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Minxs pov

Anthony passed out from exhaustion on the stairs. So I had to carry him upstairs. He wasn't that heavy, but it was still a challenge. I didn't tell him about Steven. He had been though to much already. I just need him to get out of here.

I have to practicality drag him up the stairs, then out of the house. I lay him in the back seat. His blood staining the seat. Then I climb into the car and I start to drive back to my house.

Chilleds Pov

I wake up in the back seat of a car. Pain rushing though my body. I clench my teeth as I try to sit up in an attempt to see who's driving. I let out a grunt is pain and lay back down.

"Oh, your awake." I hear Minx say from the front seat.

Thank goodness its Minx.

"Yeah. where are we going?" I ask my voice cracking.

"Back to my house. we're almost there." She says not looking away from the road.

"Ok." I say.

I look down at the seat, it's covered in my blood. I lift my arm, only making the pain worse. I wipe some blood way from my mouth and wipe it off on my pants.

I feel the car jurk as we pull up to the house. Minx gets out and helps me out. I stumble into the house, holding onto Minx.

"Thanks." I say as she helps me down onto the couch.

"No problem" She says throwing me a blanket.

Minxs Pov

I Throw Anthony a blanket and run to get some ice. He doesn't look good. Why would he switch places with Steven. Steven can take that, I don't know if Anthony can.

I return with the ice. I put it on his head. His face is so bruised. I can barely tell that it's him.

Chilleds Pov

Minx brings me some ice. I lay there for awhile, but then it hits me.


Two Years Later (Sequel to My Little Viking)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя