(Glamrock Freddy x reader) A...

By luver1221

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Y/N is a 22 year old who just finally graduated college with a robotics engineering course and is now looking... More

Chapter 1 Finding a job
Chapter 2 the interview and first night
Chapter 3 what we are feeling
Chapter 4 The Party
Chapter 5 After Party/2 night
Chapter 6 Third Night
Chapter 8 Moving Procedure
Chapter 9 The Arrival
Chapter 10 Day 2
Chapter 11 The Park Part 1
Chapter 12 The Park Part 2
Chapter 13 The Park Final Part
Chapter 14 Time To Go
Chapter 15 Back to Work
Chapter 16 Meeting Moon
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter 17 Moon's Chip
Chapter 18 Meeting Eclipse
Chapter 19 You Good? Part 1
Chapter 20 You Good? Part 2
Chapter 21 Intruder Alert
Chapter 22 White Rabbit Man?
Chapter 23 The Projects Approval
Chapter 24 Bonnie Day 1
Chapter 25 Hey Mom, hey Dad
Chapter 26 Hey Rockstar
Chapter 27 Foxy
Chapter 28 Where am I?
Chpater 29 The Raceway
Chapter 30 William Afton
Chapter 31 Recovery
Chapter 32 Fixing the animatronic's
Chapter 33 Their explanations
Chapter 34 Were Bored
Chapter 35 Our Party
Chapter 36 You What!?
Chapter 37 Foxy's Problem
Chapter 38 Time To Go
Chapter 39 Grand Re-Re-Opening

Chapter 7 The Incident

400 13 17
By luver1221


"Ughhh i hate this i wanna sleep for internally... if possible." i said getting up and going to the bathroom to shower. While showering you thought about a weird dream you had last night and how you almost did something dirty with an animatronic...but thats when it hit you and looked into the bathroom mirror. "HOLY JESUS FUCK BROOO!!" i yelled 

"Hey y/n heard you yell is everything- oh you saw the hickies again." Liam said 

"Bro mofo tired fucking eating me alive or sum...what am i gunna do with these marks now i cant let the boss see them." i said 

"Well the boss shouldn't say anything and if he does one that is weird and two if he doesnt then he'll just think you have someone in your life...aka that someone being a robotic bear." Liam teased

"Shut it gator lover cause im not the only one falling for a robot...now come on out i need to change." I said

"No no out we need to figure out how to get rid of those things cause remember you still got a brother." Liam said

"Fuck your right uhhh makeup i dont know ive never had a hickey on me before." I said

"Well i have multiple times cause of plast relationships and the current one." Liam said

"Wow ok i get it you have a love life." I rolled my eyes at him

"And what you dont you have to at least liked or even crushed on someone back in school." Liam said

"No actually i was always quiet and i really only went out when Samantha when out and she wanted me there since i guess im the buzz kill." I said

"Ok, well it says here that you can try with a whisk and just rub it a lot but it will be red as hell so we can try that and also one the way you were at her party you dont seem like a buzz kill and two you sang at a karaoke and three you almost fucked a bear." Liam said looking at his phone

"What do you mean a whisk that actually works i thought Samantha was lying oh well but if i wasn't a buzz kill then why was i always the only one without a boyfriend or girlfriend huh tell me." i said while he left to get the whisk and handing it to me

"Sart turning it like if your starting a fire ok, and also maybe you werent a buzz kill show me a picture of you in highschool and in college." Liam said

"Wh-what ok um well one this hurts a bit and two why do you need pictures of me from highschool and college." i said looking for the pictures on my phone

"Well one rub harder cause you need to feel the burn and two so i can see why you didnt have any boyfriends or girlfriends." Liam said

"Uh ok then well here is one picture just scroll a bit so you can see more pictures." I said

"Wow y/n you look different here than you do now." Liam said

"Yea i know also back then i used she/her pronouns so that the boring girl i used to be until i didnt like really being called a her so i went with they and them i like it a lot more but, here and there i accept compliments that are feminine cause sometimes i like being called pretty it feels nice i dont know im weird...but here is pictures of me in college." i said handing him the phone

