There's Something In The Moun...

By SwaggerKat11

270 26 3

Alex and K-Unit go on a camping trip. But things turn out to be a bit abnormal as strange, unexplainable thin... More

Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII

Chapter I

84 5 2
By SwaggerKat11

A/N: Hello and welcome to my new story! Before we begin, I just want to mention a couple things so no one gets confused.  

~ The story you're about to read is a bit of an AU I created where: 

         - A) The soldiers are all wolf shifters. Certain canon characters will be mentioned, but for the most part, this story will be centered around the unit and Alex.  

        - B) Fox never left the SAS. 

      -  C) Most depictions of the characters are based off headcanons. 

      - D) Alex is OOC in the sense that he views K-Unit as his fam and treats/trusts them as such. No bad blood is between them. 

       - E) Not really apart of the "AU" thing, but I'm including it here anyway. Later on, you will come across the reason for his particular point. Plz note I've researched and chosen to ignore this park's rules for the sake of  this story. Forgive me. 

       - F) Last but not least... this is my first go at creating a spooky fic in a loooooonnng time. Be prepared for some drama. 

I hope that clears up any possible inquiries. If you would still like some more details on a certain matter, plz feel free to message me, or write a comment. Thanks and I hope y'all enjoy! 

Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything you recognize! 

Published: 1/9/22


Snake held back an agitated groan for what felt like the millionth time in the last hour. He felt that agitation grow as Wolf's new, fully loaded black Audi Q8 swerved around another car rather aggressively (and unnecessarily, Sam may add.) The SUV had been gifted from the unit leader's  many siblings over the holidays because James apparently needed "a family vehicle so they could all go out together as a unit" and to also "get rid of that older than shit truck" he had before. 

Needless to say, he was putting the sporty car through it's paces. 

The Scottish medic side eyed his leader, studying him. For some reason, the man seemed to be stuck in a constant odd state of evasive/road raging maneuvers when behind the wheel. It wasn't until James nearly caused an accident by quickly cutting off a small sedan - for no apparent reason other than because he could, mind you - that Snake finally had enough. 

"Wolf!" Sam barked, glaring over from the passenger seat. And damn him if that shout wouldn't even make the Sergeant proud... "We're not in a bloody damn war zone! Stop driving like it!" 

"That asshat was impeding the lane, Sam!" Wolf yelled back, throwing up a hand. The engine roaring as they continued to race down the highway. "What did you want me to do?" 

"React calmly and signal your intentions! You did learn that right?" The sandy haired soldier questioned incredulously with a raised brow. In the background, quiet muffled chuckles erupted from the back seat. 

Sam fought to not roll his eyes at them. Of course they would find this amusing. 

The dark haired leader's careless scoff brought him back to the situation at hand. "Of course I learned that! Doesn't mean I always have to use it." He finished in a grumble. 

"You should! In case you forgot, we have an impressionable child in the back watching your every move." 

"Cub understands just fine. He knows what I'm doing is wrong. Isn't that right?" James glanced in the rear view mirror and received a quick, cheeky nod in response. "There. See? Nothing to worry about." 

Sam just rolled his light green eyes and turned his attention out the window. They came upon another car (this one going about ten miles under the speed limit than what they should be.) Wolf got that same highly annoyed look in his eyes and edged the Audi close enough to swallow the other car's tail lights. The pushy tactic scared the other driver to move over; as quickly and safely as possible, Snake silently commended them. With the coast clear, the accelerator went down further until another car appeared in front of them. Again, James shamelessly tail gated until they moved, to which Wolf promptly cut them off to get around a slower group of cars. There was a heated exchange of hand signals before the unit leader flipped him off once more and punched the gas, thundering down the road once more. 

The three in the back all gave small whoops of glee as the scenery on either side turned into a blur. 

Sam alternated between planning Wolf's certain demise and praying they'd make it to the camping ground in one piece. 

This ritual, of sorts, continued for some time; James needlessly dominating people over (although the medic suspected it was done more out of spite of the constant encouragement from the backseat) and Snake growing more and more peeved. 

Oh, why in the hell did Eagle have to suggest a camping trip as a perfect unit bonding experience? It wouldn't matter that the Sergeant encouraged for them to do it while on leave if they don't even get there alive!  

All too soon, another contestant feeling up to the challenge of dealing with the speedy Audi and it's equally insane driver, came into view. James was hot on the heels of his next victim; Snake debating whether or not he could fit on the floor below the dash if he curled up into a small enough ball to hide from the embarrassment. The silver Ranger suddenly brake checked them a few moments later when Wolf refused to relent. Snake and the group in the back all let out surprised shouts, the medic's hand flying to brace against the dash. Wolf cursed colorfully and pumped the brakes before hurtling insult after insult at the other driver. That was the last straw for Sam. His patience was officially and completely gone for James' antics. The medic whirled around with a murderous expression in his face, green eyes alight in fury. 

