Slice of Outdoor

By RiyaMaji

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" Neighbours are the special friend. All colours are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

55 25 0
By RiyaMaji


Remembering the sacrifice of our great heroes, who laid down their lives for the freedom of the country.
Happy Republic Day!! 🇮🇳

Khushi's pov :

Me and Vatika went in the Jay's office unwilling. Although we didn't had any appointment with Jay but receptionist was sweet enough to let us meet Jay and Ritika. As soon as we entered the first floor, we heard a loud voice from the main cabin. That designed cabin must be of Jay. We went near to it and found Jay scolding harshly at Ritika while she was sheding some precious tears. Poor girl!! I heard from few employees how rude and arrogant their boss was.

" I told you right, we shouldn't had come over here for the first place", l said in a low voice to Vatika.

" Khushi be practical. We didn't had our house key too. Now keep quite"

After Jay's scolding and shouting lectures we finally showed our respective faces to Jay and Ritika. They were confused and stunned then later we both clear all their doubts.

My college mates are already searching Sumit. I don't want to take any risk. I want my life to be peaceful, tention and stress free. I requested to Jay to let Sumit free but Jay was no mood to listen him. He already made some plan to teach a good lesson to Sumit. I think this might be a good idea.


Days passed by, my college life was going good. It has been one month as we joined the college. Projects and studies were going on hand In hand. In the few past days, l made a good distance between me and Jay. I think Jay might be never noticed it as he was too busy.

Both Jay and Akash taught a good lesson to Sumit. He was kept in the dark room for two days without even water. His face was covered with black cloth hence he didn't recognised Jay and Akash. On the freshers day he was full with alcohol hence he don't even remember the incidence in which he misbehave with me. That might be good for us but l was making good distance between us. I don't want to fall in any cheap trap.

I was currently sitting in the balcony rake, sipping a cup of tea. Uff!! Air has some magic in it. Although in Mumbai, every one is very busy in their life but still they prefer to spend some alone time. It was saturday afternoon, we trio Ritika, Vatika and me had our delicious lunch. Today's lunch Paneer stuff Parathe with veg veggies was love. We had proper lunch but Ritika diet lover only had a bowl of tomato soup. Now too Ritika loves to flirt with Jay and Akash but the level of flirting decreased by numerous scolding from Jay's side. Well let me tell the truth, some times l feel pity for her but some times l really laugh at her. She actually purposely pull such stunts and makes Jay angry.

" Khushi lets watch some movies to play some indoor games? ", Vatika asked me

" Well l will not mind, let's do some thing. Now l too started feeling bored ", l said while sipping the tea again.

" Okay then l will bring the Ludo board ", Vatika said and l nodded. She was about to go but Ritika came with a tube.

" Girls let's apply face pack on our faces to look more beautiful ", Ritika brought herbal face mask or pack. Me and Vatika suppressed our laugh.

" Ritika come on girl, you go for it. Once you are done applying then we will apply it too ", l started pulling Ritika's leg. Vatika laughed a loud. Suddenly we heard our door bell ringing.

" Who might be in the afternoon? ", Vatika was clueless.

" Wait l will open it", Ritika said. We were just controlling my giggles. Ritika opened the door and thr person on the door shouted.

Person : Ahhhhhhhh...... Ghooooossssttttt...... Ghoooooosssssttttt....... Helllllllpppppp....... Jay helllllppppp.

Akash started screaming Jay's name. We came near to him.

Ritika: Akash it's me..... Ritika

Ritika gave shy smile while Akash gave horrified expression.

Akash kept his hand on his chest to control the faster rate of heat beating.

" What you applied on your face. Mixture of green and white powder"

" Akash it is herbal face pack. It will clean my face and my skin will glow", Ritika again said shyly.

" Forget it, monkey man what are you doing here? ", Vatika asked to Akash.

" My life, l can come and go any where at any time ", Akash showed his tongue. Vatika glared at him

Ufff!! They are still kids? Always starts fighting.

" Akash come in", l said politely.

Akash came and called Jay too. After five minutes Jay too came at my place. I was very curious.

" Hello everyone ", Jay greeted with a smile.

" Hey!! ", l said

" I need one help ", Jay said to every one but l some how felt that he was purposely mentioning me.

" What help Jay? ", Ritika asked immediately.

" Actually l have one client, who will be directly coming from Gujrat to Mumbai in my office. I am really looking forward to have a business garment deal with him. He is damn foodie. I want to use this as my golden opportunity. He doesn't like restaurant foods. He prefer home made food. Although l know cooking but l have no idea about the pure, authentic gujrati food. So l need a help. Can any one of you cook authentic gujrati lunch for my client? ", Jay's eyes were on me. It created havoc in my stomach.

" Oh, we would love to help you. Although l don't know cooking but Khushi is an amazing chef. I am sure your client is going to love her hand made cooked food ", Vatika said immediately hence l couldn't say no to any one.

