By soulfulstiles

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{DYLAN O'BRIEN} {SOCIAL MEDIA FIC} On-screen, Liv Mason and Dylan O'Brien have natura... More

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the end: your choice
christmas bonus:)
bonus: never have i ever
bonus: staying silent isn't an option
bonus: olivia and tyler take friendship test
bonus: dylan o'brien and olivia mason find out how well they know each other
bonus: lake trip
bonus: q&a and pb&j waffles
bonus: pb&j waffles cont'd
bonus: season six promo
bonus: vote
bonus: things that need to be said
bonus: last day of filming
bonus: outdoors
bonus: tw reunion
i can't believe it
New Book
bonus: just dylia being cute :)
bonus: surprise!
bonus: the outfit premiere
bonus: teen wolf movie
bonus: teen wolf interview
bonus: the actual interview (young hollywood)
bonus: not okay premiere
vote on new cover
bonus: tw movie poster
bonus: trio photoshoot and interview for flaunt magazine

bonus: tw reunion part 2

2.8K 83 9
By soulfulstiles

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"Hey guys!" a kind face with glasses and brown hair began the Zoom interview, a person the entire Teen Wolf cast had grown to know and respect over the years. "I'm Josh Horowitz welcoming you to a very special reunion. Ten years ago, Teen Wolf premiered on MTV and a fandom was born. This reunion is for you guys, so let's get right to it and bring this pack back together!"

Josh began listing off the celebrities filling his computer screen: Jeff Davis (creator), Max and Charlie Carver (Ethan & Aiden), Arden Cho (Kira), Orny Adams (Coach Finstock), Ian Bohen (Peter), Dylan Sprayberry (Liam), Cody Christian (Theo), Shelley Hennig (Malia), Melissa Ponzio (Melissa), Linden Ashby (Sheriff Stilinski), and Holland Roden (Lydia).

Everyone cheered for one another as each person was introduced, but it grew louder when Josh went on to acknowledge the most famous trio of the show: Dylan O'Brien (Stiles) settled for a grin and clapped, Tyler Posey (Scott) excitedly stuck his tongue out and did a rock symbol with his hands, and Olivia Mason (Sierra) smiled as a light laugh escaped her mouth.

It felt surreal to see everyone gathered in one place, Olivia thought to herself as she scanned the screen of her extended family. TW had ended in 2017, and now 2021 was about to end as well. It had been almost five years. Granted she never lost touch with most of the cast, especially Tyler and Dylan for obvious reasons.

Her and Dylan in 2022 would be celebrating their eighth year together as a couple, which seemed insane to some and caused them to always be pestered with questions about marriage. However they had been enjoying their youth and each other. They weren't in any rush, especially with their acting schedules and since they already knew they were going to be in each other's lives forever. They were technically even on the reunion together, since Olivia moved into his home two years prior. She was upstairs and he was in the living room.

"Before we get into the actual conversation," Josh continued, "I do want to tell the audience that this reunion is also about giving back and supporting folks in need. So, if you're able, we want you guys to please click the link to donate to FirstRespondersFirst, which will provide essential supplies, resources, and equipment needed for protecting frontline health care workers and their patients. Good cause, there you go."

Josh turned his attention to the two actors near the top of his screen. "So, Liv and Tyler, I feel like you're responsible for this," he said, the best friends grinning at each other. "We all noticed your tweets a few months back about how it was time to bring Teen Wolf back because you are both 28 and ready to do it. And I know this isn't exactly that but this is the next best thing. Can you both tell us what that conversation was like between the two of you when you tweeted those things?"

Tyler answered first after Olivia motioned to him. "So, it's kind of a funny story but not really," he began, making her chuckle. "I was hanging out with her and Dyl-Pickle one night, just talking about how I had been binging Jersey Shore and was thinking of starting to watch Teen Wolf. We weren't really doing anything and she just looked at me and was like, why not start now? So we did."

