You make me ache

By SleepingAriella

645K 13.3K 6.1K

Set in Autumn 2016. Troye has a year-long working visa allowing him to live in America with Tyler. The issue... More

Troyler: You make me ache (Smut love & fluff story)
Ch1: True friendship and True love.
Ch2: Twitches and Gasps
Ch3: Messy kisses and Sweaty bodies.
Ch4: Satisfied grins and Sleepy conversations.
Ch5: Pantomime snores and Clouds.
Ch6: Embarrassed friends and Daisies.
Ch7: Water fights and Memories.
Ch8: Twisted sheets and Carnal longing.
Ch9: Impatient knocks and Sour tequila.
Ch10: Whirlwinds and Electric bolts.
Ch11: Forbidden activity and Evidence.
Ch12: Hangover cures and Butterflies.
Ch13: Pizza sauce and Cold tiles.
Ch14: Heated flames and Whimpers.
Ch15: Apologies and Moonlight.
Ch16: Incoherent pants and Promises.
Ch17: Morning bribes and House-sitting.
Ch18: Guinea pigs and Massages.
Ch19: Stomach flips and Commands.
Ch20: Cosmic pulls and Heavy-eyed yawns.
Ch21: Viewers and Pebbles.
Ch22: Heaven and Movie slides.
Ch23: Childish games and Pets.
Ch24: Uncertainty and Cookie dough.
Ch25: Icy vanilla and Salty kisses.
Ch26: Exploring and Perfect words.
A/N- Troye Sivan
Ch27: Vacation highlights and Wine.
Ch28: Open when's and Voicemail.
Ch29: Doctors and Desperation.
Ch30: Pain killers and Memory cards.
Ch31: Self-pity and Curiosity.
C32: Guard dog and Dark places.
Ch33: Flights home and Gifts.
Ch34: Electric circuits and Punishment.
Ch35: Mythology and Games.
Ch36: Beating hearts & Synchronisation.
Ch37: Happy Couples and Roots.
Ch38: Honest answers and Loose threads.
Ch39: Hints and Bed Sheets.
Ch40: Relentless longing and Gentle tears.
Ch41: Shower tears and Buoys.
Ch42: Mirrored actions and Communication.
Ch43: Breakfast and Photo Albums
Ch44: Sunbeams and Fantasies.
Ch45: Butterfly kisses and Perfect clouds.
Ch46: Pumpkin Pie and Skype Calls.
Ch47: Blanket Forts and Lies.
Ch 48 (part one): Whipped Cream and Teeth Indents.
Ch48 (part two): Whipped Cream and Teeth Indents.
Ch50: Over-thinking and Understanding.
Recap and Update.
Ch51: Couples Costumes and Lap Dances.

Ch49: Honesty & New Boyfriend.

4.1K 135 135
By SleepingAriella

Tyler's POV.

 Standing next to the front door of our apartment, I give myself one last glance in the decorative mirror that hangs at the side of the door frame. My fingers tweak at my quiff, ensuring that each blonde hair is positioned as I like it.

 "Troye!" I yell, my voice bellowing through the living area towards our bedroom.

 "One minute".

 "You said that over five minutes ago". I roll my eyes as I hear him rummaging through the bottom of our closet. Hearing the various thuds of shoes being thrown from the closet to the bedroom floor, I turn and begin to walk towards the noise.

 As I approach the bedroom, Troye's slight body comes into my view. He is, as I had assumed, knelt on the floor of our closest rummaging through our large collection of shoes and tossing aside the rejected ones. Looking over his near all black outfit, I realise which pair of boots he is looking for.

 "Tilly, do you know where my-"

 "They're by the sofa".

 "Are they?" he replies, his unique accent tinted with uncertainty as he looks up at me. I nod in response, whilst glancing back down at my watch. We had been due at Korey's apartment fifteen minutes ago, yet Troye had returned home from a day at the recording studio late and had been taking far too long to shower and dress. Normally I would not care too much about being late to meet with Korey. With years of being best friends, we had come to the point in our friendship where turning up late was no longer even acknowledged. More often than not, Korey expected me to turn up slightly late due to my hectic working schedule, however tonight is different. Tonight it is not just Korey that we are late to meet. Tonight, I was finally being allowed to meet his new boyfriend.

Stood by the front door again, I give Troye a pointed look as he finds his old but beloved, black boots.

 "My boots! You were right".

 "You left them there last night, before I asked you several times to put them away," I retort, irritation lacing my words.

 "Hey, don't be grouchy".

