Let's skip that and fall in l...

By LadyFaFa

34.3K 1.1K 272


Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
chapter 8ish
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
info about the sequel!

Let's skip that and fall in love (Jalex)

7K 88 35
By LadyFaFa

A/N Hello and welcome to another Jalex fic. Um if you don't know what Jalex is it is the pairing of Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat from the band All Time Low. This is a gay love story. If you're not into that kind of stuff feel free to read my other stories. Now to the people who are goign to read this. I had a hell of a time fixing the grammar and spelling because my moms laptop doesn't check it for me. So I literally spent half an hour copying and pasting paragraphs to be fixed for you so please leave feedback cause I busted my ass to make it the best as possible. So comment, vote, and tell me what you think. Thank you <333 ~Paige


Jack POV

I've been away for about five months due to family stuff. It was good to finally be back home and back in school. The best part was I get to cause trouble with my best friend Alice again. We talked every now and then when I was away, but not all that much. It's been a week since I came back to school. Alice was very excited today cause her friend Alex was back after being sick for two weeks.

"Jack I would like you to meet Alex. Alex this is Jack." Alice said, with a big grin on her face.

I smiled at the boy named Alex and sat at the round table with them. Alex looked up from his lunch and smiled.

"Nice to meet you Jack." He said, as he took a bite of an apple and extended his hand out to me.

"Nice to meet you too." I said and shook his hand.

There was some kind of spark when we touched hands. Probably static because he pulled away as quickly as I did. I doubt it's anything more I just met this guy.

"Where's Marie?" Alice asked looking over at me.

"Probably making out with some guy that's not me." I said with a shrug.

Marie has been my girlfriend since junior high. She's clingy and a bitch. I don't really care for her anymore. I've tried breaking it off, but she won't take no for an answer so I just ignore her and put up with her when she's around me.

"Why don't you kick her to the curb?" Alice asked as she took a bite of her sandwich.

"I've tried. She won't accept it. I don't see why I mean she can't be using me for popularity because all her friends hate me." I frowned.

"Maybe she's just a needy slut?" Alex suggested.

I couldn't help but laugh at his remark. Alice started choking on her food from laughing. Alex laughing with us and hit her on the back to stop her from choking.

"Dammit Alice you can't die today I need your help in math." I whined and offered her my water bottle.

"Fuck you Jackery." She said as she took a drink of my water.

"hey you two knock it off." Alex said with a smirk on his face.

"Jackyboo!!!" The mst annoying voice I've ever heard in my life screamed from across the lunch room.

"RiRi!" I replied in the most happy tone I could pull off.

She ran to me and sat in my lap. Alice and Alex were making gagging motions and pretending to shoot themselves. I tried to hold back a laugh and looked up at Marie who was placing her hands in a place that shouldn't be touched in public. She had a stupid smirk on her face. She thought I liked it so she kept touching me. It felt so disgusting I wanted to push her off me and run far away. But if I did that I know I'll pay for it. I bit my lip and looked down at her hand that was now sneaking its way into my pants. 'Fuck why was I cursed as a man?" I thought when my pants started getting tight. Her stupid smirk turned into a stupid grin as she slipped her hand into my pants.

"Hey horn dogs if you're going to act out porn turn around so we can watch while we eat." Alice cut in.

Marie let out a sigh of annoyance. I smiled at Alice and mouthed a thank you. She let out a laugh and earned a scowl from Marie.

"What are you laughing at freak?"

"I was thinking about what your episode of sixteen and pregnant would be like. The confusion of whom the baby daddy is and how you're going to fit your ass into your skank pants." Alice said with a sweet smile.

"Shut the fuck up and wipe that smile off your face before I slap it off." Marie said while clenching her fists.

"Youwould risk breaking a nail to try and harm me? Oh my god!" Alice screamed and started laughing.

Marie tried to stand up but I grabbed her wrist and held her down.

Let me go Jack!" She screamed.

"So, you can hurt my best friend? Fuck no, you stupid slut." I said starting to get pissed.

"What did you just call me?!?" She screamed.

"He called you a s.t.u.p.i.d. s.l.u.t." Alex said with a smirk.

"Alexander, I doubt she can spell. Marie hun, he called you a stupid. slut." Alice added with a huge grin on her face.

I couldn't help but start laughing. She manged to get out of my grip when I laughed. I stood up and looked down at her. She reached up and slapped me across the face before storming off. I let out a gasp and placed my hand on my face.

