By thatssorae4

360K 12.9K 8.5K

Atlanta is the black Hollywood. If you want to make it as black person it's a perfect way to connect with lik... More

Character Info.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Nineteen

9.1K 366 94
By thatssorae4

Durk Derrick Banks

"Stop! You're going to get paint on me!" Kehlani squealed moving further away from me.

I hold the paint brush out acting like I'm going to put the wet paint in her but right before it touches her skin I sit back and attend to my canvas and put the black paint there instead.

"Relax. You being dramatic for no reason." I tease her putting my blunt between me lips.

For my date day I decided to do something I've never thought about doing before. Even with India. It took a little thinking because when you're in a long term relationship so many of your firsts go out the window but I was determined to still have some with Kehlani.

We were at a studio called Under The Influence. It was a place where you could make art if any kind while indulging in weed or drinks. It was perfect for us because we each had our influence of choice. Kehlani liked drinking rather than smoking and I liked to smoke weed.

Kehlani had taken a few puffs of my wood since it was early in the day and she didn't want to get too drunk during our date. It was cute seeing her smile since she literally never does it without a good reason.

"I'm not dramatic. I'm just wearing white, baby." She tells me as she switches brushes.

"My bad. I should've told you not to wear something you wouldn't want to get dirty." I apologize as I look back at my work so far.

Currently we were painting canvases. Although we were next to one another we couldn't peek at it before we were finished. It was going to be a big reveal at the end.

Kehlani waves me off. "I'm not trippin. I know my dates are supposed to be a surprise, you saying that might've ruined it." She tells me honestly.

I smile to myself. Kehlani was so understanding that it was hard to believe it sometimes.

I know it sounds crazy because of how she was acting about our girlfriends but you have to think about it like this. If you want someone and you're giving them your all you want the same in return.

Kehlani understood that our relationships were easy to end but she also wasn't going to allow herself to be  played or pushed to the side. I have the upmost respect for her just because of it.

"If you mess up your shirt I'll take mine off for you don't worry." I assure her. I take a pull from my blunt.

"You don't have to. I'm really not trippin about it." She shrugs.

She takes a sip of her red wine then set the cup on the little stool that was just set up just for her glass.

I finish my second blunt and ash it in the tray that I had set up. I pick up my brush and dip it in the light blue paint first.

"Durk?" Kehlani calls out to me.

"Yes ma?" I ask looking over at her.

"Nothing you just look high as hell." She laughs but her eyes are low and red too.

I chuckle shaking my head, "I actually do have something ask you. Are you having fun?" I ask her.

"A lot of it. What made you pick this place?" She questions not looking away from her art.

"I just thought you would like to do something that's interesting and artistic." I try to keep it simple.

She has a big smile on her face like she was happy with my answer so I went back to my own work.

"I really love it. I don't think I've ever painted on a canvas bigger than a thumb nail." She jokes and we share a laugh.

"What made you start doing nails and lashes?" I wonder.

She thinks for a second, "I was looking for an outlet. I was kind of spiraling with the end of high school coming and me not wanting to go to college. I needed something that was going to allow me to make money but not punch a clock. I saw a YouTube video on nails and it looked kinda easy so I tried it."

I love the ambition Kehlani has. She was the type to go out and get it no matter what. Lani worked sun up to sun down doing what she loved and before complained about anything other than back pain. I loved seeing her work towards her goal but if she asked me I would buy her a shop and stop her from working so much.

I've done something similar with India. When she told me she wanted a business so I funded her fully and helped her make business connections that would grow her business. That's what I thought I was supposed to do but I now see that maybe I shouldn't have intervened.

Don't get me wrong I'm proud of India and everything she's done but I think I should've let her have it all to herself and not have my hands in it so much.

"Was it? Was it easy?" I can't help but ask.

Her head lifts and she shakes it vigorously, "Hell fuck no it wasn't. I struggled for months to get it right and when I did I couldn't get clients in Ohio. Honestly I was expecting the same thing down here."

"What made you stick with it if it wasn't working?"

"I knew it was going to because it had to fucking work. What made you wanna do music?" She changes the subject.

"It was a way to get my voice out there. And I used it to level up my whole way of life. I got more money than I know what to do with now." I tell her laughing.

She giggles with me as she dips her paint brush in yellow paint. I watch as she places the brush on the canvas and uses it for whatever she was making.

