His Reluctant Luna

By AJ_Rella

217K 7K 1.3K

#1 in Human Mate. #1 in Human Luna. Alpha Kole Maclay has searched for his mate his whole life, and now she'... More

Ch 1 - A Family Dinner
Ch 2 - This Was How I Died
Ch 3 - The Hard Path
Ch 4 - Bloodthirsty
Ch 5 - Don't Move
Ch 6 - Close Your Eyes
Ch 7 - My Last Hope
Ch 8 - Betray Me
Ch 9 - A Treasured Thing
Ch 10 - Tough To Kill
Ch 11 - Your Fate Is Sealed
Ch 12 - Smile
Ch 13 - You're The Ocean
Ch 14 - Feel Me
Ch 15 - Attack Points
Ch 16 - Pheromones
Ch 17 - Human Traditions
Ch 18 - Liar. Liar. Liar.
Ch 19 - Power
Ch 20 - Bait
Ch 21 - Sacrifice
Ch 22 - My Saviour
Ch 23 - The Edge
Ch 24 - Survival
Ch 26 - Blood Lust
Ch 27 - Mine
Ch 28 - Runaway Female
Ch 29 - I Killed My Mate
Ch 30 - I'm Still Here
Ch 31 - Alive and Safe
Ch 32 - Still An Alpha
Ch 33 - Pulse
Ch 34 - Blissful Darkness
Ch 35 - Helpless

Ch 25 - Don't Leave Me

5.3K 207 39
By AJ_Rella

ATTENTION RADISH READERS! Please don't leave any spoilers in here or you'll be getting a spanking from Iona. Or Kole. Or Konnor. Whoever you'd prefer. 😘


The next morning, a low rumble found me in my sleep. A strong, warm arm wound around my waist. Safety. I felt safe here. I turned to roll into the warm chest I knew would welcome me but all I found was cold, hard stone. I blinked my eyes open. I was alone.


I hated that I thought of him. Hated that my treacherous body missed him. I pushed those green eyes to the back of my mind and reminded myself why I had run.

I straightened, stretched and crept out of my cave. Scanning the area, I was alone still. My luck was holding. I headed for the river. The bear dung had all but worn away now but the smell still remained. Again, I fought the urge to submerge myself. The wolves might be able to scent me now, but the bear scent might confuse them at least and I needed every advantage I could get.

My thirst sated, my stomach growling with hunger, I got on the move, keeping the same fast and steady pace as the day before.

Yellowstone was an easy enough place to be found if you were near a tourist attraction, or had people looking for you. I had neither. Away from sign posts, with no rangers searching for me, no gear, I was in a lot of trouble. But that didn't mean I was giving up. The wild was my element. I'd find my way out.

My day brought me bison, deer and thankfully, no more bears or wolves. But the night came and still, I was no closer to knowing how to get out of here. I had no luck finding another cave or crevice to rest in either. I searched for a tree to be my haven for the night but Lodgepole Pines were impossible to climb.

I sighed in frustration when I lost the light and was forced to stop looking. My night vision was good but sooner or later, I was going to get hurt or wander too far from the river. I found a spot between a cluster of rocks. This would have to do for tonight.

I shivered with cold as Yellowstone sang its nightly lullaby. I was tired, afraid but exhilaration of freedom was there too. I was happier out here and starving than I'd been chained at Kole's feet with a full belly.

I sat, contemplating how I was going to get out of here. I couldn't walk forever. I was tempted to build a giant signal fire but I didn't fancy playing a game of 'who will find me first?" If it came down to a race between wolves and a rescue team, I wasn't betting on the rescue team.

I slept badly, green eyes haunting me, too exposed to let my guard down. When I was younger and spending my first night in a new foster home or shelter, I had a hundred ways to block the door so I could sleep peacefully. A chair, a fork underneath the door, a weapon under my pillow. I slept facing the door, always. Out here, there was no safety to be had. Just blind hope, and blind hope had never come through for me.

I gave up on sleep and leaned back, looking up at the sky and imagined I was anywhere but here. I 'd played that game many times as a child. It was ironic that as a child, my 'anywhere but here' had always been in the wild, the same spot I was stuck in now and here I was, playing that damned game again. I stifled a laugh, but all amusement fled as a howl pierced the air.

My insides froze...they were here. Gulf's or Maclays I didn't know. I sunk further into my hiding spot. Running wasn't an option right now. In the dark I would break an ankle, they would find me in minutes. I had to hide and hope the bear shit would cover my scent well enough that they would pass me over.