 "I know, I'm sorry. I just hate being late".

 "No you don't. Not for nights like this anyway- with just Kor and his boyfriend" he replies, now slipping his feet into the chunky-heeled boots and pulling up the invisible-styled zips.

 "Exactly tonight we're meeting Will. For the first time." I state, my exasperation clear as I toss Troye his light-weight jacket. Catching the garment, he shakes his head and rolls his eyes at me.

 "Will is not going to care that we're late. Korey probably said we'd be there for 'seven-ish' anyway rather than seven".

 "First time Troye; It's our first time meeting him. After me repeatedly nagging Korey to let us meet him for, what? Three, four months now? We can't just show up late after all that, plus first impressions are important".

 "Will's the one that's in the scarier situation- meeting his boyfriend's friends for the first time. It's supposed to be him that worrying not you," he tells me and my thoughts cannot deny the truth in his statement. "Anyway, I stroked Korey's arm remember? And we're great friends. Being late won't matter, relax". Instantly, my expression changes to a smile at the memory of first introducing Troye to Korey several years ago. Korey had been both surprised and wary of the way in which Troye had mindlessly, and strangely stroked his bicep during their first meeting. It's still something that Korey likes to tease Troye about, never failing to paint a blush below my gorgeous mans cheekbones.

 "You've always been a goof," I lightly laugh. Troye too smiles, his face lighting up and highlighting his beauty, melting my stress in the process. Standing up, he walks towards me before tracing his finger along my smile,

 "That's more like it". I only smile wider at his ability to change my mood so quickly and so positively. "Now, hurry up. Don't just stand there, move that butt," he mischievously adds before giving me a light slap on my rear, and opening the door with a cheeky grin.

As Troye had predicted, Korey had not cared that we had arrived late. He had not even been ready for our arrival, answering the door in just a towel and a secretive smile. Now waiting for him to finish dressing, I sit beside Troye on Korey's couch, with my legs tucked up to the side of my hip. Troye's hand absentmindedly begins to play with hand tracing my fingers as he tells me about his day the recording studio. His eyes are alight with enthusiasm and excitement, and his lips seem to struggle to keep up with everything that he wants to share with me. I listen contently, thrilling in his passion towards his career and the prospect of soon hearing the first version of one of his next songs. As Troye continues to talk, and as Korey takes his time dressing I realise that all my nerves regarding meeting Korey's new boyfriend have completely washed away and I find myself being lulled by Troye's soothing voice into a more relaxed and positive mood.

By the time Korey steps back into the living room announcing that his boyfriend will be out in a few minutes, I have forgotten why I had been nervous at all. Instead, I fall into mine and Korey's usual repertoire of teasing,

 "So, you both had to shower, right?"

 "Uhuh. Who's drinking what tonight?"

 "Hm. Innocent enough. I'm sure there was no particular reason for you both to happen to have needed  a shower".

 "Beer, wine? I'm thinking we save the stronger stuff for after food- well if we fancy it then anyway," Korey replies, ignoring my playful insinuations but a mischievous grin failing to stay away from his features. Before I can playfully comment on my friends smile, Troye less than discreetly nudges me with his shoulder just before our conversation is interrupted by a new voice,

 "Uhm, hey". Looking up I see the tall, gorgeous, stubbled blonde that I recognise from both Korey's phone background and also the man's own modelling career. Korey instantly walks towards him, a beer now in hand as he passes it to Will who thanks him in his rich, southern accent.

 "Will, Troye, Tyler," Korey says, nodding at each of us in turn as he says our names and gives his boyfriend's hand a gentle reassuring squeeze, "so who else for beer or am I opening the wine?"

 "Will, hi! Come sit with me, come talk" I chirp, nudging closer to Troye to leave a clear space for the nervous blonde to sit down beside me. Korey's eyes immediately flash me a warning look, pleading with me to be on my best behaviour and go gently with Will. In response, I give him my biggest smile which in turn only makes him glare at me harshly. Saving the building silence that grows with mine and Korey's silent conversation, Troye begins to talk, finally answering Korey's prior question. Talking over Troye as he stands to help Korey with the drinks, I turn to Will asking him to tell me everything about himself.