"Fuck dude your bleeding." Alex exclaimed.

'I am?" I asked confused.

I pulled my hand away from my face and sure enough there was blood on my hand. Shit.

"That whore!" Alice screamed as she stood up and slammed her hands on the table.

Before me and Alex could do or say anything, she was already out the door. I looked over at Alex who had the same horrified look on his face. We quickly gathered out stuff and ran after her. Fuck fuck fuck she was going to do something stupid.

"ALICE!" Alex and I screamed as we ran outside.

We heard the sound of a girls scream and took off running in the direction it came from. Once we got there Alice was standing over Marie who was on the ground with a bloody nose and a busted lip.

"Jackyboo do something." Marie cried out.

I gave her a weird look and went over to Alice who was in tears. From the look on her face I could tell she wasn't upset about what happened in the lunch room anymore. I wrapped my arm around her waist and Alex did the same the three of us walked to the parking lot. Once we reached Alice's car we all piled in. Alex was driving while I sat in the back with Alice. I decided it would be best to not ask what Marie said.

"What all did you do to her?" I asked looking down at her.

"I stole her pride." She said with a huge smile making its way onto her face.

"what do you mean?"

'I stole her tits." She said and pulled out silicone boob implants from her book bag.

All three of us burst out laughing. Alex stopped the car outside Alice's house. We all got out and ran inside. Once we were in her room Alice stripped me and then put on my clothes. This happens every time I come to her house. Her parents stopped caring after the third time it happened.

We passed around Marie's sillicone boob implants. For some reason the whole situation felt normal. Even though this was our first time stealing someones breasts.

"What do we do with them?" I asked as I held them to my chest.

"Sell em?" Alice suggested.

"Nah, we should keep them." Alex said with a laugh as he handed me one of Alice's bras.

"Alice you should wear them." I teased.

"Excuse me but my tits of already huge." She exclaimed as she grabbed her boobs and pushed them up for us to see.

"Speaking of tits how long has it been since you had a hot date?" I asked as I put on the bra and place the fake boobs in.

"Far too long. I need good sex before I die." she whined as she threw a skirt at me.

"If you didn't steal boobs and beat people up girls would want to tap that." I said as I put on the skirt and adjusting it to my hips.

"My friend Rian might know someone you could hook up with." Alex said looking up from his phone.

"Really?" Alice asked with a huge smile.

"Yeah I'll text him," he replied with a smiled and tossed me a sparkly tank top.

She squealed and hugged him. I laughed and pulled the tank top over my head. Alice looked at me and gave em a thumbs up. Alex tossed me a pair of plaid knee high socks and a purple wig. I took them gladly and put the on. ALice got up and helped me with the wig. Alex sat back and watched as me and Alice strutted to the mirror behind her door.

"Why do I always end up being put in your clothes when we're at your house?" I asked looking at Alice.

"You have to sexy body that I don't have so I make you wear my clothes so I can pretend I'm you."

"Aw I'm flattered you like my body." I said as I wiggled my hips.

Alex laughed and stood up.

"I think you two should pose together!" Alice squealed.

"I'm alright with it. Are you?" Alex asked looking over a me.

"I'm fine with it." I said with a light laugh.

Alice ran to her desk and grabbed her camera. Alex laughed and wrapped his arms around me. I lightly laughed and placed my arms around his neck. Alice giggled as she took our pictures. None of this felt weird. It's like Alice, Alex, and I have been friends forever. I like how he fits perfectly into our weird lives. We kept posing for her and laughing between pictures. Eventually her camera ran out of memory. We all fell back onto her bed and laughed.

"You guys make a cute couple." Alice said while she looked through the pictures.

I couldn't help but blush. In the pictures we did look really good together. I admit I'm openly bi and I wouldn't mind getting with Alex. He's pretty cool and something about the thought of us together brings butterflies to my stomach. I've known him for half a day but I feel like it's always been the three of us. It's kind of weird when you think about it.

I was snapped out of my thought when Alex laughed. He was propped up on his elbows, looking at the pictures of us together.

"You're right we do look good together." He chuckled.

"You guys should totally bang and let me watch." Alice said as she turned her camera off.