Heavy paws on the earth approached and I held my breath as the beast wandered around the clearing, pausing over rocks. It's breathing ragged, heavy.

It passed me by, heading upwards to the highest rock point. I dared to open my eyes, its fur I didn't recognise. This wasn't Kole and alone I doubted it was a Maclay wolf. Was this Alpha Carson? The animal shook itself, the moonlight glinting from its grey fur and it was then I noticed the heavy scarring down its side. He turned, his muzzle was heavily scarred too and one eyes was covered over with one long scar.

It moved strangely, as if it's joints were stiff. This was a very old wolf. For a moment, I looked straight at it, in its one good eye and the blackness of it drew me in. I felt a coldness inside. Every other werewolf I'd seen was a fearsome beast, but in it's eyes you could see the person inside, but this wolf...there was nothing. Only an endless black.

It let out an almighty howl, one that chilled me to my bones before it climbed over the ridge and out of sight. I released a breath, panting. That must have been Alpha Carson, but what was he doing hunting me alone?

I passed the rest of the night wide awake, tracking the moon across the sky and praying for the sun to hurry.

Barely light, I climbed out of my hidey hole. I saw nothing, the birds were silent for once. I relieved myself and straightened, fastening my jeans. My stomach growled at me but I ignored it. Food wasn't important right now. In a week it might be, but right now, water and movement was all I needed. I thanked the stars I wasn't stuck out here during the summer when the heat would deplete my electrolytes and food would be a daily concern.

I climbed out of my rockery when I felt a tingle up my spine. I froze and slowly turned my head, my insides turning cold at the two yellow eyes fixed on me.

The wolf was some metres away up on a higher rock. Not a giant werewolf, a smaller, regular wolf. It watched me, curious. Almost instinctively I reached for my camera before remembering Kole had it locked away somewhere. This was a moment I wanted to capture forever. Before being eaten that is.

The animal took a cautious step forward, its lithe muscles moving with such grace I almost forgot to be scared. But as it drew closer, its teeth flashing in the sun, I pulled out my knife.

"Okay, beasty," I muttered, "I really don't want to hurt you. Any other day I would be more than happy to meet you but today is just not the day to fuck with me, alright?" The animal paused, taking me in but gave no sign it was going to attack. It took another step and my grip on my knife tightened.

It took another step, and another until it was only a few feet away. I wondered what it was doing, wolves were notoriously shy, especially alone. It gazed at me, staring deep into my eyes and I stared back, all fear leaving me. The animal stared for long moments as if it was trying to figure me out. Eventually, giving me a satisfied huff, it moved on.

I sat back on the rock, knife still in hand. If an animal didn't kill me out here I was going to die of a heart attack.

I headed for the river, drank my fill then picked up the pace at a run. Today, I needed to make for higher ground and get some idea of where I was heading. I returned to the spot I'd passed the night in. The rocks I'd hidden in built to a higher cliff that might give me a solid view of where I was. The climb wasn't going to be an easy one and it would take valuable time that I needed to put distance between me and Kole, but I couldn't just keep wandering aimlessly. There was nothing for it.

Despite my hunger, my exhaustion and fear of being caught, I felt alive. I felt freedom. The bird song was familiar to me and the deer and other wild life were fascinating. I belonged out here. Not cuffed and chained. Not muzzled and kneeling.

Hours later, I stood at the top of the cliff, surveying the area. Ahead, miles away, I saw another ridge similar to my own, the river leading me that way. I would head for that and stop again there, maybe I could see a sign post or road from there?

The wind rushed through me and for a moment, I didn't smell the bear shit or feel the fear or exhaustion. I stood there, revelling in the quiet peace that came with ultimate freedom, until I felt a familiar tingle ripple over my skin that set fear pooling in my gut and heat in my core.


He'd found me.


He was here.

As always, I felt him before I saw him. I turned, and there, at the base of the incline was Kole, a line of wolves either side of him. He was hiding, no doubt presuming I couldn't see him. He wasn't going to corner me on the ridge and make the same mistake twice. He was waiting for me to come down. He hadn't realised I'd seen him yet and slowing my racing heart, I forced myself to look around as if I hadn't seen him at all.

I feigned nonchalance as I came up with a plan. I couldn't go back down. Not that way anyway. The only other way was over and down. I was a solid free climber but I had no idea what the cliff face looked like. Only one way to find out.

Moving fast, I eased myself over. It would take them maybe ten minutes to get around the base of the mountain. I had to get there first.