"Oh well then highschool y/n looks like a very pretty young girl here and looks like the boys would for sure definitely wanna be with you and not away from you, i mean i would be your friend too you looked like a nice person so i dont see why others wouldn't want to talk to you...and college you looks more happier than you right now-oh shit sorry y/n." Liam said

"No its fine yea i am a lot happier there than i am now...cause ever since that incident it was a game changer for me...who knew that in college 2 years out of those 4 years my life would change and make me feel like a total shit." i said almost teary eye but i wiped them away "But enough of tha-."

"Y/n can you tell me what happened exactly on the night of the accident no pressure its just that from the looks on here to now you look as someone took half of your soul...like i understand you lost your parents but i-." Liam said but i cut him off

"You know i was planning on tell Freddy yesterday but all that happened so i couldn't but i kinda want all of you guys to know like Freddy, Chica, Roxy, Monty, you and Gregory." I said

"You wanna tell everyone what about your best friend." Liam said

"Yes i wanna tell everyone and plus if i dont accidents like that wont happen anymore and i feel like if i tell Gregory i think ill have some closure and laugh it off when people tell me "i did your mom last night" type jokes or like "your dad left and never came back with the milk" like i want to laugh at them but i hurts me cause i feel like i would be a burden." I said with a light chuckle

"Well thats good you wanna tell everyone including Gregory but the jokes will hurt like a bitch unless your into dark humor, also i think your good with the whisk now i dont see anything other than redness." Liam said

"Well who said i wasn't into dark humor ey and also good cause im tired my hand hurts but seriously get out i need to change already." I said

"Oh shit right your in a towel ok bye." Liam said and left

"Well wasn't that fun but should i tell everyone tonight or wait at least until the end of the month...nah im telling everyone tonight fuck it." i said in my head.

after done getting ready you went to the kitchin to eat leftover from what you had since like a day you  thought  well you hoped it was

"Hey y/n i already ate since Liam made me something." said Gregory

"Well you better have said thank you to him ok." I said

"I did dont worry im not that rude, and also y/n um summer is just 2 months away and that day is coming soon just letting you know in advance." Gregory said

"Right i know bud no worries we'll go like we do the last other times." I said

"Wait what are you talking about i wanna know can i come with what is it." Liam said

"Oh um y/n doesn't really like-." Gregory said but I cut him off

"No Gregory its fine...uh well since the accident every year i promised myself that i would go visit their graves with Gregory since the accident happened during summer." I said

"Oh ok ok well then nevermind i will not be joining you since it is family only." Liam said

"Heh thanks man, also imma call the boss and see if its ok to bring Gregory tonight so i can explain to everyone everything." I said

"Oh yea go ahead." Liam said

"Ok thanks, lets just hope he picks up ey." I said


"Uh l/n your um ali- i-i mean why are you calling s-so early." Mr. Williams said all nervous

"Uh sir you sound nervous are you ok?" I asked

"Yea yea im fine just amazed you called since you never really call." He said

"Oh i uh guess so well um i was wondering if i can bring my brother tonight with me to my shift if that is ok with you cause i dont have anyone to take care of him tonight." i said even though it was a lie cause he can take care of himself now

"Oh yea sure no worries you can,  that is no problem with me just you know as long as you do the tasks thats all." He said

"Yea ill make sure to do everything thank you." i said before hanging up the phone

"So what the boss say." Liam said

"Well he sounded nervous over the phone but he even said that he was amazed that i called him...like what even is that, but other than that he said i can bring him tonight." I said

"Well one that is weird and two awesome you go tell Gregory the news." Liam said

"Right ok...hey um Gregory can you come here for a bit." i said while he came running to the living room

"Yea whats up y/n." Gregory said

"Ok well y-you know how i-i told you to n-never bring up t-the um a-accident." I said stuttering

