Truly Madly Deeply (One Direc...

By WishingOnStars99

23.2K 429 18

"We will see each other again." Louis told me. He was about to go on tour. He had just won the x-factor. "Whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 50

243 7 0
By WishingOnStars99


Izzy and I have just spent two days in Paris with Nathan and Jay. We had loads of fun. We saw the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, etc. And, yes, we also did some shopping because Izzy and I didnt have any clothes, just the ones we used when we started this roadtrip. 

Now, we're leaving to go to Italy for a couple of days. 

"Mac?" Jay asked, snapping his fingers on my face, making me blink a couple of times.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Are you ok?" Jay asked. I nodded. 

"Are you sure baby girl?" Nathan cooed, making me roll my eyes at them. Nathan and Izzy joked around, and called themselves my parents because I was the youngest here. 

"Yes." I sighed, tired.

We just spent a couple of hours in the airport, and we were waiting for our flight to be called. Then the speaker called us to go into the plane, and we went. We waited in line, and finally entered the plane. I sat in my seat, with Jay next to me. No, nothing happened between Jay and I, but with Izzy and Nathan its kind of different. Izzy and Nathan are more like flirty best friends. They never kissed mouth to mouth, but they got really close to it. 

I wonder what's happening with everyone else. And by that, I mean the boys and the girls. I miss them so much, they've got no idea. I guess they dont miss me, because they didnt call, or text, or email, or anything! Of course I wouldnt know it yesterday or today, because Izzy 'confiscated' my phone, because I spent to much time waiting for their phone call, and didnt enjoy the trip. In the end, she was right. But I couldnt help but wonder if they missed me too. 


We were all sitting around in Niall's living room, trying to figure out where Izzy and Mac are. I cant believe they actually ran away. Its just so not... them. 

"HELLO? IS ANYONE HOME?" I heard Liam scream, opening the door. Liam and Angie were the last couple we were waiting to arrive. 

"WE'RE HERE!" Lou screamed, and both of them came in. 

"Guys, I've got good and bad news." Angie said, as soon as she opened the door.

"What is it?" Perrie asked, leaning into Zayn's shoulder.

"I know where they are, but I think they're not there anymore." Angie said, trying to calm down. 

"What?" I asked, confused.

"They didnt run away." Angie said, calmer. "They went on a road trip." she said, afraid of our reaction. Then everyone started to ask questions to Angie, and she started to get a bit scared. I stayed quiet, while Lou, whob was by my side, stood up, and went to ask Angie questions too. 

"GUYS!" Liam screamed making everyone shut up. 

"What?" the boys asked. Perrie and I were the only ones sitting down quietly. 

"Let her talk." Liam demanded, making everyone stare at Angie. Angie took a seat next to me, and looked at the floor, as if she was remembering something. 

"Izzy and Mac are on a road trip." she stated quietly. 

"And how do you know that?" Perrie asked, confused, but in a calm tone.

"I know that, because they told me a while ago." Angie took a deep breath and continued, "One day we were all just talking, and I asked them what would they do if they ever had a broken heart. And they automatically said they'd go on a road trip together, and that I'd come too." she said, sadly. "I guess I just wasnt here when they needed me." Tears started to fall from Angie's eyes, and I gave her a hug.

"Its ok Angie. Its not your fault. Do you have any idea where they could be right now?" I asked her.

"Right now, no. But I know they were in Paris. They've always wanted to go to Paris." Angie said, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Did anyone call Paul?" Liam asked. 

"I did. I asked him to keep an eye opened if he saw them, but he's still on vacation with his wife." Zayn said. 

"Ok then. We have to think a bit." Liam said, sitting down next to Angie. 

Where could they be?


We just arrived at a hotel in Italy. Jay and Nathan were talking to the manager and booking two rooms for us to stay here, for two or three days. I was sitting on a couch, in the lobby, with Izzy. She still hadnt given me back my phone, so I decided to ask.

"Izzy, where's my phone?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow. 

"Here," she said, taking my phone out from her purse.

I took it, and turned it on. After a while, it came to life and I had recieved thirty phone calls, and had, like, a millin text messages. I read the messages and they were all from Niall, Zayn, Louis, Harry, Liam, Angie, Eleanor and Perrie. I decided to call Louis to tell him I was alright. I mean, he is my brother. I called him, and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" I heard Lou's voice say when he picked up. I could tell he was worried.

"Lou?" I asked, hopefully.

"Mac?" he asked, now confused.

