Two Years Later (Sequel to My...

By sugarcanepony

2.1K 144 43

This takes place two years after my first story "My little Viking." Will Ze ever get over his fears? What if... More

Stay away from the door
Haunting past
Good night...
The look
Nightmares and Emails
They broke me
Not agian
The Picture
Stevens safe
Does he think this is a game?
I could have helped him...
I gotta get home.

I'll stay.

96 9 1
By sugarcanepony

Zes Pov

        I lay on the cold concrete floor. My body is shaking from pain and fear. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I think that he already broke acupple of my ribs, and everything else. I had it so good with Anthony, and now that's gone.

I let out a fear full squeak when I hear the basement door swing open. I close my eyes when he turns on the light. I open them again when he gets closer to me. I look up at him tears forming in my eyes.

Then I hear a loud bang come from upstairs, that scares us both. he turns way and then there's another loud bang. Then another. Then another. He runs up the stairs to see what it was, then I hear him yelling. I can hear things braking. There's an argument, but I can't make out what there saying. Then I see someone run down the stairs. I caan't make out there face in till he got closer. Its Anthony, and he doesn't look good.

"A-an-" Is all I get a chance to say before he hugs me.

I let out a grunt of pain, gritting my teeth.

"HEY!" I hear my dad yell from upstairs.

"It's gonna be ok." Anthony says untying my ankle.

I can hear him comming down the stairs as Anthony trys to pull me up, my legs failing me.

Chilleds Pov

I hear his dad rushing down the stairs as I try to get Steven to stand. I try to ignore him as Steven fails to stand. My heart drops when I hear the him place a gun on my head. Steven looks up at me terrrorfiiyed as I slowly turn to face him.

"You didn't have a gun last time.." I say raising my hands.

"I knew that Ohm wouldn't be able to hold on to you for long." He says smiling through the bloody nose I gave him.

"So are you going to shoot me, or are you just going to point it at me." I say staring him in the eye.

"One of you are not leaving... Pick your poisin." He says bumping the barrel aginst my forehead.

I look back at Steven, who's shaking his head at me. there's no way I'm letting Steven stay here.

"I'll stay.." I say Looking down at my feet.

He walks begind me and picks up Steven, not taking the gun off me. Then he puts Steven on the stairs.

"Deals a deal." He says smiling at me.  

"Steven go." I say letting him tie me up.

"But An-" He starts before I cut him off.

"GO!" I yell, starting to cry.

Then I see him crawl up the stairs, then I hear the front door open and close.

He's safe.

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