"Yeaaa why?" Gregory asked

"Well tonight i am p-planing on telling you and the glamrocks wh-what happened the n-night of the um accident...so your coming to work with me tonight so it will only be you Liam and me with the gang." I said

"Wait y/n you dont have to tell me its alright if you dont feel comfortable and also i find it kinda cool i get to be with the gang tonight and not at the daycare for once." Gregory said

"Heh well buddy i think i am ready to tell you everything and also cause i know you've been wanting to know and all ive done is just shut you down." I said

"Its ok y/n dont pressure yourself to much im just glad your finally gunna tell me and the others everything." he said smiling

"Aw thanks bud ok well lets go do something fun to kill time and then we can rest a bit since it will be a very long night." i said hugging him. "Also Liam want me to drop you off at your house or do you wanna just stay here."

"Honestly imma just live here with y'all at this point." Liam laughed

"Wait can he stay y/n can he, he's actually really funny and plus he can be your boyfriend." Gregory said

"Ppppffttt hahaha." was all that came out of Liam

"Uh Gregory you do know that Liam is gay right and also he got a house of his own and its bigger too." I said

"Oh well then can we live in his house and no wonder he looked to pretty." Gregory said

"Wh-wha excuse me but what do you mean no wonder he looked to pretty." Liam said looking at Gregory

"Well you are to pretty your face cleaner than Mr. Clean himself." gregory said and all i did was burst out laughing

"Ok ok you two enough now come on...but Liam ive never seen your house is it really bigger than ours." I said

"Well yea my house is bigger than this well my grandparents house but since they've passed they wanted me to have it so when i moved out of my parents house i moved in so its still ours and i live alone so it wouldn't hurt living with people." he said giving me a smile

"Well if your offering two rooms i will gladly like to take that offer since you also live closer to the Pizzaplex and a gas station." I said

"Well to be exact the house has five bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a backyard and garage that fits two cars." he said looking at me with his pretty boy eyes

"Wait what the fuck you mean five bedroom like FIVE BEDROOMS my house only got two rooms, a living room a kitchin and bathroom, you know fuck it im moving in with your dumbass." I said jokingly

"Oh thank the lord that means you can pay the bills with me and ill have two buddies yay." was all he could say

"Oh ok i was just kidding but well we can talk all about that some other time then." I said surprised

"What no...wait y/n im being for real why don't move in i mean like i really need help with the bills and you can help me with that since we both work and we can also buy things together you know and also having a house that big and only me living in it the others rooms, two restrooms get dusty really easy and then Gregory can have the backyard all to himself too and with summer around the corner we can get one of those pools and we can all have fun." Liam said

"Well that does sound fun but what will i tell my landlord then." I said

"Easy you call him and say sorry man i found a better place im moving out bye." He said

"True true i guess...fine i guess we'll move in with you but but not today not tomorrow during the weekend we can plan out the movers and all and it will give me time to call my landlord too." I said

"Awesome ok then cause its thursday today that means friday you call and then saturday we can start and by monday or tuesday everything should be good." Liam said with a smile

"Wow you really like the idea that much you planned everything out huh." I said

"Yup i did ok well then you should tell the news to Gregory." Liam said

"No imma tell him when were at the plex so that way the other can know too just for fun." I said

"I think that will be a great idea good thinking y/n, but i think our job doesnt start until 11 40 its only 4 35 that is eleven hours until we leave." Liam said

"Well we can all sleep and rest up a bit eat and watch netflix have you heard of F/S before." I said

"Oooo yes i have heard of that ive been wanting to watch it but i never had the chance." He said

"Well then lets get some snacks and start watching shall we, GREGORY were gunna F/S on netflix wanna come and watch so we can kill time." I said

"Oh heck ya count me in." Gregory yelled from his room

After you all settled in on the couch you guys watched the show for a while. after that you guys ate some leftover food and slept for a bit until both yours and Liam's alarms went off saying it was finally 11 40.

