Love Like That | j. green

By humansunflower

160K 7.8K 750

in which he wants to settle down or in which she feels her wings have been clipped More



2.8K 145 18
By humansunflower

february 17th, 2024
3:38 pm

THE FIRST TWENTY FOUR HOURS post breakup and Noelani spent almost all of it in a hotel room in Studio City, by the phone and trying to avoid a second panic attack.

She had been sure that he would call, having come to his senses, finally wanting to talk and not wanting to throw away five years in the span of a minute and a half.

It had taken Noelani about twenty four more hours to realize that Jalen wouldn't be the first to call and that her relationship really was over. The next twenty four was spent pacing and trying to calculate what the next steps were.

Does she swallow her pride and all her fears and marry him or does she stick with the freedom she claimed she wanted so bad?

Noelani stood by the open window in the two bedroom hotel room, her gaze dead and fixed on the city below her as she waited for her father to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" Alejandro finally answered the FaceTime, one hand coming up to rub his eye.

"Can you check on Alani for me?" Noelani asked with no preamble.

Alejandro sighed, "Just over there and get her."

"I figured it would be better for her to stay with the parent who's not homeless." Noelani replied then rubbed her forehead with one finger, a little stressed, "He doesn't want to see me."

"Fair enough..." Alejandro shook his head, "I still can't believe he kicked you out like that. If I ever see that bum ass-."

"Well believe it. It's happened," Noelani interjected, not wanting to rehash what had happened, "Just FaceTime me again when you get there, okay? Tell me if she's running out of milk?"

Alejandro nodded, "Okay." Then he hung the phone up, leaving Noelani to sigh and then slide the device in the back pocket of her jeans.

The sun moved out from behind the clouds and in response, Noelani lifted one hand to shield her eyes.

This weather is too nice to match how I'm feeling.

"What's the plan for today?" Leilani chirped from where she was laying on top of the bed located closest to the door.

Noelani closed her eyes in surprise for a moment, having forgotten that she wasn't alone then turned around to face her cousin, "I'm gonna go house hunting. You're staying here."

Leilani sat up and pouted, "And why am I staying here?"

"Well for one, they're not gonna take me seriously with you by my side and two, it's gonna be a lot quicker if I'm alone." Noelani pointed out as she pulled the scrunchie that held her curls in a pineapple.

Leilani stared at her for a moment and then a devious smile grew on her face that made Noelani suspicious, "What? Why are you eyeing me?"

"Let me dye your hair."

"Are you crazy?" Noelani asked in a deadpanned voice, "Why on earth would I let you touch my hair?"

"Because you love me," Leilani dragged the words out, "Plus a change could be good. You know?"

Leilani didn't make sense very often but perhaps she still wasn't but Noelani's broken heart seized on the word, 'change', and held tight.

"Maybe... Maybe you're right. Nothing crazy. Nothing bright, nothing crazy," Noelani added at the sight of Leilani's grin.

And twenty minutes later, Noelani sat on the closed toilet seat lid, her hair now a color she had yet to see and a towel wrapped around her shoulders as she watched Jamie plug in a ceramic flat iron "Can I at least know the color?"

"Nope! Its a surprise!" Leilani singsonged from where she was leaning against the doorframe and in response Noelani glared, "If you say that one more time, I'm washing it out."

"Relax." Leilani rolled her eyes.

"It's ready," Jamie announced then walked over to where Noelani was sitting, "I know we not that close or nothin' but if you wanna get shit off your chest you can."

"What does she need to get off her chest?" Leilani asked in a slightly astounded tone.

Jamie looked back at Leilani before scoffing and beginning to move the flat iron over Noelani's thick locks, "They were together for five years. I'm sure she's still hurt over it."

"I'm right here." Noelani chimed in.

"You're better off for it, He's-."

"I don't wanna talk about him right now. Okay? Anything else, anyone else... Not him. Okay?" Noelani could hear herself choking up a little bit and she focused her eyes on her jean covered knees, not wanting to see their reactions, their pity.

Her irises fixed on the ring finger of her right hand, the place that had promise ring had sat. There was still a deep circular tan line that was lighter than the rest of her brown skin and the sight was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Unable to help herself, tears began to race down her face towards her chin, "Oh, fuck. It's really over."

Jamie shot a sympathetic look towards Noelani and she had to force herself not to cringe at the expression.

There were few things she hated more than pity.

"It's done." Leilani finally spoke, "You look good."

Noelani whipped the towel off of her shoulders, rushing to see the new change in her appearance. Her hair, once brown, was now a dark copper color that matched the undertones of her skin. She lightly pulled her fingers through her hair and muttered to herself, "Red eyes... Red hair. I like it."

"We should go out." Leilani said suddenly, "Show off the new you."

"It's four o clock in the afternoon. Go out where?" Noelani questioned in an incredulous tone.

"There's always a darty somewhere." Jamie unplugged the flat iron.

"Ion know... I look a mess." Noelani replied, "And I-."

Noelani paused. She was about to say that she needed to do something for Jalen, some chore that he had forgotten or another when the realization hit her.

This was no longer her role.

And a slow smile spread upon her face and Noelani whirled on her heel to face her cousin and her friend.

"Let's do it."

I changed Noel's FC again lmao
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