I miss you like a little kid...

By joissoswaggy

7.9K 188 275

NOT A SHIP ((slow burn, angst)) This is a slow burn about the growing friendship between Jake Wheeler and Jun... More

Mr. Faggy
The Treehouse
Running away
comfort <3

"Thank you kisses"

692 16 38
By joissoswaggy

Hey! I'm back, hope everyone had a good holidays and new years :) I actually planned the next few chapters so hopefully they come out sooner rather then later. Happy New Years! Hope you like this chapter. Also, this story is now also on Ao3 swagkingcam on Ao3, Tik tok, and Instagram :).

TW: F slur, homophobic, mentions of ED, mentions of emotional abuse, vomitting

also this chapter is longer than normal :)

The three boys woke up, Jake and Junior holding each other closely and Devon sprawled out on the bed. Devon groaned and rolled over, grabbing his phone.

"Oh shoot-Sorry guys, my mom wants me home today" He started typing a message to his mom while Junior rubbed his eyes and Jake got up, hugging Devon 

"Bye bye" Devon giggled and kissed Jake on the cheek.

"Bye Jakey," He turned towards Junior. "Bye Junior" 

"See ya" Junior yawned. Jake got up, getting changed into an outfit and sat on the couch, looking down at Junior.

"Get up, I wanna go somewhere" Junior groans but stands up and puts clothes on, getting ready to go down to the diner nearby.  Jake and Junior make their way over to the restaurant, sitting down at a booth across from each other. 

"So..Why are we here?" Junior questions while staring nervously at the menu. The waitress starts walking up

"I need you to eat something" Jake fits in before she gets there.

"Hiya! I'm Caroline, I'll be your waitress today, What could I get you for drinks?" She pulls out a pen and a little notebook, looking at Junior.

"Um-just water please" he says quietly, luckily she hears.

'I'll have a root beer please, thanks" Caroline smiles at Jake and writes down the drinks on her notebook, nodding and walking away. "Anyway, We didn't have any actual food at the treehouse so I wanted to come out here, you don't have to get a meal but I want you to try to eat something from my plate. Plus, I was craving pancakes" Jake puts down the menu and looks at Junior, who was biting his lip anxiously. "Are you okay Junior?" Junior shakes out of his consciousness.

"Yeah I'll be okay, I just don't know if I'll be able to do it, I don't wanna disappoint you" Jake frowned and grabbed Junior's menu, putting it on top of his. 

"You being here is already amazing, you don't have to do it if you don't want" Jake smiles and Junior looks up at him, smiling back.

"Okay fine" soon after, Caroline comes by with their drinks and sets them down, along with straws. 

"Alrighty, what are we thinking about eating?" Junior looked at Jake, who spoke

"We will share the pancake meal with scrambled eggs and hashbrowns" Coraline wrote down everything Jake said, grabbing their menus and walking away. There wasn't that many people there so they were lucky.

"You can eat the eggs, those are light and not too sugary, If you want to of course, I'm not forcing you to do anything" Jake told Junior.

"Don't worry Jake, I can eat the eggs, it can't be that hard" Junior and Jake sat around for a bit, playing tic tac toe on jakes arm with markers and waiting for the food. Junior looked up and saw in the corner of his eye, Lexy and Oliver walk in and sit in a booth, Oliver dragging behind her clearly feeling tortured. Junior just turned his head and tried to ignore it, 'hopefully they didn't see us' The waitress brought out Jake's food and set it down with napkins with a smile, rushing over to her other tables after making sure she brought everything. Jake grabbed the plate the syrup was on and moved the little kettle onto the table, placing some eggs on it and handing it to Junior. Junior looked down at the eggs, gulping thickly. He picked up the fork and stabbed into the fluffy yellow substance, getting a bit on there and placing it in his mouth, not letting himself chew, just swallowing. He grabbed the rest, knowing he would have to chew this time. He put the fork in his mouth, taking the food off it and starting to chew, setting the fork down. He felt himself feeling sicker and sicker while chewing, he couldn't swallow, his body wouldn't let him. He gagged, getting up but hitting his legs on the table since he forgot he was in a booth. Jake looked up at him.

