Teacher x Student (Larry Styl...


60.5K 1.5K 873

'I don't want anyone else to have your heart, kiss you lips, or be in you arms because that's only my place.'... More

Intro :P
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

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Louis' Pov:

"I'll see you after school, same spot to pick you up and call me if anything happens ok?" 

I nod and say goodbye to Zayn before jumping out of his car and walking towards the school gates. I can feel my nerves starting to get to me as I enter the school building but shake them off and continue towards my locker.

I can do this.

Right. Up first, social studies.

- Skip to end of social studies -

Once the bell rings I quickly get out my phone to check my timetable. Ok so next I've got... English.


I gather up all my books and make my way down the hallway towards Mr. Styles' English class. Once inside the classroom I take my seat at the back of the class. Once the whole class is seated at their desks Mr. Styles walks over to the door and closes it before walking back to his desk and picks up a large stack of books.

"Ok so, for this term we will be-"

At that moment Mr. Styles looks up he scans the class until our eyes meet one another. He cuts himself off mid sentence and keeps our eyes locked together. A hint of shock and surprise flashed over his face before he furrows his brows and relaxes his face.

I give him a shy smile before looking back down at my desk. I hear him clear his throat and then his heavy foot steps walking around class. After a little while there's a thick novel book place on my desk in front of me. "To Kill a Mockingbird" 


I look up at Mr. Styles who looking right back at me with a gentle smile. 

"Glad to have you back."

He then carries on around the classroom handing out a copy of the book to everyone. I can feel my checks heating up and the butterflies fluttering around in my tummy. That smile of his gets me every day. 

"This term we will be reading 'To Kill a Mockingbird' together as a class. We will read set chapter during class time and no one is to read ahead. Task will be set each week, some will be questions about the book you have to answer and others will be project like tasks."

That doesn't sound too bad.

"Any questions?" Mr. Styles asks, scanning his eyes around the room. 

"NO? Ok then." Mr. Styles claps his hands together and sits down in his chair. 

"Before I forget I'll do the roll now." Mr. Styles calls everyone's name out, only two people away today.

"Right, do I have any volunteers to read the first page?"

Oh no. Please don't pick me.

"Daniel, how about you?"

"Um no, I'm good thanks." Daniel replies.

"Oh come on, just give it a go." Mr. Styles encourages him. 

Daniel just shakes his head no and sink further into his chair. 

Mr. Styles lets out a sigh but doesn't press him any further. "Louis, what about you?"

I freeze in my seat. No, no, no. 

All heads turn to me and my checks turn red in embarrassment.


"Why don't you come up here an read the first page or so of the book." 


I stand up on shaky legs and make my way to the front of the class with my book in hand. I turn around and look at the whole class who are just staring at me. I open the book and look down at the words. 

Agh I forgot to put my glasses on. I quickly shut the book and speed walk back to my desk.

"Sorry, I forgot to put my glasses on."

I hear someone snicker quietly and that only embarrasses me more. I can feel my palms start to sweet with anxiety, I hate being the center of attention. I look over at Mr. Styles for encouragement, he gives me a slight nod and tells me to go on. I take a deep breath and start.

"Ok um... W-when he was nearly thirteen my bro-"

"Can't hear you!" A boy at the back called out, causing others to laugh. 

I let a shaky breath extremely embarrassed. 

"Uh enough of that thank you, show Mr. Tomlinson some respect."

I take a deep breath and start again. 

"When he was nearly t-thirteen my brother Jan- no Jem g-got his arm badly broken at the elbow. When it healed a-and Jem's fear of never being able to p-play football were a-as-a um, u-um" 

I looked up at the class and notice a group of them laughing behind there hands. My cheek flushed red with embarrassment again. I look over to Mr. Styles for help.

"Assuaged." He carries on for me.

"R-right, assuaged, he was seldom self-conscious about his i-injury. His left arm was tighter than his- wait no- his left arm was s-shorter then his right;" 

I let out a shaky breath, screw my dyslexia. I get ready to continue reading but the sound of student laughing catches my attention. I look over to the corner and see several kids laughing and not even trying to hide it now, some of them are even mimicking my stuttering. 

I can feel tears prick the corner of my eyes, my palms are sweaty and my hands are shaking. Please make this stop. I think Mr. Styles is realizing what starting to happen because he excuses me to go sit back down and then finishes reading the first couple pages himself. 

Once seated back down at my seat I bearing my head in my arms, forehead resting against my desk. Tears escape from my eyes and splash onto the table. About 15 minutes later the bell rings indicating the next period but I don't move from my seat. I can hear the others round me shuffling around and exiting the room.

I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder and then slowly rubbing up and down my back.

"Louis." Mr. Styles deep voice sounds in my ear. 

I tighten my arms around myself and let out a sob.

"They were all l-laughing at me, I completely embarrassed myself." I cry.

"Look at me Lou."

I sit up but keep my hands over my face, not wanting him to see me crying. 

"Why are you still talking to me? Don't you have a class to teach?"

"I have a free period at the moment."

"Oh." I go quiet again and squish my face further into my arms.

"You didn't do anything wrong Louis, they were just being jerks, that's how they always are, not that it make what they did ok but don't get upset over it Louis it's not your fault."

"Can I have a hug?" I ask him hopeful. I just want a hug right now.

"I don't think tha-"

"Please?" I look up at him and pout.

"Ok." He replies quietly.

I stand up in my tippy toes and wrap my arms tight around his neck. He leans down a bit to make it easier for me. I berry my face into his neck, hmmm he smells like fresh apples.

"Do we still have tutoring on after school today?" I ask once letting go.

"If you're up for it."

I smile and nod slightly. Mr. Styles walks over to his desk and writes something down on a piece of paper. 

"Late pass." He explains, handing it over to me. 

"Thank you." I blush and grab my bag heading towards the door but just before I leave, I spin around and lean up to kiss him quickly on the side of his mouth. I rush out of the class before I can see his reaction. Butterflies now erupting inside my tummy.


Sorry for not updating in so long, I started school again and it's keeping me super busy.

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter... What did you think?

Question of the chapter: Who is your hero?

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