Psych Ward

By QueenieLee84

49.7K 2.7K 570

Cristina suffers from DID, she has two alters; Ris (Reese) who is 5 years old, she's a bubbly child with a bi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 1

4K 168 36
By QueenieLee84

No Daddy please don't, I'll be a good girl I swear...

Teenie sat up in bed quickly. She couldn't get the nightmare to stop. It had been so long that she wasn't sure if it was even real. It felt like she was there, but she didn't remember it other than the first time. Her father's hands were all over her while her mother held her down. 'Go to sleep, Teenie. I'll take over.' That was the last thing she remembered before peace washed over her. 

Ris blinked her eyes open. Ugh, why didn't Krissy take over? She hates being on nightmare duty, and now it's the middle of the night, and she's wide awake. Ris can't even call for anyone because the nice ones are on the day shift. She huffed in annoyance before rolling over and trying to go back to sleep.

The little girl was surprised when she woke up the following day and was still in control. Usually, Krissy would have taken over by now, or Teenie would have returned after she calmed down. Oh well, it's time to play. Ris skipped to the door and knocked, "Bunny, where's my pretty bunny?"

She heard a chuckle, and then the door unlocked. "Hi, Princess Ris. I haven't seen you in a while."

Ris crossed her arms over her chest and pouted, "Teenie had that nightmare again, and Krissy is nowhere to be found. Can we eat some ice cream and watch a movie?"

Jungkook looked at the girl in front of him; she had been here for a decade, and not once had they spoken to the primary personality, Kristina or Teenie, as the alters call her. They've only met Ris, the little girl in front of him, who is proud to be a big 5-year-old, and Krissy, who, last he checked, was around 25. "Ris, it's 6 am, the kitchen isn't even open yet. But Jimin brought you some new stickers if you want to go see those?"

She jumped up and down, of course she did. Ris loved stickers, and Jimin always bought the prettiest ones with sparkles. "Please, can we? I want to see Jimin." Jungkook reached for her hand, and they walked to the nurse's station together. Jimin was busy with some files, so it took him a bit to notice she was there. Ris was in full pout mode; she didn't like being ignored by her favorite people.

Jungkook coughed quietly, and Jimin peeked up at him from his seat, "morning, Kook," he was looking at him with questioning eyes, and then he noticed Ris. They've learned over the years to be able to tell the three apart very quickly. Teenie is timid and folds in on herself around most people, Ris smiles and giggles, and Krissy, well, Krissy, is a freaking flirt, and all she does is try and get into their pants. "Well, if it isn't our little Princess. Did JK tell you that I got you some stickers?"

The little girl jumped up and down and made grabby hands at him. She wanted him to pick her up and carry her. They aren't supposed to, but all seven have a huge soft spot for their Princess and let her do whatever. The three of them have been in this long-term psych hospital for as long as she can remember. Ris doesn't really remember anything about their time before. Krissy was the one who mostly ran the body back then.

Ris only got to come out when they were safe in Teenie's room with no chance of the mean people finding them. She doesn't know why the three are here other than what Ris sees in her dreams. She knows their parents hurt them badly. But she doesn't know exactly what they did. Jimin sighed but she could see the smile on his face, he was going to hold her. "I have to drop off some files for Dr. Min. Do you want to come with me?"

"YES! I want to see my Kitty Kat," she all but yelled. Dr. Min looks like a grumpy old grandpa cat; every patient here is terrified of him, but Ris loves him. He lets her sit in his lap and color all she wants; he even lets her play games on his phone sometimes if she's a good girl and talks during the sessions.

Jimin looked at her and smiled, "Tell your Bunny bye so you can see your Kitty." 

Princess was on Jimin's hip, waving at Jungkook, "Bye Bunny, I still want ice cream later."

"Of course you do," he chuckled before heading off to do whatever he does when he's not with one of them. She knows she's not the only patient there, but if she was honest, they would drop everything if one of them needed something. More than once, she's marched into one of the doctors' offices while they were with other patients and demanded their attention, and they'd always give it to her.

Dr. Min is the trauma psychologist, he's the one that tries his hardest to get the three of them to talk about what happened. He's the one that is most desperate to speak to Teenie. He spends most of his time with Krissy, as she was the one that lived through what happened, she's the one that can talk to him about it, but Ris isn't sure if she's said anything or not. She's very protective of Teenie; she swore long ago that she'd never let anyone else hurt her.

Dr. Kim Namjoon is the general psychologist. He tries to get them to talk about their feelings and thoughts. He's their therapist, and he's very nice, pretty, and has two deep dimples.

Dr. Kim Taehyung is the children's psychologist. He's the one that Ris spends the most time with. He's really good with kids, and his office has so many awesome toys in it. His smile makes her laugh; it looks like a rectangle.

Dr. Kim Seokjin is the head of the hospital and a medical doctor. Once a month, either Krissy or Ris has to speak to him. He wants to cure them so that they don't have to spend the rest of their lives there. He's very nice and handsome.

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