A New Age of Warfare

Oleh TOWEC_Official

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"War... War never changes. But men do, through the roads they walk" - Fallout New Vegas Warfare has evolved... Lebih Banyak

May God take care of you in Heaven...
A New Age of Warfare: Anime Opening... i think
Character Info (Rework)
Prologue - A New Player has Joined (Chapter Rewrite)
Chapter 1 - Dropping in... Literally {Chapter Rewrite}
Chapter 2 - New Developments... like my di- {Chapter Rewrite}
Chapter 3 - The Upcoming War... i like this title {Chapter Rewrite}
Chapter 4 - Welcome to Fort Krass... i've lost a chromosome :D
Chapter 5 - Defensive Planning... next chapter is big day
Grizalan Kingdom Armed Forces Ranks and News
Chapter 6 - Going on the Defensive... like my thesis research
Chapter 7 - Say what now?!... about my car's extended warranty?!
Chapter 8 - We are Going on the Offensive... nothing to see here.
Chapter 9 - Operation: Retake Lost Ground... sadly no epic fighting D:
Chapter 10 - Western Front... its that time bois >:D
Chapter 11 - The Auroran Army Upgrade... sadly no maus tanks D:
Chapter 12 - The Report... nope, i'm lazy to add something epic here
Chapter 13 - Outskirts of Town Krill... hehehe balls go splat
Chapter 15 - The Annihilation of Two Armies (Part 1)...
Chapter 16 - Annihilation of Two Armies (Part 2)...
Chapter 17 - Sweet Time...
Chapter 18 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 1)...
Chapter 19 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 2)...
New Divisions and Special Forces Groups Arriving!!!
Imperial Quan Dynasty Army Ranks
Chapter 20 - Attack of Fort Valk (Part 3)
Naming Convention #6 Winners
Chapter 21 - Planning the Invasion...
Chapter 22 - Interesting Find...
Chapter 23 - Added Plans...
Elections Closed and New Stories Added!
Chapter 24 - The Fall of Fort Padwell...
Cover Art and Description for the New Stories!
Chapter 25 - Under the Night Sky...
Naming Convention #7 Winners!
- Christmas Special -
Chapter 26 - Illuminating Threat Above...
Chapter 27 - Battle of Town Illragon (Part 1)...
Chapter 28 - Battle of Town Illragon (Part 2)
Chapter 29 - The Beginning of a Downfall...
Naming Convention #8 Winners!
Interlude - Quan Dynasty Arc (plus news)

Chapter 14 - Liberation of Town Krill... and make it our own base :D

1.7K 62 50
Oleh TOWEC_Official

Quick Recap. on: A New Age of Warfare

While the allied forces moved towards a town called Krill, sent a recon unit to scout the town for enemy enemy defence capabilities. This however didn't go as planned, the recon squad was spotted when the Quans made multiple Earth Golems to intercept the allied forces. James and his new pal, Lucario, managed to delay the golems advance as the rest of the army catched up and killed the rest of the Earth Golems...

They are now heading to Town Krill...

To take what is rightfully theirs...


Talking: "Hello how are you? i'm under the water... please help me"

Shouting (All CAPS!): "BRUHHHHHHH!!!"

Whispering: "i'm in danger :D"

Telepathy: 'i have come bearing gifts'

Thoughts: "it is what it is"

Background/Action: *Sheeeeeeeeeeesh*

Radio: ≈Thot spotted! Over≈


Location: Outskirts of Town Krill, Grizalan Kingdom

Date: November 11, 904

Time: 1:27 PM

3rd P.O.V

Town Krill was now bustling in activity as the Quans were preparing for the attack that the allied forces are coming. Many foot soldiers are moving towards the wooden walls with hastingly mounted ballistas that the scouts didn't saw because it was mounted after they saw their golems got clapped.