"Ughhh remind me again that when you stay over one of us shuts an alarm so we dont get woken up by two at the same time." i said to Liam

"Yea no problem and next time we dont sleep on the couch cause we all dont fit on here unlike me." Liam said

"Haha very funny ok come on lets go...hey Gregory get up man we have to go now." I said moving him

"Hmmm already ok then." Gregory said getting up

"Go get your a sweater then cause it might get cold outside." I said

"Ok fine." He said and went to go grab it

"Ok Liam...Liam wake your ass up bro." I said punching him

"Wh-what sorry im too tired to be honest y/n i cant manage to stay up to long." Liam said getting all comfortable on the couch

"Well then me too but im not complaining i have monster in the fridge just drink some of that it should wake you at least a bit." I said crossing my arms

"But monster energy taste like shit man." Liam said

"Ah how rude it does not and plus i get the refreshing citrus one its really sweet i have two left but we can share one if you dont like it." I said

"What the fuck is refreshing citrus bro they got colors on them so which color is it." Liam said

"Oh my fucking god man the white one then jeez." I said

"Oh ok ok but i guess we can share if me no like what i taste." He said like a child

"Ok y/n im ready." Gregory said

"Ok then Liam go grab the monster and lets vamonos guys." I said  

After leaving your house you made sure you had everything with you and drove off. After a good while of driving you finally made it to the plex with your boss outside pacing back and forth

"Hey isn't that our boss?" Liam said 

"Yea yea it is why is he walking back and forth like he is waiting for something?" i said 

"Uh i dont let go see if he is ok then." Liam said with you and Gregory coming out of the car

"Uh hey boss you ok?" i questioned him

"O-oh l/n its r-really is you wow ok um your o-ok." he said all nervous 

"Uh yea im ok why do you ask you also sounded like that over the phone." I said

"Oh just you know since you had to fix Freddy from is stomach hatch i was afraid something bad could've happened you know." He said

"Uh sir what exactly do you mean are you saying that y/n could've gotten hurt while fixing him?" Liam said

"Y-yes that is what im saying but it s-seems that they have it all done and are ok, and also this weekend um y/n Liam i was wondering if you two would like to take care of the glamrocks while the place is under inspection." He said more calmed

"Uh why under inspection and why us two." I said

"Well cause the customers are saying that they have been seeing rats crawling around and heard some in the vents so they are gunna see if they can find where they are coming from and im also hoping it wont be longer than two days if they dont plan on fumigating the place cause as you can see the plex is three stories and it pretty huge in general but i feel like they might take out the rats first and then all that and with waiting i feel like maybe 2 weeks max but if course you guys have to take care of them." He said

"2 WEEKS but sir we dont get paid enough to be handling 4 animatronics and with there power the electric bill will rise up in my house." Liam said 

"Yes Liam i understand the electric bill will rise that's why im paying extra for both of you for the weeks you guys will be with them how much i dont know yet i will think of that when i pay the people from the inspection and they you two but not to worry i plan on making sure its a lot thats is you guys are ok with it." He said

"I-im down to do that if only Liam is." i said to Liam while he just looked at me 

"Wh-what you mean if im fine with it remember you are planning on moving in-ohhhh you know what ill take the offer." he said smiling at me 

"Great and whats with planning on moving if you dont mind me asking." he said

"Oh well Liam suggested i move in with him since he lives alone in a 5 bedroom house so i agreed and we planned on doing that all this week but i guess all glamrocks including the sun dude Liam Gregory and me will be living with him."  I said

"Oh well thats even better but your not taking care of sun and moon though. one of the others is so no need to worry." He said

"Moon who is that?" i said 

"Ill tell you when your's and Liam's shift is over cause we are chatting a lot." He said

"Oh fuck right sorry sir um thank you for trusting us with the glamrocks sir." I said

"No problem l/n see you both later bye." he said leaving to his car

"Well that was weird." Gregory said

"Yea that was and y/n how are we going to manage to take care of 4 different animatronics." Liam asked

"I dont know man but we'll figure it out but for now lets go." I said

Once you were all done talking you guys went inside and both you and Liam went to the office to get the tablets and started scanning the bots when it finally hit 1 and that's when you sent a message through your fazwatch telling the glamrocks to go to the main stage so you can talk to them for very important announcements.