 A few hours later, we all sit in the living room sipping drinks, laughing and picking at the stray pizza toppings inside the two huge, cardboard takeout boxes that sit on the coffee table in front of us. Throughout the night Will has relaxed, opening up more and joining in with the conversations and jokes with much more ease. It had not taken long for his confident and mischievous manner to replace his earlier nerves.  Korey too seems to have relaxed, no longer giving me silent warnings and even admitting that he should have introduced us all sooner. As I watch the occasional glances Will and Korey sneak at each other, each one followed by a glowing smile, and the way Korey absentmindedly plays with Will's wrist watch, I cannot help but feel extremely happy for my friend. It is clear that he adores this guy and it is just as evident that the feeling is reciprocated. As this content thought washes over me, I move my gaze from them sat together on the sofa and instead I slip a look at my own gorgeous man.

Troye is sat on the floor, his back against my arm chair with his long legs stretched out in front of him. He had been on the other small sofa, however not long after we finished the last slices of pizza he had moved to the floor in front of me seemingly craving closer contact as he hooked my legs over his shoulders. As he laughs heartily at something Will has said, my heart warms with the carefree, blissful sound. His dark curls shake gently with his laughter and I find my lips curling into a satisfied, lazy smile. Korey is the next one to break into laughter, setting Troye off again and causing Will to smile, pleased with his own joke. What the joke is, I am unsure due to having missed it in my wandering thoughts of the three men, however as they sit and laugh, Korey playfully pushing Will's chest and Troye trying to contain his giggles long enough to sip on his drink, I can see Will with his laid back and playful personality easily settling into our intimate group of friends.

 With the laughter slowly dying down Korey stands up and asks us if we would like anything bringing through from the kitchen. Troye shakes his near empty bottle of beer at him teasingly imitating the manner in which someone would rudley beckon waiting staff.

"Ow," he yelps, as Korey swats the back of his head in response despite the amused grin on his face. I laugh at the cheekiness that the ease of their friendship has enabled between them. The fact they bonded so easily and quickly forever makes me happy. I look at Will as he pushes his tousled hair back and away from his face, and I am glad that it seems like bonding with him will be as easy as it was for Korey and Troye.

 "One of us really needs to force Kor to buy a new couch," I say, my eyes fixing onto the tattered arms and loose threads that the worn furniture sports.

 "Maybe he won't need one," Will replies with a bright smile littering his lips and causing me to tilt my head questioningly and Troye to voice his opinion.

 "He clearly does. That old thing is a mess. The last time I slept on it I woke up with my back tricking me into feeling like I'd aged fifty years". I laugh at Troye's addition, vaguely remembering his complaints about the piece of furniture from when we had stayed here after a heavy night of drinking due both of us being too exhausted and drunk to bother phoning for a cab.

 "True it is well worn and a little worse for wear-" Will begins to say before Troye cuts him off,

 "A little? I wouldn't be surprised if that thing is older than me".

 "Maybe, but you are a child," Will teases with a smile - despite only being slightly older himself- before continuing his previous statement as I giggle at Troye's shocked but amused expression, "But still Kor might not need a new one just yet".

 "Whats this? I won't need what?" All our heads turn to Korey as he re-enters the room with his questions and the drinks.

 "Just discussing how hideous your sofa is" Troye tells him, leaning his head back into the seat of my armchair and between my thighs to avoid another swot to the head. Stifling a light laugh at the sight, Korey hands him a new bottle of beer.

  "Apparently Will thinks you might not need a new one," I add. Korey instantly smiles and Will mumbles something to him about saying they were going to tell us tonight after all. My interest suddenly peaks as I wonder what it is they are going to tell us.

 "Well, what Will says is true. I might not need one because... Well because he has one". I gasp in pleasant shock as I quickly decode his meaning in my head,

 "Are you serious? Are you two doing this?"

 "Maybe. We've spoken about it. It's something we both want," Korey replies, a mixture of excitement and nerves embedded into his tone and expression. Will takes his hand, giving his fingers a squeeze as he continues to explain,

 "We know we've not been together all that long, but this feels right". Korey nods his head at his boyfriends words, a smile still curled into his lips.

 "Yeah," he agrees, "we know this is right and we want this, so why wait?"

 "What? Want what?" Troye suddenly asks, clearly not following our conversation or picking up the same meaning that I have.

 "Wow. Yeah, I mean that is quick, but if you guys want to move in together I say do it".

 "Wait! What? You're moving in together?" The three of us laugh at my boyfriends slow cognitive connections but he ignores us to continue voicing his thoughts, "Well, thats great!" Will looks eagerly at Korey before resting his head on my friends shoulder with a pleased smile on his face.

 "You guys think so?" Korey asks, smiling widely before pressing a kiss into Will's hair.

