All The Little Lights

By katedayn09

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"You are kidding me, right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. "Do I seem like I am kidding?" "No, you don't. But I... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Take a look.!!!
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Bonus Chapter
Chapter 74

Chapter 27

89 8 0
By katedayn09


I cut the large piece of grilled chicken into two halves before slicing them into further small, edible pieces. Satisfied with my work, I put the other large piece into my mouth. The second it touched my tongue I was resisting the urge to moan.

Oh my...good heavens!!

It's spiciness exploded into my taste buds making me close my eyes and I was lost at the moment. the moment for a minute. The hot and spicy sauces with the soft flesh flavoured up by pepper and lime..! It was literal heaven and I was lost to the delicious sensation forgetting everything around me.

It's pure bliss! Nothing in this world could compare with this pleasure. Heavenly experience! My goodness...Is this what they call the seventh heaven?!

Swallowing the creation of perfection, I didnot waste a second to fill my mouth with the next round. I was sure I look like a chipmunk by the way my cheeks were filled.
Shoving away purely irrelevant thoughts I kept chewing my food well aware of the fact that I look like a girl who have been denied food for weeks.

But can you blame me? This food is delicious.

Let me give you a free advice. If you want to show your protest against anything or anyone, never do that by starving yourself.
Instead try to eat their food too and let them stay sarving. That is more likely to produce an effect.

During my sruggle to pass everything down my throat I felt a thick substance sliding down the corner of my lips.

Oh. My sauce! I tried to reach it with my tongue, seeing my hands were busy in the plate.

Uhhrgh..!! I can't reach it.

Well, a challenge? I am ready. Let's see whether I can do it.

I moved my tongue a little further to the side trying to reach it.
Yes..yes..I got a little taste of it...Ah..yes...I can do it..
A bit further...a bit more...

I tried to move my tongue to the maximum. I'm there..there... a little...only a

*cough cough*

Sitting straight abruptly, I looked towards the voice to see Aarvin staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

Oh!..How long had been he looking at me?

Suddenly feeling conscious about my surroundings, I looked around to see if anyone else had seen my little stunt and on seeing that they didn't, I gave him a sheepish smile.

Pinning me down with a pointed stare, He tilted his head in the direction Anastasia, who was eating her food in such a grace that one would mistake her to be The Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo being the perfect queen.

I looked between her plate and mine.

In her plate there were three beans and two berries. And to the corner, there was a little amount of spaghetti with very little sauce on top. She stabbed a bean...a bean!! and put it into her mouth before starting chewing like a cow chewing on grass.

I glanced down my plate. There were pieces of grilled chicken and some spaghetti....and some more spaghetti. Near, I had a small steak and two pieces of apple pie.

What? I'm on diet..

Rolling my eyes at her way of eating I looked at Aarvin and shrugged. For a fraction of second, his eyes moved to the corner of my mouth before they connected to my brown ones. I lifed an eyebrow at him.

Shooting me a hard glare, he took a napkin from the table and stretched it towards me. I eyed it in confusion and looked at him. Sighing he motioned the napkin towards the corner of his mouth.

Eeek..My sauce!

Not giving a second glance to the thing in his outstretched arms, I used my thumb to wipe it off my chin before licking it clean with my tounge. Yummy!

Giving him a victorious smile I showed the thumb at him to give a thumbs up but before I could lower my hand, he grabbed my hand by the wrist and wiped it with the small piece of cloth in his hand.

What the heck is he doing??

I looked at him in wonder. Why is he cleaning my finger? Because I had a little sauce on it? Because I licked it maybe? Or is this is a part of our acting? To show them he cares about me?

After cleaning my thumb he picked another one and slightly wet it with water before wiping it over my thumb.

I was very well aware of the small smile that tugged at the corner of my lips threatening to break into its full form. His face was as blank as ever. His eyes zeroed in on my finger. Not a single trace of care was in his actios but somehow I found it cute.
The way his eyesbrows furrowed a little in concentration and the slightly narrowed eyes indicating that he was not amused, At all.

After cleaning my thumb he looked at me.

"Don't do that"

"What?" I asked with a small smile on my face. He seems like a tough guy. But the way he acts sometimes conveys something else. He makes it seem like he is made of stone, but...I know, I know. I have only met him a very few times. But...

Oh! By the way, if you are thinking anything along the lines of I, Alexia, liking him or at least starting to do so, then I will gladly flush that bullshit down the toilet for you. To exactly where it belongs.

I don't like him. I don't like him at all. But seeing him acting like this made me think that we could at least try to be civil with each other. All his acting is making me see him in a different light. That aura of light around it the glow of tolerance?

"Should I have to remind you that we are acting like a couple?"

"Of cou-" before I could complete, he interrupted me with a hard toungue.

"That means we have to behave like a couple. Somewhere along the way we would have to hold hands. Do you think I will allow you to touch me with that hand of yours that you sucked little while ago? I don't want your saliva on my immaculate suit or anywhere near me."