The glamrocks POV

"Huh that is strange why does y/n want to meet us at the main stage for announcements?" Freddy said while leaving his room seeing the others too

"So sweet thang sent it to everyone huh wonder what it is that they want to tell us." Monty said 

"Well whatever it is might be important since the message was for all." Roxy said

"Oh no what is they got fired and its their last day of the job." Chica squealed 

"Now now guys whatever it is maybe isnt bad ok if y/n was getting fired i dont think the boss would let them stay another night." Freddy said

"Yea Fredster right lets not overreact and just head to the main stage." Monty said

"I really hope its nothing to crazy maybe Chica is right what if y/n got fired i won't be able to see them again no hugging nor cuddling even worse no kissing...but thats beside the point i wont see y/n in general, but i need to calm down and just see what it really is." Freddy said in his head 

End of POV

 "Oh good you are all here thats awesome." i said 

"Hey sweet thang Liam and Gregory. " Monty said 

"Hey Montgomery." Gregory asked

"Just Monty little mane we talked about it earlier remember." Monty said and Gregory nodded

"Well aren't you the cutest im Chica you look a lot like y/n too." Chica said hugging Gregory

"Thanks i like the color of your feathers on your head and the way your outfit is it really says your Chica." Gregory said hugging her back

"Well aren't you a charmer." Chica said

"So how are you pup." Roxy said

"Wow you're even prettier in person...im sorry i didnt mean to say that aloud." Gregory said all flustered

"Wow you really think im pretty i appreciat that pup." she said hugging him

"Wow Gregory has a crush on a wolf." Liam teased

"And you like a reptile." Gregory said

"Pppfftt hahaha he really told you huh." i said

"You shouldn't be laughing i know you like Freddy and he does too i see the way you look at each other and also i overheard the conversation this moring about Freddy eating you alive and leaving marks on your neck." he said while me and Freddy looked at each other all flusterd while the others were just laughing their asses off. "Wow i guess i cant keep anything from you huh." i said 

"Yup you really cant." Gregory said

"Uh ok enough chit chat, i called you all here today cause of what happened between me and Monty the other day so i was planning to tell you all by the end of the month about ehat happened the night of the accident." i said getting nervous 

"Superstar you dont need to explain if your not ready then dont pressure yourself." Freddy said 

"No no no i need to tell you all cause then i wont have the courage to do it anymore and i cant take it only knowing what happened and Gregory needs to know too." I said

"Well then sweet thang im all ears and yours." Monty said but the way Freddy let out a small growel which pretty much to Monty was only Freddy saying open the door or i'll throw rocks through your window you dumb whore which made him laugh

"Yea y/n we are more than helpful to hear you out." Chica said

"Same here kid." Roxy said 

"If the others are ok with it and you are too then you also have my attention my Superstar ok." Freddy said

"Thank you all really i appreciate this...but um ok well, it was the summer of 2021 June 15...school had already ended and my parents wanted to celebrate since that only meant one more year left for college and off i go seeking a job well since i was already 21 i am allowed to drink so we decided to leave Gregory with my friend for i was going to hang out with her during the weekend, and my parents told Gregory we would be back and were gunna go run errands even if it was night time...i remember w-we were on the h-highway we were on our way home we d-didnt drink alot since one we still had to drive and two we werent much of heavy drinkers so no one was d-drunk but t-there was this o-other car coming pretty f-fast towards us and t-the guy was on the w-wrong side of the lanes h-how is that even possible i-i dont know either but m-my dad didnt see him since he was talking to me a-and thats when my m-mom saw the other c-car coming and she g-grabbed the wheel honking b-b-but the um...im sorry i am on the verge of tears here heh sorry." i said shakely 

"No no Superstar your doing fine ok continue." Freddy said holding my hand making me form a small smile      