"Its me." I said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Oh My Gosh! Where are you? Are you ok? Why didnt you call? What happened?" Lou started to fire tons of questions at me, and I just waited until he finished. After a while, he finally stopped, and waited for me to reply.

"Yes Lou, I'm fine. I didnt call because Izzy got my phone, and I'm on a road trip with Izzy, Jay and Nathan." I said smiling. 

"Why?" he asked, confused, but slightly relieved to know that I was ok.

"Because, Niall and I..." I trailed off. I couldnt say it. I had totally forgot about that. I mean, I didnt forget about it, I just didnt like to talk about it.

"What happened between you and Niall?" he asked worried. 

"We..." I trailed off again, trying to make him understand me.

"You...?" he asked. I felt tears fill my eyes, and Izzy quickly took the phone away from me, and placed it in her ear.

"Niall broke up with her." Izzy said, and gave me back the phone. I placed it in my ear.

"What?" Lou asked.

"You heard Izzy." I said, wiping some tears from my eyes. 

"Why didnt you tell me?" Lou asked, but I dont think he was asking me. Jay and Nathan made a sign for us to go and I nodded.

"Uh... Lou?" I asked.

"Yes?" Lou asked.

"I've got to go now. I'll call you every now and then to tell you that I'm ok. Bye." I said, and hung up before he could say anything. I wiped some tears from my eyes. I missed them so much. But I knew that this road trip was for me to get over them. 

"Are you ok?" Izzy asked, looking concerned.

"Yes," I said, but she didnt seem sure. So that was just one thing that I could say, "Call Will. I want my cupcake." I said happily, making Izzy smile. 

This whole road trip, I always wanted cupcakes. And Will would always bring them to me. He came in another flight, because he had to sort some things out in Paris. He had brown hai, blue eyes, and was super strong. And he knew how to cook. He came with us, because after a couple of cupakes, we became friends. 

Izzy called Will, while Jay gave me my room key. I made a sign for Izzy to come, and she asked for me to wait a sec. I rolled my eyes, and went upstairs. I was in room 5B. I walked down the corridor on the fifth floor, and finally found my room. I opened it, and threw myself on the comfy bed. 

"C'mon Lazy Head!" Nathan said, grabbing my ankles. 

"What now?" I asked, tired.

"We're going shopping!" Izzy said happily. I groaned.

"Fine." I sighed, and stood up.


We arrived at the mall, and it was amazing. It had the best stores, and most of them were on sale.

Izzy and I squeled happily, and entered Barneys. We looked around, and tried on some dresses. I decided to buy a red dress, and Izzy bought a dark blue one. Jay and Nathan bought it for us, because we didnt have money. But I really didnt mind. They were like brothers now. 

We kept on shopping and wondering around. After an hour, we went to the food court and Jay bought me a smoothie. I drank it happily, and sat down on a table. Nathan and Izzy had just bought themselves and Jay a Coke, and they sat down too.

"Can you believe we're actually doing this?" Izzy asked happily. 

"What do you mean?" Nathan asked confused.

"She means that its our dream to go on a road trip together," I said taking a sip of my smoothie. 

"And we're living our dream!" Izzy said excitedly.

"Yes you are." Jay said, holding his cup up. We all placed our cups together.

"On three, lets say 'For the Best Road Trip Ever.'" Nathan said, and we nodded. "One, two, three."

"For the best road trip ever!" We said happily, and everyone took a sip of their drink. 

"So, when do both of you go back to school?" Jay asked us. 

"We have about two months. I mean, were still in June." Izzy said, smiling. 

"I know, but when?" Jay asked.

"Start of September." Izzy said smiling.

"So we've got a lot of time for our road trip." Nathan said happily.

"Yes we do." I said, happily.

"Where are we heading next?" Jay asked.

"What about LA?" Izzy suggested.

"Germany?" Nathan suggested.

"I wanna go to Greece." I said, matter-of-factly. 

"I like Greece. I always wanted to go there." Izzy said, drinking her Coke.

"So, Greece it is?" Nathan asked. Izzy and I nodded. "And how many days are we staying here?"

"Two." Izzy stated. I nodded in agreement.

"Ok then. And what will we do until then?" Jay asked curiously.

"I'll tell you what we'll do." Izzy said happily. "We're going to do some tourism, some shopping, and then we're leaving." 

"Ok then. So I guess we should be heading back to the hotel." Jay said smiling. We all agreed on that. 

We got our shopping bags, and left. Correction: Jay and Nathan got our shopping bags and then we left. We got into a taxi, and drove back to the hotel. 

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