Truly Madly Deeply (One Direc...

Від WishingOnStars99

23.2K 429 18

"We will see each other again." Louis told me. He was about to go on tour. He had just won the x-factor. "Whe... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 51

243 5 0
Від WishingOnStars99


We're on the airport, again, and Nathan and Jay are buying tickets to Greece. The last two days, we went shopping, did some tourism, and now, we're leaving. I barely called the boys and the girls, because I didnt exactly have time, lets say. And whenever I called, they asked where I was, and told me to go back. And no, I didnt tell them where I was, because I knew they'd come for me.

"Lets go, the next flight leaves in ten minutes." Jay said.

Izzy and I stood up, and we all went to pass through security. I placed my bag, my locket, and my charm bracelet in the box, and passed. It didnt beep, so I got my bag, wrapped my locket around my neck, and put my charm bracelet in my bag, instead of around my wrist. It still had the N, the heart and the US flag on it. I know I shouldnt have it with me, but I feel uncomplete without it.

We ran to the door, because apparently we're late. I was the second, with Jay infront of me. We finally got into the airplane, and flew away.


We had just checked in a hotel in Greece, and decided to do some tourism. Apparently, Izzy wanted to see Aphrodire's statue, because the was the Love Godess or something. We all went without complaining, because we always knew that Izzy always got what she wanted. I feel so happy for her having moved on. Its like she totally forgot about Harry, and One Direction. Although I havent.

The boys decided to buy Izzy and I some ice creams, while Izzy and I were staring at the statue.

"I wish I could just find love again." Izzy said sadly.

"What about you and Nathan?" I asked confused.

"We're more like best friends with some benefits. However its not that kind of love." Izzy said.

"I know. Its more like family love." I sighed.

"What about you baby girl?" she asked. Yes, I was still the baby here.

"What about me, Iz?" I asked confused.

"Have you found love?" she asked, making me sigh sadly.

"Yes. With Niall. But I guess I'll just have to move on." I said sadly.

Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, and placed a hand in my mouth. I started to scream, and looked at Izzy to see she was just like me. I started to move my legs, trying to kick the guy, but it didnt work. Before I knew it, I was thrown on the back of a van, and was knocked out. I didnt fight for too long, so darkness eventually took over.


I woke up in a bed. I opened my eyes slowly, and sat up. It was a white room, with a desk, and another bed beside mine. It had a lamp, and two other doors. I looked at the bed beside me, and there was Izzy sleeping. Then I remembered what happened. The kidnapping.

"Izzy" I said, slightly shaking her with a hand.

"Not now," she mumbled, and turned over.

"Izzy!" I said louder.

"What?" she said, opening her eyes.

"We were kidnapped." I whisper shouted.

"What?" she screamed, sitting up instantly. Izzy looked around the room nervously. "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no."

"Calm down Iz. Everything will be ok. We just need to find a way out of here." I said, trying to kep her calm.

"Ok." she said, seeming to be pep talking to herself.

We stood up, and opened one of the two doors. It was a medium size bathroom, with a toilet, a shower, and a sink. Not much. We went back to our room and the other door opened itself. A little kid, no older than 8 years old, came in, looked at us, and ran away. Izzy and I shared a confused look, and went back to look at the door. As soon as we were about to open the door again, someone opened it.

"Hello girls!" The guy said excitedly. He passed through us, and I again shared a confused look with izzy.

"Paul?" Izzy and I asked shocked together.

"Good to know that you remember me." he said, smiling.

"Why are we here?" I asked, really confused.

"Oh, its actually a really funny story. After you two ran away, I was sent to keep an eye out for both of you, and now that I've found you, I'm taking you to the boys." Paul said, happily.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Boys? Where are Jay and Nathan? Paul, what did you do to them? JAY! NATHAN!" Izzy started to freak out, and started to scream their names around the room.

"They're not here." Paul said, making Izzy quiet.

"Where are they?" Izzy asked, freaking out.

"They're in the hotel. They know you're with me, so relax." Paul assured us.

"Relax? You want me to relax? You freaking kidnapped me Paul! I cant relax! I'm actually the opposite! I'm freaking out!" Izzy screamed, and she continued, but I tuned her out.

"Paul, when can we leave? I want to go back to my road trip." I whined.

"Road Trip? I thought you ran away!" Paul screamed.

"I didnt run away. I just went on a road trip with Izzy, Nathan, and Jay." I told him.

"But the boys said-" Paul started, but got quickly cut off.

"Dont talk about the boys now Paul! They have nothing else to do with us! Niall broke up with Mac, and I broke up with Harry. The only thing we have to do with One Direction is that Lou is Mac's sister." Izzy said, calming down in the end.

"Iz." I said in a warning tone.

"Sorry. I'm kind of mad." Izzy apoligised to me, smiling sheepishly

"Its fine." I told her, before turning my head to Paul again, "When are we allowed to leave?"

"In a couple of days. I still didnt tell them we found you." Paul said.

"Good!" I said, suddenly exited. "Because you dont need to tell them! Just let us continue our road trip, and we'll be safe at home as soon as possible!"

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen. They need to talk to you." Paul stated, matter-of-factly.

"About?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"About what happened." Paul said, and with that he left.

Izzy started to freak out, mostly about Jay and Nathan. She was worried that they'd do something bad to them. It was only then that we noticed they got our cell phones. No fair! I barely get to use my cell phone on my road trip, thanks to Izzy, and I cant use it now that I'm being kidnapped?!?


