Unwanted Life || K-Pop Idols...

By Handsome_Quokka

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(Y/n) was a soft-hearted boy who grew up with his adopted family but he grew up in a safe place that he liked... More

Origin Story (Part 1)
Origin Story (Part 2)
Origin Story (Part 3)
Fun Times
- Remake -

Entering The Industry

944 40 7
By Handsome_Quokka

'(Y/n), that's the fifth time you've checked your phone already.'

'But I'm impatient! I want to know if I was selected already!' I groaned and dropped my phone to the side of me, looking to the ceiling.

'It'll be great if I did so I don't need to ask my parents for support when I move out.'

'Back in my day, nearly all family members lived together. We had no need to think about anything," Sung-Ki chuckled and I groaned, turning to the sleeping Geonhak.

My eyes went to the clock and it was still pretty early. I was going to leave in afternoon so it was still a couple hours until I needed to head to the station.

My phone suddenly vibrated and I quickly checked it.

Seeing the 'No Caller ID' gave me so much hope and I accepted it, holding the phone to my ear with expectations.


'It's me, Yeri. From Red Velvet.'

'Oh, Hi.' He responded in slight disappointment but was somewhat suprised to be called by a celebrity.

'Was this a bad time?'

'No, you're fine. It was still early so I've been just waiting for my best friend to wake up before I leave Seoul.'

'You live in Seoul?' Yeri questioned and I instantly denied.

'I'm just here to visit my best friend who's an Idol Trainee so I just wanted to see how he was,' I explained and she hummed dramatically.

'I remember when I was a Trainee. It's quite difficult so whoever he is, I'm rooting for him!' She exclaimed enthusiastically, making me smile even though I couldn't see what she was doing.

'I'll tell him that.'

'How long are you staying for?'

'Until like 1:30-ish. I'm going back to Uijeongbu-si.'

'Really? I was about to ask you to hang out since I wanted to know you better,' She sounded slightly upset and I laughed.

'We can when I come back here. I mean, I only live like an hour away so I can come back anytime.'

'Oh, yeah! I'll hang up now so you can enjoy your free time but I'll text you later.'

'Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye.'


I hung up and I saved the contact, getting up from the couch. I grabbed my small bag full of necessities and went into the bathroom to do my simple routine, which was just showering, brushing my teeth, washing my face.

'Hyung, what should I do after graduation? I still haven't decided on what I want to do in the future and the classes I take are hard to get careers in.'

'Well, an acting career is quite hard, considering how many people are wanting to get into that occupation. Translator is an option since you do well in your English and your Japanese is alright. You do well in P.E and you know about the body, so maybe a Trainer. I honestly don't know, everything's more difficult than it used to be.' Sung-Ki groaned, unable to give a proper answer.

'If I don't know what to do, should I just audition go be an Idol like Geonhak?" I joked but it wasn't actually a bad idea, considering that people thought I was good-looking so there could be a chance of me getting into one.

'We'll make that your last choice. Idol's have hardcore fans so it's just as bad as being a superhero, and your privacy will definitely breached.'

'True,' I agreed, throwing my shirt off.

'But imagine if I get the call right now,' I snickered, taking off my shorts but my phone started ringing again.

"It can't be."

I grabbed my phone and answered it.


"Hi, it's me, Minjee."

"Oh! Hi!" I greeted, waiting for the words I'm expecting to hear.

"I decided to select you out the many participants and train you to become a full-fledged model. Sorry for the late call, you've probably waited longer than you should've but my employee forgot to contact you herself, so I had to do it myself."

"It's okay! I'm just happy to hear that I was chosen!"

"Alright, come to the company and I'll give you the contract before you decide to officially sign under us."

"Awesome! I'll see you soon!"

She hung up and I put down my phone in suprise.

'You and your mistimed words,' Sung-Ki laughed and I took off my shorts, and underwear, getting into the shower.


- Timeskip -

'This is exciting!' I smiled as I got closer to the building.

'Let's just hope that the company isn't horrible and have you under their control, and they won't pay you properly.'

'Now you just made me worried, Hyung.'

I stood in front of the entrance, standing in front of the automatic doors and they slide open, letting me inside and I saw my soon to be Boss standing near the receptionist desk.

"Morning, (Y/n)."

"Good morning, Sajangnim!" I greeted and approached her.

"Sorry about the early call. I just wanted to let you know earlier so you wouldn't have to worry about it."

"It's okay!" I assured her and she smiled, gesturing for me to follow her to the elevator.

I couldn't help but admire her side-profile as I followed, a little confused on how a young looking CEO ran this expensive company.

"Sajangnim, I'm curious to why you chose me? Was there a specific reason for it?" I asked her, wanting to know the reasoning because the participants before seemed to know what they were doing, considering how arrogant they were so they seemed confident in their abilities.

"I just knew you were the one. The others had a personality that I wasn't all for so I didn't want to hire them. Looks aren't the only thing I go for and you seemed pretty normal for how handsome you were, and the things you do will come in handy for other jobs."

"Other jobs? I thought I was just auditioning for a model role?"

"Well, some models end up becoming actors or something like that, so if you were to get an offer from how you looked, you can have opportunities to become a celebrity." She explained and I nodded, understanding what she said.

"Are you sure that would? I don't think people would be interested in getting a mixed-race person for an acting role so I kinda doubt it," I told her but realised that I was being too rude, and bowed.

"Sorry, Sajangnim! I didn't mean to be so forward!" I apologised and she just laughed at my immediate apology, making me slightly concerned.

"It's okay! I actually like that you're being quite casual. It's been a while since I've had someone be genuine."

I stood back up and she pressed for the elevator.

"Do you not have many people be genuine?" I asked and she nodded.

"Being a young CEO of a huge clothing brand is hard when people you meet are just trying to get money or are just trying to get me since I look pretty. Ever since I took over, it's been stressful but that's what happens in this current time."

"I see. I'm guessing that your friends and family are an exception," I said with uncertainty and she shook her hand, telling me that it was kinda right.

"You're right about the family part but the friend part, not at all. I don't really have friend and my closest one turned out to be horrible, and she just wanted my money."

I felt horrible after hearing that and sucked in air, unsure if I should say what I wanted to ask.

"If that's the case, would you like to be friends?" I asked and her eyes widened in suprise.

"I know that it'd be weird since I'm technically your subordinate and you'll be my boss, but I think it would be great to know you since you seem like a cool and honest person!" I said reluctantly, unintentionally sounding enthusiastic and I hit myself on the forehead.

"Actually that might be-"


I looked back at her and she seemed a little embarrassed.

"You seem like a great guy so yeah, let's be friends."

"In that case, how old are you? I honestly have no idea on who you are so I'm honestly clueless about your whole background and all that," I chuckled nervously and she shook her head amused.

"How bold of you to ask a woman's age."

"Sorry, maybe that was too-"

"I'm twenty-three so I'm only four years older," She replied, lightly chuckling at my continuous apologies.

"Woah! You're younger than I thought you were, Noona!" I exclaimed and shook, causing her to glare at me.

"Do I look older?" She frowned and I shook my head instantly.

"It's not that! I just expected you to be older since you manage this company! You look like you're my age so I thought that you just haven't aged at all!" I explained and she laughed again at me.

"You're quite cute," She commented, causing me to blush a bit and I scratched my cheek.

"And you can call me by my name since we're friends now," She added.

"Can I? I don't want to be to disrespectful to you," I reconfirmed and she nodded.

The elevator came down and opened, letting us enter and she pressed for one of the higher floors, which I assumed was her office floor.

"So, where are you from?" She asked.

"I'm actually from here. I was actually the result of a one night stand and my dad was visiting from America. My mother didn't want me and my dad didn't know that she was pregnant, so I given up to be adopted."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Don't be. I got adopted by my amazing parents who are the best I could ask for. My sisters are also the greatest I could ask for! My biological dad is a pretty cool guy as well and I keep on contact with him." I assured her.

"Sound like an amazing family."

"What's about yours, Minjee-Noona?" I asked her and she had a proud smile that made her face radiate.

"My dad was the previous CEO before he stepped down and he always spent time with me whenever he had time. My mother was unwell but she did her best to make sure that I was doing good. My older siblings on the other hand...aren't as great as yours and I don't see them much."

"How so?"

The elevator dinged and opened for us to exit.

"We'll leave this conversation until next time," Minjee told me as we walked out and went straight towards the fancy looking door.

The doors were black and had these diamond shaped repeating patterns all over, and two paintings were hung up on the two opposite walls that faced each other. They were detailed and both were different paintings of Flower Fields that were hypnotizing to look at.

I kinda expected them to be modern art since I've always had the impression that rich people always owned them, but I guess this isn't the case.

She unlocked the door and I was met with a suprisingly simple office.

The walls were painted a simple white, a large desk in the centre that faced away from large window that was layered with multiple panes of glass, probably for safety. On her desk were family photos and her laptop, files and a lot of papers. In the centre of the room were small seats and sofas facing each other, a small table in between them.

Nothing much that was fancy, expensive or anything similar.

"Have a seat."

I nodded, walking over to the sofa and sitting down as she walked over to her desk, opening a drawer and taking out what looked to be the contract.

Minjee walked over to me and sat in the opposite sofa, sliding it towards me.

"Have a read through and ask any questions about anything that stand out or if there's something that bothers you."

It wasn't that thick so I picked it up, reading contract as quickly as I could, not noticing anything that was unusual on the first page. The pay seemed as high as I thought it would be and it didn't seem like there was anything that would acre me over.

I quickly flipped it, not seeing anything that I wanted to question as it all seemed reasonable and it wouldn't constrict me or force me to stay under the company no matter what. It was all pretty good and nothing to complain about.

"I'll sign it."

She handed me a pen and I scribbled my signature in the boxes that required it, sliding them both back to her.

