The prince and the servant (K...

By Chlomagic

8.5K 236 285

Sapnap is the prince or soon to be king. Karl is one of the servants at the castle. What will happen after th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Important a/n
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 7

407 12 19
By Chlomagic

Trigger Warnings - Swearing

Karl's pov

I wake up to see Sapnap cuddling me. I could feel my face heat up from the kisses and now cuddling. "Sapnap wake up," I say tiredly. "Goodmorning," Honk his morning voice is hot. "We need to get ready now," "But you don't have work today," He says cuddling into me more. I liked him hugging me. It felt safe.

"Well I'm getting up," I say pushing him out of bed. When I get out of bed I see that Dream, George, and Quackity are gone. They're probably busy. "I'm getting changed now," I say grabbing my clothes. Before I walk into the bathroom Sapnap gave me a quick kiss. I quickly walk into the bathroom as a blushing mess. I could hear a small laugh come from Sapnap.

When I walk out of the bathroom I see the king and queen standing at the door. "Goodmorning your highnesses," I say with a bow. "Karl you're fired," The king says. "What?" I say looking up at him. It looked like the queen wanted to say something but she stayed quiet. "Your family. So pack up and leave by tonight," He says while leaving. 

I was frozen. I only started 3 weeks ago and now I'm fired. "Do you need help packing?" The Queen asked. "Yes please," I tried to tell him not to but when he saw you kiss Sapnap he didn't listen to me," I shouldn't have kissed him.

-After the queen and Karl finish packing-

"Is it ok if I do something alone before I leave?" I say looking at the Queen. "Of course," she says walking out of the room and then closes the door. I decided to write some letters to the people to who I was close. Hannah, Dream, George, Quackity, Wilbur, Niki, Punz, and Sapnap. I'll write small letters to the others too. 

After I write the letters I found the queen waiting outside of the room. "Could you ask someone to give these to everyone please," I say looking at her. "Of course," "I'll be leaving now," I say walking down to the door. I walk to my house with my stuff and start to unpack. After I finish unpacking I break down on my bed. I'll have to find a new job.

-Everyone's reactions to the letters-


I was sitting with Quackity and Niki talking about something when Bad came and gave me a letter. "There from Karl," He says walking away. I open my letter and read it to myself.

Dear Wilbur,
I know I wasn't very close but you made my job here very fun. Even if the nickname you gave me was stupid I will miss you calling me that. Make sure to take care of Quackity for me. Try and forget about me the best you can. The king fired me not the queen so do not hate her. I would love to know more about you but that won't happen.
From the one and only Jacobs

I looked over at Niki and Quackity to see they were both crying. I hugged Quackity close to me knowing how close the two of them were. I don't get emotional much but I was crying.


Quackity was telling me and Wilbur about the kiss between Sapnap and Karl last night while Wilbur kept saying stuff to make the story funnier but I kept trying to keep the story going. Then Bad come over and gave us three a letter. It said on the front of the letter: To Niki from Karl. Interesting.

Dear Niki,
You have always made me feel so comfortable with everything especially when I had to go to the masquerade with Sapnap. You are probably one of the kindest people I have ever met. You always made me feel safe even and made sure I was ok. The king was the one who fired me not the queen. Make sure you end up with the dreams you want. 
From your other bi friend Karl

I look over to see Quackity and Wilbur hugging while crying. I think everyone in the castle is gonna have a hard day today except the king.


I was telling Niki and Wilbur all about Sapnap kissing when Bad came over with letters from Karl. He could just come and tell us.

Dear Quackity,
You have been my closest friend from day one of me working and helping me with everything. You always made me smile when I was sad and I hope I did the same. Make sure Wilbur looks after you and if he does anything wrong give him a punch for me. 
The king was the one who fired me not the queen. You will always be my best friend even if I can't talk to you. 
From your best friend Karl

By the time I had finished Wilbur had put me in a big hug pulling me close. "Your crying," I say with a little laugh. 


Me and George were cuddling while Sapnap was complaining. "Why don't you go cuddle with your boyfriend," I say. "Fine, I'll go to Karl but he's not my boyfriend," Soon Bad came in with a letter from Karl. 

Dear Dream,
I know that you will protect George forever but if you do anything to him I'll make sure someone will do something. You have been an amazing roommate. 
The king was the one who fired me not the queen. I know you will become one of the best royal guards. Punz will also become one of the best.
From Karl

I guess Karl was an important person to me for me to be crying. I'm now worried about Hannah and Sapnap.


Me and Dream were cuddling while Sapnap was complaining. "Why don't you go cuddle with your boyfriend," Dream says. "Fine, I'll go to Karl but he's not my boyfriend," Soon Bad came in with a letter from Karl. 

Dear George, 
When you're reading this I know you will be cuddling with Dream. Maybe. But I would like to say thank you. Thank you for being one of my best friends. Just so you know if Dream ever hurts you I'll send someone to attack him. Hopefully, you can enjoy your time without me. 
The king was the one who fired me not the queen. I know you will go far with your job. I would love to come to your's and Dream wedding because you're probably getting married after Sapnap. It would be funny if Dream is crying.
From Karl.