 "When you know, you know right?" I say thoughtfully as I glance down at Troye's head of curls. I find my smile mirroring Korey's as Troye slowly nods his head in agreement with my words. My heart tugs with the want to scoop him up into my embrace, but clearly also craving further contact with the sudden implied romance, he begins to gently caress just above my exposed ankle.

As Korey and Will continue to talk about their potential next step together, informing us that it will still be a few months away due to Korey's current apartment contract, I notice that Troye seems to have zoned out of the conversation. His fingers carry on softly playing with my lower calf muscle and leg hair whilst his head is tilted downwards, clearly staring at the floor. Still listening to Korey's excited words but also curious to as where my boyfriend's mind has taken him, my hand reaches for his soft hair; my fingers looping through his curls. At my touch he startles slightly but continues trailing my skin. Turning slightly, I lift my legs away from Troye tucking them underneath me and causing him to turn his head to look at me questioningly. Still trying to work out his far-away thoughts I study his face but find no clues. His large blue eyes keep his secrets but his smile reassures me that I don't need to worry about his wandering mind. I flash him a returning grin before he turns around again and we quickly refocuses on talking with the excited couple opposite us.

 Several drinks later we have dismissed the idea of changing our drink to whiskey. The four of us are all slightly tipsy but not wanting to get drunk, we have agreed this drink will be our last. With the liquor only lightly lacing our veins we try to work out when the next social event is that we can allow ourselves to drink at.

 "Halloween!" Korey and Troye both yell simultaneously, each of them clearly excited by the answer.

 "That's only a couple of weeks away right?"

 "Yeah, you're right Will. Our Halloween party is in two weekends time. You guys are both coming right?" I ask, fully intending on not accepting any answer but 'yes', eager to spend more time getting to know the man Korey is clearly falling for.

 "Yes! We're costume hunting this week. I'm choosing our outfits but this one is demanding he gets to choose our shoes". Korey nudges his boyfriend as he speaks. Earlier in the night Will had shared that in addition to his modelling career he also designs high heels for both women and men. Knowing Korey's love of dancing, drinking and Halloween, I can already imagine him dancing enthusiastically alongside Zoe in near matching stilettos.

 "So should we be expecting you both in heels?" Troye asks, excitedly. Korey laughs into his hands as Will exclaims,

 "Oh yes. They'll be six inches of glamour!"

 "You might as well dress as one of Snow White's Dwarfs then Tilly". My eyes widen as my jaw drops in amused shock at my boyfriends sudden teasing regarding my short stature.

 "First of all, rude! Second of all, how very dare you?" I say, letting my hands articulate my words just as equally as my mouth does.

 "But I think you would be a great Grumpy". Korey and Will both let out a predictable snigger at Troye's teasing words, earning an eye roll from myself.

 "Ooh, yeah okay and we could couples costume. You would be perfect as Dopey," I laugh back, resulting in receiving a light-handed shove from Troye. Still giggling lightly, I beckon for him to join me on the single armchair, wanting closeness with my adorable man.

With Troye curled on top of me, his nose occasionally nuzzling into my shoulder and the sight of Korey and Will equally as tangled up together opposite us, I feel as if my body is glowing with happiness. Everything feels right. As I drain the last of my drink and listen to the chatter between us all I envision many more nights like this in our future. I momentarily squeeze Troye tighter to my body, my hand underneath his sweater resting on his bare, soft hip. However, it does not take long for reality to hit me once more as I remember we only have a few more months left for nights like this to be possible. The idea of Troye leaving quickly burns away my glow and after pressing a kiss to Troye's cheek, I move from under his body and begin to gather up the empty take-out boxes needing a distraction from my thoughts.

Only minutes later, I find myself in Korey's kitchen helping him to clean up the nights collection of glasses, empty bottles and food. Even with the kitchen door closed shut we can hear our boyfriends chattering and laughing together, sounding more like childhood friends than two people who only just met for the first time several hours ago.

 "Well Troye seems to like him," Korey comments trying to sound casual yet I know him too well to know that really he is just trying to see if my opinion is the same.

 "He does, we both do".


 "Yeah. Although I'm a little surprised".

 "Surprised, why?" Korey questions looking confused as his brow crumples.

 "Well, he's clearly way out of your league!"

 "Have I ever told you that I don't like you?" Korey remarks, sending me a slightly playful scowl.

 "Yes, you've shared that lie many a time". His shoulder bumps mine as I flash him a grin. "No but seriously, he's great. You seem great together- he's clearly besotted by you and you obviously really like him too".

 "I do. I really do". My smile widens further at my friends honesty. Korey has never been one to openly talk about his romantic feelings and it only further deepens my belief that what him and Will share together could potentially be something really special.