Archers are moving towards the towers that the former Grizalans owned, most of the towers where not damage ever so slightly when the Quans attacked the town, just some minor damages like burnt wood or missing sections of the walls of the towers.

Many villagers went into their homes when they see multiple squads and companies of Quan soldiers move towards the defences that they built or captured. Most of these villagers even blocked there doorways with chairs, tables, and even bags of flour to prepare themselves for the incoming attack, unaware that the attack was actually from the allied forces to liberate the town.

While other villagers just watched outside of their homes as to whom made the Quans scared like that. So scared in fact, that some if not most of the posted Quan soldiers left their posts to help man the defences for the seemingly incoming attack.

Inside of a former Town Hall turned HQ for the Quan Garrison. This building was two stories high with two windows at the front with a porch, 4 windows in the sides and at the back with a single. It was positioned at the middle of the town where its shape was a hexagon style shape with a decent look on the design and structure. Not to bad, not to perfect, just the right style for the people in Town Krill.

"Damn it, this is not enough men!" the Quan Garrison Commander slammed his hand on the table making the items in the table flew up for a little bit, making the people with him flinched in fear.

They have only 2 Battalion's worth of Infantry, a Mage Group, and no air support. Meaning they have only a handful of 1100 or more soldiers garrisoning the Town with a population of 5000 inhabitants. The town itself was big than the normal towns in the Western Region but its still a town since it slowed its expansion.

"You!" he pointed at the mage who flinched, "Before the last golem was cut off, can you determine the size of the enemy force?"

The mage was sweating, "Well... uhm... sir, I can only estimate that from the signal... uhm, possible 1000 or 2000 from that... alone." he said with a gulp in the end.

(Ha! you fool, to think that they only have 2000 soldiers they already surpassed a 100k and I plan to add more hehehehehe >:D)

The Commander however didn't appreciate the mage's report, he slammed both of his fist in the table. Making some items fall to the ground, while making his colleagues back up a little.

"Thats not enough!" he shouted, he then breathed in and out slowly as he assess the situation, "Alright, we might not be able to protect the town and loose this place, but we can make bleed out long enough to hopefully weaken them. The 7th and 8th Armies responded to my hails and they are currently moving here with. The 7th are the closest army aswell as the 8th moving here a 1 day or 2 day long." he said.

His 2nd in Command suddenly said, "But Commander, what about the 5th Army?" he asked.

The Commander shook his head, "Nothing, we got no signal or words from Colonel Fen, even his army has gone dark."

Colonel Fen has a bit of history when it comes to combat, he was a great leader as his Army was more disciplined and trained to some extent to fight a proper army. He is one of the best Commanders in the Quan Dynasty has to offer for his expertise in command and morale for his troops. He brought several wins under his belt in the war between the Quan Dynasty and the Grizalan Kingdom in the past.

This made the people inside the room stare at him in shock. They think that the Grizalans can't actually defeat an army much less from Colonel Fen, even if they even managed to defeat an army size force, the Colonel must relay a message about their situation. 

The Quans were now getting anxious for some reason, while defeating an army is no big deal to the Quans since they can't kill them all or capture since they are too many of them, they can just retreat, regroup, get more soldiers into their ranks, and counter-attack with fresh troops. No, the big deal is that the Colonel is not responding, the Colonel always answer their CCC for reports or anything even if they suffered severe casualties.

"But sir, if Colonel Fen isn't answering our hails, then that means-"

"-It means that Colonel Fen's army is no more, they have been destroyed or captured." the Commander finishes the Mage's sentence, knowing the outcome if the Colonel is not responding.

The people around him gulped and can be see visibly shaken by the revelation.

"How the hell did the Grizalans managed to do it? even we face their full might, no army should be gone in an instant." his fellow colleague said while making a thinking expression.

"We don't know exactly on how they did it," the Commander said, "But it could be those unknowns that killed all of our golems." 

"Sir, could they be allies to the Grizalans?"

