Detention. || Luke Hemmings au

By Calumhoodbutt

915 28 6

"You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you cannot close you heart to things you don't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16.

Chapter 14.

36 2 0
By Calumhoodbutt

Ivory's POV //

The sun came bursting through my blinds and right into my eye, I opened them slightly squinting at the light, I turned over and saw Luke still asleep, he was lightly snoring it was so cute.
I got out of bed a stretched and my arms went up, and I went of my tip toes, I felt a hand grab the back of my shirt and lightly tug.

"Come back to bed" Luke groaned
"I can't I need the toilet" I laughed
"But I want a cuddle" he rolled onto his back looking at me with a puppy dog eyes and a quivering lip
I let out a loud sigh, and rolled my eyes, smiling I got back into bed and cuddle up to Luke.
"Yay" he whispered as he nuzzled into my neck

10 minutes later, I couldn't stay anymore and had to jump out, and I ran to the loo.
I shut the door, locking it behind me, I stared in the mirror,
'I'm not ready yet' Ivory are you fucking serious?!
Of course I was ready, I was ready that whole night, then when it got to it I chickened out...I knew I was ready, I love Luke more than anything, but I choked and I couldn't bring myself to, eh, maybe another day.
When I came back Luke had fallen back asleep, so I looked at my phone and I had a text from my dad.

'Won't be home till six tonight' fucking great.
Now I had to pick up my brother, thanks mum and dad, thanks a bunch.

I sat there in bed waiting for Luke to wake up, just scrolling through tumblr, I heard a groan and saw Luke stretching next to me, his arm snaked round my waist and he pulled himself up to me

"You smell like me" he sniffed me whilst placing his head on my lap
"Great" I smirked
"Hey! That's a good thing" he laughed
"Sure it is" I put my phone down and pushed his hair out the way, he moved his head to look up at me.
"Oh I bet that's an attractive angle of me from down there"
"It is actually" he smiled
I made a 'pfft' noise, and moved to get out of bed Luke flopped down onto the bed and groaned, I laughed and he sat up

"So what you doing today" Luke asked pulling his trousers on
"You" my eyes widened, WHY THE FUCK DID I SAY THAT?
"What?" Luke turned around smirking
" are the one for me" I sang clicking my fingers trying to avoid it
But instead I just dug myself a deeper hole, fuck.
"Ivs, your fucking insane" Luke laughed it off

I turned back around and cringed to myself, that was the worst thing I've ever done, literally ever. Luke's hands came from behind and around my waist and he put his head on my shoulder

"If you really want to do me, you did a smooth job to initiate it" I turned around and he winked

"Yeah in your dreams football player" Luke made a pout face and walked over to the door
"I will go dream about it now then" he laughed

We walked downstairs and my brother and his mates were sat on the sofa, I didn't even hear him come in, all I knew was I was shouting fuck in my head.
How bad does it look that I'm coming down stairs in Luke's shirt and my underwear and Luke's only got his trousers on carrying his shirt?
Very bad, that's all I'll say.

Luke's POV //

We paused on the stairs, Joey and all his mates were unaware of us there, I coached them all in football so tonight would be interesting...
I turned to look at Ivory, she was holding in laughter, so I just winked and we walked down confidently

"Alright lads" I said
"Alright Luke!" They all replied
"I'm not gonna ask" Joey said to Ivory
"Yeah" Ivory joked back
She walked with me over to the door, and we left but she didn't shut the door completely

"Your sister totally just slept with him" one of the boys whispered inside
"Yeah, thanks" Joey laughed back

Ivory smacked her head lightly with her palm, and I burst out laughing

"They're just kids Ivs, sex is all the think about"
"That's my moron"
"Oh shit, yeah sorry about that one" I joked
"Piss off" ivory said before smacking her lips into mine
"Alright I'm going, I need to meet Michael" I winked
She smiled and went it.

Before I met Michael, I would have to go back and change, I can't really go meet him in my suit from yesterday again.
I walked in and went straight to my room, and changed

"BYE" I shouted to my mum, she was doing her paperwork on the table so all I got back was a murmured 'love you' but y'know.
I walked down the road and up to Michaels house, he was sat on his fence at the end of his front lawn

"Yo CLIFFORD" his head snapped to look in my direction
"Alright Hemmings" he smiled as he jumped down from the fence
"Ready to go?" We started walking
"Yeah man!.. What's up with you?" He questioned
"Uhh, I just left Ivory's earlier and all the lads we coach today were at her house because of Joey, and basically they think we had sex"
"Ohh.. Did you?!" His eyes widened
"No! No! Well... Nearly, but eh"
"What happened?"
"She wasn't ready, so I stopped, I didn't wanna force her you know?"
"Yeah, yeah I get what you mean"

We continued to walk down to the football grounds, when we got there all the guys were smiling and looking at me..shit.
We got changed and walked out onto the pitch.