I was basically done with mine since it was a simple design but I could tell by the amount of colors she has on the little paint dish thing that she was designing something far more advanced than whatever I was doing.

While she was focusing on her work I dip my finger into the dark blue paint and swipe it across her cheek. Kehlani giggles then takes some of her paint on the brush and touches the tip of my nose.

"Aww baby you look cute with a yellow nose." She jokes making me shake my head.

I put some more blue paint on her face and that's how a full on paint fight starts. We throw paint back and forth at each other to the point her once white shirt is covered in blue and black paint while my black one is covered in a bunch of different colors.

"Okay! Stop for real Durk. I'm covered in paint." Lani screams laughing.

She puts a little bit of white on my cheek then kissed my lips quickly. She pulls away biting my lower lip.

Yea she was horny. I can tell it's getting to her that we haven't done anything in almost two weeks but these were her rules so we all agreed to abide by them.

Besides there was something big coming.

"Are you done? I wanna see what you was over there creating." I was genuinely excited to see what she was making besides the mess that's all over my body.

Kehlani nods then carefully picks up her canvas. I do the same with mine. We count down to the reveal,

"Three." We say in unison. I look down at mine one last time then back at her to see her doing the same.

"Two." I count down for us when I notice the nervous look on Lani's face.

"One." Kehlani announces then in almost perfect sync we turn aloud wet canvases to face one another.

Kehlani's work was beautiful. It was a butterfly, half of it was a regular pink and purple butterfly and the other half was a combination of a sunflower and a daisy. The background was black and space themed with planets behind it. You can tell she had some type of art background just by the detail she was able to do.

"Oh my god. That's so dope Durk." Kehlani compliments me.

I just wave her off, "You did real art. I just made a sign." I downplay what I made.

I painted a black background with the words "puff puff pass" on it each word was a different shade of blue starting with a light blue and ending with a darker one. There's also a few lines that look like smoke clouds and a joint.

"No Durk you did something so beautiful. I'm going to hang it up in the apartment as soon as we get back." Kehlani kisses my temple making me smile.

I turn my head and catch her lips with mine. The kiss is hot. I was sucking on Kehlani's tongue and she was letting out little moans that drove me crazy. It has so much passion behind it that I have to break it before we did something stupid.

"I don't know what kind of nigga you used to fucking with but I don't fuck on the first date." I joke setting my canvas back down.

"Boy you fuck with the same niggas I fuck with so don't." She shakes her head at me setting her work back down.

"I been meaning to ask you about that. How do you feel knowing we're all bisexual or whatever the fuck we are?" I ask rubbing her thigh.

Kehlani just shrugs, "Honestly? I don't even think of it like anything. I don't want to sound mean or rude but I genuinely don't care." She says looking at me. I give her a puzzled look so she continues, "I just don't think of y'all as anything other than the men I love. I think that it's going to make our relationship better because we're all in love."

That right there was yet another thing on the Kehlani's pros list. She was accepting of everything that came with us. The fame, the press, the everything.

She allowed us to do us while being with her and I was grateful for it. It was like she genuinely didn't care who we were or what we could offer her but just that she had us to herself.

India wasn't a bad ex. In fact she was probably the perfect ex. So much so I don't feel like I lost the relationship but just gained a friendship instead. The fact that India and Lani were becoming best friends didn't even surprise me much, they were similar in so many ways.

The biggest difference is the love I have for Kehlani. I loved India but towards the end of that relationship it felt like she was my friend way more than a girlfriend. India was my friend when we were little and when we got older the relationship turned into a real one, partly to do with the pressure we had by the people in our lives. We were known all over Chicago for being around each other and it just kind of got to our heads and made us think that was what we were supposed to do.

I love Kehlani so different. She was someone I couldn't lose no matter what it took to keep her. I didn't wanna be friends or cool, I want to be in a committed relationship with her. I didn't even look at other women the same since I had her.

"Okay you gotta stop zoning out. You gone fuck around and hurt yourself." Lani snaps my train of thought.

We were now seated in another room of the studio. A room made so you can make pottery and shit. Kehlani wanted to try her hand at it so I of course said yes to it.

I was making a misshaped mug right now, I was actually very decent at painting but this right here took the cake for difficult.

