By OT7purpleocean

158K 5.1K 608

Y/N- Please let me go, I don't want to be here Jungkook - Never, ever in this life I will let you go away fro... More

Know Him
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 Part I (M)
Chapter 17 Part II (M)
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

6.2K 207 15
By OT7purpleocean

( Inside JK office cabin, at night 9:00 p.m.)

During these two days Jungkook was really busy with his launch of latest models and design of cars and the launch was tremendously successful. It really went well more than that what he actually thought. It brought a loads of profit and huge income to his Empire. He was becoming stronger and stronger day by day. He has reached to a level where there is no one can even think or imagine of competing with him. Whether its money, power or position, it doesn't matter if it is legal or illegal, he is and will be on the top most. People always imagine his life to be perfect, full of luxury and stress free but only he knows how many sleepless night he has gone through, how much hard work he has done to reach here.

When everyone sees his life is perfect and there is nothing that can be lacking or missing in his life. But no one knows that the thing he is missing in his life is having a family which we sometime take it as granted. Whenever he go home after work he has no one who will be waiting for him, no one to share his tiredness, his thoughts and most importantly no one to share love and affection. The thing that is lacking in his life that everybody in this world needs is LOVE. From his childhood he is always devoid of his parents love. Till now he doesn't know how it feels like to have a family or spending time with your family members. So he his desperate to have his wife beside him because as he was without his parents as a family so he wanted to build one with his wife. There is no doubt that he will treat his wife as a queen.

In these two days Minho did exactly what Jungkook has ordered him to do . He hired a man and told him to keep in eye on lee Byung hun, till then he started collecting all the information related to him. After the launch Jungkook has a bit of a free time so now he can handle the problem as per his promise to EXO. Jungkook called Minho inside his cabin to know what information he has collected till now.

JK- Now tell me what you have collected during these two days about that Lee Byung hun.

Minho - Yes sir .

Give him a file in which he has all the papers and the information that he has collected during these two days.

JK - what the spy has told you?

Minho - During these two days our spy is keeping an eye on him. He didn't find anything suspicious about his behaviour but yes there is one thing that is suspicious that he has a secret cabin inside his bakery shop's cabin that means there is a hidden door inside his cabin which goes to a secret room which is very well secured. Our spy tried his best to break the code to get inside the secret cabin, but failed. I mean he is the owner of some cafes and a bakery shop then why the hell he have to to make a secret room.

JK- That's the thing Minho. I was already suspicious on him from the time I heard the EXO explanation. If he has a secret room then there is some secret that he want to to hide it from the outside world. There must be something big that he did not want to show. Call the EXO and tell them to come here to meet me.

Minho - yes boss

Minho left his cabin and go towards his cabin to call the EXO and inform them that their boss wants to meet them. After sometime the members of EXO enter the cabin and greeted by there boss who is sitting on the sofa like the king he is . They bowed to him and sit in front of him.

Suho - yes boss you called us .

JK- Yes, Minho give them the file to read the information.

Minho give them the file . Suho goes through every information thoroughly.

Suho - We didn't know about it but it what is it it that he is hiding.

JK - I know that it is suspicious but that is none of our concern as long as he give our money. We wanted money back from him that's it and I think this information is enough to get your money back from him. So let's go to his house. Minho prepare my car to go there.

( In front of lee house)

Around 7 to 8 luxurious car come and stand in front of Lee house. JK Minho and EXO members came out of their cars and go towards the house. Minho come in front and ring the doorbell.

An old lady around her late 40's open the front door.

Lady- yes sir. Yes sir how can I help you. To whom you want to meet?

Minho - We are here to meet Mr. lee for some business purpose.

Lady - okay sir just wait a minute I will call him.

With that the lady goes inside to inform.

(inside of lee house)

After having their dinner Mr. Lee, Mrs. Lee and Liza was sitting in the living room watching TV suddenly sound of doorbell rings can be heard. Ding dong ding dong

Mrs. lee- whose is here at this time? Nobody generally come at our home during night time. Mrs. cha open the door.

Y/n and Mrs. cha( newly hired maid) was cleaning the kitchen when Mrs. cha heard the instruction from Mrs. Lee and goes towards the door to open it. Mrs. cha opens the door to see who has come.

(Mrs. cha point of view) When I open the door and saw around 9 to 10 well built man in expensive coat suit standing in front of the gate. Honestly there were looking very scary and I was also scared by looking at them. They all are having dangerous aura around them. Without wasting time I asked them why they came here.

Mrs. cha - yes sir. Yes sir how can I help you. To whom you want to meet?

Young man (Minho) - We are here to meet Mr. lee for some business purpose.

Mrs. cha - okay sir just wait a minute I will call him.

With that conversation I rushed inside to inform Mr. Lee that some men has came here to meet you.