"Junior? Are you okay?" Junior put his hand over his mouth, feeling a burning liquid coming up his throat. He slid out of the booth and started speed walking to the bathroom, passing Oliver and Lexy. Oliver immediately noticed Junior and watched him go into the bathroom, Jake running in after him. Junior walked into the stall at the end of the bathroom, collapsing onto the floor and grabbing the toilet seat, feeling the burning liquid spew out of his mouth along with the fluffy eggs. Junior's eyes stung as tears flowed down his pale soft cheeks and onto the floor. His hair flew in front of his eyes and Jake walked in, trying not to panic. He grabbed Junior's bangs and held them away from his face, rubbing his back. Junior finishes and flushes the toilet, disgusted in himself. He sat against the wall and Jake did the same, Junior cried into his knees, shaking.

"I'm so sorry Jake" Jake held the other boy and whispered into his ear.

"Hey it's okay, I'm sorry I made you do that" Jake rubbed Junior's arm with his hand, trying to calm him down. "Go back to the table and get some water, I'll go pay" Junior looked up and nodded, getting up and walking out, Jake following. Just to their luck, Lexy and Oliver are standing outside of the bathrooms.

"Hey twink, why are you crying? Get railed to hard?" She spoke with such bitterness in her voice, snaring and laughing at the boys. Jake cringes

"We're cousins, you're disgusting" Jake tries not to yell, he stepped in front of Junior so if Lexy got violent he wouldn't get hurt. Lexy just rolled her eyes, scoffing and walking into the girl's bathroom. Oliver takes this chance to talk to them, right before they walk away, he grabs Junior's arm.

"Hey Junior, are you okay? I'm sorry about her- I don't even like her! I miss when we used to hang out, I miss you so much Junior" Junior pulled away his hand and moved it back to his waist. 

"Please go away Oliver" Oliver frowns and nods, waiting for Lexy while watching the two boys walk away. Jake walked over to the counter and paid for his meal while watching Junior grab his stuff and drink all the water in his cup. Junior walks over to Jake, putting on his coat and leaving with Jake. The two boys walked to a store near by, Jake having another idea.

"Do you know if you can eat crackers? I'll let you pick out whatever ones you want" Junior nods and they walk into the store, heading to the cracker and chip isle. "Pick whatever ones you think will be the easiest to eat" Junior walks past all the crackers, walking back and forth and reading all the brands. Junior grabs a small box of saltine crackers and gives them to Jake, who walks over to the counter and pays for the crackers and a pack of gum for himself. Jake is handed a bag and walks out of the store with Junior, walking towards Junior's house. Just to Junior's luck, they bump into Oliver again. "Are you following us Oliver?" Jake says with a mass about of disgust, basically spitting on him. Oliver ignores Jake and talks to Junior

"Junior please forgive me, I don't like her, she's the most horrific person ever, I hate her but I'm too scared. Please, I miss you. I didn't want to kiss her at the party, I was drunk and she was on me-" Junior hesitates for a second and Jake crosses his arms. Junior thinks for a second then cuts off Oliver's ranting by hugging him. Jake's eyes widened and his mouth opens a bit, in disbelief.

"I know how you feel Oliver, I think you should break up with her. Tell her its over, she may call you gay and torture you but its better than dating her" He let go of Oliver, looking up in his eyes Oliver nods and smiles at Junior 

"Thanks, I'll go do that" Oliver skipped away, leaving to find Lexy. Jake smirks at Junior

"Jun Jun?" He says in a teasing voice

"mmhm" Junior says, clearly day dreaming a bit.

