed. "I would prefer not to repeat myself again."

Not caring for his smarting off, Kylo silenced him with his hand held up, pausing the conversation. "Can't you feel it from her?"

Hux glanced at the screen and at Kylo. "Feel what, sir?"

"Her anger." He pointed to the council member at the end. Glaring at the screen, the General lingered in the quiet for a while. It didn't take invisible powers to see the sudden infatuation from the Supreme Leader. If it got them closer to their goal, then so be it.

"I'll see what I can find about the girl."


[A/N] Should this fic be a slow burn? I'm thinking it should be. A new chapter of the Spike Spiegel fic is in the works! Thank y'all for reading <3

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