Mrs. cha- Sir around 9 to 10 men has come to meet to you. They said they all have come for some business purpose.

(third person point of view)

Hearing this news Mr. Lee was a bit in shock and surprised because no one really come to his house for some business purpose. When ever someone meets him for work related discussion he always meet in his cabin in his bakery shop. He doesn't show it on his face to anyone that he is shocked and nervous and inform Mrs. cha that she can go to resume her work and he will receive the guest. With that it he gets up from his seat goes towards the door to receive them.

When Mr. Lee was in front of the door he looked around to see 9 to 10 young man was standing near the door, he saw around and he saw Suho and instantly recognized that why has they come here. When his eyes fell on Jungkook he was terrified. His aura around him was enough for him to get to know that he is someone superior. He was literally in fear thinking about what can Jungkook possibly do.

Without wasting any time he invited them to come inside the house. Meanwhile Mrs. Lee and Liza was also a bit shocked by a sudden appearance of guest. Mr. lee tries his best to not show them his fear and nervousness infront of them, so he tries his best to sound calm and cheerful.

Mr. lee - Oh! sir please come inside. Why are you people are standing outside.

Minho - Till now nobody has invited us to come inside.

He had a smirk on his face as he know that Mr. lee is freaking out from inside.

Mr. lee - Sorry for the inconvenience. Please come inside

With that all of them came inside his house and Mr. lee lead them towards the living room to offer them to sit.

Mr. lee - Please sir have a seat.

Till now Mrs. lee and Liza was in shock to see all those well built men in front of them. They immediately stand up from the seat to show them respect as they can say that they are really rich and also dangerous. Mrs. lee and Liza slightly bowed to them and decided to go with the flow as they can see Mr. lee was being very polite and respectful towards them .

Every one wait for Jungkook to sit first. Jungkook look hear and there for a bit looking around his house while his hands were still in pocket in a powerful gesture. Being the boss, Jungkook take his seat and sit like a great powerful king he is. After that when Jungkook gestured Suho and Minho to sit first. That time Mr. Lee understood that Jungkook is not some normal mafia king he is much more than that.

Meanwhile Liza was drooling over Jungkook Charm and his charisma. Though he look dangerous but his handsomeness was another level that she can't stop herself from drooling. She was so lost and him that she forgot what's happening around. Suddenly she heard her father's voice which was calling her name, she come back to reality and look to her father. Her father was telling her to go to her room

Mr. lee - Liza dear go to you room and sleep. I have some important work related discussion.

Mr. Lee doesn't want Liza to sit in front of those well built men around her. Being a protective father he is towards Liza he can't tolerate even a single man to look at her with a lustful or desire look.

But Liza doesn't wanted to go to her room. She wanted to stay there in front of Jungkook. So she whine cutely to her father to not send her to her room.

Liza - But dad I want to be with you so that I can also learn about your business strategies you know how I am eager to learn and want to handle your business.

She cutely said to her father intentionally showing her cuteness to Jungkook. She is independent also wanted to show him that how good she is in handling his father business. She than looked at Jungkook but he was unbothered by this and is totally uninterested in her. Then she looked at her father who was now a bit angry.

Mr. lee said to Liza with gritting his teeth but not making it noticeable to them.

Mr. lee - Liza honey, You should listen to your father, it's a business matter between them and me I will teach you the business strategies of my business some other day, so now go to your room and have your beauty sleep. I don't want any dark circle under your eyes.

Mr. lee spoke like this showing his sweetness toward his daughter to them.

By this time Liza know that it is a serious matter and she can't argue back to her father now. With that she silently goes to her room without saying anything further. After Liza was out of sight with that Mr. and Mrs. Lee have their seat in front of Jungkook. Mr. Lee turn his focus towards them.

Mr. lee - So how can I help you sir ?

Jungkook -You know what you have done so without wasting a single second let's come to the point. So when you are going to give money back.

Jungkook spoke in a dominant authoritative tone making Mr. lee gulp in nervousness and agitation

Mr. lee - As soon as I will able to to arrange the money I'll give it back to you. I just need some time.

Jungkook - How much time you need Mr. Lee it's already have been more than a year and you still need time.

By this time Jungkook know that Mr. Lee has money to pay back but he is planning something so that they don't have to give Suho his money back.

Jungkook - But we don't have much time in our hand Mr. lee, so I I suggest you to pay as soon as possible. Otherwise the consequences for you will not be good

Mr. lee - I am very sorry sir but right now I don't have that much money to pay you back that's why I need time to arrange money

Jungkook - You don't have money or you don't want to give it to us.

By this time Mr. Lee forehead was sweating up a bit due to fear and nervousness. So he speak further in a shaking voice. After this statement of Jungkook, Mr. lee was terrified to his core from Jungkook .

