Amber || Vinnie Hacker

By anneo_17

189K 1.7K 349

"You threatened me you're gonna fuck someone else?"He growls kissing my neck. "I asked you a question"He grow... More



2.6K 28 2
By anneo_17

Vinnie's POV

I wake up the next morning with whining and groaning besides me.I turn around to see Amber holding her stomach and whining.

"Baby are you okay?"I say getting up.

"No"She pouts.Then it snaps in my head.

"Is it that time of the month again?"I ask her and she nods.Well fucking great this means no sex for us for a few days.Trust me I hate these days too but all I can do now is take care of her.

"Come here"I say and pull her in my chest.I rub her belly and she hums in satisfaction.I don't know she always says it seems to help her.

"Do you have a pad or something?"I ask her.

"I only have one and I already put it in but I don't have no more"She pouts.

"Don't worry I'll go get you some more princess"I say and hold her.All she wants to do when she's on these days is cuddle and I'm glad to have such a sweet cuddly girl.

"I want a baby"She whines.

"I thought you said we're gonna wait a bit?"I raise my eyebrows.

"Well I changed my mind"She mumbles and I laugh at her.Someone knocks on the door and we tell them to come in.My mother walks in and she sits down infront of us.

"Morning sleepy children!How are we feeling?"She asks.

"I'm good thank you mom.Ambers not so well tho"I say looking at my beautiful girl.

"Why what's happened?"She asks.

"It's that time of the month"I sigh still rubbing her tummy as she places her hand over mine.Her hands so much smaller than mine and it's adorable.

"Oh honey do you have pads or tampons or something?"My mom asks her.

"Yeah I had an extra in my purse but Vin said he'll get me more"She responds.

"Good job son I raised you well"My mom says and I smile.

"Well I was kinda hoping that you'd be late you know like hoping you'd be pregnant"My mom mumbles.

"Mom!"I say.

"What?I want grandkids!"She says.

"I want a baby to Vinnie"Amber looks at me smirking.

"Well I asked you to make a baby last night you said not yet"I shrug and she hits my chest.

"Vincent you dumb fuck you shouldn't have listened to her and just went for it like me and your father did"She says getting up.

"Mom don't-I really don't wanna hear the things you did with dad"I say shaking my head.

"What?Its all normal I bet you do it aswell Vincent.Now if I don't have a grandchild in this beautiful girls belly by the end of the year I'm suing you both"My mom says and walks out of my room.

"Oh and breakfast is ready"She yells.

"Looks like you better get to work Vincent"She bites her lip.

"Oh yeah?"I say and she nods seductively.I tackle her and I kiss her passionately.I move down to her neck and I lift up her hoodie revealing her breasts.I suck on her nipples while she runs her hands through my hair.I play with each nipple releasing it with a pop as she moans softly.I kiss down her belly which is probably filled with butterflies and I then kiss her thigh.

"Vin I can't I'm literally bleeding out"She sighs but I have and idea.This isn't just stopping yet.I tower over her and I start to grind my clothed cock around her clothed pussy and she immediately moans.

"Oh Vinnie"She moans and I kiss her to quiet her down.The feeling is unreal and it honestly feels absolutely amazing.I grind against her faster and she keeps eye contact with me the whole time.She kisses me and she tugs on my bottom lip lightly licking it.I grab her face and I open her mouth and she sticks her tongue out.I spit directly in her mouth and she swallows it biting her lip.

"You're such a whore.My whore"I whisper.

"Only yours"She says and I increase my speed.Our breathing gets heavier and I'm getting close.

"I wanna cum"She moans and I keep grinding on her.

"Wait for me princess"I say as I watch her trying to hold in her orgasm.

"Cum with me"I say and we both release at the same time.

"Fuck"She moans as her legs shake slightly.I lie down next to her to catch my breath.

"We need to go downstairs your parents are waiting"She says.

"Hold on lemme change and then we'll go"I say and get up.I grab a new pair of boxers and I put them on and I throw the other ones in the dirty laundry basket.I put on jeans and a shirt and we walk downstairs.

"Finally you're here!"My mother gestures.We sit down and eat the waffles she has made us.

"So are you guys going back home tomorrow?"My dad asks and I nod.

"We have our flight at 8 am tomorrow"I say.

"We'll miss you guys"My mom pouts.