Olivia nodded her head. "Exactly and while watching it, it was really sweet for the three of us because it felt like we were almost going back in time and we now have, you know, different perspectives."

"And we cried, Dylan did too even if he won't admit it," Tyler went on, his cast mates all listening intently. "We cried at every single thing you were supposed to cry at, maybe more. And we were just...we were just proud of every single one of us."

"Which led to our tweets," Olivia added. "I just remember you, Ty, suddenly turning to me in the middle of season three — like big eyes and everything — and asking, dude, why did we stop doing this show? And it got us talking about how interesting it would be to see our characters now and, yeah...that's pretty much it."

"So what does it mean for you two, and Dylan you can answer this as well since you three see the most of each other, to see everyone here?" Josh asked.

"I'm loving it," Tyler answered, Olivia agreeing.

"Me too!"

"Yeah, I think we all connect more than people think we do," Dylan spoke up for the first time, cuing more nods. "Like, even beyond me, Livie, and T-Pose...from day one, we were all so close and that didn't just end when the cameras stopped rolling. We all still talk, we hang out and catch up on life and that says a lot about the relationships we formed and the power they have. And I literally told T-Pose the other day that rewatching the show is watching you and me learn how to act on the fly — and that's what it was. Teen Wolf was the first thing I ever did and it was like our school and I remember being 19, freshly graduated and just giving acting a shot. It was never lost on me that this was an amazing opportunity to try to get really good at what I wanted to be, you know?"

"And we shared that," Tyler interjected, Dylan agreeing without hesitation.

"Oh, yeah, for sure," he stated. "You know, we were the same age, and dude, your energy just leading the show from day one—" Tyler softly pouted, touched by his best friend's words. "I cannot say how instrumental that was to the entire series, and how much we all love each other, how much heart the show had throughout. That heartbeat was pumped by T-Pose from day one."

"I think that's very true," Josh stated before he cracked a grin. "But Dylan, it's kind of funny that you mentioned how much love you all have for one another — and I don't believe there's any doubt about it now — but I remember watching you guys in the first few seasons and seeing almost a bickering tone between you and Ms. Mason."

Olivia laughed, the rest of the cast from the first few seasons not hesitating to agree with the MTV host.

"Isn't that crazy?" Olivia commented, her smile not fading. "I've thought about that, too. But one thing between me and Dyl is that we just got off on the wrong foot — and he's right. It was Tyler who helped us get past that."

"And look at you now!" Tyler teased, Dylan shaking his head in amusement. "My OTP is still happy and healthy and together."

"Wait, so Tyler, you're the one who basically set them up?" Josh questioned, almost surprised. He had known the cast for years, and loved them dearly (especially the trio) but didn't know that small detail.

"Oh, I definitely take credit for their relationship," Tyler stated, once again causing laughter to flitter among his friends. "I had always wanted them to be friends because they had so much in common and kind of meddled—"

"Kind of?" Dylan interrupted, raising an eyebrow.

"No, you definitely did," Olivia said, making the man playfully shrug his shoulders.

"Eh, maybe I did, but obviously it worked out," he replied. "Almost eight years strong, baby! Don't be fooled by their two cameras either, I can tell they're both at home. They might as well just do this chat together."

Dylan rolled his eyes while a blush ignited across his girlfriend's face. Neither wanted to admit they had thought about it, but didn't want to seem unprofessional.

"So all I'm hearing is that Tyler is about a big of fan of Dylia, like Scott is about Stierra," Josh gathered, and chucked when Tyler shot him a thumbs-up. "But those kind of relationships are important. You need dynamics. Jeff, was this a tough show to cast? And Dylan's right, there were varying degrees of experience. How do you cast a show like this so well?"