"What is wrong with you?! We could've died right there!" He shouted. 

Wolf didn't say anything at first, no doubt still reeling a bit from the near crash. He found a rest inlet and pulled in, only then meeting the furious look sent his way head on. Snake held his steely gaze unflinchingly for several minutes. The other three in the back started snickering for some reason, but were otherwise ignored for the time being. 

"Would you like to drive then dear?" Wolf finally sneered testily. 

"I just might have to if we plan on getting there in one piece! It's become all too obvious ye have a damn death wish!" Sam hissed through gritted teeth, his Scottish accent coming through strongly. Fox, Eagle and Cub couldn't hold back any longer and burst out laughing. The two elder unit members startled and glanced back. 

"What the hell's so funny?" Wolf demanded in his 'Don't-give-me-your-bullshit' tone of voice. However, it was far from intimidating to the three younger team members. 

"Y-you guys!" Ben managed to gasp out between random fits of laughter. The other two were still doubled over. "The wh-whole time we've been driving, you both have done n-nothing except argue like an old married couple!" With that, the brunette keeled over, his voice hitching higher due to his loud guffaws. Wolf and Snake shared indigent looks, not knowing how else to respond. 

"Watch out for this!" Nick began to mock in an old lady's nasally voice. "Don't do that! Slow down! You're going too fast!

"Shut up, honey! I'm trying to DRIVE!" Alex piped in, mimicking an old man's gruff voice. 

The three began choking on air they were laughing so hard. 

James growled and whipped the vehicle around roughly, Sam for once not commenting on his driving abilities. Snake tapped the screen in the dash as Wolf proceeded to speed away from the oncoming wave of traffic behind them, strangling the shit out of the wheel instead of his immature and highly annoying teammates in the back. The medic finally found a heavy metal station and proceeded to turn it up full volume without a shred of remorse. It instantly drowned out the snide remarks and complaints of soon to be bleeding ears. 

Amidst the three's growing agony, both James and Sam shared a satisfied grin. 

{ * AR * } 

They were now about fifteen minutes out from their destination. Traffic had lightened thankfully, so Wolf no longer felt the need to cause anymore unnecessary road rage with innocent drivers. Snake had turned down the radio a while ago when the "kids" - as both he and James were now affectionately referring to them as for the foreseeable future - had finally gone quiet. They'd stopped to top the tank off... and to also do a quick pit stop. ("Seriously, Eagle! You're a damn soldier! Hold it!" "This isn't training, Wolf! I don't have to hold it! And I want a snack. You've starved me for long enough.") 

After that, they'd hit the road again (respective snacks and drinks in hand,) and left themselves to their own devices. The two elder soldiers had created quiet conversation amongst themselves while the three in the back either played on their phones, or read a book. Now though, Sam was starting to grow suspicious. Call him a mother hen all you'd like, but quiet was never a good thing when it came to those three. Usually there would've been some sort of noise by now (especially with Eagle involved. Bless his big heart, he just didn't know how to quiet that chatter box of his,) but there hadn't been anything. Wolf had just turned into the park entrance, taking his place in line to check in. 

Curious as to why there still wasn't any sudden eruption of joy (or relief for that matter. Yes, we're looking at you again Eagle,) he glanced back and felt a warm smile cross his features. The medic nudged James with his elbow, indicating with his eyes what he wanted Wolf to see. The unit leader turned as well and smirked, though there was a level of warm fondness in his cinnamon brown eyes that most would miss unless you knew him well. 

At some point, somebody had pulled out the big beige colored throw and nestled down beneath it. Fox was asleep with his head tilted back against the head rest. Alex had his head pillowed on the linguist's thigh, the expression on his face making him look way younger than what he was. Eagle was passed out cold with his head resting against the window, Cub's legs resting atop his own. 

"Should we wake them?" Sam asked softly. 

James glanced back at the slowly crawling line and shook his head. "No. We'll wake them when we get a spot. Then we'll have them do all the hard work of setting up camp." He finished with a mischievous smirk. Snake rolled his eyes in an amused manner. 

"How rude of you." 

"Meh," James shrugged. "Let's consider it punishment for calling us an old married couple earlier." 

Suddenly, Sam didn't look so hesitant at the idea any more. "For once, I actually like the sound of that plan." 


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