"Alright, so.."
"How's Ivory Luke?" One guy smirked
" she.. happy?" another guy added in, I could see Joey looking uncomfortable and I saw Mikey looking at Joey too

"Right, the next one to bring up Ivory, will be benched for the rest of the term, you hear me?" They all stood silent
"I said do you hear me?" I raised my voice a little
"Yes Luke" they all moodily replied

"Okay let's get down to football" I clapped my hands together and Mikey blew the whistle, Joey just walked off the pitch, I shot Michael a look and followed him into the bleachers

"You alright mate?" I sat down next to him
"Yeah man, it's just after you left Ivory went out and I was with the guys, and they just wouldn't stop talking about you two, like I don't care if you did have sex, but it was just so uncomfortable you know? Like I tried laughing it off but"

"Look mate, the guys, don't tell them this, but they're just idiots who think sex is funny, because they're all virgins and they don't know the first thing about it all, so they find it cool to talk about older guys doing it, look I've over heard conversations between some and oh my god" he laughed

"Yeah, you know Patrick?" Joey pointed towards him
"Well once when I was getting changed, I heard him and some other guys in the bit next to me, and they were talking about Ivory, because once she came to pick me up, and they all thought she was hot, so they were talking about her, and being disgusting like, 'oh yeah I'd fuck her' and 'I'd make her wet' and so on and so forth and it was like, there's just no need"
"Pfft, believe me, if I hear them talking like that about my girl, I'll kick off the team completely! They're silly little boys Jo, and you have my full permission to kick the football in their face if you hear them talk about her like that again okay?"
"Thanks Luke.. I'm glad your dating my sister, at least it's not one of these dickheads"
"So am I Joey, so am I" I patted him on the back and we got up to join the others.

Ugh, I couldn't even look Patrick in the eyes, the way he was talking about Ivory, it's disgusting, 15 year old boys were horny little shits, well I used to be one of them, but I've grown out of that now, and I hope they will too.

"Yo!" Calum shouted over after the game finished, he and Ashton came running over
"Where've you two been?" Michael said walking over
"Sorry, we were just sorting out stuff at school" Ashton explained
"School?" Me and Michael said
"Yeah, basically me and Cal got called in about graduation, we're all passing with 'flying colours' what ever that means? And basically yeah"
"Oh nice!" I said
"Yeah, so we're not dumb jocks anymore now hey?" Calum smirked
"I can't believe we're gonna finish school in like 2 days" Ashton looked bewildered
"Yeah, it all seems to have just flown by" Michael agreed
We all nodded and laughed then walked in to get mine and Michael's and bag and walk home, well back to mine.

Ivory's POV //

We all sat in silence, my dad looking blankly at me and my brother waiting for some sort of reaction,mum was biting her nails pacing around the house, it was dead silent apart from my mums footsteps
Joey just put his hands on his head and took a deep breath before standing up

"This is all fucked" he said, and he walked over to the stairs, he gave out a pissed off laugh and walked up the stairs slowly
My dad sighed wiping his face with his hand.

"I just..I have nothing to say because what ever I do say, will have no effect on you so I'm just going to go over to Emilie's because I'm done"
"Ivs.." My dad stood up putting out his hand
"No! Don't 'Ivs' me I'm fucking done, dad. I'll see you later I need time to clear my head"

My mum smiled at me and I just walked out the house.

I saw Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton all walking on the other side of the road, I tried to put my hood up so they wouldn't recognise me but unfortunately my dad came out the house shouting so they stopped and looked.

"IVORY!! " my dad shouted, making them all look,i turned around
"IM SORRY OKAY? I'm sorry"
I stood there for a moment, and turned around and just walked off, first a fast walk then I ran, I ran as fast as I could and went over to Emilie's and banged on the door, tears streaming down my face.
"Ivory?" Emilie looked at me I just flung into her arms crying into her shoulder
"Come on, come in, tell me everything"

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