"Could be." the Commander said while fixing the items on the table, "Why the hell did I slam the table anyways?" he thought from his mind.

Before the mage could open his mouth to talk, a distant boom was heard outside.


This earned the attention to the people inside of the HQ to be high alert, "What the hell is that sound?!" the Commander shouted as he readies his sword.

"We don't know commander." the Mage said while lifting his staff. 

While they waited for something to happen, another small booms happened outside, this time it was two.



They hear multiple shouting outside of the HQ, hearing the shouts, the people inside looked at each other confusingly.

Then the front door opens violently, the people looked at the door in shock as to see a fellow soldier who is panting hard and looking tired. The soldier fixed himself and looked at the people inside in fear, "Commander! the enemy forces are here and by goddess they have an army!" the soldier shouted.

The Commander looked at the soldier in disbelief from the news, "What did you say?!" not believing as he was hearing.

"Sir, enemy forces are at the Southern position of the town, we can estimate that they are a atleast 2000m away from the gate, they managed to kill three of our mages in the walls in an instant!" the soldier said in panic.

"How the hell did they manage to kill them from far away?!" the Commander shouted. Looking shocked and disbelief by the ridiculous claim by the soldier.

"Indeed, even with our greatest archers in our army, they barely go 200m before hitting its target accurately to some extent." the Mage said while looking at him in uncertain look.

"Trust me sir, they managed to kill-" he was cut off when large sounds of explosions outside.




The explosions where so strong, the people inside the HQ felt the shockwave as building shook from the violent explosions. "What the hell is happening out there?!!" the Commander shouted.

The scene changed out from the HQ to the Southern gate as they were hit by the explosions, however the explosions hit their ballista's as they new that it was a threat to forces so it was eliminated already.

On top of the walls, soldiers moving around as they carry buckets of water to put out the fires that is happening on the walls from the HE rounds. Soldiers and Medics as well as a few Mages, carry the wounded or dead soldiers were brought down to the walls to be attended, "You two! move towards the Western gate and get any mages available! ours got decimated from unknown forces!" he shouted to his fellow soldiers.

The two soldiers complied and moved towards the Western side of the town to get some mages to their already decimated side.

Then they hear a loud chorus of shouting from the tree line to the plains as they see thousands of grey soldiers running towards them with grey coloured monstrosities as they aim their cannons to them. 

The Auroran army actually didn't sent all of their army to attack this place, the rest of the army are currently positioned at the back to assist the current forces if the attack has gone to shit. They only sent a division size force to liberate the town, this divisions is the 2nd "Breakthrough" Tank Division which is a German force if your wondering.



Another two sets of towers were destroyed by the tanks as they show no signs of stopping.

"Archers! fire at will!"

The archers moved towards the front and pulled their string, but as they were about to pull their strings, they were shot down by a fuck amount of lead hurdling towards them, making them dead forever.





"What the hell are we fighting?!!! we are dying over here!" a Quan soldier shouted as he ducked from the walls with incoming bullets.

"I don't know! whatever it is, we are getting destroyed!" his companion said ducking behind cover.

"ARGH!!! my ar-!" an unlucky Quan soldier lost his arm and got headshot by a rifleman.

The first line of the Auroran troops opened fired at the walls that the Quans are positioned, the first volley from the Auroran troops decimated the soldiers who are mounted at the walls. 

One by one, these Quan soldiers dropped like flies as they were no match for the superior weapons that the Aurorans have. Another explosion happened on the walls. 

While they were taking cover from the intense fire that the Aurorans are giving, some surviving archers who are hiding from the covers of the walls, managed to draw their arrows and fired at the incoming Auroran horde. The mages from the Western gate fired their spells to the Aurorans with fireballs and some lightning spells. 


"AH! what the fuck! I got zapped in the ass!" A German soldier shouted as he rubbed his burnt butt, "Sanitäter! I need help over here!" he shouted as he hid behind a Heavy tank as it stopped moving at the gate entrance.

