A Cat's Tail Muke~Cashton hy...

By Muke_newmas

57.4K 2K 381

They say you can tell a cats life just by looking at their tails. The way they are pointed if they are straig... More

A Cat's Tail Muke~Cashton hybrid story
Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A/N (please read) update soon
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
The Aquarium part 1
The Arcade
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
I suck
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
10k Reads and Sequel

Chapter 15

871 44 4
By Muke_newmas

Michael went outside and sat on the step, to think of ways he could get Luke back. The sun was setting, Michael like the way it looked like the night was touching the day gently meeting. It was like the world was hanging on the edge of night and day neither one greater just equal or maybe just kind of there. Balanced perfectly kind of like him and Luke, different but at the same time balanced one sunny and one dark, but both nice. Awhile ago he would of thought Luke was the day, the sun and he was the night not dark but guarded. Maybe they were just the in between.

The breeze was nice, it made The fur on Michael's ears stand on end, not in a bad way though. It was warm the beginning of summer he supposed but it was still dark, even with. The light shining still but it was fading.

Michael's eyes flicked around calculating, fingers tapping lightly on the step. It was cold to the touch. Whitish, grey stone a side railing probably never used. He looked up at the stars wondering where Luke could be. He needed Luke you see, the boy was lost without him. So he spoke aloud this time. Not even contemplating what he was doing.

"Luke wherever you, I just want to let you know I miss you," Michael looked up at the sky and the barely visible stars. " Luke I need you, Why'd you leave? You always leave" Michael trailed off. He's eyes looked a deeper green now that he was frustrated.

" Luke I swear to all things holy, so I guess not you, that I will I will um... Castrate you," Michael was not good at insults.

" I haven't heard that one in a long, long time," A voice came from the street, Luke's voice. Luke was here in front of Michael standing. Smirking, Luke looked beautiful, hair quiffed, all black everything. His blue eyes didn't look away from Michael at all as he walked closer. Wide eyed Michael looked at him mouth slightly agape.

"Cat got your tongue," Michael huffed since when had Luke been this standoffish.


"So..." Luke says awkwardly.

" Ashton needs your help."

"What happened to Ash?" Luke eyes filled with concern, and his smile faded.

"You'll see,Calum's dad happened" Michael went inside with Luke on his tail not literally. Luke grabbed Michael's hand and spun him around. Luke knew it wasn't the time to says this but he had to.

"Michael I missed you, just so you know,"

"Then why'd you leave?"

"Because..." Luke looked away

"Why Luke?"

"I um..."

"Why Luke? I should've known you weren't going to tell me," Michael face was red, eyes were kind of watery like he was going to cry.

"Because I.Love.You Michael that's why," Luke almost yelled.

"Luke... I-I," Michael couldn't finish because he was interrupted by a voice filled with concern.

"Michael, Ashton isn't eating," Calum called out still unaware of Luke being there. The two boys rushed into the room.

"Calum," Luke eyes grew wider as he looked at Ashton. Ashton wasn't doing anything, he's eyes were glaze over. He was looking everywhere but his eyes slide off of everything. He looked as if he had sun stroke or a high fever. Ashton fainted.

"Luke, I don't know what to, I can't help," Calum was crying, pulling at his shirt sleeves.

"We have to get him to the hospital," Michael was in an almost calm state. "Now"


So that happened



So Luke's back

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