"Nah Lani you cheating because how you good at all this art shit? You can't tell me you not cheating." I complain looking at her work.

She chuckles with a smile on her face, "I'm good at painting because I literally spend all day doing it. Pottery because my mom had a studio when I was real little."

I nod my head then push my cup down to start all the way over from where I was.

"Here let me help you." She announces coming over to me. She sits behind me on another stool then leans forward and takes my hands between hers.

Our fingers become interlocked as she starts molding the clay into a better shape. She whispers in my ear explaining what she was doing but in my head I was just focused on the feeling of her arms around me.

"See you're getting the hand of it." She cheers me on.

"Thanks to you. You're so smart." I smile kissing her cheek over my shoulder.

"Nah that's all you. You're a natural." I send it right back looking at her.

"How do you feel? Like about being down here and your whole living situation." I ask while we work the clay.

"I'm so happy I came down here. I met you guys and I started my business off right. I'm so excited to see where things go, you know?" She confesses.

"I'm so glad that you did it. I know it was hard to just leave your whole life but I know that you're going to be great Bae." I tell her kissing her cheek.

By the time I stop staring at my girlfriend and looked down at the thing we were making it's a nearly perfect mug. It was more of a cup because there's no handle but I was still gone call it my mug.

"Okay I'm going to finish mine." She says giving me one last kiss before going back over to her little bowl.

"I love how creative you are. Last night after my date with Taurus I looked into y'all music. I love your one song." Lani says shaping her bowl to perfection.

"Which song you was listening to?" I can already tell this one is going to be funny.

"You know the one that was like 'you know I truly love your pussy' or something like that." She starts singing her own lyrics to my song.

I let out a big ass laugh to the point I have to grab my stomach as I bend over.

"It's not funny." Lani tells me pouting but that just makes me laugh even harder at her.

"The song is 'And you know I truly love you it was never about no pussy' baby. Why would I say I truly love some pussy?" I stale face her.

She mirrors my look with her hands on her hips. "Have you heard the shit you be singing? You give details about fucking." She says and I can just nod.

I mean she not wrong. I do say a lot of explicit shit in my music.


The sun was setting perfectly behind us. We were seated on a blanket with a basket of food opened on our side. We faced each other while she sat on my lap feeding me some strawberries.

This was our dinner. A romantic picnic in a secluded spot I found just outside the city. It was going on 10 pm but you know how the summer time sun was. The weather was perfect for this even if there's some bugs flying around.

"You look so handsome right now. I love your eyes." She whispers to me while I chew the strawberry. My hands rub all over her ass while she talks.

"Thank you. I love all of you," I lean in and kiss her.

I can taste the hint of pineapple on her lips from the fruit bowl we were sharing, it made me wanna take her down but I'm not about to.

"I love you too, Durkio." She smirks wrapping her arms around my neck. She takes my hair tie out making my locs fall down around my face.

"Why you do that?" I ask chuckling.

"Because I like seeing your hair down. It's sexy." She tells me.

Our lips are still pressed together ever so slightly but we don't kiss. I sniff her a little but soaking her up.

I squeeze her waist lightly then pick her up and set her right next to me. Having her on my lap was too much temptation.

"Why you do that?" She questions me.

I pick up a grape from the bowl and take a bite of it then hold the other half to Lani who takes it in her mouth happily.

"I had to or you were going to try and fuck me." I tell her repeating what happened with the grape with a piece of strawberry.

"I wasn't going to fuck you. Chill out." She laughs grabbing my arm.

"How did you set all this up while we were at the art studio?" She asks resting her head on my shoulder.

I pause for a minute. Can I tell her India helped me without it being weird? I know they're friends but I have no idea if she's comfortable with her being involved in our relationship.

"Oh I had somebody help me set it up while we were  over there. It was only sitting out here for like an hour." I tell her shrugging a little.

"India did it huh?" She asks.

I thought she would be mad but when I look down at her she's still smiling just as big as before.

"Yea India set it up for us. Are you okay with that?" I ask rubbing her leg. 

She looks at me puzzled, "Now why the would I not be okay with that?"

"Just because this is our first date and I let my ex come set up for it." I explain still rubbing her leg in slow circles.

"Durk," she starts then grabs my chin and makes me look in her eyes. "I love you so much. And I love India. She's going to be one of my best friends for life and I know you two have history. I also know that she's done with you so I promise you I don't care if she helps you make my day perfect."