*Psht* (that was arrow hit btw)

"Argh! Oh god! I got shot in the crotch!" a rifleman said as he hid in a ditch where his comrades looked at him in worry, he moved his pants a bit so that only he can see, he then let a loud sign of relief, "Sanitäter! get me fixed ASAP!, I can still get laid!" he shouted with a smile, then a medic arrived with a chuckle.


"No..." a German machine gunner shouted as his canteen was hit by an arrow containing beer for some reason, "NO! my precious!" he cried on the ground, he looked at the Quans with anger, "You will pay for this! RAHHHH!!!" he shouted as he fired his MG34 to the Quans.

"Uhhhmm... Shouldn't you be prone to be that effective?" a rifleman who is carrying multiple boxes of ammunition for the MG34, looked at him with a eyebrow raised.

"RAHHHHHHH!!!" the machine gunner ignored him completely while shouting, still managed to score multiple kills on the walls with precision accuracy.

The rifleman looked at the bullet holes and the killed Quans with a whistle, "Nevermind..." he said with a sigh as he ran to his companion.


"What the hell was that?" the Driver of a Heavy tank said.

"Nothing much," the Commander said as he looked through his cupola, "Those pointy hat dudes are making our job harder, they just hit our hull but breach, just a dent." the Commander said.

The Commander surveys the walls as he found a ballista who is still operational, shooting their comrades, "Oi Driver Stop!"

The tank stops, "Loader Load HE, Gunner Wooden Tower with a ballista on our One O'Clock." the tank Commander gave the order to the Gunner and the Loader.

The tank began to turned towards the designated position as well as the Loader loads the HE shell to the tank barrel, with a sound of a click in the gun, the Loader said, "Gun Ready!" 

The Gunner looked to his scope to find the Tower, he found the tower with the ballista which is turning towards them, "Target Identified!" he shouted.

"FIRE!" the Commander shouted.

"On the Way!" the Gunner fired the cannon making the tank rock backwards a bit and smoke coming out of the gun breech as well with an empty ejected came with it.

The Gunner looked at his scope to see the shot, he then saw the tower was set ablaze as it was hit by him, "Target Eliminated!" he said.

"Good, now Driver get us to the entrance, we will blow that gate to smithereens!" the Commander said.

"Jawohl Kommandat!" the Driver shouted as he stepped on the pedal, making the tank move forward.

As they reached the gate, the turret rotated to face the gate as they are ever so slightly moving closer.

The Loader loads the HE shell with a smile, "HE loaded!" 

The Commander nods at the Loader, "Alrighty, knock knock..."

"Pizza delivery!" the Gunner shouted as he pulls the trigger.

Everything went to slow-mow on the outside as the shell exits the barrel of the cannon, making its way towards the gate.

A Quan soldier noticed the incoming shell on top of the gate as he ran away below it dropping his shield in the process, knowing it will bring harm to him while shouting, "Incoming!"

Then the world sped up as the shell hits the gate, making the soldiers around it cover their eyes from the big explosion that happened at the gate, a Sergeant looked at the gaping hole in the gate where a Heavy tank continues moving forwards 

"retreat..." he said lowly, "Retreat..." he said louder this time, "RETREAT! EVERYONE GO BACK! FORM UP ON THE HQ!" he shouted as he ran back, multiple German soldiers made their way inside.

Quan soldiers hears their officers command, they retreated to the HQ to form up for the final defence of the town, multiple Quan soldiers ran for their lives as bullets whizzed right beside them. 

"Oh goddess run for your lives-" a Quan soldier got shot on the head while running away.

"Why did I sign up for this!" an Archer said while running back.

"Argh! my leg!" a Quan soldier fell to the ground as he was hit by a bullet. His companions left him as they think it was suicide to help him, thus leaving him alone and captured by the Germans.

