Chapter 24

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I stare down at the letter in front of me. Once again Deb had threatened my baby. I was getting angrier by the minute since I was getting extremely close to my due date. The words echoed through my mind. 

She's gonna end up a phantom like her dad.

She's never gonna love you. 

That should have been my child but you stole him from me.

He will never love you like he once loved me. 

He looks at you and I bet it reminds him of me. 

Does he get deja-vu because you're a scientist like I am?

I scream in frustration as I throw the letter across the room. Ben was currently with my brother picking up a few more things we needed for the baby. I sit back on the couch rubbing my belly as I tried to relax. A knock on the door causes me to jump. No one was supposed to be visiting today that I knew of. 

I slowly push myself off the couch and walk over to the door. I slowly open it to see Deb standing there. A gun is immediately pointed at me. 

"Hello Y/N," Deb says to me. 

"Deborah what can I do for you?" I ask calmly. 

"You are gonna come with me," She says. 

"Am I?" I smirk at her. 

"Yes or I'll shoot you," Deb says. 

"You're gonna shoot a pregnant lady?" I ask opening the door more. 

"She might not but I will," An unfamiliar voice says as they walk up to the door behind Deb.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Nelson. Nelson Syphus," He says smiling. 

"I see," I say looking at him. "Alright let me get my shoes" 

"You aren't going to put up a fight?" Deb asks looking at me curiously. 

"Deb you have a loaded gun pointed at me," I say opening the door up wide to let them in. 

I walk over to wear my slide-on shoes were. I also knew it was near an S.O.S button Ben and Woods installed recently for me if something were to happen. I knew if I pressed it Ben, Woods, and Matt would all get an alert. I press the button acting as if I was holding the hall to support myself while putting my shoes on. I walk over to the two at the doorway once my shoes were on. 

"Okay let's go," I say to them.

They both looked at me as though I was crazy. Nelson grabs my arm and leads me out to a car that was parked in the driveway. I took a peek up at the camera by the roof as I am pushed into the back seat of the car. 

"You know he isn't going to be happy about this," I say to them as they get in the car. 

"We really don't care," Nelson says.

"Okay your funeral" I mumble.

"Will you shut up" Nelson growls looking back at me through the rearview mirror. 

I shrug my shoulders as I watch out the window. It wasn't long till a familiar car starts to follow up. I may have forgotten that I had a tracker on me at all times. One that I wore around my neck under my closes. 

"What did you do?" Nelson growls looking at me. 

"I didn't do anything," I say. "You forget who my husband is sometimes. He is very protective of me and his baby."

"You need to shoot her," Nelson says to Deb. 

"Now? You're driving and we need that baby alive" Deb says quickly.

"We can extract the baby out of her. It'll be fine she's close to her due date anyway." Nelson says. 

"Dude I am right here you know," I growl as I reach forward wrapping my hands around his throat. 

I squeeze as tightly as I could causing him to swerve the car off the road. Deb aims the gun back at me. I quickly grab it letting go of Nelson as she pulls the trigger. The bullet whizzes past my face and into the window of the door. 

"You did not just try to shoot me" I growl. I grab her by the hair as I grab the gun from her hand. I aim it at Nelson. "Pull over" 

"Why should I listen to you?" Nelson growls. 

I shrug as I point the gun at Deb. "I may or may not have noticed the way you looked at this bitch. Now pull over or I will shoot her in the face "Nelson stops the car and puts his hands up in surrender. I slowly climb out of the car keeping my gun trained on Deb. "Out of the car" 

Nelson and Deb both climb out of the car. I could see Matt, Woods, and Ben all climbing out of the car that had been following us. Nelson glares at me as I smirk I reach into my shirt and pull out the tracker around my neck. I could hear the growl admitting from Nelson but I wasn't expecting him to lunge at me. Nelson knocks me to the ground causing me to drop the gun. His hand immediately grabbed my throat. 

I gasp as I try to put air in my lungs. I could hear the others running to us as I fought with him on the ground. I manage to shove my thumb into Nelson's eye causing him to let go of me as blood spatters my face. I quickly scramble off the ground. I growl in frustration as I cough slightly. I lean down and pick the gun up off the ground. 

"You know I'm really tired of all this," I say to the two in front of me as the team stops behind me. "I am 9 months pregnant. I shouldn't have to be dealing with this shit." Deb looked almost terrified as Ben walks up directly behind me. I could feel the anger radiating off him. "I have been threatened, my baby has been threatened, my family has been threatened and frankly I am absolutely tired of it. So this is what we are going to do" I aim the gun back at Deb as Nelson starts to scramble off the ground. Blood poured from his wounded eye. "You two are going to sit here and wait for the police to arrive. If either of you moves or try to run, I will shoot you" 

I turn towards my brother who gasps seeing the blood on my face. Ben looks at me worriedly. "Are you okay?" He asks. 

"Does it look like I'm okay? I'm covered in blood, I was choked and I was pulled from the comfort of my home so no Ben I'm not okay." 

"Y/N watch out" I hear Matt yell. 

I quickly turn around to see Nelson charging at me. I push Ben back as Nelson tackles me again. The gun in my hand goes off causing Nelson to go limp on me. I push Nelson off me breathing heavily. Tears run down my face as I just lay there. Ben comes into my view as he looks down at me. I sit up looking down at my clothes.

"My dress" I sob. 

"You just killed him and you're crying about your dress," Ben says laughing at me. 

I look up at him upset. He kneels down and scoops me up into a hug. He picks me up and carries me to the team. 

"Is she okay?" Woods asks. 

"She crying over her dress, not Nelson" Ben explains. 

"How do we explain this to the police?" Matt asks. 

"Self defense" Ben answers.

That was exactly how we explained it to the police. I explain what happened and how Nelson had kidnapped me and then proceeded to choke me. That I ended up shooting him cause he tackled me to the ground. The police did end up ruling it out as self-defense and arrested Deb. 

Caught in the Middle (Ben X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt