The Return - High School DxD...

By Cosmic_Entity

188K 3.4K 2.7K

| High School DxD x Bill Cipher Reader | ∆ The news of Bill Cipher's death quickly spread through the entire... More

∆ BIO ∆
∆ Prologue ∆
∆ Chapter 1 ∆
∆ Chapter 2 ∆
∆ Chapter 3 ∆
∆ Chapter 4 ∆
∆ Submit Q&A ∆
∆ Q&A #1 ∆
∆ Chapter 5 ∆
∆ Chapter 6 ∆
∆ Submit Q&A #2 ∆
∆ Q&A #2 ∆
∆ Chapter 7 ∆
∆ Chapter 8 ∆
∆ Chapter 10 ∆
∆ Chapter 11 ∆
∆ Submit Q&A #3 ∆
∆ Q&A #3 ∆
∆ N/A 1 ∆
∆ Chapter 12 ∆
∆ Chapter 12.5 ∆
∆ Chapter 13 ∆
◉ Announcement ◉

∆ Chapter 9 ∆

5.2K 112 54
By Cosmic_Entity

Universe: SCP


3rd POV

A couple of researchers could be seen typing on their keyboards while the head researcher seemed to be worry about the file he received on his computer.

[ Entity's name: Bill Cipher ]

[ Multiple reports of anomalies happening across every reality and people becoming insane without any reason across the entire planet. This entity is slowly causing a AK-class end-of-the-world scenario in every universe ]

[ Potential Object Class Level: Apollyon ]

[ Sending information to other foundations from other realities ]

Head Researcher: "This is bad..I haven't saw something like this for a very long time. I better inform everyone."

The alarm suddenly started making noise as multiple gunshots could be heard. Dr. Bright was running through the halls while the guards were taking care of SCP-173, SCP-096, SCP-106 and SCP-682. It seemed like Dr. Bright tried to have a tea party with the scps.

Time Skip

Universe: DXD

Rias and her peerage were walking through the destroyed town avoiding any monster that appeared. They were trying to look for any survivors while Azazel, Vali and Issei infiltrated the Fearamid to get information.

Akeno: "It seems that there's no survivors around here, Buchou."

Rias: "Keep looking, there has to be at least some people still alive."

Suddenly a bright light appeared in front of the peerage. They quickly prepared themselves to attack if necessary. A green portal was right in front of them. An old man with a lab coat walked out of the portal with another person who was wearing a red and blue suit with a symbol of a spider in his chest.

Another person then walked out of the portal, this person was wearing a red and yellow suit with a symbol of lightning in his chest.

Rick: "Alright, we arrived at the place where everything started." He then took a bottle out of his lab coat and walked away while starting to drink.

The other two just looked at the peerage.

Rias: "Excuse me? What are you guys doing here? And from where do you come from?!" She asked while charging a orb of destruction.

Spiderman: "Woah! Woah! Calm down! We are here to help."

Spiderman: "I'm Spiderman but my actual name is Peter Parker."

Flash: "And I'm the Flash, but you can call me Barry Allen."

Spiderman: "We are superheroes from other universe's and we are here to stop Cipher."

Kiba: "Superheroes?"

Rias: "And who's the old man?"

Spiderman: "He's Rick Sanchez, he is the smartest man in his universe."

Flash: "To explain things faster, (Y/N) is a threat to the entire multiverse and is causing chaos and destruction everywhere. So almost every superhero and villain have teamed up to stop him."

The suddenly heard Rick throw his bottle to the ground breaking the bottle. He seemed concerned about something. He was looking at the interdimensional portal that was in the sky far away while thinking about something.

Spiderman: "Hey, um, Rick are you alright?"

Rick: "This is worse than I thought, the Nightmare Realm is already incredible unstable and the process of it merging with this dimension is almost done. If this happens it would collapse this entire universe and the Nightmare Realm. Making a huge wave of energy go across the entire multiverse destroying everything. And that fucking dorito chip will become even more powerful."

Rick quickly activated something and his shoes turned into some sort of flying boots and then started flying to the Fearamid.

Flash: "I think we should follow him." He then offered his hand to Rias.

Flash: "Grab my hand and make your group hold into you."

Rias: "Why?"

Flash: "Because we are gonna go there really fast." Rias then nodded as she grabbed his hand and her peerage did what he said.

Spiderman quickly started using his webs to swing across the town to arrived at the Fearamid.

Flash then started getting surrounded by lightning as he prepared himself to run. After 1 second passed he instantly started running incredibly fast to the Fearamid.

When everyone finally arrived they stopped for a second to think of a plan.

Rick: "Alright listen up! I'm gonna have to seal that interdimensional portal without anything interrupting me. So go distract anyone that is inside so they don't notice me. If the process gets interrupted it will make it even more unstable. "

Spiderman: "Got it!" He quickly used his webs to go inside the pyramid while the rest use the portal that Rick made

Rick: "Alright! Let's do this shit." He pull out some sort of gun and shoot it at the portal starting to slowly seal it.

Meanwhile inside the Fearamid. The party was starting to get more intense.

Reverse Flash: "And then I told him, It was me Barry!"

Auditor: "Please. Shut up."

In another part, the Scarlet King and Zalgo were starting to have an intense argument. Meanwhile the God Of Darkness was drinking every drink leaving nothing in the table.

Dormammu: "Don't drink everything dumbass! I wanted a drink!"

God of Light: "Brother, please stop drinking. The last time you drank too much you shattered a part of the moon."

God Of Darkness: "Shut up!" He then throws a bottle at Dormammu straight to the face, breaking the bottle."

Dormammu: "Okay you little shit!" He quickly punched him in the face breaking the table.

Batman Who Laughs: "Oh! This party is starting to get more fun!" He then punched Mr. Mxyzptlk in the face as the entire party got into a fight. Meanwhile in the inside of the top of the pyramid, Ophis was just laying down on a bed while looking at a picture of (Y/N).

Ophis: "He's taking too long to come back."

Suddenly Alfred walked in through a door.

Alfred: "Mistress Ophis, the party has become into a war zone. Your presence is required to calm down thing."

Ophis: "Alright."

As they walked to where the fight was happening. Spiderman was walking through some halls when he encountered Bane and Scorpion.

Scorpion: "Well well, look who's here. Spiderman itself."

Spiderman: "Scorpion?! What are you doing here?"

Scorpion: "Just enjoying the party Spiderman." He laughed as Bane quickly rushed to Spiderman to attack him.

Spiderman: "Oh dear!" He quickly jumped and dodged the attack. He then got ready to fight.

Meanwhile with (Y/N)

He was looking through every universe searching for something but he couldn't find it. He then noticed a presence near him.

(Y/N): "Who's there? I feel your presence."

Suddenly a giant entity appeared in front of him.

Yog-Sothoth: "Greetings, Cipher."

(Y/N): "You..I've heard of you before. What are you doing here."

Yog-Sothoth: "I'm here because you have caught my attention and I want to offer you something."

(Y/N): "What offer?"

Yog-Sothoth: "Knowledge. boundless knowledge regarding all things."

(Y/N): "Knowledge of every single thing?"

Yog-Sothoth: "Yes. Do you accept?"

(Y/N) just nodded as he started getting surrounded by some energy. After 3 seconds it dissappear.

(Y/N): "I feel the same. Nothing has changed."

Yog-Sothoth: "You'll see eventually."

Yog-Sothoth then disappeared leaving (Y/N) alone.

(Y/N): "Well, back to what I was doing-" He got interrupted by a noise behind him.

"I've finally found you."

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