" Well Vatika, today's lunch was made by me. So l am also an awesome cook. I can cook delicious lunch for Jay's client. So it's final l am going to cook lunch", Ritika said by cutting Vatika's words. Plethora of thoughts were running in my mind.

" No..... No Ritika, it's okay. You can manage our office works. Khushi will cook lunch for my client ", Jay said instantly. Now my heart was beating in a faster rate.

" Jay, l am multi talented. You no need to worry. In fact l am the best cook in the world. Your client is going to lick his fingers too", Ritika is quite stubborn girl.

" I think l already said you earlier Ritika. Concentrate on your office work. This week your performance is not that great. I hope you try to convince more people to try our garments. For now let Khushi cook the food", Jay said in a cold voice.

" Areeee Jay you just gave order to cook lunch to Khushi. Let her speak some thing. You didn't even asked any thing to her ", Akash whispered to Jay softly but l was able to hear every thing clearly.

Jay looked at me for an answer but l still kept quiet.

" Are you free tomorrow? Tomorrow my client is going to come from Gujrat ", Jay asked me.

" I think..... I will be free ", l said meekly. Jay smiled at my words. Oh god this arrogant angry man knows to smile too. Good thing!!

" You must be needing for vegetables to cook food right? ", Jay asked to me.

" Yeah but let me first list down the food items which is need to done tomorrow then accordingly we can select specific vegetable ", l said while calculating food items.

" Okay so today in the evening, l can take you in the near by vegetables market to buy your preference veggies ", Jay said to me.

" It's okay Jay, l will manage. I can go alone too to bring vegetables ", l argued.

" No it's final. You are coming with in this evening around 5 pm ", Jay said and stood up. Ritika was again about to spill some thing but Jay loyally ignored her and went out side.

" Hey Vatika shampoo you also come with us ",  Akash grinned.

" If you are going then l will definitely not go ", Saying this Vatika went in her room.

" I am free today in the evening, l can accompany you ", Ritika said to Akash.

" Okay, l will not mind. In fact l will not feel bored so you can come with me", Akash said while Vatika heard it. She glared at him.


It was evening time, l was standing near the lift. Actually l was waiting for Jay's arrival. I found Ritika dressed up in a red long one piece gown. We were only going to vegetables market but she did her perfect make up as if we are going at some party.

" I am ready babes. Where is Jay and Akash? ", Ritika said while setting her sun glasses.

" No idea ", l said

" Did you rang the bell? ", Ritika said me while l nodded as no. Ritika was about to ring the door bell but in the nick of time Jay opened the door.

" Ritika you are also coming with us? ", Jay asked in shocking expression.

" Yes Akash asked me for out ", Ritika said shyly while Jay gave a murderous look towards Akash. Suddenly Vatika too came out wearing jeans and top. I smiled at her as l knew she might be coming.

" Vatika you are also coming with us? ', Ritika asked to Vatika.

" Yeah, actually you all are going out. So what l will do by sitting idol so l planned to go with you guys ", Vatika said while Akash grinned from ears to ears.

" Let's go ", Jay said while we nodded. He took his car. As it was saturday hence the market area was quite crowded. Jay parked his car in the next lane near to the market. We all went in.

" Potato..... Potato..... Potato..... 25 rupees per kg ".

" Fresh..... Fresh tomatoes..... Fresh..... Fresh lady finger..... Fresh..... Fresh pumpkin..... Fresh..... Fresh green peas"

" Take the onions and gingers "

We heard vegetables vendors shouting and screaming.

" Oh god, my beautiful dress will get dirty ", Ritika said while smudging her compact on her right cheek.

" Then who told you to come wearing this dress. We were planning to come at market not for any date", Jay said in a monotonous tone to Ritika.

" Well we can go to date as well after shopping the vegetables ", Ritika said and Vatika thrown dangers from her eyes.

As l do cook hence l had a bit idea of choosing the vegetables. Jay was helping me while buying it. I wanted to pay the price but instead he paid for all the vegetables.

It was already quite dark, we all were very tired hence planned to have evening snacks at any good cafe. We ordered tea, coffee and some pasta.

" It was nice day", l said. Smile was lingering on my face as l was having tea.

" Yeah but tiring too", Vatika said and all nodded.

" I learn so many new things today. I never have habit of buying vegetables but today Khushi taught us to choose correct vegetables ", Akash praised me.

" Never mind, you will learn every thing in future ", l said while sipping tea.

" Guys let's have pani puri too ", Vatika pouted.

" Actually no a bad idea. I am missing pani puri so much ", my eyes were blooming with happiness.

" Let's have that too", Jay said and made one way to the next lane to have our favourite pani puri.

" Bhaiya five plates of medium pani puri", l said happily.

" You love so much pani puri ? ", Jay asked me.

" Yes very much "

" Normally yoga instructors prefer not to have street food items but you are having it "

" Yes because l love pani puri. I practice my yoga every day hence l can have one plate of it ", l said merely.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter ☺.


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