Truly Madly Deeply (One Direc...

Por WishingOnStars99

23.2K 429 18

"We will see each other again." Louis told me. He was about to go on tour. He had just won the x-factor. "Whe... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 52

225 5 1
Por WishingOnStars99

"Well, its good to know you're safe and sound. Thank you all for coming, and see you soon!" The interviewer said. The interview was just the same as always; they asked random questions, and in the end they asked if Izzy and I were dating someone, but we assured her we were totally single.

The interview had just finished, and I sighed in relief.

"You really dont like the camera, do you?" Nathan asked, messing up my hair.

"No I dont," I said, taking his hand off my hair. Suddenly the back door burst open and the boys came in. This couldnt be good.

"What do you want now?" Jay asked them.

"I want my sister back." Lou said seriously.

"And I want a cupcake!" I joked.

"I'll call Will." Izzy said, rolling her eyes.

"You dont need to, but thanks!" I sang happily, and the boys were just staring at us.

Izzy called Will, with Nathan's arms wrapped around her waist. I looked at Harry, and he was giving Nathan a death glare. If looks could kill, Nathan would be a goner. We all stood there for an awkward silence, waiting for someone to break it.

"Can we talk?" Liam asked. I opened my mouth, but Jay quickly cut me off.

"No, she cant talk to you right now, because we're leaving." Jay said, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. Nathan and Izzy stood up, but my gaze were on the boys.

"Where's my favorite costumer?" I heard Will ask, while opening the door.

"She's here!" Nathan said, shoting his hand up. Will came to us, but I didnt exactly look at him. I wanted to talk to the boys so badly. Before I knew it, Will gave me a cupcake.

"Thanks," I mumbled, giving the cupcake a bite.

"Ok then. You know I'd love to stay, but I've got to deliver some other cupcakes!" Will cheered, and left. My eyes were still on the boys. They were all pouting, and looked like lost puppies, and I've got to admit that I must look the same way.

"C'mon Mac," Jay said, dragging me to come with him. I didnt resist, but I didnt turn. My eyes were still on the boys, and remained on the boys until Nathan closed the door.

"Kenz, do you need to talk to them?" Izzy asked, with a half smile. I nodded.

"Ok then. You've got ten minutes. If your not in the car by then, we're coming for you." Nathan said, with an encouraging look. I nodded swiftly.

As soon as I was sure they left, I turned around and faced the door. I took a deep breath, and opened it to find the boys, all thrown in the couch, still looking like lost puppies. They instantly looked up at me when I came in, and I half smiled at them.

"Hey," I said quietly.

No answer.

"Ok then. I know you probably dont want to talk, so let me do the talking, ok? Look guys, I'm sorry if you think I ran away. I'm sorry for ruining your vacations. I'm sorry lying to you Niall and Harry. I'm sorry for deciding to go on a road trip. I'm sorry for literally everything I did to you. And you all would really be better off without me. In two years, you've became the most famous band in the world, and, if you think about it, I wasnt there. And I'm sorry for that too. Even though our destinies might separate us, I just want you all to know that I love each and everyone of you, the girls included, wherever they are." I said smiling at myself.

Still no answer.

I started to make my way towards the door again, and slightly opened it. I looked at them again, and their expressions havent changed. But they were still looking at me.

"But mostly, I'm sorry for growing up." I said, and quickly ran off. I literally ran towards the car, and opened the back seat's door. Nathan was there, and I cried on his shoulder. They saw that I didnt want to talk, so they all watched me quietly.

"I've got to go to the bathroom." Izzy said, and got off the car.


"I've got to go to the bathroom," I said, and quickly left the car. I was desparate. I ran towards the building again, and entered the bathroom.

After I finished doing my buisness, and washed my hands, I walked out of the bathroom, to see the five boys walking sadly through the corridor. And to think that it's all my fault. I bit my lip nervously, and knew what I had to do.

"Hey! Boys!" I screamed, making them look my way. I walked closer to them, and they all had confused, and some angry expressions in their faces.

"What do you want?" Harry snapped. His eyes were puffy, meaning that he had cried. That literally broke my heart into a million pieces.

"I want a chance to say sorry." I said, feeling kind of guilty.

"For?" Lou asked, raising an eyebrow.

"For changing Mac. I know you all think that I'm bad influence for her, but she's my best friend. I really am sorry if I have ever done anything to hurt any of you." I took a deep breath and continued, "I know that you're all thinking that I forced Mac to come with me, but I didnt. We both always wanted to go on a road trip, and we decided to go now." I said, looking at the floor to continue, "And I think it would be best if we just forget about each other. I mean, I guess you could all forget that I exist, and then we can go on with our lives." I said, forcing a half smile into my face.

No answer.

"Ok then. I'll make Mac call you every now and then, and she'll be back in London in no time." I assured them. "Good bye." I said, and turned around. I took a deep breath, and made my way towards the car.

I quickly come in, and watch as my best friend is crying on Nathan's shoulder. I sigh sadly, as Jay drove off to the hotel.

As soon as we arrived at our hotel, Mac and I quickly ran to our room. I mean, I ran... Mac just walked sadly. It killed me to see her like that. Literally. When we entered the room, I asked her if she wanted to take a bath first, but she said I could go.

I quickly took off my clothes, and entered the shower. I let the warm water hit my skin. I quickly cleaned myself, and got off the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body, and left the bathroom. Mac quickly entered the bathroom leaving me alone in the bedroom.

I opened my suitcase, and put on my pjs. I layed down on the bed, and turned on the TV. I decided to watch a random movie, which I didnt recognise, and waited until Mac left the shower.

I know that I dont act like it, but I really miss Harry. Seeing him today, made my heart rip to shreads. His green eyes were puffy, as if he had crying a lot. All I really wanted to do was run to Harry, and stay in his arms forever. But I couldnt. It was so hard to keep myself together at that moment.

"Are you ok?" Mac asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up at her, and she was looking at me with a confused/worried expression on her face.

"Yeah," I said, pushing all the thoughts about Harry to the back of my mind.

"Are you sure? Because you seemed sad," she pointed out, opening her suitcase.

"Yeah. I was just thinking." I said.

"About...?" she asked, putting on her pjs.

"What is it with you and all your sudden questions?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow. She just rolled her eyes, and sat down beside me.

"Nothing. I just need something to distract me from what happened earlier." Mac said, with a sad tone. "I mean, I kept saying that I was sorry, but they just sat there looking like lost puppies at me!" she exclaimed, seeming to be kind of mad. I chuckled at her comparisson.

"Look Mac," I said, in my serious tone, "I know its hard for you, but you'll get over it."

"I know. I just think it will be hard." she said, with tears falling from her eyes.

"C'mon baby girl. Turn that frown, upside down." I cooed.

"That's so cheesy." she chuckled, before her eyes glued to the screen again.


I looked at the screen of the TV, but wasnt paying attention. I thought about what I would do when this road trip ended. My phone went off, and I looked at it. It was Jen, Court, and Ian. I texted them back, and it felt good to talk to them. They made me remember that even though bad things happen, you've got to move on.

I felt like crying most of the time. I mean, I just lost my brother, and my boyfriend. And by now, Angie, El and Perrie probably hate my guts. I feel so lonely. Like nothing anyone can do will make me go back to normal.


We just arrived in London after barely a week. We left Greece, and spent two days in Finland, and two days in Poland. We mostly did some tourism and shopping, but it was fun to get my mind off things generally.

We got a taxi, and went to Izzy's flat to stay there. I could tell that Izzy felt sorry for me, because I became a lot quieter since the boys and I kind of went in separate ways. And I seriously cant blame her. I mean, it wasnt her fault no one said nothing when I tried to apoligise.

I shrugged the thoughts to the back of my head, when we finally arrived at the flat. The boys got our bags and we went to Izzy's door. She quickly opened it, and we came in happily. I instantly ran to my room, and threw myself in my bed.

There's no place like home, I thought. Although this isnt exactly home...

"Are you sleepy?" Jay asked in the doorway of my room.

"No," I mumbled, and sat up.

"C'mon. We're gonna watch I am Number Four," Jay said. I stood up, and followed him to the TV room.

We all sat down, and started to watch the movie. I was sitting between Izzy and Jay. I looked at Izzy, who had Nathan's arm around her waist, and I couldnt help but wonder how she moved on so quickly. I mean, I tried to move on but I just cant.

Suddenly the front door burst open, and we heard three voices chatting. Three familiiar voices. Jay and Nathan went on defensive mode, making me roll my eyes. I stood up, and peeked my head to where the voices were.

"Sorry, its just that I forgot my black heels here," Angie said, entering our bedroom.

"Guys?" I asked, hesitating. They all turned around, and looked at me, with smiles forming on their faces.

"Kenzie!" The three of them screamed, and opened their arms for a hug. I ran to them, and we had a group hug.

"I missed you all so much!" I said, being so happy for seeing them.

"Us too." Angie said happily.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, biting my lip nervously.

"What? Why would we be mad at you?" Perrie asked looking confused.

"Because I came in a road trip?" I said, not sure of what to say.

"That's not a reason to be mad at you!" Perrie said, hiting my arm lightly.

"Yeah, it was your dream." El assured me.

"Thanks you guys!" I said, and gave them all a hug again.

'Where's Izzy, anyways?" Angie asked.

"Watching TV." I told her happily.

We walked to the TV room, and Izzy looked at us. A smile appeared on her face, but then changed for a frown.

"Are you ok?" Perrie asked her.

"Yes." she said pouting. "Its just that you probably hate me."

"Hate you? Are you freeking mad?" Angie said, raising an eyebrow. Izzy smiled, and we had another group hug.

"I missed my girls." El said happily.

"Me too." Izzy, Angie, Perrie and I said at almost the same time.

"We should do a sleepover," I said honestly.

"What about Friday night?" Perrie suggested.

"Friday night it is?" Izzy asked.

"Yes," We agreed.

"Wanna watch a movie now?" Izzy asked the girls.

"We cant. We've got to go on a date." Angie said, biting her lip nervously.

"Its ok. Have fun!" I said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Thanks," she said, giving me a hug.

After a while, they left to go on their dates. I wonder that if Niall and I were still together, what would we be doing right now? I stood up from the couch, and went to my bedroom.I opened my purse, and got out the charm bracelet Niall gave me. I looked at each pendant, and remebered the memories I had with him.

I felt tears fall from my eyes, but quickly wiped them off. I placed the charm bracelet bag in my purse, and got my locket, which never left my necklace. I then remembered what Alice wrote to me in the note:

You cant have a better tomorrow, if you're stuck thinking about yesterday.

I got the locket in my hands, and remembered my time with Alice. I still remember every detail of every time we were together, as cheesy as it is.

I then heard the front door burst open, and then some people shouting at each other. I slowly walked to the front door, carefully not to be seen. I peeked my head, and looked at who was at the door.

Oh no.

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