Kei's New Beginning | Editing

By HyperKatKei

853 142 694

∆ [[ Featured ]] ∆ Family is everything they say and family always stick together through ups and downs. But... More

🌼 Dedication 🌼
🌼 1. Grey As The Clouds
🌼 2. New Change
🌼 3. The Pikachu Boy
🌼 4. Apology & Forgive
🌼 5. Keeping Secrets
🌼 6. The Earthquake Effect
🌼 7. Mr. Expert
🌼 8. New Best Friend
🌼 9. Mended Misunderstandings & New Neighbours
🌼 11. Window Conversations
🌼 12. The First Kiss
🌼 13. Queen Char!
🌼 14. The Dinner Date
🌼 15. Fake Love & Secrets
🌼 16. Mended Heart & True Friends
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

🌼 10. The Snow Globe

25 6 22
By HyperKatKei

Chapter Song

Chapter Dedication


Fixing things up with TaoTao and finally resolving our issues brought some relief. I took a refreshing shower and put on my favourite hoodie, a combination of white and black, along with my knee-length black camouflage shorts. I completed the look with my black high-tops. Mingtao didn't want me to be alone at home, and I also felt it was only fair to help our newly moved neighbours. I purposely left my phone behind to avoid any depressing or emotional messages from my dad. I had already had enough of that for the day. However, I knew my brothers would sit me down for a long chat later on.

As I stepped into the Feng family's house, I froze in the entrance, awestruck by the beautifully repainted walls in white adorned with intricate yellow and golden designs. Every wall showcased carefully arranged paintings, resembling an art gallery. While Mingtao introduced himself, my attention was drawn to the art paintings. One particular painting caught my eye—a depiction of a cat gazing into a stunning Chinese ancient pond. It looked so realistic that I hesitated to touch it. An overwhelming sense of happiness and excitement welled up inside me, threatening to burst out as tears of joy. I searched the painting, hoping to find the artist's name or signature, but to my disappointment, there was none to be found.

"Kei! What are you doing? It's not polite to enter like that!" Mingtao suddenly scolded me in his elder brother's tone.

"Just look at this! It's... It's like a gigantic art gallery!" I exclaimed, stretching my arms out to the sides with pure excitement.

The woman, who had been watching me with gleaming eyes, quickly approached and gently held my shoulders, as if I were a famous art masterpiece. Her radiant smile and golden blonde hair reminded me of Cian. Now I understood where he inherited those features from.

"So, you're Kei, the one Lily keeps talking about! Do you like this arrangement? And all of these paintings are my creations," she said, wrapping her arm around my shoulder as if we were best friends, and pointing towards the artworks.

"No way! You painted the cat staring at the pond? It's like seeing Michelangelo's works in a whole new light! This is incredible!" I exclaimed, rushing towards the painting that had captivated me from the moment I laid eyes on it.

Suddenly, a white Persian cat brushed against my feet, adorned with a collar and a tinkling bell. I stood there, frozen, as I looked back and forth between the cat and the painting. It was the exact same cat depicted in the artwork. I leaned in closer to examine the painting, and to my surprise, I noticed that it even had a collar with a bell.

"Oh my goodness! Th-That's the cat! It's literally identical!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.

Realising that my behaviour might have been impolite, I quickly apologised. "I'm sorry for my actions. I just have a deep appreciation for art because," I paused for a moment, feeling a bit nervous, and then rubbed the back of my neck. "I'm actually a painter myself." I finished my sentence.

Cian's mom approached me with a radiant smile, taking hold of my hands. "I knew it! Lily actually mentioned your talent to me! I would love to see some of your artwork sometime," she exclaimed, ruffling my hair and pinching my cheeks affectionately, evoking memories of my own grandmother.

As she turned to converse with her husband, a feeling of isolation washed over me. I found myself disconnected from the conversation, observing the couple's happiness as they exchanged wide smiles while speaking about me. My hands found refuge in the pockets of my hoodie, and I simply gazed at them, returning their smiles. Yet, deep down, I couldn't help but feel a longing for my grandparents. While Mingtao, Mrs. Feng, and Mr. Feng engaged in conversation, I took the opportunity to appreciate the surrounding paintings.

I had started painting at a very young age, holding a brush for the first time when I was only six years old. It began with me painting all over the walls of our house, eventually encompassing the entire space. My grandma always found a way to admire my creations, providing me with encouragement and motivation to continue painting. It was she who introduced me to calligraphy and the art of Japanese traditions. Those moments were some of the happiest memories I held. The echoes of her laughter and the warmth of her smile replayed in my mind like a cherished video tape. A single tear escaped my eye, and I swiftly turned away, wiping it away before anyone could notice. However, to my surprise, someone had indeed seen me.