Mr. lee - What do you mean sir?

Jungkook - I mean why do you have secret cabin inside your office when you only own cafes and a bakery shop. You are not doing any illegal work, your all work are legal as far as we know. Or is there something that is way horrible that you don't want the world to see it.

Now Mr. Lee was confirmed that it he cannot win from Jungkook or even can't go against him. He is someone that you can't fight with, it will only bring disaster

Jungkook - Perhaps do you want us to break inside your secret cabin to know your secret.

Mr. lee know how much important is it for him to keep his secrets safe. He knows that the man in front of him which eventually looks like a boss of Suho to him can do anything. Nothing is impossible for him. So he decide to surrender to him and give their money back.

Mr. lee - No sir just give me a minute I'll bring your money. Please sir wait for me I will bring you the money but for that I have to go to my office, so you have to wait a little longer. If you don't want to wait then sir you can go, I will send money to you by tomorrow morning.

Mr. lee wanted him to go from here so that he and his family can escape from here.

Jungkook - Don't worry Mr. lee today I have got enough time for you. You can go and bring the money.

As Jungkook was being stubborn so Mr. lee had no option other than to bring money. He take his car keys and went out of his house to bring money.

Mrs. lee was sitting there watching the whole scene. Mrs. Lee have never seen his husband in so much fear. This scene was also terrifying for her. After Mr. lee went out Mrs. lee decided to speak to him to tone down the awkwardness of the environment.

Mrs. lee- By the time he come, would you like to have something Mr.....

Jungkook - Jeon Mr. Jeon.

Mrs. lee - would you like to have something Mr. Jeon.

Jungkook - No thankyou.

Jungkook said in an arrogant manner. He is really not interested to talk to the lady sitting in front of him.

Mrs. lee - Please sir have something. Please taste the cake of our bakery. Our bakery make one of the finest cake in this whole city. Y/n really make good tea coffee and cake.

Mrs. lee - Y/n come here fast.

When Y/n heard her mother voice calling her, she immediately left everything what she was doing and rush towards her mother .

Y/n- yes mother.

When JK heard a sweat voice from his left side calling her mother he instantly move his head to the side to look at the owner of the voice. When he saw her standing there a little far away from them while holding either side of your faded skirt in a tight grip while hanging your head down looking towards the floor waiting for her mother to give her instructions. The moment when Jungkook's eyes landed on yours he again felt a weird feeling inside in which he could never explain. He felt like his world stop and his stone heart suddenly started beating. He never thought that he will be able to meet you in person. He was looking at you the whole time but he came back from his dream land to reality when he heard Mrs. lee voice which annoyed him a little for breaking his chain of thoughts.

Mrs. lee - What took you so long. Now go prepare some tea and arrange cake for Mr. Jeon and everyone.

Y/n - Yes mother.

Mrs. lee - Go and do it fast.

With that she goes inside the kitchen to prepare as her mother told her. After sometime you and Mrs. cha came back holding tray of tea and cakes for them. You and Mrs. cha start giving tea cups with saucer and cake, but soon you heard you mother angry voice.

Mrs. lee - Y/n Have you forgotten your manners. Serve Mr. Jeon first.

You don't know who was Mr. Jeon so you look around the living room in order to find who is Mr. Jeon. Suddenly your eyes meet with Jungkook gaze who was looking at you very intently, like he is staring at your soul. Shiver run down to your spine as you eyes meet his. He looked very vicious, he hold a very dangerous aura around him. The way he had sat on the sofa showing his authority and dominance over everything makes you assume that he is Mr. Jeon. You slowly move towards him, tightly holding the tray which contain tea and cake for him. Upon reaching up to him you slowly looked at Jungkook with your fear filled eyes but soon you look down to the floor when you saw that he is looking at you with his rich dark black orbs. You regret you decision for looking into his eyes.

On the other hand Jungkook was shamelessly gazing at you up and down while slightly biting down his lower lips to hold his sinful thoughts.

Y/n - T-tea a-and ca-cake for y-you s-sir.

You said while shuttering terribly while looking at the floor not daring to look into his eyes.

JK- Hmmm ..

He said, while a small smile making its way on his lips. He answered while his eyes were not leaving your trembling figure in front of him. It's not like he has never seen a woman in his life. its just that you are different and beautiful to his eyes. You were way too perfect and gorgeous for his eyes. The minute his eyes see you standing in front of him, close to him, the moment his eyes met yours he got the urge to claim your as his no matter what. He want to make you his forever till eternity. When your innocent eyes meet with is dark orbs he felt the urge to pin your petite body under him and do all the forbidden and sinful act with you, make you scream in pleasure and pain. Till now no woman make him feel these kind of lustful desire towards them no matter how seductively a woman try to hit upon him.