"Ok sorry where was i...um s-so she grabbed the wheel making the car swerve and the tires screech i-it was all very loud but one thing for sure was i remember lights flashing, glass floating and hitting me and the car was f-flipping a lot cause of how i felt the movements it was as if t-time itself was slowing down and before i even knew it the car was upside down i couldnt feel my body but i could s-see my parents there and t-their b-bodys just motionless i-it really scared me b-but at the time i didnt know that they both d-died cause of the impact so i thought to myself there just p-passed out and they will wake up soon, after what felt forever i-i managed to move one of my hands to unbuckle the seatbelt but i face planted the floor breaking my nose but i didnt know that i crawled through the broken window getting glass on my hands and knees i knew right away both my leg and arm were broken cause i couldnt lift myself up with my left hand and my right leg was hurting everytime i tried picking it up but i managed to hold on to something and i picked myself up looking around i remember seeing that we were still on the highway the other car wasnt to far from ours and from a distance i saw a bunch of red,blue and white lights coming our way when i saw that they stopped and officers were coming out i was happy cause they can now help my mom and dad get out safely but i all i remember next was an officer running up to me and then it all went dark...and then before i knew it i-." i got interrupted by Liam opening the monster

"Oh im sorry its just that the sleep was kicking in want some." He said handing me the can

"Heh no worries give me some though im getting tired too." i said taking some and giving it back. "Ok uh right so before i knew it i woke up in a white room with a bunch of tubes connected to my arm and i remember turning around to see my best friend next to me holding my hand that was in a cast i used my fingers to wake her up by just squeezing hers and right away she woke up and called a nurse i managed to say a few words and just tell her where Gregory was and if my parents were ok she looked at me crying she said Gregory was left at her moms house and the next few words that came out of her mouth shocked me for the rest of my life all i remember was her words saying "Im sorry y/n b-but your parents d-didnt make it the police officers said they d-d-died on the impact." and all i heard was just her crying and telling me how sorry she is and that it shouldn't happen this way...after her crying a nurse came in and told her to leave she left and then the doctor came in and told me it was a pretty big crash and that  i broke my leg and my arm, 3 ribs all the same side and my nose and that i had a bunch of bruising and scratches on me with just a few stitches...the officers explained to me what happened about my parents dying and that i will be living with Gregory since i was already 21 and we didnt have other family so ill be pretty much just taking care of him. the doctor told me that i wouldnt heal properly untill maybe a year but it took a lot of things to heal my nose was first then arm and then leg the ribs took a little longer but its all good when all that happened i went through a lot i was always anxious, stressed, i was depressed for a long time, i was just really in a bad place i couldnt even drive my own car cause of the crash but it took me a good while of getting used to but im 22 now it will be marked a whole year on June 15 of this summer...so yea there goes what happened from my point of view and Gregory i hope this all wasnt to much for you and im sorry i never told you sooner and that you had to go through hell with me and my episodes really." i said crying 

"Y/n you dont need to apologize to me i wasnt there the night of the accident you were you were put through hell not me i was just doing what all other siblings do help comfort them and make sure that they werent alone and im glad you were able to tell this whole story to us and if you think about it you didnt really cry a lot till now." Gregory said hugging me 

"You know Superstar Gregory is right you dont need to apologize at all you are brave to tell us what happen not a lot of people can do that." Freddy said holding my hand 

"Ya know sweet thang you deserve all the happiness in the world well you do since you have all of us now come on y'all group hug." Monty said while everone was aquishing me to death 

"I cant breathe." I choked out

"Oh sorry y/n we forget we are heavy but im happy you shared your story." Chica said 

"You know everyone's right and tonight kid your a winner to us all you should get a trophy for the greatest person ever." Roxy said

"Aw Roxy that is so nice of you and you should have a trophy for best animatronic and racer ever." i said smiling at her, though greedy Freddy didnt seem to like i was telling Roxy that

"You know y/n im happy you told us all but should we tell them what the boss said too." Liam said