"Chemistry," Jeff answered and went on to explain how they cast Tyler first. It had been the network test though when it truly sunk in the cast and show was going to be good. He listed off Dylan and Tyler's comedic timing, Tyler and Olivia's sibling nature, the romance between Tyler and Crystal and just the deep connection that came alive when Liv and Dylan acted together. "It's kind of funny, though, because I only saw them get along," Jeff informed Josh and the cast. "I didn't know they didn't like each other, which I guess, is just a nod to them being great actors."

"Sprayberry, who was the first person you bonded with on set?" Josh asked the actor who played the beloved beta.

"Um..." Sprayberry pursed his lips in thought.

"I swear to God, if you don't say me, I'm gonna come over to your house, and I'm going to put my foot in your ass," Tyler threatened, causing more giggles to fill the air.

"And I'll hit you with a pillow," Olivia added on, "because I think we bonded pretty well, too, little bro. You don't say us, our friendship is over."

Sprayberry laughed, and readjusted the black cap on his head. "God, I miss you guys," he said first. "But anyways, Josh, to answer your question, when I auditioned for Liam, I went to the networks, and I met Dylan, Tyler and Liv on the same day. They came interviewed with me and it was really, really fun — and I clicked with Liv about movies, I clicked with the other two about skateboarding. It was awesome and I was, like, 15 or 16. I literally came from school and was so nervous but those three...they made my feel like I was just hanging out with friends at school. It was one of the few auditions I ever did that I wasn't nervous at all and that's because of them."

"It's always funny to hear about the audition from the actor's perspective," Dylan commented with a knowing smile, "because, Jeff, confirm if I'm wrong, but I mean, I don't think there was a single second that after Dyl left the room that any of us were not looking around going, 'Yeah, that's completely the kid.' You left the room and it was over."

"Oh, definitely," Olivia grinned at the boy through the screen. "And being on set with you, I think, completely changed the game for us because it added these different complexes to our characters that I think carried over into life. One of the best decisions made was hiring Sprayberry to play Liam."

Practically everyone raised their hands at Josh's next inquiry: who had the most stuff from set? Dylan shared he has the famous blue jeep, Roscoe, and he even wore the first shirt Stiles had on in the show.

Shelley showed off her werecoyote teeth. Jeff had a few of the Oni swords, to which he promised Arden he would find her belt, and Melissa revealed she has a map of Beacon Hills. Linden kept his sheriff's uniform and his desk's nameplate.

"I think I have about five of Sierra's outfits," Olivia said when she was asked. "I absolutely adored her wardrobe and have, like, a leather jacket, some shirts, that kind of thing. The journal filled with Sierra's dreams and sketches, I have that, too, and it's also filled with everyone's signatures and little notes from over the years. However, this is probably my favorite thing." She lifted up a chain that had been secured around her neck with a ring engraved with flowers and the letter S.

"Oh, and here's the test," Tyler paused his fiddling on the black guitar in his hands and leaned closer to his camera. "Dyl, do you have yours?"

Dylan beamed and revealed his matching necklace. "You know I do, bro. I also have the watch Sierra had fixed for Stiles. I just remember me and Livie going to the wardrobe department and begging them to let us keep them."

"And they did!" Olivia cheered.

Then, her screen went black. Brows furrowed, confusion etched on everyone's faces.

"Oh, no, did she lose the connection?" Josh questioned, tapping away at his phone to see if the error was on his end. "What happened?"

Dylan, muted from the others, lifted his head from his laptop and called out to his girlfriend. "Honey, what's wrong? It says you left the chat."

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!" her voice echoed down the stairs and he laughed when she jumped down the last few steps and bolted over to him. She almost fell from sliding on the hardwood floor and plopped down beside him.

Dylan unmuted the microphone while Olivia shot her friends a guilty smile. "Sorry, guys, my laptop died," she apologized, a lot of her cast mates chuckling. "I lost my charger, too, so that's why I came down here."

"Hey, whatever works, works," Josh assured her with a kind grin, Dylan scooching over so they were more equal on the screen. "And you didn't miss much, so no worries."

"You guys missed her almost falling down the stairs," Dylan snorted, and she hit his shoulder.