"Kei? Are you okay?" Cian's voice reached my ears as he leaned over the staircase, peering down at me. His voice was gentle, ensuring that no one else could hear him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied with a smile, attempting to dismiss any concern. "Just some dust, I think. It got into my eyes." I pretended to rub my eyes, as if trying to remove an irritant.

"Hmm, that's strange. My mom has cleaned down there at least six or seven times, so there shouldn't be any dust," Cian said, crossing his arms over his chest, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

Damn, it seems I can't fool this guy. It's as if he can read me like an open book. I rolled my eyes playfully at him. Just then, the Persian cat approached me again, coming closer and rubbing against my legs. With a smile, I crouched down, reaching out to pick up the cat. It hesitated momentarily but gradually walked toward me, allowing me to scoop it up. Carefully, I checked its collar for a name. Engraved on the bell was the name "BELLZ," written in bold black letters.

"Hey, Bellz!" I exclaimed, a slight laugh escaping my lips.

"Hey, I've got something to show you. Come up, it'll cheer you up," Cian said, standing up with a smile and motioning for me to follow him upstairs.

Curiosity mingled with nervousness as I made my way up the staircase, carrying Bellz in my arms. As I reached the top floor, a gentle breeze caressed my face. The windows were wide open, inviting the refreshing air that filled the space with a sense of peace and serenity. Slowly, I walked towards what appeared to be a sprawling living room area. To my astonishment, I discovered massive bookshelves lining the walls, brimming with books of all shapes and sizes. I stood there, frozen in place, taking a moment to absorb the sight. It was overwhelming—first Mrs. Feng's remarkable paintings, and now this vast collection of thousands of books that seemed to surround me.

I made my way towards one of the shelves, where I noticed picture frames placed alongside a few books, lending a touch of aesthetic beauty. As I gazed at the photographs, my eyes were drawn to a girl in the centre. She didn't resemble Andrew and Cian; instead, she bore a striking resemblance to Mr. Feng—a classic Chinese look with jet-black, long, straight hair and an angelic smile. In the picture, she held a kitten that wore the same collar as Bellz. It became clear that this cat belonged to the girl. However, I couldn't help but wonder why I hadn't seen her around the house. But as I peered over the shelf, which occupied a small space, I found the answer to my question. A pang of sadness washed over me. Placed on a small table in the corner was a picture frame of the girl surrounded by a profusion of white flowers, with incense sticks still burning, filling the air with a serene, fresh scent of daisies.

"That's... my sister, Zoe Mei," Cian's voice suddenly broke the silence, heavy with sorrow.

In that moment, memories of my own lost brother flooded back, crashing over me like a giant wave. Without uttering a word, I sank down onto the floor, paying my respects to Zoe. After offering a small prayer, I leaned against one of the nearby cupboards, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. It was clear from Cian's expression that he, too, carried a heavy burden of grief. Somehow, in that moment, I felt compelled to share my own story with him.

"I can understand what you're going through, Cian. I, too, have lost someone I desperately wish I could turn back time for, but it's an impossible feat. I don't possess the power to change the past. In my case, my biological parents gave me away to my grandparents. I had an older brother who became both a father and mother figure to me, as I was just six years old and knew nothing of the world. My grandparents were elderly and couldn't keep up with an energetic child who constantly ran around. But little did I know, my mere presence seemed to bring misfortune and bad luck to those who got close to me," I confessed, my voice breaking as tears slowly trickled down my cheeks, my gaze fixated on my trembling hands.

"What do you mean by bad luck?" Cian asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity and compassion.

"I've come to realise it ever since I was born. Despite my outward appearance of strength, I'm not as resilient as I seem. I have certain limitations that make me feel anything but normal. I was born lifeless, and it was Lily and Huang who breathed life into me, granting me a second chance with a body prone to illnesses. But what's even more agonising than my physical ailments is the fact that my own parents don't want me—especially my father, who wishes for my demise. It was because of me that I lost my brother. He sacrificed himself, jumping in front of me to protect me from the tragic fate my father had in store. Mingtao, Jeriko, and Zen misunderstood me, and in the eyes of my own family, I became a villain. I had no one who would believe my side of the story, no one who saw what I witnessed. It was only when I moved here that I was able to mend things with them, but there's still this lingering emptiness," I confessed, hugging my legs tightly as my emotions overwhelmed me.

Tears cascaded down my legs, a torrential waterfall of sorrow. Suddenly, a warm hand gently rested on my back, offering comforting pats and soothing strokes as my tears continued to flow.