"Do you like Oliver?" He drags out the 'like' part to tease him, Junior's cheeks turn pink

"Wh-no! Where did you get that?" Junior hits Jake's arm

"I was just wondering" Jake laughs and they walk to Junior's house, stepping inside and shutting the door behind them. Jake drags Junior into the dining room and sits him down at the table. He walked over to the cupboard and grabs a small plate, placing two crackers on it and grabbing a glass, filling it with water. Jake sets the plate and glass down in front of Junior and he starts to panic, Jake immediately notices. "Hey, hey its okay, you don't have to eat them just breathe shh" Jake talks in a soft voice and places his hand on Junior's shoulder. Junior takes a deep breath. "I'll shut my eyes if you want" Junior swallows

"yes please" His voice was hoarse. Jake turns around and covers his eyes with his hands, trusting Junior. Junior grabs one of the crackers, setting it into his mouth, biting down, he felt the nausea set in but ignored it, swallowing. He took another breath and took another bite, it slipping down his throat, he drank some water. His body started craving the food more, since it was the first thing he ate in a while. He started eating the crackers faster, feeling better. He ate a few more, drinking all his water. 

"Junior, how is it going?" Junior paused and turned to Jake

"Actually good, I ate 4, you can open your eyes" Jake turns around and uncovers his eyes, smiling at Junior. Jake hugged Junior tight, not really letting him breathe.

"I'm so proud of you Junior" Junior wrapped his arms around Jake and soaked into the hug for a bit before letting go and taking care of the box. The two sat down on the couch, starting to watch The Perks Of Being a Wallflower. Junior pulled out his phone, noticing he had an Instagram message.

@olihayden: hey. I broke up with Lexy like you said, thank you for forgiving me

@junlowheeler: ofc, do you wanna come over? I think you should apologize to Jake for bullying him

@olihayden:Sure, I'll be there in a few :)

Junior left Oliver on opened and Oliver came rushing over on his bike, making it to Junior's house and knocking on the door. 

"Who is that?" Jake turned to Junior, who got up 


"Why is he here?" Jake questioned defensively

"I told him to, it will be okay" Junior opened the door and smiled at the taller boy, "Hey Oli, come in" Oliver smiled at Junior and walked inside and over to Jake. 

"Jake, I want to tell you that I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you, it was wrong and I have no excuse, its okay if you don't forgive me" Jake raised a brow and looked at Junior, who nodded at him. 

"Its okay Oliver, I forgive you" Oliver looked at him and smiled, 

"Thank you" Junior smiled, happy that they could all get along now, Oliver sat on the couch and watched the movie with Jake and Junior sat next to him, accidentally sitting too close but not moving, he didn't really feel the need to, they used to be best friends. They watch as Patrick kisses Charlie and collectively aww at the scene. Junior's eyes fluttered open and shut, trying to stay up but he gave in, falling asleep on Oliver's arm.  Oliver felt the weight fall onto him and looked down, smiling softly and turning to Jake.

"Hey Jake, can I ask you something?" Jake looked away from the tv and at Oliver

"Uh yeah- What's up?" He turned his body towards the other boy.

"At the restaurant earlier, why did you guys come out of the bathroom smelling like puke? Was everything okay?" Jake racks his brain for an excuse and spews it out

"Yeah um- it's a bit embarrassing but Junior got food poisoning" Oliver does a little 'ohh' and continues watching the movie, listening to the soft snores from the small boy on him. Eventually some time passed and the movie ended, Jake checked his phone, seeing that it was 1:23 pm, Logan and Bree would be home soon. Jake got up and grabbed his stuff, walking over to Junior and whispering to Oliver 'sorry loverboy' he started shaking Junior and telling him his parents were gonna be home. Junior eventually woke up and snuggled into Oliver a bit more before realizing where he was, shooting up.

"Sorry-" His cheeks warmed up a bit, causing them to become a light reddish color. 

"It's alright don't worry about it, We gotta go though, we can go to my house" Oliver suggested. Jake thanked him and they all left to go to the Hayden's house. They made it to the house and walked inside, setting down their stuff. "Do you guys wanna play Clue?" Junior jumped up, his face lighting up with it and his teeth showing in his smile.

"I love that game!" Junior cheerly said, sitting at the game room table, Jake following him and sitting down. Oliver grabbed the game and placed it on the table, starting to set up the game when Lexy opened the door and stomped in, not expecting to see Jake and Junior,

"What. The. Fuck are you doing??" She looked furious

"Playing clue?" Oliver rolled his eyes

"No shit, but why are you playing wi- With those- those loser fags!" Junior flinched at the f slur being thrown at him, Jake being unphased.