"Dude, why you gotta expose me like that?"

"The people deserve to know, string bean."

Josh chuckled at the couple's antics before he asked, hands folded under his chin, what episode the cast would nominate as the best episode of Teen Wolf.

Tyler recalled the emotion of the second half of season three, before Sierra and Stiles turned void. "Like, I don't know if it's because I'm in a different place now, but that whole sequence, especially when Stiles confuses Melissa for his mom, it's beautiful."

Ian commented the Motel California episode in season three was one of his favorites and he wasn't even in it. Just the scene of seeing Scott so hopeless with the gas over him and then having Sierra realize who killed her parents acted as a game changer.

Jeff added that season three finales were some of the hardest and more rewarding to film and write as well, but he agreed with Linden, who said the first episode held a special place in his heart. The original cast agreed.

"So many moments, my God," the creator smiled. "I'm getting nostalgic."

"I think my favorite was the ending," Olivia piped up, Dylan turning to glance at her with his cheek in his hand. "Don't get me wrong, I was torn apart that a chapter of my life was ending but the way we handled it...having Derek and Jemma get engaged, Stiles and Sierra reuniting finally, and that final scene of the pack at the graduation party? It felt complete, you know? Season was shorter than the other seasons and I wasn't even in most of it, but that finale was something that stuck with me. It felt like us."

"Yeah, and that's a good point to bring up," Josh agreed. "Because I remember a lot of theories about the show going on before the finale aired and people were, like, genuinely concerned that the show would leave on a cliffhanger. What was the reasoning to making it so conclusive, and almost happy, contrasting to some darker themes that been explored in the past?"

"I think we really wanted to reiterate what kept the show alive to begin with," Jeff answered first. "This was always about family. It was about the pack. The first few seasons it's created and the rest we see them get ripped apart and face trials and tribulations, and Liv's right, having that final shot be a group, almost like a dog-pile, represented them and their characters. And that way, if there's more to come we can build on that and if there's not, it's a happy ending — one that they all deserve, I think."

Tyler nodded. "I definitely agree," he said. "It's crazy to think of what all of our characters experience and then remember most of them are supposed to be, like, 17 and 18 year-old kids. Having a finale the way we did helps the audience remember that, too."

Josh switched topics then, wanting to challenge the cast on their Teen Wolf knowledge.

Olivia grinned. "Oh, bring it on!"

Dylan simply smiled and moved his arm to be slyly around her waist, while his other hand fiddled with her fingers that had been on the table.

"We're going to start with Orny," Josh said, before asking the man who did his character hate the most on the lacrosse team.


"Dylan's and Tyler, what were your lacrosse numbers?"

"Nine," Sprayberry answered immediately.

Tyler said, "I'm pretty sure mine was eleven."

"Mine was twenty-four," Dylan stated.

"Correct," Josh confirmed, making the boys cheer. "But Dylan, bonus for you. What was the reason Stiles chose 24?"

Olivia raised her eyebrow at Dylan, intrigued if he could answer but the boy didn't hesitate. "Oh, it's because it's Sierra's birthday. June 24th."

Josh shot him a thumbs-up. "Nice!" He moved back over to Tyler, asking what the password was for Scott's computer while Olivia beamed at Dylan.

Tyler chuckled. "It was Allison. Easy money, right there."

Ian cracked a joke about the username also being Allison, making everyone laugh before Josh asked Max and Charlie to list the members of the twins' original pack. Both boys reacted similarly, scrunching their noses or taking a moment to think. Tyler ended up answering for them.

Melissa had to remember the season her character first saw Scott as a werewolf while Shelley struggled to recall how long Malia had been separated from her family. Olivia chimed in it was eight years because Malia was nine-years-old at the time; she only knew that because Sierra and Malia were in the Girl Scouts together.