"Kümmel! tell the tanks to not use their main guns! we don't want unnecessary losses as their might be civilians in the buildings!" a Sergeant said to his fellow soldier who nods and moved towards the lead tanks.

The Major looked to his see a Grizalan soldier with them, "You think that 12th Brigade began their attack on the west?" he asked his Grizalan ally.

Before the Grizalan soldier responds, a large explosion happened in the West gate, "Looks like they just started." the Grizalan soldier said with a chuckle.

The German Major looked at him with a smile, "Now come on, we got civilians to save." he said while readying his MP40.

The Grizalan soldier let out his sword with a grin, "Indeed we are."

The German Major looked behind to see German soldiers waiting for orders, "Company Hauszerstörer, search the houses in left for civilians as well as Company Graustahl move to the right for searching civilians also. The rest of you, follow me and continue moving up to the Town Hall, there we will meet up the 12th Brigade. Understood?"

"Ja Kommandant!" they shouted in understanding.

The Major nods as he looked forward and shouted, "Alright lets move!" 

"How is it come to this..." the Garrison Commander said muttering while the Town Hall shook, making dust and planks fall to the ground.

"What the situation." the Commander said, already knowing its a loss cause.

His 2nd In Command said, "Sir, the Western and Southern gates have been breached, enemy forces have captured the gates and our forces dwindled into only a Company size force. Most of the Southern gate forces have taken refuge inside the HQ." he said in a grim voice.

"How about the Eastern and Northern gates? have they been breached?" he asked his 2nd in Command.

2nd CO shook his head, "No sir, they have not been attacked, but they report that their are a lot of enemy soldiers in the outskirts." he said with a sigh, "All in all sir, we have been surrounded." he said.

The GC sighed at this revelation, he already knew that they couldn't hold out this long, they hope to atleast make them bleed for when the 7th and 8th armies arrived, they will have an easier time to get them.

But he didn't even believe that the battle would be already finished.

The building shook again, making the flag of the Quan Dynasty behind the GC on the wall fall to the ground. The Quans looked at the fallen flag in vain, they knew that their is no hope for them winning this battle.

The GC has no choice but to relay a surrender, "Mage whats your name..." he asked his Mage.

The Mage fixed himself, "The names Stuart sir." 

"Stuart, it pains me to say this but..." he sighed, "Tell the surviving men to surrender, tell them to raise the white flag, its over..." he said while looking down.

Stuart looked hesitant for a minute but nonetheless, complied to the order, he raised his SCC and said, ≈This is HQ, all surviving Quan soldiers raise white flags...≈

≈We have lost the battle≈

"Cease fire! Cease fire! Cease fire!" a Major from the 12th Brigade shouted to his soldiers, raising his hand to signal the soldiers to stop firing.

The soldier complied and stopped firing, making the area their in silent. The distance firing was still heard all across the town but they were quiet down.

When they see a lone Quan soldier, they raised their weapon thinking he was a threat, but they let their guard down when the see multiple Quan soldiers coming out while the lead soldier carrying a white flag, "Don't hurt us, we surrender..." the soldier said waving the flag.

The Major looked to his companion with a nod, "Alright detain those soldiers! Medics tend the wounded on their side! Move it!" he shouted as he stood up.

The rest of the soldiers stood up and moved towards the surrendered Quan soldiers to detain them. The Medics moved past them to tend their wounded.

Similar things happened all around the town, all of the surviving Quan soldiers as well as injured ones, surrendered to the Germans as they can't fight any longer.

German troops surrounded the HQ from all sides with the weapons pointed at the building as well tanks pointing their cannons to the building, "This is the Auroran Army! Step out of the building with your hands in the air! failure to comply in 10 seconds we will move in with force!" a German Officer with a megaphone shouted at the building.

The Quans inside didn't answer the officers command, "10!" he counted down.





"5!" he raised his hand to get ready, the soldiers raised their weapons to the building.