"I'm allowed to hang out with whoever I want. What are you doing here? We are over" Oliver stepped in front of Lexy and crossed his arms.

"I was going to let you take me back but I changed my mind" Lexy smirked and pushed Oliver to the side and walked over to Junior, grabbing his face and kissing him. Junior would've normally pushed her away but with the state he was in he let her, even eventually kissing back. Oliver and Jake looked horrified. Though Junior's eyes were still open, he started feeling her tongue get closer so he pushed her away. 

"shit" Junior mumbles to himself.

"I knew you still want me, you liked it" Junior tries to defend himself, not noticing Oliver disappearing. 

"No! I don't like you, I just haven't been kissed in a while" Junior silently shames himself for letting her kiss him, he didn't like how it felt but he still felt some feeling towards her, he didn't know which feeling it was though.

"I'll let you take me back Jun Jun, come to daddy" Junior heistates then reminds himself how she cheated and broke his heart.

"I don't wa- I don't know, no. I don't want you, you are a cheating bitch who bullied my cousin and my best friend! Go home Lexy."


"Go home." Junior lets out a breath as she stomps out the door and leaves. Junior turns around and hugs Jake, sighing into his shoulder. "I can't believe I let her kiss me, I'm so confused" Jake rubs his back

"It's okay, lets just go find Oliver" Junior was confused for a second then noticed that Oliver was indeed gone, he let go of Jake. They start looking around the house for a bit before Junior remembers from when they were friends that he used to hide in his closet when he was upset. He walked upstairs and into Oliver's room, seeing the door slightly open. 

"Oliver?" He shut the door behind him and walked to the closet, opening it, Oliver was on the floor, holding a bee stuffed animal close to his chest and looking at the carpet below him. Oliver looked up.

"Oh. I thought you would be with Lexy"

"It took a second to remember how awful she is" Oliver frowned and stuck the bee in Junior's face 

"This is Jaz" Junior smiled at the bee and looked down at Oliver, then back up to Jaz.

"He's adorable" Oliver smiled back and whispered to himself

"just like you.."

"What was that?" Junior asked

"He wants a kiss" Oliver knew he was acting childish but it made him happy. Junior shrugged 

"oh ok" he reached down and pecked Jaz on the top of it's head. Oliver pulled the bee back close to his chest.

"He said thank you, you're lips are soft" Junior's cheeks turned red as the blood rushed into them, blushing warmly and feeling that nervous gut feeling.

"Oh. thanks Jaz" Oliver pats the ground next to him.

"Can you come in?" 

"Of course" Junior goes into the closet and sits next to Oliver, their legs and shoulders touching. Oliver starts giggling himself.  "What's so funny?" Junior asks skeptically

"You have very pretty eyes" Oliver completely ignores Junior question. Junior pauses for a second.

"You do too"

"You don't get it.." Oliver looked to the side, frowning. Junior's eyebrows raised,

"Don't get what? Is everything okay? "Junior sounded frantic, though Oliver dodged the question.

"neverminded. Do you have food poisoning?" Junior tilted his head, he opened his mouth to answer but then the door opened and Jake was standing there.

"Oh- am I interrupting anything? Nevermind, I don't wanna ruin the mood, I invited Devon over, is that okay?" Junior glared at Jake and Oliver nodded. Jake shut the door and left the room, Junior continuing the sentence.

"No, no I don't, why?" Oliver's faced turned into a confused one.

"Then why did Jake say you did?"

"When did he say that?" Junior answered quickly.

"When I asked why you smelled bad coming out of the bathroom" Oliver answered bluntly, needing a response. Junior's face lightened, as he was realizing what was going on,

"Oh." now his face started morphing into a panicked one.

"What's going on Junior?" Junior swallowed, thinking of an excuse.

"I'm not a big fan of ranch?" He sounded insecure and little, it wasn't working. Oliver looked at him. "Who am I kidding- I- I have a problem.. with food"

"What do you mean? An eating disorder?" Junior quickly shut it down.

"No! I do not have an eating disorder! I just- don't like eating, I haven't in a while"

"Why?" Oliver sounded innocent, as if he didn't know what was going on.