He was surprised that how such a simple girl can do these thing to him which was making him go crazy, crazy for you. Till now you haven't done anything seductive than how he is getting these sinful desire.

You kept the tray in front of him on the table where he was sitting.

Y/n - I-I-I'll le-leave.

You gulp hard the lump which was stuck in you throat when you saw that he was still looking at you like his prey, your bite your trembling bottom lips. On the other hand JK was fighting with his inner beast which was roaring loud inside him to drag you out from there, take you to his bedroom and claim you as his.

Why only you? Why he has gone crazy the moment he looked you? Why he wanted to make you his? he questioned himself. You leave from there as soon as possible after giving them tea. Jungkook was smiling while looking at your figure retracing from the back. By now he have understood that you had a huge impact on him and he wanted you to make his by any means, by hook or by crook, but he will make sure that he have you by his side.

While Liza was standing upstairs in a corner burning in rage and jealousy while looking at Y/n serving tea and cake to Jungkook because she can't able to go or doesn't get a chance to be this near to him. For the first time in her life she was jealous of Y/n being a slave or a maid doing household chores. How badly she wished to be this close to him. Her rage increase even more when she looked that Jungkook was looking very intently to Y/n.

(Liza thoughts in mind ) Is he perhaps attracted towards her or he liked her. NO no no no this can't happen. Why a man having such high standards, who come from a royal elite and high class society will like a maid someone like her. I am sure he will like someone who have high standards , who will be beautiful, pretty hot, sexy and intelligent like me. He must have liked me in first glance but doesn't shown his interest because he doesn't want to make it obvious. I saw him looking at me twice. Just wait and watch Mr. Jeon I will definitely make you crazy over me that you will beg in front of my parents to get married to me.

Her mind started thinking bad things which she doesn't even wanted to think. But she herself giving her confidence and satisfaction that he liked her. But unknowingly her mind had said to her that thing which has already happen that Jungkook had already fallen for an angel named Y/n.

JK and other have been waiting for Mr. lee for more than 5 minutes, so he decided to do some of his work there, while waiting for Mr. lee arrival. He doesn't wanted to waste even a single second as his upcoming Artificial Intelligence and robots launch is going to the biggest launch ever.

JK- Minho give me my laptop.

Minho goes towards their car to take his laptop. He had known that his boss doesn't like to waste even a single second so he always carry his laptop and tablet around. Minho bring the laptop and handed it to his boss and JK started doing his work.

Every one who is around him always get inspired by him while looking at their hardworking boss. All the guards, Minho, Suho also took their phone and laptop for doing their respective work. Guards of Jungkook also work in his company as he doesn't wanted them to relay only on one job. Though they were his guards but he always ensure a stable and secure life for them and their families. That is why his guards, worker and people around him respect him so much.

Though he was heartless, rude, merciless but he always ensure his worker security because when there will no one to work for him or under him then how can he make is company huge and set up this huge empire, JK INFINITE EMPIRE

After nearly about more than an hour Mr. lee come back from his office while holding a big black color bag filled with money. He came and put the bag in front on JK

JK looked up to see Mr. lee panting hard as if he had run a marathon.

JK - Don't you think Mr. lee you have taken a bit to long to bring money.

Jungkook looked at him with suspicion that he must have done something suspecious.

Mr. lee - Sorry Sir for taking too long actually my car broke down in the mid of the way so I have to wait for the mechanic to repair.

Mr. lee lied to him as he was arranging money to give. Now the only thing he wanted is that those people take money bag and go from there so that he can plan his escape. But JK has come fully prepared as he already can know that this lee going to do some type of scam as he is not a person who will give money easily. Mr. lee is very greedy for money and power. JK had already know that Mr. lee is not a easy person who will give money easily because if he would have to give the money back he would have given it a long time back. JK was already many steps ahead. So JK next word shook and scared Mr. lee to his core.

JK- Guards bring the money counting machines.

Mr. lee - cou-counting ma-machine.

He said while shuttering due to fear and nervous because he know that the money counting will easily identify between real and fake money. JK can sense his uneasiness. By looking and reading his facial expression he can tell that Mr. lee is nervous and uncomfortable about something.

JK - Why Mr. Lee is there any problem. Or perhaps do you have any problem with us sitting here?

Mr. lee - No sir there is no problem you can do do whatever you want.

JK - fine then we will go from here after counting all the money to ensure that the amount is correct.

Mr. lee could not think of anything else, his mind went blank. He had thought that JK will take his money and go from there but he was wrong as JK was way more ahead then him . Just the thought of getting caught was making him more scared and nervous. He know that if JK got to know what he have done then the consequences will definitely will not be pleasing but still he tried to use his luck and played with the furious fire. By now he had known that his greed for money will take him to his grave.


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