"Oh right i almost forgot thanks Liam, ok so Liam and i suggested for me and Gregory to move in with him this weekend but the boss told us the plex will be closed for about 2 maybe 3 weeks for inspection since customers complained about rats and what so ever so you 4 will be staying at now our place and we get to hang out pretty much everyday until the plex opens up again yay." i said all their eyes seem to sparkel and all were happy with the news

"W-wait but we will need to charge how will we be powerd on?" Freddy questoned 

"Good question Fredster you all have an outlet for emergencies like if your not near a charging station you can just pull that out and plug it in a outlet near by." Liam said

"W-wait really they have that." i asked

"Yup they do so that wont be a problem at all, but the problem right now is that it is 5 15 and we still havent cleaned them." Liam said

"Oh shit fuck your right we still have a job." I said

"Superstar language and youll get the things done on time dont worry." Freddy said 

"Right sorry ok well then everyone to your rooms ill take Roxy and Monty ok y/n." Liam said 

"Fine ok ill take Chica and Freddy, Gregory come on lets go." I said

"Can i go with Roxy and then ill just leave with Liam and meet you at the entrance." Gregory said 

"No worries kid ill take the pup with me i dont mind." Roxy said giving me a smile

"OK fine then go go go." i said walking with Chica to her room. "Ok Chica i just have to clean and scan you quickly ok."

"No problem y/n Freddy would proably like his alone time with you now." she said smiling at me which made me get all red 

"Uh hehe yea maybe ok scanning is complete and your not that dirty good, ok it is now 5 25 ok bye Chica." I said

"Bye y/n see you tomorrow." She said

i ran to Freddy's room within 10 seconds cause i knew damn well he wanted his alone time with me tonight 

"Hey Freddy let me scan you and clean you then im done ok." I said

"Hmm ok i guess." he said a little sad

"Oh um ok." i finished cleaning him and scanning him he was all good but he didnt seem to happy. "H-hey Freddy you ok your to quiet and its scaring me a bit."

"Its just that you told Roxy she was pretty much your favorite and i felt sad when you said that are you leaving me for Roxy Superstar please dont cause i really really like our time together and i-." Freddy said but I cut him off

"Pppffftt Freddy really thats what you're worried about buddy your my favorite all the way but i cant be rude to everyone, i like each and every one of you all the same but differently and i wouldnt leave you cause i really really like spending time with you too." i smiled at him

"Really Superstar you mean it." He said

"Yes Freddy i mean it." i said giving him a hug and kiss on his nose which let out a beep which made me burst into laughter. "Aw man that will never get old."

"Superstar while our stay at your and Liams house may we talk about this thing we have and actually see what we can do about it cause i want more out of this." Freddy said while looking straight into my eyes

"U-uh well yea of course we can talk about it." I said

"Ok good then shall i do this then." he then lifted me up and pulled me into a kiss and he tired to kiss my neck but i stopped him before anything 

"Ah ah ah no Freddy last time you kissed my neck i was left with hickies because of you and i just got rid of them this morning." I said

"But that shows you belong to me though only one please one thats it." he plead

"Ughh fine but im showing you were." i said after finally deciding on a spot i choose right below my collarbone which for him he liked the idea after he did what he did he gave me one last kiss before i had to head out it was 5 50 so i didnt want to leave but he had to charge so i did

"Finally what took you so long bro." Liam said 

"Sorry sorry i didnt mean to take long lets go then." i said we went outside and didnt see the boss though he did leave a message saying he'll call and tell us about Moondrop soon so we left back to my house

"Ughh finally back to the couch im out bitches bye goodnight." Liam said 

"Heh goodnight man, ok Gregory go change and go to sleep already ok." i said 

"Yea yea ok goodnight y/n." Gregory said while i waved at him 

i went into my room and changed into something more comforting and i saw the mark Freddy left and just put my fingers on it remembering how his lips felt on it and how weirdly good it felt. But the daydreaming came to an end as i put an alarm for tomorrow and slowly went to sleep not knowing how stressful it would be tomorrow with the landlord and everything to just move out and in with Liam.  

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