"3!" the sounds of rifles, machine guns, submachine guns where heard all around the building.

"2!" they pointed at the building with their weapons hot and ready to send lead.

"1-" he was cut off when the door of the entrance opened slowly. Revealing a single Quan GC with his hands up, then another Quan soldier came out of the building, then all single line of Quan soldiers, officers, and mages moved out of the building in a single file.

The German Officer moved his head to signal the soldiers to detain them, but before the GC was detained, he said the officer, "We have wounded inside, please take care of them." he said in a solemn voice as he was detained.

The German Officer looked at the building, "I want a single Platoon as well Medics to go inside the town hall, we got wounded inside so get to it!" he shouted to his soldiers in command.

The soldiers saluted at him and made their way inside the town hall to tend the wounded and finding any documents inside.

As he was about to move, a soldier came to his view with a flag in his hands, "General, I found this flag on the entrance of the Southern gate," he waved the flag to show to him, "You know that flag belongs to this?"

The General looked at the flag with a nod, "Thats our allies flag, the Grizalans, wonder how did it get down here." he said.

The soldiers points up, "Maybe that's where it was place originally." he points at the Town Hall at the porch where the Quan Dynasty's flag was hoisted.

The General looked at the Quan flag with disgust, "That flag is a stain to this nation," he looked around for someone, he then found a lone Grizalan soldier as he was helping the civilians, "You there! Grizalan soldier!" he shouted at the pointed lone Grizalan soldier.

The lone Grizalan soldier heard the call and looked at the General as he move towards him, "What can I do to you General White?" the Grizalan soldier asked.

General White points at the porch where the Quan flag was hoisted, "See that flag up there?" he said.

The Grizalan soldier looked at the Quan flag, "Yes sir, its an Quan flag." he said to the General.

He pointed at the Grizalan flag where the soldier still holds it, "I want you to go with him to the porch and remove that Quan flag, I will be coming to fire a flair to tell the mission is a success." he said to the Grizalan soldier who understood him.

They moved towards the building, climbing the stairs, and on the doorway to the porch. The German soldier holding the flag opens the door where the flag pole is positioned, "Come on, help me with this." he said as he tries to remove the flag.

The Grizalan nods as they attempt to remove the Quan flag, the flag was hoisted down, as the flag was down, they removed the ropes that is connecting the Quan flag.

In the background, General White raised his hand as he gripped the flair gun, now he waits for the flag to be hoisted.

The two soldiers successfully removed the flag and put the Grizalan flag, as they were about to raise the Grizalan flag, the German soldier said to the Grizalan soldier, "You should hoist it up my friend, its your nations flag." he said as he moves to the edge of the porch.

The Grizalan soldier looked shocked for a second but he smiled with a nod, the soldier moved to the side and started hoisting up the flag.

Thats the queue for General White, he fired his flair gun to the sky where it burns brightly to the sky in colour green.

The people on the ground, Civilians and Soldiers alike looked at the sky as they looked below it, the flag of the Grizalan Kingdom was being hoisted back up where it belongs.

The German soldier looked at the porch and threw the Quan flag to the ground.

The Quan soldiers looked at this and hung their head in shame, in shame as they were defeated by the Grizalans and its allies. Looking at their flag which was hoisted up ago was now falling to the ground where it belongs.

The people of the Grizalan Kingdom looked at the flag which is now hoisted up as they looked the burning green light above, giving the area a bright effect that showed the Grizalan Kingdom flag well.

The General looked at the two soldiers who looked at the Grizalan flag, with a smile he looked at the distance as he see's the rest of the army moving towards here, "This is only just the beginning... For retribution... For vengeance..."

"For their reckoning shall arrive..." 


Alrighty, now that is done, im still alive.

The fever is now gone and Im free from the shackles of sickness, the new Divisions will be added in chapter 15 so just wait.

This chapter has 4309 words long

Hope you enjoy, cya next time gamers :D

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