 "I'm glad Kor". However as pleased as this makes me, I still cannot shake my earlier intruding negative thoughts. I hop up onto the now clear kitchen top, showing Korey that I have no intention on returning to our boyfriends just yet and that instead I am craving a few more minutes of our private conversation.

"Tell me".

 "What?" I question, despite knowing Korey's meaning.

 "What is it? What's wrong?" Throughout our years of close friendship, he has become like a brother to me and it no longer takes words for us to know when something is bothering one of us.

 "It stays between us?"

 "Doesn't it always?"  I smile, albeit weakly,  at his words knowing that he has a valid point.

 "I can't shake this countdown to Troye leaving. It's like I have this internal clock ticking away inside my brain, alerting me of our limited time and I can't turn it off".

 "Ty-" he begins but I cut him off after taking a deep breathe and finally sharing my other worry.

 "That's not just it. I lied recently. I lied to Troye," I whisper, conscious of my boyfriend only being in the room next door. Korey's eyes widen as his jaw drops slightly, clearly surprised by my hushed confession.

 "What happened to you two agreeing to talk more openly with each other?" he hisses causing a flood of guilt to rush to my face leaving my cheeks pink with embarrassment and regret. "Ugh, sorry Tyler. That was uncalled for. I'm just surprised that's all. Is it something you can fix?" My shoulders sag, my body feeling heavy with dread.

 "I honestly don't know". I take a deep breath to prepare myself to share the truth with my shocked and concerned friend.

After revealing both the truth and the lie in a hushed voice to Korey, I had been quick to return to his living room where Troye was still sat chattering happily -and cluelessly- with Will. My conversation with Korey had not lasted long due to my fear of our boyfriends wondering what was taking us so long, but I feel that even if given more time to discuss the issue with Korey, he still would not have commented more than what he did. He had barely shared two sentences of advice, comfort or even anger with me, but we both knew that it is not a situation where Korey's opinion matters- it is only Troye's. He had however shared with me that he agrees I need to tell Troye the truth, and sooner rather than later. Knowing this, I had felt extremely guilty as I let Troye cuddle into me during our cab ride home.

Now stood in our en-suite bathroom, negative emotions continue to circulate my thoughts. Listening to Troye's addictive accent call my name in an eager attempt to get me to join him in bed adds to the shivers of nerves that trail my naked body. I had considered how to approach the needed conversation during my time in the shower, however my apprehension had prohibited me from reaching any suitable decision.  After rinsing the remains of my toothpaste away, I place my damp, shower towel into the laundry basket and brace myself to face Troye, hoping that my nerves would soon float away.

As I step into our bedroom, I purposefully avoid looking at Troye who I know is on our bed. Instead, I make my way to our vintage drawers to begin rummaging for a pair of boxer-briefs.

 "Nahuh, you don't need them tonight," Troye calls, his voice low and husky adding to his sultry meaning. Knowing that I cannot let anything sexual happen tonight, I take a heavy gulp at what he is implying. As I ignore his words and step into a black cotton pair of my underwear, I hear Troye stand up from the bed and pad towards me. Suddenly his warm hands are on the base of my back and his lips lower to my shoulder. The moment is tense causing me to inhale a deep breath of the seemingly thick air and my heart pounds frantically as if knowing it might break with my next necessary actions and words.

 "Troye? What are you doing?"

 "Taking these off". His fingers snap the elastic waist band against my skin. "I told you, you don't need them tonight," he whispers, his breath and words ghosting over my damp skin. Instantly, I regret getting out of the shower so quickly, instead wishing I had remained in there until Troye had fallen asleep. However, I know this wishing is pointless as Troye would have only joined me in the shower if I had been much longer, and more importantly I know that I can no longer hide the fact that I have lied to him.

 "Troye, stop... Please".

 "Stop? Tilly are you okay?" I turn as he questions me, yet his fingers move with my body, gently slipping from my back to my hips. His eyes are a dark as he looks at my face searching my expression for clues. Slowly, I remove his fingers from my body. Moving Troye's hands to his sides, I realise that he is naked and my eyes quickly dart upwards to his.

 "Troye, lets sit down?" I ask gently causing him to look at me quizzically, "please, sit down with me".

"Okay.. Ty you're starting to worry me". Again I gulp heavily despite my dry mouth, and as we sit on the edge of the bed I wrap the fleecy throw-blanket around Troye's naked body. He hugs it to himself, waiting for me for speak.

 "We need to talk. I need to tell you something".


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