I looked at him dumbfounded.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

"You already ruined my shoe with your coffee and now you are trying to stain my suit with those dirty hands? Never."

Saying that he returned his attention towards his food.

Is he for real?! This fucking idiot! I gritted my teeth. Civil, my ass! How dare he to talk to me like that. Here I am, thinking of reducing my urge to paint the wall with his Oh so blank face to try and get along with him while he continues to treat me like the dirt on his shoes.

You know what?? Remember the light I was talking about? The aura? Yeah, forget about it.
That was a not an aura...It was just the light from the chandelier reflecting from the cutlery. And cute? Seriously? You believed that?! I was just kidding. Ha! Fooled you. He is an incompassionate arrogant prick of an ass! Anything more. Nothing less.

"So, what do you do Miss. Costello?" Emily asked making me snap out of my refreshing thoughts.

"Oh, please call me Alexia" I said politely. Trying to be sweet. *Gag!*

Hearing me she gave me a smile. Yeah. Fake.

"Ok then. Alexia, What's your occupation?"

"Uh..I..I'm a fashion designer" I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.

"Fashion designer? You mean..drawing and all those stuff?" Anastasia asked with a disgusted face.

"Yes. I am a great designer. Sketching is my main domain. But I aslo help my co workers to sort out everything perfectly. They are very talented, you know. Can't let it go to waste." I said with an unassuming but all too evil smile on my face throwing a glance at Helen who looked at me with a knowing look. That was not a lie but the half truth

"That's.... good, I think" She said like she is talking about shit.

" know, Anastasia is an instagram model. She have almost one million followers." Susana said with pride in her eyes.

"Oh, Aunty please...don't flatter me and actually I am close to two million followers." She said with fake shyness, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She looked at Aarvin from the corner of her eyes to read his reaction to her popularity. I tried hard not to gag at her tactics. Seriously? Can she be any more obvious?

Fantastic! Now I am acting like a complete bitch. Do I care? No.

Oblivious to her advances Aarvin picked up his glass and sipped on his wine. I bit my lip to prevent myself from laughing at her frustrated face.

"Don't you have any children, Mr. Winx?" Helen asked looking pointedly at Alfred.

The clatters and chatters of the table died down. The once cool atmosphere tensed at Helen's question. Me and Helen shared a look at each other before turning our heads towards Alfred who was clutching his fork tightly to the point his knuckles turned white.

"Mr. Winx?" I inquired looking at him expectantly.

"No. I don't have a son." He gritted out through clenched teeth.

"She didn't ask you whether you have a son or not.." I pointed out still busy trying to cut a stubborn piece of meat rather violently.

*cough cough*

I rolled my eyes at that someone's pretty frequent coughs.
Remind me to buy a tonic..

Alfred clenched his jaw at my remark. Seeing his demeanour, Susana placed her hand on top of his to calm him down. She didn't look worried or sad, only frustrated.

Wow. Don't they love their even a little bit?

"Did I ask something improper?" Helen asked with feigned innocence and worry.

" didn't, dear. Why don't we continue with our dinner?" Emily tried so as to ease the tension of the room.

After the conversation no one dared to open their mouth. An awkward silence hung around the table.

"So...What about you monkey?" Victor asked to break the silence.

Aarvin almost choked on his wine hearing Victor's question.

These siblings are really fun! To mess with.They are really good entertainer's. Atkinson, you better watch your back.!

"M-monkey? What are you saying?" Aarvin inquired furrowing his eyesbrows at Victor.

"Uh..I..I" Stuttering Victor looked at Helen who was far too involved in observing the patterns of the table cloth. Her lips formed a grim line which only I could interpret as the try to avoid the grin that was threatening to escape.

"What happened Victor?" Alfred asked noticing Victor's hesitation to answer Aarvin's question.

Realizing that everyone was waiting for him to answer, he worriedly looked around the table and let out a nervous chuckle.

He can't say that he called The Anderson's most trusted partner's daughter a monkey now, can he?

"No..A-Actually I was thinking about something else" He said faking a laugh at the end to emphasize his point.

After that everyone returned to their own conversations and Anastasia continued to ogle at Aarvin. She lowered her neckline further down to catch his attention. I rolled my eyes at her desperate antics.

Your brother is sitting right beside him you shameless flirt!

She leaned towards the table and stretched out her hand to pick up the bottle of wine which was next to Aarvin's plate. Noticing that she didn't have his attention, she raised herself a bit from the chair to lean her upper body over the table trying hard to reach the bottle of wine near Aarvin's plate when another one of the exact same bottle was there very much near to her and Helen. She was almost laying on the table. Goodness!

I leaned back on my chair and crossed my arms over my chest clearly enjoying the view she was giving us or more precisely, Aarvin.

She was indeed doing a brilliant show. I should at least give her that. All she had to do was tell one of us to pass the bottle. But no... She had to bend over the table, literally dangling on it, trying to give him one hell of a seduction show.

