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Chilleds Pov

        At about 3:15 I can hear Steven start to roll around in bed. I roll over to see him tossing back and forth with tears streaming down his face. He must be having a night mare.

"No, please!" He starts to say before I wake him up.

"Its  ok..." I say hugging him to try and calm him.

"A-a-anthony" he says berrying his head in my chest. 

"Yes." I say rubbing his back.

"Promise you'll n-never leave m-me..." he says looking up at me.

"I promise." I say hugging him tighter.

I pull him closer to me, wanting him to feel safe.

He hasn't talked in his sleep for over a year. Today must have hit him hard. I have no clue how he's feeling, but I need to help him. I have just gotten him to stop fearing life. I don't want him to start to fear it again.

His sobs begin to slow as I feel him start to fall asleep. I lean down and kiss his cheek. Then his sobs completely stop and he falls asleep.

I don't let him go, and I wont let him go in till he asks me to. I made a promise.

()()()()()Next Morning()()()()()

Zes Pov

I wake up still in the arms of Anthony. I look up to see him still asleep. Even though he's asleep, he's still holding me tightly. I want to stay here forever. I know that in his arms nothing can hurt me. Anthony would never let anything happen to me.

Anthony begins to stir. I look up at him as he opens his eyes. He looks down at me, and smiles. I stretch up and give him a peck on the lips.

"Good morning." He says pulling me impossibly closer.

"Morning." I say giving him a weak smile.

Zes Dads Pov

I sit on my couch watching the game, as I take another drag from my cigarette the phone rings. I look up at the clock. 10:30am.

"Hello?" I say answering the call

"I saaaww ouur son yeeesterdayyyy..." the some what familiar voice slurs. 

"What!?" I say, I have not seeing him in years.

"I'm noooottt subpost to telllll youu!" she yells into the phone.

She has to be shit faced, like always, I can get this out of her.

"So where is his house?" I ask.

"Ooooooo, He Iiiiives in theee sunset hills apppppppartmment complexxxxx APpartment 12C. OOOopps I wasn't supost to Tell YYYYYou thattttttt." She says giggling.

I hang up and write down the information. I rip the note off the note pad and shove it in my pocket.

I guess I'll be paying some one a visit today.

Two Years Later (Sequel to My Little Viking)Where stories live. Discover now