I nod slowly understanding. "Okay so answer a question for me."

"Anything baby."

"India is fucking Robyn right?" I ask. When she nods I start to realize.

When they came over the other day I thought it was crazy that they just so happen to be together when I called but I never questioned it.

"Wow. I was so bad I turned her gay." I joke shaking my head.

Kehlani slaps my chest.  "Uh you're bisexual now so she turned you a little gay too." She says laughing.

"Even more reason for me to be with you and not her." I shrug it off

Our eyes meet again, we spend a few minutes just staring at one another making little silly faces and laughing.

She gives me an open mouth kiss and I return it slipping my tongue into her mouth. My hand reaches up and grabs the back of her head pulling her closer to me, she pushes me back so I'm laying down on the blanket with her on top of me.

It takes so much will power to get her off of me at this point. I bet her pussy is so fucking wet right now.

"Kehlani why did you make the rule that we couldn't have sex if you were going to be on me like this." I tell her getting her off of me again.

This time she sits on knees with a big pout on her lips. I know the no sex thing was wearing her down just like it's wearing us down. At first we were being funny and decided to tease her with touching one one another but that grew old kind of quickly.

"Because I didn't think it would take this long. I thought it would be like an overnight thing. Von and Taurus would break up with their girlfriends and then boom we all have crazy monkey sex" she confesses.

That one kind of hurt me. I know that Keh was trying this new at peace thing but it was tearing her up inside that she couldn't have us all to herself.

"They didn't tell you that they ended that shit?" I ask propping myself up on my elbow.

She nods her little head at me "Of course they did but these dates aren't about sex. I want to have alone time with all of you." She tells me then uses her left hand to caress my face.

"Alright then. Don't be sad about not getting no dick right now." I pick up the half of sandwich I had left but I can feel Kehlani's eyes on me.

I stop eating the sandwich and hand it over to her without a word. She happily accepts it, she eats the sandwich in a matter of seconds.

"These were good as hell. I'm going to make India make me more." She comments while wiping her face and hands with a napkin.

I stare at her for a few seconds then look off into the sky. I feel her push me back down so I'm laying on the blanket again then she lays her head on my chest drawing imaginary shapes on my chest. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and rub it with my thumb pulling her even closer to me.

"I'm sorry for lying to you about the break up. I just want that to be clear." I tell her kissing the top of her head.

"Thank you. I know that already and I don't blame you." She shrugs a little making me look down at her admiring her beauty.

Her eyes start to close as if she's tired so I just rub her arm and let her. I know she's asleep when her hand goes limp on my chest and little snores come out of her mouth. I slowly get from under her then pick her up and carry her back to the car. Once she's comfortable in the passenger's seat I go back and grab all the stuff from the picnic and put it in the trunk of my car. The paintings we made earlier were on my backseat and I didn't want to mess them up so I put the stuff back here.

When everything is accounted for I get in the driver's seat and put my seat belt on. Lani lays with her head against the window and her hand under her head.

"Play the song I like." She tells me halfway through the drive.

I look at her confused for a second because we have been driving for 20 minutes and she was sound asleep the whole time. Nevertheless though I reach up and turn on Internet Sensation for her.

We get to the building a little while later and I park as close as I can to the door. I get out picking Kehlani up and carrying her into her apartment where our boyfriends were once again waiting for us.

By the time I come back in with the paintings they have her shoes off and she's snuggling under the blankets of the bed.

"Lani made this?" Polo asks looking at the two canvases on the the counter.

"Yea. It's pretty ain't it?" I ask him looking at the now dried work of art. 

"It is." Von agrees holding mine up.


Kehlani's outfit for Durk's date

Hey y'all!!!

Okay so the third and final date has happened!

Who is your favorite bc I loved every single one of them but my favorite was Durk ngl?

Also y'all there's a reason I wrote them in the order I did.

Dayvon is like like the first love type of lover. That's why they talked about childhood things

Taurus is like the high school sweetheart. They talked about her experiences in high school.

Durk is like a grown up love. That's why they talked about the present so much.

Did that make sense ?


The fact that I'm making quality chapters in such amount of time is so crazy. I'm happy about it tho




- Raven ❤️‍🩹

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