My luck held, ridges and foot holds littered the face and I made my way down in minutes, pausing halfway. Trees littered one side of the cliff and I got an idea.

I made my way across the cliff face, paused, then jumped. I landed in the tree, hunched over a branch the wind knocked out of me. My face was scratched and I could feel blood dripping down my cheek. I pulled myself up and began moving from one tree to the next.

It was painfully slow but I made quick work of it, keeping my scent off the ground they would have no idea which way I'd headed, maybe they'd even double back on themselves.

I got half a mile from the mountain before the trees grew sparse, forcing me to climb down.

I picked up the pace, running hard, using that pool of lava like rage to propel me faster, faster. I just had to keep going.

My mind raced as I plotted my next move. I needed to hide, I needed water, I needed people. My feet pounded the earth but there was that tingle, that ripple, so visceral this time I almost doubled over. Kole was claiming me, reaching out for me with that Alpha power but I outstripped it, refusing to give in.

I heard a sound that lit hope in my heart. Wheels. I could hear wheels. Possibly miles away but I could hear them. I ran, pumping my legs harder, harder. If I got close enough to people, Kole would hold back, he would never risk exposing what he was.

I was gaining closer, closer when I heard a strange click, the feel of metal under my foot and then blinding pain.

I fell to the ground, unable to hold back the scream splitting out of me. I looked down, eyes wide on the steel jaws sinking into my flesh. I tried to breathe but oh God the pain, it consumed me. I heard howls and barks from every direction. Frantic I grabbed at the trap. I screamed again as I desperately pulled at the jaws but they weren't going anywhere. I couldn't get free.

I was going to be caught.

I was going to be...

I screamed in agony, in frustration, the steel jaws sinking deeper into my left leg as I fought to be free even though I knew it was pointless now.

Arms clamped around me, warm and familiar.


"Stay still, you'll make it worse."

I couldn't. They were going to take me back. He was going to...

"I won't go back..." I sobbed as I fought with everything I had. Hands were on my leg, holding me still. Bodies loomed over me, Konnor among them and three male faces I didn't recognise.

I struggled harder, kicking at Konnor and another man as they held my leg down. I caught Konnor in the head and twisted, manic in my desperation to get away from them. I felt insane, all rationality stripped out of my mind. Panic and terror consumed me. I had to get away. I had to.

I turned and fresh pain shot through me, the crack in the air unmistakable as my leg snapped and I let out an ear piercing scream. Kole gripped me again, holding me close as hands everywhere pinned me down.

"Get that fucking thing off of her!" Kole roared over me but it was too late, my leg was a broken, bloody mass. I stared at it in shock, at the bone, at the blood, at the flimsy piece of flesh that was all that held it together now.

I would never run again. I would never climb or hike or be free again. It was over. My world blurred and I looked up, finding the sky, seeing my freedom disappear.

"Please...please..." I wanted to die now. Moira Tourke had been right, but the wish to die had come much sooner than she'd predicted. My blood spilled into the earth and I willed it to spill faster, to spare me the fate that waited for me if I lived.

"Iona, stay awake, please." Kole pulled me closer, his hand cupping my face whispering, "just keep looking at me."

I did, peering up into his green eyes my body felt light, the pain fading as I faded too. "Let me go."

"I can't. Just stay with me, okay? I'll make everything right."

"Liar..." I couldn't see him anymore, my vision blurring, but my body knew he was there and there was comfort in that.

"Iona, stay awake, please. Stay here. Don't leave me." But I had no choice. The world was fading and I was tired of fighting it. I felt his warmth, his hand cupping my cheek. The scent of his hair, his skin...

"Wake up, Iona. I order you to open your eyes." His voice was harsh on my ears. I felt his power jolt through me and my eyelids fluttered open. Could this man be powerful enough to summon me back from death?

I stared up at him, barely able to make out his handsome face. What had this man done to me?

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." His words swum to me on pain filled clouds, his agony was palpable, swarming my own. He held me close...I'd never noticed the freckles on his nose before. "Stay with me, Iona. I'll fix it all, I promise. But you have to stay..."

But I couldn't. I could feel my life bleeding out of me and I welcomed it. I had never felt this beaten. The jaws were wrenched out of my leg and the last thing I saw was those beautiful greens as everything faded to black. 


Wow, where do i start? First off, how badass is Iona? Is anyone surprised that she smeared herself in bear poop?😂

How do you think Kole got those scars?

Do you think Iona's leg will be saved?

Who was that old wolf?

See you all in the next one!


P.S. Early chapters are available on Radish if you can't stand the wait 😉

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