I was crying but it was kinda funny to see Dream crying after he said he would never cry over anyone other than me and Sapnap. Also family. I guess Karl was right.


I was minding my business standing at one of the guard posts making sure royal families got away safely when Bad came over with a letter from Karl. "What's that?" Purpled asked looking at the letter in my hand. "I'm not sure. Let me read it first. All I know is that it's from Karl," I open up the letter and start reading it.

Dear Punz
I was planning to say goodbye to you when I walk out of the castle but I know your job is really important. By the time this is given to you I have left. T
he king was the one who fired me not the queen. I know you will become the best royal guard. I know there will be a new servant in replace for me but hopefully, they are just as good as me or better. Hopefully, you and Dream become the best royal guards that the castle has had.
From Karl

I was trying hard not to cry because I wanted to be professional. I'll just cry later. "So what was it?" Purpled asked. "Karl got fired," Karl was one of the nicest people in the castle.


I was watching tv in my room when Sapnap walked in. "Have you ever heard of knocking idiot," I say. "Yes, but I was wondering if you know where Karl is," Sapnap said. "No, I don't know," "Sapnap, Hannah I have a letter from Karl," Bad said giving us the letters. I look up at Sapnap confused on why Karl couldn't just come to tell us.

Dear Hannah
I hope you have enjoyed me as a servant for you. I enjoyed it. We had some really fun times. Like the time me, you, and Punz saw things in the clouds. When we tried to make a cake but it was really bad. Those were really good times. I guess you'll spend moments like that with your new servant. Don't worry about me at all. I'll find a new job. I'm excited to see where you go with things as a princess. Just so you know your dad fired me. Your mum tried to stop him. I hope you enjoy life without me.
From Karl

I knew how hard it was gonna be on Sapnap but why did dad fire him. There has to be a reason. I'm crying too much. "Hannah do you want hugs," "I think we both need it," I say with a little laugh.


I was sitting in be while George and Dream were cuddling. I may have complained a little. "Why don't you go cuddle with your boyfriend," Dream says. "Fine, I'll go to Karl but he's not my boyfriend," I say walking towards Hannah's room. 

I open up Hannah's room not caring to knock. "Have you ever heard of knocking idiot," She says. "Yes, but I was wondering if you know where Karl is," I said. "No, I don't know," "Sapnap, Hannah I have a letter from Karl," Bad said giving us the letters. I see Hannah look up at me. I sit on her bed to read the letter from Karl.

Dear Sapnap
I'm surprised that you kissed me. All good things come to an end and that means I got fired. Your dad was pissed that I kissed you so he decided to fire me. Your mum tried to stop her but he still fired me. I enjoy the time I had with you and I'm sorry I ran away when you kissed me. Hopefully, you can find someone better than me because I know I wasn't worth your time and I'm sorry. You can try and move on from me and have a better life with whoever. I think yours is the longest. Anyway, I had a really fun time with everyone mainly you and Hannah. I think I made a good bunch of friends. I never got to tell you this but I love you. I'll be at your wedding happy for whoever you end up with. They will be so lucky.
Love Karl 

I look over to Hannah to see she's crying badly kinda like me but a little less. "Hannah do you want hugs," I say "I think we both need it," she says with a little laugh at the end.


After I managed to get Hannah to sleep I went to find my dad. "Hey Tommy have you seen my father," I say. "Yeah he's in the dining room," He says. "Thanks," I say walking off.

"Fuck you dad!" I yell loudly. "Is there a problem Sapnap," Why is he acting so innocent? "Explain firing Karl!" I continue to yell. Soon my mum comes over and hugs me. I know I'm pissed but my mum did nothing wrong. "It's because you can't love someone who isn't royalty," "Maybe you could have at least kept him and told us that instead of firing him," I've calmed down a bit but I'm still pissed. 

"I'm just going to bed," I say walking out of the dining room. I walk into my bedroom and go have a shower to get my mind off things. After my shower, I hopped into bed crying myself to sleep.

Karl's pov

I decided to get up and go get food out. I walk out onto the street to find some sort of shop. The village isn't very big but also isn't very small. I found a small takeaway shop. "Hi what can I get you," She says looking at me. I get my order and wait for it to be ready. "I've seen you somewhere before," "I've never seen you before," I'm now very confused. "Karl Jacobs right," She asks. "Yeah, I'm Karl Jacobs. Why?"

We decided to exchange numbers and talk for a bit. Her name is Corry and she's my sister. Our parents had a divorce and I went with my mum while she and my brother went with my dad. "Well night Corry," I say while walking out with my dinner.

After that, I walk out of the takeaway shop and have dinner at home. I miss having dinner at the castle. Then I went to bed. I also miss sleeping in the same room as the others. I miss everything about working at the castle. I remember thinking about all the fun things I did at the castle while falling asleep slowly. 


Word Count - 2156

Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to eat, sleep and drink water. 

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