Its been three days, and we're still in the same old room. Paul comes and goes, bringing food, water, and anything we need. According to Paul, the boys are arriving in an hour, but we really dont care. I didnt even bother to change, or comb my hair. I'm just sitting on a foam in the corner, thinking.

That little kid from the first day was Paul's nephew, Josh. He was really sweet, and spent some time with me and Izzy. Well, mostly me, because Izzy kept freaking out. Izzy wanted to leave this house, and go back to the hotel, but we werent aloud to even leave this room. Josh would bring us games to distract us, and he slowly became the younger brother I never had.

Izzy started to calm down yesterday in the afternoon. But today, when Paul said the boys were arriving in an hour, she started to freak out again. She said that she didnt want to talk to them, because everything that had to be said, had already been said. She started from freaking out, to deciding to give them the silence treatment.

"Where are they?" We heard someone ask going up the stairs. There were lots of people walking towards us, and we knew it was them.

"Just try to calm down before you do something stupid." we heard Paul say, before the door burst open, and the boys came in. I found it rather confusing that Angie, El, and Perrie werent here, but decided not to make such a big deal of it.

"Oh My Gosh! MacKenzie!" Lou said walking to me, and giving me a hug.

"Hey Lou," I said, not sure if it was the right thing to say.

"Are you ok?" Lou asked, suddenly, checking my arms, and everything.

"Yes, Lou." I said, making him stop. "I'm fine." I said, calming him down. I then turned to the boys, "Didnt you miss me?" As if on cue, all of them came to me and gave me a hug. All but Niall.

"Where's my phone?" Izzy asked, without a expression on her face.

"Its with Paul." Zayn said smiling.

"PAUL!" Izzy screamed, and Paul appeared on the door.

"Yes?" Paul asked.

"Give me my phone, please?" Izzy asked, making puppy eyes.

"Ok, here it is." Paul said, handing Izzy her phone. Izzy instantly squeled and started texting, and then calling someone. "And MacKenzie, here's your phone too." Paul said, handing me my phone.

"Thank you," I said getting it.

"Nathan?" I heard Izzy ask into the phone. Guess I know who's she calling.

"How is it?" Zayn asked me.

"How what is?" I asked Zayn confused.

"Going on this road trip?" Zayn said, as if it was question.

"Oh, yes. Its amazing. I'm living a dream," I said honestly. I saw Izzy get off the phone smiling.

"I never knew you wanted to go on a road trip." Lou said.

"Yeah," I said not knowing what to say. "But what about you all?"

"We're good. However we all stopped our vactions to come find you." Zayn said, fake pouting.

"Thanks but you didnt need to come. I was completely fine." I said smiling.

"Where are our girls?" We heard someone familiar ask at the door.

Everyone turned, and saw Nathan and Jay. Izzy instantly jumped on Nathan's arms happily and I went say hello too. I started to walk in their direction when Lou and Zayn, suddenly stepped in my way.

"Dont get close to her," Lou warned them.

"Guys, its ok. Their my friends," I said, trying to get to them.

"You're actually friends with them?" Zayn asked shocked.

"Yeah, they were in the road trip with us," I said, not sure how they didnt know Nathan and Jay were with us.

"And why didnt you tell us?" Lou asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I thought you knew." I said matter of factly. I then walked to Nathan and Jay, and firstly gave Jay a hug. I quickly pulled away and gave Nathan a hug too.

"So, how's our baby girl?" Nathan asked, messing up with my hair. I shoved him off, and rolled my eyes.

"She's fine." Izzy said smiling.

"Baby? Who's pregnant?" Harry asked shocked. I was about to open my mouth, but got cut off.

"Our baby." Izzy joked, placing her hand in her tummy. I looked at her and knew she was joking.

"Wow, that was fast," Harry whispered to Niall. I looked at Niall. I missed him so much. If he knew that I still have his charm bracelet, he would think I'm crazy.

"I'm just joking," Izzy said, rolling her eyes.

"Anyways," Jay said, turning to look at me and Izzy, "You've got to go to an interview with us. Everyone was worried, and our next interview is in about an hour, so lets go?" I was opening my mouth to say yes, but got quickly cut off.

"No, she isnt going," Lou said in a warning tone.

"Yes I am," I said, starting to get angry. First, he doesnt let me hug my friends, second, he's telling me what to do?

"No you arent. You're staying here, where I can take care of you." Lou said.

"I dont need someone to take care of me. I'm perfectly fine. And I'm going to that interview, even though I dont think its the best idea." I said seriously, and headed out of the room.

"Izzy's been a bad influence to her," I heard Lou whisper, making me stop. I turned around and looked at him.

"What?" I asked, more like a statement then a question. Everyone's eyes were now on me.

"You heard what I said?" Lou asked.

"Yes, actually I did. And, just so you know, Izzy is not a bad influence to me, ok? Dont you dare insult her." I warned him.

"Oh really? Look what she did to you! What happened to you, anyways? You're not the same girl since you met her." Lou argued.

"And how would you know, huh? You werent even here! You were making your dream come true, so please let me make mine reality too!" I argued angrily. The room then went dead silent, and I waited for an answer. "Wanna know what? Forget it. I dont need an answer. Let me go back to my road trip, and you go back to your tour. I dont really matter to you, right? You spent two years without even asking anything about me," I said, and chocked out the last part.

I stormed off the room, and walked down the stairs. Nathan, Izzy, and Jay were quickly following me, as I entered the rented car. I wanted to cry so badly, but kept the tears at bay.

"Thank you for defending me," Izzy said, giving me a sad smile.

"It was nothing," I mumbled sadly.

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