"We'll miss you too Maria"Amber says and she puts her fork down.We start talking about Reggie and his after school plans on what he wants to do and everything when I notice Amber isn't eating anymore.

"You okay?"I ask her and she just look at me.I already know that look.I turn to her and I take her hand in mine.

"Baby you've got to eat.You barely even ate one waffle.My family would never ever judge you.They think you're beautiful and so do I.You're the most beautiful girl ever.Don't do this to yourself.Eat together with me alright?"I say and she nods.I kiss her cheek and we eat together.She ends up finishing he whole plate and I'm so proud of her.

Amber has always had eating problems.She's really insecure with herself and she thinks when she eats someone is going to judge her.She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and no one should be judged by eating.She is perfectly fine just the way she is.

"Good job baby.I'm so proud of you"I whisper and I kiss her hand.We help my mom clean up the dishes and then we can just chill around the house.I find Amber sitting on the counter eating strawberries.She's so freaking cute.

"Hey little strawberry"I say walking up to her.She blushes and she feeds me a strawberry.

"I'm going to the store to get you what you need.What do you need?"I ask her.

"Uhm just pads"She says "Aren't you embarrassed to get them?"

"Darling of course not.Why would I?That is a decent boyfriends job honestly to the guys who don't buy their girl period products you're a jerk dude"I say and she laughs.

"How did I get so lucky?"She says and I wrap my arms around her.

"How did I get so lucky?"I say and I kiss her.

"I'll go now I won't be long"I say and I kiss her again and leave.I drive to the store that's 15 minutes away from my parents house and I walk in.I get Amber her pads and I decided to buy her some ice cream and snacks since I know she'll definitely crave some.I go to the cash register and pay.I spot a flower shop and I decide to buy some flowers for my mom and Amber.

"Hello!How can I help you?"The elderly lady asks me.

"Hello!I would like some flowers for my mother and girlfriend"I respond.

"Anything particular that you would like?"

"Well my girlfriend likes roses and my mom likes tulips so I'll have a boquete of roses and a boquete of tulips"I say and she hands me the flowers.I pay her and I get in my car and drive back home.I get home and I walk inside.I see my mom in the kitchen and Ambers laying on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey mom"I greet her.

"These are for you.I love you"I say and I hand her, her flowers.

"Aww thank you son I love you"She says and kisses my cheek.I walk to Amber who's laying on the couch and I kneel infront of her.

"Hey baby.These are for you"I say and I hand her the roses.

"Baby"She pouts and sits up.She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me.

"Thank you that's so sweet of you"She says smelling them.

"I love you"She says.

"I love you too pretty girl"I say and she kisses me.

"I got you what you needed and I got you some ice cream and snacks"I say and her eyes light up.

"You're seriously the best"she says and she kisses me again.

"I'll go put these in some water and change my pad I'll be back"She says and I nod.I sit down and scroll through Instagram while I wait for her to come back.She comes back and she sits on my lap.She turns my phone off and I look up at her.

"I want cuddles"She pouts and I rub her thighs.

"I'll cuddle you"I say and we lay down cuddled up on the couch.She takes the ice cream from the bag and she's bought a spoon with her already.She opens it up and she eats it as we watch the movie.I smile at her cuteness.

"Is that good baby?"I ask and she nods.She puts some on her spoon and she feeds me the ice cream.

"Yup that's good"I say and she smiles.

"I'll share with you"

"No baby it's fine I don't want any"I say.

"You sure?"She asks me and I nod.We're watching "Finding dory"since that's her favourite Disney movie and not long till I hear light snores.She's fallen asleep with the ice cream in her hand.I smile and I gently grab the ice cream and text Reggie.

Lil bro

Hey can u come downstairs rq?


"Can you put this in the freezer?I can't move"I chuckle and he nods.

"She out?"He asks and I nod.

"She still needs to play games with me"He says and I roll my eyes.

"Stop stealing my girlfriend"I say.

"I'm not stealing her she's practically your wife"He says and I smile at the thought.

"She will be soon"I smirk and he turns to me in a instant.

"Wait what?"He asks.

"No not now but soon"I say and he nods.

"Ight imma go play Val when she wakes up tell her she needs to play with me"He says.

"That's not fair!She plays val with you but not with me? I'm definitely complaining"I say and he rolls his eyes.I look at her once more and I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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