Hah! If I was sitting beside her I would've sh-


"What the hell?!" Emily screeched, jumping up from her chair.

"Oh gosh! What happened? Are you okay?" Helen asked with a worry filled face and stood up from her chair to help Anastasia who was now laying flat on the table with her face in a plate of sauce. Her once elegant green dress was now stained with red wine, dripping down to her legs. And her silky hair is now covered in the red sticky sauce.

Oops! I forgot Helen was the one seated beside her! My bestest friend ever!!
Remind me to buy her some gummy bears,..
one packet though.

"Oh my dear, what happened?" Emily ran to Anastasia's side to help her daughter stand upright from her fall.

"You could have asked someone to pass the bottle Miss. Winx." Aarvin said nonchalantly standing up from his seat before straightening his suit.
I raised my eyebrow at his declaration but decided not to comment on it.

He had been watching stunts all these time?

Anastasia's eyes widened at his remark. She lowered her head so fast to hide her face that was turning red from all the humiliation. Her lips trembled and her eyes started to fill with tears. Seems like the realisation of him knowing all her advances without giving her a second glance and didn't even bat an eye in favour of her only added fuel to the fire.

"A-Are you o-okay?" Helen asked innocently blinking her eyes to hold back the tears.

To others it may have seemed like she was worrying for her but I knew, that the tears were the result of her suppressed laugh.

"You don't have to worry dear. She is okay" Victor came to console Helen and patted her shoulders in a soothing manner.

"Mom, take her inside." Emily nodded at Victor and both she and Susana took Anastasia away from the dining hall.

"I am so sorry that this happened to you" I said faking sympathy before she could leave the hall.

She looked back over her shoulders and gave me a hard glare to which I returned with a mocking smile and a wink.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Mr. Anderson" Alfred said with a nervous smile once she left the hall

"Yeah, I don't know what happened to her. She is actually a well behaved lady ." Alexander said nodding his head at Alfred.

"It is alright. I understand." Aarvin said and they both visibly seemed relieved at his statement.

After the small talk we all returned to the hall were both Susana and Emily were present.

"We are leaving" Aarvin announced when we reached them.

"Yes. Sure. Mr. Anderson. I am considering this small gathering of ours as a pleasant beginning to all our further business ventures without any complications. " Alfred said holding his hand out for a shake.

"We will see" Aarvin said giving him a hand shake and a curt nod in goodbye.

Me and Helen said our greetings to the ladies who pulled us each for a hug which we reluctantly returned.

"See you soon" Susanna said wrapping her hands around me.

"Yeah. Sure" soon....

I looked at Victor who was far too busy flirting with Helen.

"Can I have your number?"

"For what?"

"Of course, to call you silly." Victor said pushing her in the shoulder softly and playfully.

Suddenly Helen's eyes started to water, she widened her eyes deliberately and her lips started to tremble.

"Why di-did you sho-ve me?"

Victor's eyes widened in panic. He looked around to see if anyone was looking at them and he certainly missed my eyes that were solely on them. Believing that they have no audience he patted her shoulder trying to soothe her.

"I.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it...I wa-was just kidding. Please...I didn't know you were so sensitive. Hey, look at me.. Look at me" He grabbed her chin gently to make her look at him.

"I'm sorry.. Monkey" His voice was too gentle. But what made me snicker was the way he addressed her, monkey. He called her monkey like it was the most sweet name that had been ever uttered by his tongue.

Geez! Is he just plain dumb or purely idiotic?! Seriously!
Is Kevin really related to them?! These morons?!

Helen giggled at the name and Victor beamed at his achievement.


Helen gave him her number and bid him a sweet farewell. We stepped out of the mansion and walked towards Aarvin.

"Shall we?" Aarvin asked directing his attention towards us ending the conversation with the Winx.
We nodded and Aarvin took my hand in his and led us to the car.

"That went well." I said once we hit the road.

"Yeah. That was amazing! " Helen exclaimed leaning back in her seat with a sigh

"I presume you have made quiet an impression on Victor?" Aarvin asked without taking his eyes off the road.

"Yes. Exactly what I wanted to happen." Helen replied.

"And what was the stunt during the dinner?"

I spun my neck towards him and asked bewildered, "You saw that?!"

"That she tripped Miss. Winx with her legs? Yes, I did." He said blankly tilting his head at Helen who smiled sheepishly.

I stared at him in utter surprise. Back at the mansion, during dinner, he looked like he was not at all aware of the things happening around him. But in reality, he was deceiving us with his usual stoic face, void of any emotion or reaction to anything around him.

After some more minutes of bickering and snickering, (mostly between me and Helen) we finally arrived his company's building. We stepped out of the car and moved to our car after saying goodbye to Aarvin who acknowledged it with a nod.

Relaxing in my seat Helen drove us back to the security of our house.
I think we made quite a good impression on the Winx.

The night was if not anything, eventful.

And...that's it for tonight.


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See you at the next chap. 🙋🙋

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