Arden luckily remembered how Kira discovered her true powers and Holland didn't hesitate to state the color of Lydia's homecoming dress in season one. Ian also remembered Peter was brought back to life by Lydia but Linden's question about the name of the first and last episodes stumped everyone.

Jeff glanced across the cast, after he revealed the first episode was 'Wolf Moon.' "Does anyone remember the finale?"

Olivia offered a sheepish grin. "I know wolves is in the title but that's all I got."

"Letharia Vulpina!" Dylan announced, even though he knew it wasn't right. "I just always remember that one, I don't know why."

It took the entire cast googling on their phones to remember the finale was called Wolves of War. Josh then asked how many episodes of the show were there, but Cody Christian easily answered 100.

"Yeah, because we had a cake!" Olivia remembered. "With all of us as, like, fondant people. It was awesome!"

"And how many shows go to 100 episodes?" Orny Adams asked. "That's a real milestone, to be a part of a show that went to 100 episodes...that's something I'm proud of."

Josh continued with his questions and honestly, it felt like they were back on set, goofing around and having the time of their lives. It matched the youthful energy they remembered from filming the show.

What was most interesting, near the end, Jeff left the possibility of Teen Wolf continuing out in the open. Certain looks were shared among the original cast but no one denied nor confirmed his claims of a season seven or a movie.

Josh fought the urge to question him further and moved onto his final question: what were their characters up to now?

Orny claimed Coach was still the same insane guy dealing with lacrosse players and Shelley joked Malia would be a prison guard somewhere while Arden said Kira was probably still with the Skinwalkers. Sprayberry commented Liam would possibly be with Hayden and Charlie said he always thought his character would fit together well with Jackson, if he somehow ended up in London, too. Linden said the sheriff probably was retired by now while Melissa stayed a nurse and Ian said Peter would just be laying low and trying to connect more with Malia and Derek. Cody added Theo was doing the same, trying to keep the promise he made to Sierra and just build a better life for himself. Holland believed Lydia would be kicking butt at MIT.

Olivia said something similar about Sierra being in D.C. with Stiles. "There's no doubt in my mind that they're still together and she already jump started a career in international business," she said.

"Can you imagine if there was just like an extra scene from the show released and it was them breaking up?" Dylan asked her, causing some chuckles to emit from his cast mates.  "Like, eh, we tried. We went to college and just met different people. I met another FBI intern and you met a random dude."

"So you get an FBI intern and I get a random dude?" Olivia echoed, her nose scrunching in disagreement. "Absolutely not."

"Yeah don't even joke about my OTP breaking up," Tyler threatened. "Not cool, dude.

"So, Dylan, you think Stiles would be in the FBI?" Josh asked.

"Oh, yeah, and then he could move back home and take over for his dad," Dylan suggested, cracking a smile at Olivia. "But you're definitely right, Livie. We'd still be together."

She held up her hand and he high-fived her. "Heck yeah!"

Josh focused on Tyler. "What about Scott?"

"I don't have an answer because I have no idea," the actor replied truthfully. "Like, it be cool if he stayed on the path of, like, the hero and just became, like, president or something. That'd be dope. But also I think he just needs time to enjoy his life."

Josh grinned, liking his answer. He wished he could dive into more questions and analytics with the cast but knew their time was coming to a close. So, he started to wrap up the zoom call.

"All right guys please click the donate button if you're able to and contribute to the first responders first," he started. "We're obviously all on this together. This is a crazy time and, you know, do what you can, if you're able."

He focused on the actors.

"I want to thank all of you guys. Obviously we've talked about, you know, the love you guys have for the show, but we wouldn't be here if the fans didn't have this passion for the show that remains. It's rare for a show to connect with fans in the ways that this show did. I could always tell when I saw you guys at Comic-Con and other places and I'm so thrilled. It speaks volumes that you guys wanted to come together for this cause and just to see each other."

"So, thank you for all your time today. This was a blast, and I hope you guys had a good time."

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hope you guys enjoyed this. See you soon xx

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