From the way she started laughing the looks on me and Alex's faces were priceless. She kept giggling and pointing at us. I managed to look at Alex who had the same look on my face. A look of shock but very thoughtful of the idea. I snickered while looking at him. I could see it in his eyes he was coming up with something to say. All he managed to do was burp. Alice and I burst out laughing and watched a confused look form on his face.

We lied around for an hour or two before Alice sat up and looked at us.

"Kiss," she demanded.

"What?" Alex and I asked in union.

"Okay Jack I know your bi. Alex I know your questioning. We all agree you two are cute together. So just kiss and let's find out."

"You can't force us to kiss Alice. It's rude since we just met today." I said with a laugh.

"Oh come on it would be so hot and it can stay between us." She pouted.

"I'm fine with it as long as Alex is cool with it. Alice put your cell phone away. You aren't taking a picture." I said with a smirk.

"I'm cool with it." Alex said with a light laugh.

Alice squealed and moved over. I looked at Alex who was looking back at me. We both looked at Alice who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Now kiss," she demanded as she tried to push our heads together.

We laughed and leaned in. His hot breath touched my lips sending shivers down my spine. We moved closer until our lips were touching. My mind was taken over by how sweet and soft his lips were. This had to be the best kiss I've ever had. I could feel him smiling against my lips, I returned the smile. He placed his hand on my cheek as we kissed. I moved closer, placing my hands on his hips. The kiss got deeper and more intense. Sparks were flying uncontrollably in my head from the heat. I wondered if he felt the same sparks as me.

Alex's POV

"Okay Jack I know your bi. Alex I know your questioning. We all agree you two are cute together. So just kiss and let's find out." Alice said looking at both of us

"You can't force us to kiss Alice. It's rude since we just met today." Jack said with a laugh.

"Oh come on it would be so hot and it can stay between us." She pouted.

"I'm fine with it as long as Alex is cool with it. Alice put your cell phone away. You aren't taking a picture." He said with a smirk.

"I'm cool with it." I replied with a light laugh.

Alice squealed and moved over. Jack looked over at me and I returned his gaze. We both looked at Alice who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Now kiss," she demanded as she tried to push our heads together.

We laughed and leaned in. I could feel his warm breath again my lips. I smirked as he shivered and moved closer. Our lips pressed together, sparks of electricity shot though my veins. His lips were so soft and they fit against mine perfectly, like a puzzle. I've never imagined that a kiss that was demanded would feel so right. I smiled against his lips and he returned my smile. I didn't want this kiss to end everything about it felt so right. I placed my hand gently on his cheek. He placed his hands on my hips. His touch was like fire it was warm and comforting. I couldn't get enough of him. I never wanted this to end I wanted it to last forever. But all good things come to and end. Alice let out a loud squeal as she watched us. We quickly pulled away. Both of us blushing like crazy.

"Oh my god! That was so cute!" She exclaimed.

"You're a pervert Alice." jack said with a laugh.

I couldn't help but laugh too.

"Oh come on don't act like you didn't enjoy it. You were close to climbing on top of each other and banging." Alice giggled.

"Hey we wouldn't do that. Your parents are home. I for one don't want to screw this sexy mofo and have them walk in." I said and started laughing as I pointed to Jack.

"Oh, so you think he's sexy and you want some of this ass?" She asked with a smirk and slapped Jack on the ass.

"Hey you're the one who demanded we kiss. It's not my fault it ended well." I said with a light laugh.

"It was a pretty amazing kiss." Jack said with a smiled as he lied back on the bed.

"I agree it was an amazing kiss." I said with a smiled.

"It was beautiful," Alice said as she laid down next to Jack.

I chuckled and lied on top of them. We laid like this for a while before my phone started vibrating in my back pocket making Alice giggle since my butt was on her stomach. I laughed and grabbed it. 'Mom' flashed on the screen, I sat up and hit to answer button.

"Hey mom."

"Alex where are you? Why haven't you called? Are you okay? Who are you with? Are you safe?" My mom shouted into the phone frantic.

"Mom calm down. I'm at Alice's house with Jack. Sorry I didn't call we've been hanging out and lost track of time. I'm perfectly fine and I am safe." I said trying to calm her down.

"I was worried something happened to you again." she said, her tone gone from scared to sad.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. I'm going to come home now." I said as I got off the bed.

"Okay hun, get home safe." She said before hanging up the phone.

I put my phone back in my pocket and grabbed my jacket off Alice's desk chair. I looked over at them and smiled.

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