"I could tell that you weren't okay downstairs when I saw you crying. I can empathise with everything you've been through, and if I were your brother, he wouldn't want to see you like this. No matter what, you have to be strong, and to me, you are strong. You're not weak. Even my sister wouldn't want me to be perpetually sad. She would want me to find strength. I'm certain of that. And, you bear a striking resemblance to her," his gentle voice resonated in my mind.

Curiosity piqued, I stole a glance at him. He offered me a warm smile, and I couldn't help but notice how angelic he looked. "Do I really resemble her? I don't think so. She's much more beautiful than I am," I responded, slowly straightening myself.

"You possess a beauty that radiates from within. Besides, who cares about external appearances? Your personality resembles my sister's so much. I have something to show you," Cian suddenly stood up, flashing me a wide smile.

His words made me blush uncontrollably. He had just said I was beautiful on the inside. If only I could dismiss it, but the way he said it sent butterflies dancing wildly in my stomach. My face grew hot, as if someone had switched on a heater. As Cian disappeared into a room, I seized the opportunity to fan myself, wondering why he had to say such things. He truly had a way with words. It was no wonder girls in school swooned over him, like Maisie, who seemed determined to win Cian's affections. In just a few seconds, Cian reappeared, and I swiftly halted my fanning. He held a pretty blue box in his hands and, once again, sat down beside me, placing the box gently on my lap.

"It belongs to my sister. I think you should keep it," he said, locking his turquoise blue eyes with mine, his angelic smile shining through.

For a moment, I was captivated by his gaze. I hadn't noticed before how mesmerising his eyes were, a stunning shade of turquoise blue. Why hadn't I seen this earlier? Startled by my own thoughts, I quickly averted my gaze and focused on the box in my hands. It felt slightly heavy, and before I could open it, my eyes darted to Zoe's picture frame on the table.

"Cian, I can't accept this. It's-" I began to protest, attempting to return the box to him, but he interrupted me and gently pushed it back towards me.

"No, you should keep it. I know you need it more than I do," he beamed brightly.

Once again, my cheeks flushed with warmth. Deciding to divert my attention, I shifted my focus back to the box in front of me. Slowly, I lifted the lid and found myself momentarily blinking and staring at the beautiful object inside. Carefully, I reached into the box and picked up the snow globe. In the centre was a stunning girl holding a cat, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Zoe. When I glanced at Cian, he smiled and nodded, confirming my thoughts. I returned his smile, clutching the snow globe tightly in my hands. Upon closer examination, I realised it was a music globe. I wound it up, and a sweet melody began to play—an ethereal tune that resonated with my soul. It was a Chinese traditional song, one that my grandmother used to play on her flute or listen to with great fondness.

"I know this song. My grandma used to play it on the flute or listen to it," I smiled, gently running my fingers over the intricate details of the snow globe.

"Zoe would be really happy that you have it. She custom made it," Cian beamed with warmth.

"Thank you, I will treasure it," I said, looking at Zoe's picture frame as I carefully placed the snow globe back into the box.

As we stood up, I realised my legs had gone numb from sitting for too long. Before I could regain my balance and prevent myself from tripping or falling, I stumbled and ended up falling—right into Cian's arms. His quick reflexes prevented me from hitting the floor, but our noses accidentally touched in the process. Heat rushed to my face, and I hastily pulled away, feeling a mix of nerves and embarrassment. We both averted our gaze for a moment, and I held the box tightly to my chest, my hands becoming clammy with sweat.

"Um, I'm sorry. I got a cramp from sitting too long and lost my balance. I apologise," I stammered, my voice filled with nervousness and embarrassment as the image of our noses touching replayed in my mind.

My face was undoubtedly flushed red. Why did I have to be so clumsy? Dear God, why are you testing me like this? Just as I heard footsteps approaching the staircase, I seized the opportunity to make my exit. I didn't want to show my burning ears, so I hurriedly rushed down the stairs. As I passed by Mingtao, he made matters worse by pointing it out.

"Kei? Are you okay? And why are you blushing?" he asked, just as I hurriedly left the house.

Why, TaoTao? Why did you have to say it out loud? I'm sure Cian heard it clearly. How will I face him now? Okay, I need to calm down. It's not like he kissed me or anything. I just lost my balance and fell. But my mind keeps reminding me that our noses touched. With this thought, I knew it would be difficult to sleep well tonight.


Hey guys!!!
Are you guys loving these bonus chapters? After this chapter, I will be going back to my original schedule. 🤭

I will be only posting on Sundays.

Hope you all liked this chapter! If you did, please vote and comment it would mean a lot to me. Plus, this is the longest chapter that I wrote. Yup, this turned out pretty long. 😂

Look forward to the next chapter!

Thank you all for the love and support for this book! It means a lot to me!

Love you all!

Adios! And peace out! Will see you all in the next chapter!

- Kei

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