Caught in the Middle (Ben X R...

By brookehauck99

15.8K 478 142

Y/N Demars, old sister to Woodland Demars, friend to Matt and Sam, and a scientist from a local medicine labo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 7

689 21 8
By brookehauck99

I sit on the floor of my basement. Tears stream down my face. I had completely shut down. The events of last night had changed things for everything. Ben knelt down in front of me with a plate of food. I look away from him rejecting the food for the third time today. 

"Y/N... Please eat for me" Ben pleads. 

I look at him slightly. "Why didn't you tell me about the plan?" I asked my voice raspy.

Ben sighs sitting down in front of me. "If I tell you will you eat?" Ben asks. I nod slightly. "My boss threatened me if I didn't go through with the plan. I didn't lie when I said I needed the serum to live, I just couldn't tell you about the plan." 

I nod again as I pick up the plate. He sighs in relief seeing me eat. He slides my hair out of my face gently watching me, making sure I ate everything. Once I was finished Ben took the plate upstairs before coming back down to sit with me. 

"I hate to ask you this but would you help me with the plan? I know it would go against your brother and friends but I have to do this. This would allow me to be with you with nothing coming in between us" Ben asks me.

I sigh as I lean against Ben's shoulder. "They already hate me so you are all I have left," I say.

"So you'll help?" Ben asks. 

I nod. 

After agreeing to help, I helped the best I could as we prepared to release the bomb. Ben helped me into the Uhaul that we had to keep the bomb him. I watch as he starts up the bomb. 

"Stay here and watch it for me," Ben says before hopping out of the Uhaul closing door. 

I lean against the wall of the Uhaul as I waited for Ben to get back. Eventually, the door opens revealing Matt standing there. 

"What are you doing here?" We both ask at the same time. 

I glare at him as he steps towards the serum bomb "Don't go any closer" I growl. 

"You're helping him now?" Matt asks me. 

"Crazy what you would do for someone you love," I say to him. 

"You love this psychopath?" Matt asks me. 

"He is not a psychopath!" I yell as I charge at Matt. 

Matt grabs me and shoves me into the wall of the Uhaul causing me to hit my head. I crumple to the ground as my vision blurs. 

"Sorry Y/N you left me no choice" I hear him say as he goes to turn the bomb off. 

I could hear the bomb turn off then Matt leave closing the door behind me. The door reopens and I hear Ben call out to me. 

"Y/N what happened?" Ben asks as he pulls me to my feet. 

"Matt he-" I started to say just as I hear running. I look towards the door to see Matt grabbing the door closing it. "NO!" I yell.

I could hear them locking the Uhaul which causes me to slide to the floor in defeat. Ben bangs on the door a bit before settling next to me. Ben grabs ahold of me as the Uhaul starts to move. I cling to Ben tightly. I was scared. I had never been in this situation before.

After a bit, the Uhaul stops moving, and eventually, the door is ripped open. I hold onto Ben tightly as I see police offices with Matt and his team. My eyes meet Woods before I'm yanked out of Ben's arms to be handcuffed. 

"Don't hurt her" Ben says fighting the officer. "She has nothing to do with this" 

"Not according to him," The officer says gesturing to Matt. 

"Matt you said you would say he kidnapped her," Woods said upset. 

"I was until she tried to attack me," Matt says glaring at me. "She is just as crazy as he is" 

I growl at Matt. "Just wait till I get out of here!" I yell. 

"Let's go," The officer says as he leads Ben and me inside. 

Ben and I were immediately separated and questioned. I was then given prison clothes and stripped of the rest of my belongings. I was then shoved into a cell causing me to fall to my knees. I sit on the floor and stare at the wall. It wasn't until I hear the cell door open that I look back. I stand seeing Ben. They had taken his googles and of course his outfit was different but his eyes immediately lite up seeing me.

He immediately runs over to me "You okay?" He asks me

"I am now" I say wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"They told me Matthias has scratch marks on his neck. You attacked him why?" Ben asks me holding me out at arms length.

"He called you Psychopath." I answered.

Ben laughed slightly. "So you attacked him?"

I shrug my shoulders slightly. "I may have lunged at him yes but he slammed into the wall of the Uhaul."

"You continue to surprise me everyday" Ben says holding my face lovingly.

"What can I say? People do crazy things when they love someone" I say to him.

"Is this your way of telling me you love me?" Ben asks causing me to nod. Ben smiles and he moves his mask to kiss me. "I love you too"

I smile before pulling him into another kiss.

At this current moment my brother and his team may hate me but hopefully one day they will understand why I did what I did. Maybe one day they will see the man I see behind the mask. Until then I will stay by Ben's side and support him no matter what.

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