"I don't know? I just, don't like myself. at all" Junior had a thousand words going through his head, horrible disgusting things about himself, weighing him down. Oliver looked practically blown away.

"Why? You are the most perfect person in the world, you are beautiful. You have the perfect lips and the perfect nose, and hair and your eyes- they are liking looking into a mug of hot chocolate, when I look into them I feel warm, like watching horrible Hallmark movies by the fire" Oliver noticed he was rambling so he covered his mouth before he let another thing slip. Junior's eyes were wide and tears were trickling down his face, falling on his lap and making soft pattering sounds. He swallowed thickly, smiling.

"Oliver" Oliver was embarrassed and terrified, nervous of what Junior was gonna say.

"y-yeah?" It was quiet for a second.

"Thank you" Junior's voice broke and he collapsed into Oliver's arms, clinging onto him for dear life. Oliver was surprised at first, but gave in and wrapped his arms around the thinner boy. Junior gripped onto Oliver's sweatshirt, his shoulder being soaked in Junior's tears. Oliver put his hand on the back of Junior's head, pressing him close.

"Shhh Jun Jun, It's okay, let it all out" Junior sniffed and lifted his head on top of Oliver's shoulder to talk clearer.

"It's just-Lexy always tells me that I'm not good enough to be her boyfriend and she tells me I have to be skinny but ripped and I can't take it! My dad always wants me to go on all these new diets for running and he makes me less and less than more and more when I get too skinny, I'm never perfect enough for them, I just want to be enough for my dad" Oliver held Junior and whispered in his ear.

"shh Lexy is gone now, you are perfect, you don't need to be anything but what you want to be shh" Oliver whispered sweet little nothings into into Junior's ear. Oliver reaches over and grabs Jaz.

"Do you want a Jaz kiss?" He smiled and showed Jaz to Junior. Junior sniffed and pulled his face away from Oliver and looked at the bee,

"I-I think I want an Oliver kiss" Junior leaned in and pecked Oliver on the cheek before getting up and leaving the closet.

"Oh." Oliver's grip on Jaz becomes loose, making the stuffed animal fall onto the floor. Oliver lifts his hand up to the cheek Junior kissed, touching it and smiling to himself.

"Jaz, his lips really are soft" Oliver giggled to himself.

Junior walks downstairs and sees Jake and Devon on the couch, cuddling and talking.

"Hey Dev" Junior smiles and walks over to them, sitting down on the couch. Devon waved and smiled at Junior and Jake spoke up.

"Sooo, did you make out?" Junior rolled his eyes

"No Jake. I kissed him on the cheek though" Jake looked at Devon than at Junior

"You hearing this? Why did you kiss his cheek?"

"It was a thank you kiss! Don't you guys do those?" Jake raised a brow

"Thank you kiss? What the fuck is that?" Jake laughed and looked at Devon, who had no idea.

"Its like, y'know how if someone does a favor for you you pay them back with a present or something? I kissed him as a little 'thank you' for making me feel better. Maybe it's a rich person thing?" Jake laughed.

"Does he know what a thank you kiss is?" Jake said, sarcasm lacing his words.

"I'm 99.9% sure he does, I feel like out families do it to each other, It's fine. I'm sure we will be okay" Junior spoke nervously, as if he wasn't completely sure. Jake shrugged as Oliver walked downstairs.

"Hey Devon, Junior, come into the kitchen with me" Junior nodded and Jake smirked, making smoochy faces at Junior, who flipped him off and walked into the kitchen. 

"What's up Oliver?" 

"I have this box of sugar cookie dough and I want to get rid of it, can you help me? All you have to do is put the squares on a baking sheet and put it in the oven" Oliver smiled, getting the dough out of the fridge and grabbing a baking sheet from a cupboard. Junior smiled, agreeing to the cookies. The two boys started pulling the chunks of dough apart and placing them on the sheet. "Soo.. Have you eaten anything today?" Junior was shocked by the question, seeing it as a bit random.

"Um yeah, I ate a few crackers" Junior was still nervous about the closet, hoping he wouldn't ruin anything. As if Oliver read his mind, he spoke up.

"Are you alright? You seem tense." Junior didn't see the point in bluffing so he told the truth.

"I was nervous that you would take the kiss the wrong way" Oliver shrugged, placing the last dough square on the sheet and opening the oven.

"Don't worry I understand," Oliver slid the baking sheet into the oven and shut the door, starting a timer. "It's a thank you" Junior breathed out, relived.

"See? You get it" Junior smiled and sat on the counter, legs dangling off, watching Oliver clean up the trash and wipe down the counter. Oliver wiped his hands off on his jeans and walked over to Junior, standing between his legs. 

"Here's a thanks for the cookies" Oliver leaned in close to Junior and pressed their lips together, only for a second. Junior felt sparks fly through his body and his heart fluttered. His blood rushed to his face, turning his cheeks red as Oliver walked away and out of the kitchen, leaving Junior speechless. Junior didn't understand, why did that feel different compared to the kiss he shared with Lexy earlier? He needed it to happen again. He sat on the counter for a while, waiting for the cookies to finish. Once the timer went off, Oliver came into the kitchen, grabbing an oven mitt and taking the sheet out, placing it on the stovetop. Oliver took the mitt off and placed it back in it's original drawer. Junior got down from the counter and cleared his throat, clearing out the awkward tension that was clearly one sided.


"What's up Junior?" Oliver turned around to him, looking down.

"Kiss me again-on the lips" Oliver was confused.

"Uh-why? You didn't do anything to help me?" Junior frowns, walking over to the cupboard and grabbed a glass, filling it about 1/6 full and pouring it onto the ground, putting the cup down and grabbing a rag, cleaning up the mess he made. 

"Look there, I cleaned your floor, now kiss me" Oliver smirked

"But technically you made the mess so you didn't do anything. Why do you want me to kiss you so bad?" Junior pouted.

"I just wanna see if it happens again"

"If what happens Junior?" Junior started getting frustrated and stepped closer to Oliver.

"Stop asking questions! Just please kiss me, please" 

"Fine, you dork" Oliver grabs Junior by the collar of his shirt and kisses him on the lips. Junior feel the sparks go through him again, not wanting the connection nor the feeling to end, but Oliver once again pulled away after only a second. "Are you going to explain now?" Junior smiled to himself.

"Nope! Thank you" Junior walked out and grabbed Jake, bringing him to a separate room, leaving Oliver confused. 

"Dude what's up why do you need be so bad? I was totally gonna kiss Devon again, he's my boyfriend I miss him" Jake whined and Junior rolled his eyes.

"Too bad, how do you know if you like boys?" Jake's eyes widened

"What happened in there?" Before they could have an actual conversation Devon walked in.

"Hey I have to leave again, sorry. I promise I can actually hang out tomorrow" Jake frowned and kissed Devon, while Junior just hugged him. 

"Hey, do you guys wanna stay the night? It's gonna be dark soon and I'm tired" Oliver yelled from the living room. "My parents won't be here for a few days, you can sleep in one of the guest bedrooms, one has bunk beds and the other has a king" Junior and Jake looked at each other, knowing they were most likely gonna sleep in the same room. 

"Sure, I'm tired too" Junior walked back into the living room with Jake. "Thanks" Oliver smiled.

"Of course, I'm gonna go to bed, the guest rooms are down that hallway" He pointed to the right side of the house. "You guys can sleep wherever, goodnight Jake." Oliver walked up to Junior and got close to his face. "Goodnight Jun Jun" Oliver's hand briefly touched Junior's shoulder before he walked up the stairs and went to sleep. Junior felt a shiver go up his spine and he walked into the bedroom with the king-sized bed. Junior felt asleep on the right side of the bed, not even bothering to change into the guest robes or anything, passing out on top of the blankets. Jake changed into the guest pajamas and slipped under the blankets, arm touching Junior's shoulder, just in case.

Holy poop. That took forever. I'm so sorry its been so long and sorry its kinda rushed, I basically make a structure of the chapter in my notebook and i had so many plans for this chapter but I got so tired so I cut out some stuff. Its an extra like 2 thousand words since it's been so long you guy's deserved it :) Sorry again, goodnight <3

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