"Welcome to the company, (Y/n)."


"Do you have everything?" Geonhak asked and I nodded, seeing the train in the distance.

"Do you know when you're coming back again?"

"Well, I'll be coming everyday often for my model training so I might be able to make them for us to hang out if your lessons aren't on."

"Cool! I might see you regularly then if it doesn't interfere."

The train stopped in front of us, the doors opening and letting the passengers out.

I quickly gave Geonhak a hug and he hugged back, soon parting and I waved to him while walking with the large crowd into the train.

"Bye! I'll see you later!"

"See you next time, (Y/n)!"

The doors closed and I quickly sat down in the nearest seats, thankfully avoiding to stand you and I sat next to some teen who wore quite edgy clothing.


"I'm home!" I announced loudly, getting the attention of my parents who were in the living room and a loud thumping was made after it, immediately seeing Hye-Ju run down and tackle me into a hug.

"Woah! Do you miss me that much?" I teased and she didn't answer, and just kept embracing me.

"(Y/n), did you have fun?" My dad asked and I nodded.

"Hanging out with Geonhak was fun and I managed to score myself a job!" I answered and he looked impressed.

"What did you get hired for?" My mum questioned, probably confused on why I got a job in Seoul while I was still in highschool.

"Well, I got accepted to be a model under the 'Blossom' Clothing Company and I'm gonna be training before I become an official one."

"That's great! I've heard of that company before so I'm happy that you're apart of something big. Maybe you'll end up on variety shows or something if you get popular," My dad told me, supporting it so I was happy to hear that.

"I doubt that'll happen. I mean, I'm not exactly the best looking."

"Didn't you get asked out every week?" My mum reminded and I cringed, remembering how desperate they were with their confessions.

"Well, yeah..." I sighed and I pat Hye-Ju's head before trying to pry her off me, but she refused to.

"Hye-ju, I need to go to out my stuff in my room."

"Fine..." She groaned, letting go of me and I walked to my room, getting inside and tossing my bag onto my bed before heading back out.

"Where's Ha-Eun?" I asked them, walking to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"She went out somewhere. Knowing her, she's probably out with her friends," Dad told me and I nodded, grabbing a bag of potato chips from the top cabinet.

"Maybe she's on a date with that Younghyun guy she was into," I added and headed back to my room, but Hye-Ju followed me.

"Don't you have something to do?"

"No, I've been bored for the past week.."

"Go hang out with your friends or something. I'm gonna..."

The sound of my phone ringing interrupted my words and I quickly took it out, reading the name.

"Oh, it's Yeri."

Before Hye-Ju could say anything, I covered her mouth and answered the call.


"What's up?" I ask and Hye-Ju bit my hand, making me yank my hand away and rubbed it against my shirt.

"I just wanted to check on you. Are you out of Seoul now?"

"Yup, just arrived a couple minutes ago and I'm at home now." I told her and quickly entered my room, closing it behind me so she wouldn't enter, and locked it.

"Let me in!"

"Who's that in the back?" Yeri asked as I sat down in my chair, turning on my monitor and pressing the power button on my PC.

"It was my little sister. Just being annoying as always."

"She must be pretty close to you if she's acting like that."

"She's more like a pet that is obsessed with its owner," I said loud enough for Hye-Ju to hear, her loud yell piercing my ears and the door handle shook.

"Hye-Ju! Don't break my door!"

I sighed, shooting a line if web to the roof and stuck it to the handle, the strength of the web holding it in place and the handle stopped shaking.


"Anyways, is there anything else you need? I have to do something pretty soon."

"When will you come back to Seoul? I want to hang out and get to know you in person," Yeri asked.

"It's funny you ask that. I'll be coming to Seoul everyday for model training so I could probably meet with you, as long as it's later in the day."

"Really!? So when does your training start?"

"Sometime next week."

"So is it okay if we meet up on Wednesday next week? I'll be free after 6:00 and there's this place that I wanted to try out, and it would be a good opportunity for us to chat."


"Awesome! I have to go now too so I'll talk to you later!"


She hung up and (Y/n) could still see his sister's shadow outside his room, which made him sigh and he pulled on the web.

Unfortunately, he forgot how strong he and his webs were, ripping a hole in his roof and the debris fell down. He quickly flipped out of the way and it crashed onto his wooden floor, making a loud smash and he pulled the web again, ripping the door handle off.

He cussed to himself and thew the webbing outside his window, the door opening as soon as he did that and his parents were confused, but more worried about him.

"Are you alright!?"

"Yeah, the roof just suddenly fell." He lied and they sighed.

"I knew I should've paid for the other one," His dad sighed and Hye-Ju stepped inside, running at him and hugging him.

"Are you okay!?"

"I'm fine! I was on my bed so nothing got to me!" He lied again and she rubbed her face into his chest, clearly worried and he softly smiled while hugging her back.

"You can be really cute sometimes."

"But you're still a brat," He added lastly before receiving a hard stomp on his foot.


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